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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (941 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#376 by arel (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-25 23:50:15 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Universe at War: Earth Assault
Universe at War: Earth Assault is set in the near-future when multiple factions from across the galaxy have come to Earth to wage epic warfare. Deadly sci-fi weapons and alien powers allow players to destroy cities and other territory while fighting for Earth. The game also allows players to retrain and customize units in the midst of battle, modify their weapons and defenses in real-time, and even control the development of technology that will help them to victory.
very faction in Universe at War: Earth Assault has three hero units. Heroes are powerful units with abilities above and beyond that of normal game units. Each hero caters to different kinds of combat and utilizes different tactics to defeat its enemies. Heroes also play a major role in the global strategic game, but today we'll be highlighting the heroes from the Hierarchy and how they go about crushing the opposition on the tactical battlefield.

Although all our heroes are powerful and diverse in their tactical roles, they won't win the battles for you, so don't send them in without backup. While each has very specific strengths, they also have very prominent weaknesses, which can be exploited by the other factions if you know who's on the field and employ counter-strategies to neutralize them. Just what those counters are you'll have to discover for yourselves.

We've already profiled the Hierarchy's heroes in a previous feature. Today is focused on the sentient machine race, the Novus

Ешё одна игра про то как нас в будушем уничтожуть,но это помоему стояшия.....

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#377 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-27 21:14:45 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#376 arel, не нравиццо. На приставках нет игр с такой дешевой графой

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#378 by BaD (kaziol nivazmojniimweqrqeqweqr) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-27 21:17:04 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
azi o aparut transformers joku :whistle:

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#379 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-27 23:53:34 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#378 BaD, o rly?

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#380 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 21:36:10 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Dirt 1024x768 high AA + AF

И вот этот фуфел называется НекстГен... да уж сильно впечатляет ^^
Ставил и Ultra High, но разницы большой нету. Картинка выглядит просто отвратительно на мой взгляд. Вот вам и НекстГен на ПК. Кстати как видите на скрине 15фпс...

ЛостПлэнет выглядит в десятки раз лучше и выдает фпс в 2-3 раза больше.

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#381 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 21:41:58 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#380 AndyPro, "... фуфел называется НекстГен ..." - :blond:

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#382 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 21:46:25 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#380 AndyPro, Screenul nui cel mai reusit :)

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#383 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:23:24 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#381 BlackCross, а что нет? Вот возьми запиши, поставь все на максимум и поиграй... ужасно выглядит. Или тебе сильно понравилась картинка? Давай выдели мне на ней что там хорошего в графике. Ну кроме самой машины...

#382 Iulik, да ту трасу что я ехал все время так, все такая же муть... не веришь, приходи покажу вживую...

А вот и картинка с коментариями, если в чем то не прав, поправьте

И не надо говорить что скрин левый. Давайте рассмотрим канкрентно этот скрин, он ведь из игры сделан!

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#384 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:34:29 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#383 AndyPro, la mine arată mai bine decât pe screenul tău. Poate ai vreo problemă cu calculatorul. Şi defapt versiunea pentru xbox360 e mult mai detalizată.

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#385 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:39:14 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#384 BlackCross, у меня
X1950Pro, стоит последний DX9.0c, Catalyst 7.6
Никаких проблема нету, уж поверь мне я знаю когда у меня проблемы с компом. Настройки драйверов на качество, форсирована Анизотропная Фильтрация 16х. В игре все настройки на High.

Что еще может быть не так? Я запускал и на GeForce 7600GT, картинка была такой же.

Ну если у меня корявый комп, сделайте вы скрины и поставьте, желательно на Хай или Ультрахай!

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#386 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:45:13 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#385 AndyPro, "... Ну если у меня корявый комп, сделайте вы скрины и поставьте, желательно на Хай или Ультрахай! ..." - Dacă găsesc ceva timp voi face.

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#387 by Dinu666 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:53:44 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#383 AndyPro,+1
на колесо забыли налажить все текстуры :)

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#388 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 22:56:15 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#386 BlackCross, ок, вижу уже и маску одел чтобы скрины делать =))

#387 Dinu666, нет, по моему мнению они забыли игру доделать :-О

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#389 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-16 23:37:39 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#388 AndyPro, :lol:

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#390 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-17 01:35:51 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#388 AndyPro, кароче бери приставку и пердец.

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#391 by borea737 (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 14:52:57 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ubisoft официально подтвердила информацию о разработке сиквела тропического боевика Far Cry. Правда, студия Crytek не имеет к игре никакого отношения. Еще в прошлом году издатели выкупили все права на серию, поэтому созданием Far Cry 2 занимается Ubisoft Montreal.

О проекте известно довольно мало. Однако по содержанию рекламной странички можно предположить, что события развернутся в Африке. Релиз Far Cry 2 планируется на весну будущего года. - первые материалы. Если игра действительно разрабатывается на первом CryEngine, то...

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#392 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 15:20:41 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#391 borea737, а что хочешь сказать что ФарКрай не красивый? Он даже и сейчас красивый, а если еще пошаманят, то графа будет более менее приличная. Ведь в Хало2 играют, а там графа древняя... :)

Можно сказать так - хорошая графика со временем хуже не становится!

Мне как нравилась графа в Q3 (к примеру) так и сейчас нравится. Понятно что есть красивее, но Q3 от этого не становится хуже. Также и ХЛ2, Фаркрай... они навечно останутся красивыми :wink:

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#393 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 15:36:49 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
E3 2007 PC Recap

We look back at the show that was and find ourselves turning in circles.
by Dan Adams, Steve Butts, Charles Onyett

July 17, 2007 - Well this year's E3 has come and gone with little fanfare. The PC catalog at the show had a lot of strong titles though nothing was particularly surprising. But when looking at the show in review, it's easy to wonder whether the show will be back next year or if it'll return to its convention center format or a hybrid of the two. After having the weekend to mull over the banality of the show, we sat down for another conversation to close the books on PC's E3 2007. So did we think it was worth it or what?

Charles: E3 2007 wasn't worth it. As an event, it lacked the personality and atmosphere of previous years, and more importantly it lacked announcements. When most people think of E3 and what it means, they think of new game announcements. They think of big reveals, promises of tantalizing new game technology, and the birth of new intellectual properties. In Santa Monica this year, split amongst the numerous hotels and the sad show floor in Barker Hanger, nobody seemed willing to announce anything substantial.

At Microsoft's conference, they kicked things off by saying all the titles we'd see were set for 2007 release. Well, that basically killed it right there. A Resident Evil 5 trailer was thrown in for good measure, but no gameplay details were given; just a visual treat. Sony made a few reveals, like a new PSP design (33% lighter and it looks almost exactly the same. Bueller?), Sucker Punch's new game Infamous, which actually looks pretty cool, and an extensive amount of Killzone 2 footage. Actually, come to think of it, Sony's conference was pretty decent. Then there's Nintendo. They talked Mario, Metroid, and Smash Brothers - what a surprise. But Wii Fit right? Nobody's thought of that before (cough, EyeToy Kinetic, cough).

Steve: Now it's true that the chaotic and sometimes uncertain planning for E3 encouraged developers to host their own events prior to the show. So we got early looks at Fallout 3, Call of Duty 4 and a host of other games that in previous years would have been revealed at the show. We're even having a hell of a time coming up with a winner for "biggest surprise" of the show simply because we already knew just about everything there was to know about all the big titles.

I am, of course, discounting Civilization: Revolution, which I thought was pretty boss but it isn't even coming to the PC. Still, it doesn't quite compare to the excitement that could have been generated by the premiere of something like Metal Gear Solid, Halo or, dare I say it, even Mario Galaxy. So, yeah, we were definitely sold short in the area of new announcements. That tended to make our coverage of the show seem a bit redundant, especially on the PC where the heavy hitters have already been previewed at length.

I tend to think that the timing of the show is to blame. I know that a two-month delay might not seem like a lot, but in the world of video game marketing, it can make a huge difference in terms of focus. It seems like the whole show was basically a holiday showcase, which would have seemed a lot less ridiculous in May than it did in July.

Microsoft's entire press conference was focused on their holiday lineup with only the barest of nods to their plans for 2008. And then to make it worse, their entire lineup was made up of sequels and ports. If they want us to believe they're committed to driving the industry forward, we need to see some new IPs and more risks. Sony definitely did well by their install base by actually showing lots of cool games. Nintendo stuck to their flagship franchises but didn't really offer anything surprising. The one really surprising thing about the Nintendo showing was that they didn't announce a new Tony Hawk or Kelly Slater style game to go with their Wii Fit.

Dan: Yeah, it wasn't really worth it to us for the PC especially. Aside from the ridiculous "big announcements" that Gears of War (which we basically already knew about) and Viva Pinata were coming to the PC, we didn't see any new game announcements. That isn't to say there weren't good games at the show. We still had Crysis, Universe at War, World in Conflict, The Witcher, and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, but most of the big games that we're looking out for on PC like Fallout 3, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Mercenaries 2, and Medal of Honor: Airborne were all showing on consoles.

Charles: The major problem with games was we'd already heard about or even played most of them. Call of Duty 4, Rock Band, Halo 3, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Crysis, StarCraft II - these are all games that have already been revealed, in some cases even played. The information is all out there already. At E3 we, meaning media outlets like IGN, got to write updated impressions, but who really cares about that? Consumers want to read a reveal or a review, not a second or third preview of a game they already know about.

A larger problem was that publishers seemed totally unwilling to announce anything. They all wanted to wait for their own events, or other expos. On the PC side of things, Blizzard is waiting on BlizzCon for the first StarCraft II hands-on, for instance, as well as any announcements regarding World of Warcraft. Spore wasn't even at E3. What's the point of attending, what's the point of even having the event if nobody wants to let the next big announcement drop? Well, there isn't one.

Dan: No one brought the titles we had been waiting to see. No more StarCraft until BlizzCon as Charles mentioned, we have to wait for QuakeCon to see id's next internal title and the next Wolfenstein game, we don't know what Relic is working on past the CoH game, no word on the new Obsidian projects, no Duke Nukem, no Spore, no Alan Wake, no Huxley, no Warhammer: Mark of Chaos expansion, no Command & Conquer 3 expansion, no DC or Marvel online games, no Star Trek Online, no Project Offset... it was all titles we've already seen before plenty of times. Even the Crysis hands-on, which was fun, was still of the jungle levels that we've seen plenty of in the past. The only really new stuff that I saw personally at the show was the new faction in Universe at War and Space Siege from Gas Powered Games.

Charles: Then there are the logistics of the whole thing. For whatever reason, Nintendo and Sony had their conferences on Wednesday, the same day the show started. Traditionally, these were done on the days before. And to make matters worse, nearly every publisher had their own conference, forcing members of the media to cart themselves and their equipment frantically across the traffic-choked streets of Santa Monica, routinely arrive late for appointments, and experience an unnecessary degree of hassle. And for what? For a Wii Fit announcement? For Microsoft's megaton Scene It reveal? For yet another Crysis playthrough? So we can hear practically nothing about Spore? So we can see the same BioShock demo we saw at an event weeks before E3?

Steve: Wow. And people say I'm bitter. I don't know about it not being worth it. It definitely didn't live up to the standard we've come to expect from E3, particularly with regard to new announcements or the opportunity to see a wide range of games at our own convenience, but what it did provide was a welcome respite from the obnoxious spectacle and crushing crowds that most of us have come to associate with the show. Basically, I evaluate my happiness at each E3 according to a simple formula:

      Take the number of cool games we saw and divide it by the number of times you had to squeeze by some fat ass with a ponytail and then subtract the total number of meetings you had with developers from Eastern Europe.

Even though the number of cool games was much lower at this year's show, the other variables were also quite low, meaning that I left E3 this year feeling just about as satisfied with things as I've ever been.

As far as the logistics stuff goes, nearly all the developers and publishers loved the new more intimate format but many expressed sympathy over the inconvenience caused to the press. Both scheduling appointments and traveling between them were sometimes problematic.

Dan: Yeah, despite being in much better settings for actually seeing games and talking to developers in years past, there just weren't enough new things to make it worth our time to be there. Especially with the traffic, ridiculous show schedule that had press conferences going the entirety of the first two days of the show, and near uselessness of the Barker Hanger setting. The only thing good about Barker was that it let some of the smaller publishers and developers get a chance to display their games. We wouldn't have been able to see the STALKER prequel if they hadn't have had that venue, but it was a really long way from the rest of the show making it difficult to get to. It took me 45 minutes to drive there the first day.

It's crazy because I felt like I spent just as much time as usual working the show but got about a quarter as much done when all was said and done. If they would just wise up and have these meetings in these friendly quiet settings inside a smaller convention center, things would be great for me. It won't have the same crazy impact that E3 had on the gaming world in general, but it would be an easier place to get the word out on games.

What did you guys see anything unusual that you particularly liked on the PC this year? Anything surprising or strong?

Charles: From years past, one of the best aspects was that, if you had a free moment, you could run around and check out all the games. This was an especially important aspect for the media, since we have to vote to determine which products get E3 awards. Of course, we knew about most of the games anyway, so maybe it's not as big a deal. For me, the coolest part was getting to sit in on a Fallout 3 demo. The worst part was having to miss games like Mario and Mass Effect because there just wasn't enough time or the hotel layout and individual appointment times made it absolutely impossible.

Steve: Yup, the one thing I definitely missed was the opportunity to see more games. Though the LA Convention Center was truly a working hell on earth for those three days, there was ample opportunity to look at absolutely everything we wanted to see. Like Charles, I missed out on a couple of games I really wanted to see this year simply because they were located or timed inconveniently.

So while I'm definitely disappointed in the overall shape of the show, I still think it was worth it. I mean, Charles and I did get to watch American Wedding together in the hotel. Also, Dan got to hang out with these so-called friends that we always hear about but never see. That sort of thing would never have happened last year.

Dan: You're forgetting that half the reason people read the site is for the excitement of it all and the information about new games. As readership shows, not as many people were interested in E3 as previous years, probably because of the confusion. Not having any big news about huge surprises this year didn't really help much either. Not as many people cared this year, you know?

As far as my friends go, they're from Canada so you wouldn't know them.

Charles: Well, it looks like it all worked out in the end, as Eugene Levy would say. And by worked out, I mean E3 proved itself to be a useless event. As far as I'm concerned, E3 should (still) be cancelled altogether, or (again) given a radical facelift. All the publishers in the industry still hold May events and do pre-E3 coverage, so that covers all the previews people want out there. If publishers aren't willing to announce or show anything big at E3, then there's no point in holding the expo. Just keep it limited to smaller, more convenient events. Or, if E3 has to be kept in the same type of highly compartmentalized format, move it to the Moscone Center in San Francisco, the venue for this past GDC. It's centrally located in San Francisco, and, most importantly, it's convenient to get from conference hall to conference hall.

And Dan, moose don't count as friends.

Steve: I guess I'm just glad it gave us the excuse to get together and have ribs.

Maybe I'm shallow.

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#394 by borea737 (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 15:52:57 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#392 AndyPro, ну так! Квак 3, всё-таки, самый коммерчески удачный движок имел, вон, и в 2003-м на нём игры делали.

#392 AndyPro, "... Также и ХЛ2, Фаркрай... они навечно останутся красивыми ..." - красивыми для 2004-го года :)
Но выпускать в 2008 игру на них... что тот Третий Эпизод, что ФарКрай 2.
Нет, не спорю, выпустить можно, но не ждать после того, что она станет "игрой года".
Те же Valve со своими эпизодами, вместо нормального HalfLife 3 - если в 2004 ХЛ2 стал игрой года, поразил всех фотореалистичной графикой (и, между делом, невысокими, по сравнению с творением id запросами), то уже год назад Первый Эпизод, как бы, затерялся среди других проектов, хоть и держался на первых-вторых местах в рейтингах.

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#395 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 16:31:06 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#394 borea737, дык они работают над новым движком по любому просто молчат (это я насчет HL2) а эпизоды им приносят денег и не так много ресурсов на них тратится

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#396 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 16:34:13 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#394 borea737, хз хз я с удовольствием поиграю в эпизод2 и сейчас. Мне нравится эта графика, мне нравится игра. А в каком году для такой игры не важно :) Эта игра будет иметь успех, потому что все ее уже знают и ждут.
Это новым играм надо быть супер пупер и чем то поражать, чтобы завоевать популярность. А таким играм как ХЛ2 это не надо, они уже хиты и их будут покупать :wink:

Конечно хочется больше ХЛ 3 и Crysis, а не Эпизоды и ФарКрай 2 :) Но и в те игры я с удовольствием поиграю, если их сделают с хорошим сюжетом

#395 Votan, "... а эпизоды им приносят денег ..." - а нам удовольствие. Мне лично приятно растянуть ХЛ2, потому что игра реально крутая =)

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#397 by borea737 (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 17:07:05 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#395 Votan, как результат - в рейтинге, например, "Мании" Эпизод первый - восьмое место за 2006-й год (хоть в игре недостатки найти сложно, кроме продолжительности, - тот же HL2, только более насыщеный, динамичный)

#396 AndyPro, "... хз хз я с удовольствием поиграю в эпизод2 ..." - ну, я-то тем более, оригинальный ХЛ2 прошел раз 8, и Первый Эпизод раза 3 :)

#396 AndyPro, "... Это новым играм надо быть супер пупер и чем то поражать, чтобы завоевать популярность. А таким играм как ХЛ2 это не надо, они уже хиты и их будут покупать ..." - тем не менее, хоть первый ХЛ тоже был в своё время игрой года и тоже всех, так сказать, сразил - те лавры, что собрал ХЛ 2 - отнюдь не помешали серии.
К ФарКраю лично я, в принципе, отношусь довольно безразлично, а за HL2 чуточку, всё же, досадно. Вот если бы Эпизод Первый стал игрой 2006-го года, и был лидером по графике, а Эпизод 2 - 2007-го, тогда бы я был доволен :D

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#398 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 21:46:55 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#397 borea737, "... от если бы Эпизод Первый стал игрой 2006-го года, и был лидером по графике, а Эпизод 2 - 2007-го, тогда бы я был доволен ..." - с этим согласен, со вторым эпизодом непонятно почему они тянут... может осени ждут??

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#399 by borea737 (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-20 21:57:22 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#398 AndyPro, "... непонятно почему они тянут ..." - ты вспомни, что с HalfLife 2 было - сколько переносили, дорабатывали, и т.д. (релиз, насколько помню, должен был быть ещё осенью 2003-го, если не раньше). :)
Так же и тут:
1) Отшлифовывают, убирают ненужное, что-то добавляют и т.д. - ведь не стоит забывать, что одновременно и Третий Эпизод разрабатывается, то есть идей - на 2 игры, вот и разберись тут что куда пихать :D С оригинального HL2 только сколько вырезано было!
2) Читал, что они там что-то шаманят с AI, который, по заявлению Гейба Ньюэлла "до сих пор нельзя было сделать слишком продвинутым из-за слабосильности процессоров, а вот теперь с появлением 2-х и 4-х ядерных..." :)

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#400 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-21 00:37:47 (920 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#399 borea737, "... а вот теперь с появлением 2-х и 4-х ядерных... ..." - которые кстати не у всех имеются :annoyed:

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