Forum Index > Sport > MotoGP: Valentino Rossi

#0 by LuigiVampa Fotbalist Velo Club (» C.I.C. Engineer «) (0 mesaje) at 2006-08-12 23:39:16 (969 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Valentino Rossi's biografy

Editat de către LuigiVampa la 2015-11-15 11:35:57

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#5876 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 15:22:40 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
tre un video de pe moto lui Bau. Am văzut acolo o linie neagră de la Simo, roata faţă plecase... Ulterior, a prins aderenţă, şi l-o propulsat spre interior. Exact spre Edy şi Vale...

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#5877 by Nikusoor07 (#BenzemaOut) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 15:26:09 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
la asa viteza este imposibil de facut ceva,o sa fie marcat pe viata,Valentino.:(

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#5878 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:03:21 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


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#5879 by rayn (...survive with trance...) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:26:00 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5878 Kerdic, Inca nu pot ...:(cind vad numele marco ...ahhhh:(((

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#5880 by snoopyk (Rossonero) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:28:00 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
CIAO Marco

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#5881 by prikol (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:30:43 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
nu prea ai ce face in asa cazuri..poti sa spui multe prostii sau sa strici multe lucruri imprejur, dar nimic nu va schimba realitatea..

Valentino fii puternic.!

Rest in peace 58 :down:

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#5882 by LuigiVampa Fotbalist Velo Club (» C.I.C. Engineer «) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:37:19 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Eu pur şi simplu nu am cuvinte...:(

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#5883 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 19:45:05 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

psdet, eu plâng...(

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#5884 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-23 22:41:18 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
MotoGP: в Сепанге Валентино Росси "потерял брата"

MotoGP, Сепанг, Малайзия. Никто не мог сдержать слез в это воскресенье. Особенным человеком, которого люди старались не трогать сегодня, стал Валентино Росси.

За день в Интеренете даже успели появиться жуткие фейки на тему Валентино и Марко. Так, некая "девочка" опубликовала в блоге VYellow46 на Facebook "письмо Росси - Марко Симончелли" и подписала его просто и непринужденно - "VR". Некоторые недалекие сетевые издания тут же растиражировали пасквиль. Однако, менеджер Росси - Давиде Бривио с самого начала заявил, что это - фальшивка. На самом деле, Валентино все это время не покидал своего гаража. А когда Кармело Эспелета принес грустную весть, разрыдался. Впервые с 1995 года.

Единственным посланием, которое Росси передал через Twitter, были слова: "Il Sic per me era come un fratello minore,tanto duro in pista come dolce nella vita.Ancora non posso crederci,mi mancherà un sacco.." (Sic мне был как меленький братик. Но такой сильный на треке, и такой милый в реальной жизни. Мне будет очень его не хватать).

В столь трагический момент стоит отдавать себе отчет, что именно Росси, а также Эдвардс были вовлечены в эту аварию - не по своей воле, разумеется. В каком состоянии пребывают эти заслуженнейшие и опытнейшие пилоты, стоит только догадываться. Попытки разных журналистов (особенно, итальянских) выудить из них комментарии просто возмутительны.


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#5885 by rayn (...survive with trance...) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-24 08:13:01 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Si cind te gindesti ca poate fi oricine ,nici sa nu stii ,oriunde ,oricind :(((((((

doar o clipa ....

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#5886 by vjik (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-24 09:52:56 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Mdea...n-am era asa de nice ca ma gindeam ca voi tine cu el dupa plecarea lui Rossi...

:&#039;-( :&#039;-( :&#039;-(

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#5887 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-24 15:21:36 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

MotoGP community pay tribute to Marco Simoncelli
Factory Yamaha’s Jorge Lorenzo, who was not present at the Malaysian GP following a surgery on his finger, published: "I don’t know what to say on a day like today ... Only that you will be missed - rest in peace Marco."

Lorenzo’s team mate, Ben Spies, shared: "Super Sic rest easy..."

Nicky Hayden posted: "Sometimes life just don't make sense... RIP #58 you were a star on & off track we all going to miss you."

Cal Crutchlow’s post: "RIP Marco Simoncelli! A great rider and all round nice guy. My thoughts are with all his family & friends. I will never forget today... #58"

Former full time and two time wild card entry this year, John Hopkins, said: "God Speed #58 Simoncelli... Your fighting spirit will live on forever!"

Two time replacement rider this year, Damian Cudlin, shared via Titter: “Terrible news. Marco’s gone. Sad day for motor racing and all the llives he touched along the way. Won’t forget you, mate.”

Kenny Roberts and his family sent the following sentiment: "The entire Roberts Family is deeply sadden by the news about Marco. We wish to send our condolences to his family, friends, fans and MotoGP. We will never forget him!"

Jeff Belskus, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer, shared: "We are deeply saddened at the passing of Marco Simoncelli. He was one of the most charismatic figures in the World Championship and had a fantastic future ahead of him in MotoGP.”

“Marco was one of the most popular riders at the MotoGP event at Indianapolis, as his talent on the motorcycle and his ability to connect with fans both were very special. We extend our sincere sympathies to his family, team and fans."

Fellow MotoGP rider Héctor Barberá said: "I am in shock. We are bike riders and we are aware that there are risks involved with what we do, but we also know that every day our safety is looked after more and more by the organisers. These past few years have seen a huge amount of work done to try and make our job even safer. Despite this, there are moments in which misfortune can lead to tragedy -and we saw this happen today with Marco Simoncelli.”

“Today is another tough day for motorcycle racing. We have lost a great companion, and I will remember Marco as a great rival with whom had some fantastic battles in the past."

Team owner Jorge 'Aspar' Martínez, shared: "What has happened today is immensely sad. It should be said that every Friday before a Grand Prix, the Safety Commission convenes at 5pm with all the MotoGP riders to evaluate safety issues at all Grand Prix circuits. Marco lost the front end and attempted to save the crash, but unfortunately the inertia of the bike took him onto the inside of the corner just when Edwards and Valentino were passing. There was nothing that they could do to avoid him. Today is a tremendously sad day for the entire paddock and for those who love motorcycle racing."

Toni Elías tearfully stated in an interview: “There is nothing I can say…Marco was a unique person – but above all, he was a good guy.”

Karel Abraham and his team released a statement: "The Cardion AB Motoracing team extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Marco Simoncelli, who succumbed to injuries he received in the race at the Sepang International Circuit."

Many of Marco’s fellow MotoGP riders posted statements over Twitter remembering their fallen competitor.

Long time friend Valentino Rossi refrained from earlier interviews, to later publish via his Twitter account: "Sic for me was like a youngest brother. So strong on track and so sweet in the normal life. I will miss him a lot."

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#5888 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-24 17:13:30 (698 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
superb video (

ultemile foto făcute de fotograful oficial a lui Vale cu Simmo... :(

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#5889 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 15:18:31 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Simoncelli's funeral to be held on Thursday in Coriano

The casket of the Italian rider arrived in Italy this Tuesday morning to a crowd of fans that received the flight with sustained applause. The funeral proceedings will be held this Thursday in his hometown of Coriano, Italy.
The body of Marco Simoncelli arrived at Fiumicino airport this Tuesday morning following the tragic accident that took the rising star's young life at the MotoGP race in Sepang last Sunday. Representatives of several sporting organizations—among them Gianni Petrucci, Secretary of the Italian National Olympic Committee and Paolo Sesti, President of the Italian Federation of Motorcycling—awaited the arrival of the casket, along with a crowd of fans who gathered in Rome airport facilities to greet the arrival with prolonged applause.

The late rider’s father, Paolo, and Marco Simoncelli's long time friend and compatriot, Valentino Rossi, traveled together on the same Alitalia flight from Kuala Lumpur with the fallen rider’s casket.

A public viewing of Simoncelli's body is planned for Wednesday in the city theatre of his hometown, Coriano, with the funeral scheduled for Thursday, October 27 at 3:00pm in the church of Santa Maria di Coriano. The Italian will be buried in the cemetery of this town, near Riccione, where he was born 24 years ago.

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#5890 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 16:38:43 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
no comments...

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#5891 by $anek (IT'S REKT O'CLOCK) (3 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 16:51:09 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5890 Kerdic, pizdeţ....

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#5892 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 17:46:43 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Randy Mamola , a former 500 pilot during the weekend of Grand Prix driving the Ducati two-seater, point your finger at the current MotoGP. " They have too much mail, know when to accelerate every turn - feel - are always on the edge. Where are we going? Maybe it's time to step back . The current should become the Superbike MotoGP, motorcycle moving, sincere behavior. If Mark had not had the traction control would fall out, while the electronics has made ​​the tire grip to resume and bring it inside . "

corect a spus...

Valentino Rossi , fresh off the same flight that carried Marco in Rome, has thus responded to the press that drove him.

"We know already that we can hurt, when we run, is not something that changes us so much. Mark and I were together almost every day, the memories are so many"

And the question that someone wrote that now stop running, Rossi has promptly denied .

"I do not know who said it, I did not tell me. You see it was a news that was to sell more newspapers"

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#5893 by ion_cj (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 18:13:30 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5890 by Kerdic __ Ce fel lau scapat idiotii!!!!!!

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#5894 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 20:11:11 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

frumos articol, by kevin schwantz

The first time I met Marco Simoncelli, it was with Valentino, and I think it was in '03 or '04. He was just getting started in Grand Prix and came to dinner with us after the Grand Prix in Barcelona. I was like, "Who is this kid? He's too big! He's never going to turn out to be anything." But Valentino's said, "No, he's really fast, really good." And of course Valentino was right.

There were three standouts in the sport, and now there are two. I'm probably going to get under some people's skin saying this, but it's Maverick Vinales, Marc Marquez, and it was Simoncelli. These are guys who were good figures for the sport. They always look to be having fun. There's always going to be the Pedrosas. There's always going to be the Stoners. But once Valentino is gone, all the character in the sport is gone.

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#5895 by rayn (...survive with trance...) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 23:09:32 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

la 0.58 este o imagine cum a lovit , mmmm

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#5896 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-25 23:26:05 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5895 rayn, zdetz :(

sa nu fi fost lovitura asta, era si azi printre noi... (

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#5897 by Campos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-26 01:15:00 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
blin cita tristete cind privesc videourile lui....incredibil....asa de repede totul sa intimplat...ia v shoke...((((

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#5898 by Vale (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-27 16:27:12 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Funeraliile in direct =(

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#5899 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-27 16:33:07 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5898 Vale, :(

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#5900 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-10-27 22:21:25 (697 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Mattia Pasini

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