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#0 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 15:50:08 (751 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Despre Badminton

Badmintonul este un sport în care doi jucători sau două perechi de jucători joacă plasându-se fiecare de câte o parte a unui fileu care împarte terenul dreptunghiular în două jumătăți egale. Cei doi jucători sau două perechi câștigă puncte lovind un fluturaș (minge) cu racheta astfel încât acesta să treacă peste fileu și să aterizeze în terenul advers.
Terenul de joc

Terenul de joc are mărimea de 13.40 m x 5.18 m la meciurile de simplu și de 13.40 m x 6.10 m la meciurile de dublu. Același teren este folosit și pentru meciurile de simplu și dublu, cu diferența că se trag niște linii despărțitoare vizibile. Terenul este împărțit în două părti egale de un fileu (plasă) cu înălțimea de 1,524m la mijloc și 1,55m la capete.

Un arbitru principal, ajutat de un arbitru de serviciu și 6 arbitri de linie, supraveghează concursul. Înaintea începerii jocului se realizează tragerea la sorți. Sportivul care câștigă are trei opțiuni: să servească, să primească serva sau să își aleagă un teren.
Un punct se pierde când fluturașul lovește plasa, cade în afara terenului de joc sau când se comit greșeli.

- fluturașul lovește sportivul,
- corpul sportivului sau racheta sportivului ating plasa
- fluturașul atinge pământul înainte să treacă de plasă
- fluturașul este lovit de două ori
- serva este executata de deasupra taliei
- unul dintre jucatori loveste fluturasul in terenul advers
După încheierea unui schimb de mingi, partea care a câștigat va avea un punct și va servi.
Regulament servă

- Serva se face în diagonală, - Picioarele sportivului aflat la serviciu trebuie să atingă amândouă pământul, - Serva NU trebuie să se facă deasupra taliei
Concursul se termină când sportivul (sportivii) câștigă două seturi de 21 puncte

Badminton racquets are light, with top quality racquets weighing between 75 and 95 grams (2.6 to 3.3 ounces) including the strings.[8][9] They are composed of many different materials ranging from carbon fibre composite (graphite reinforced plastic) to solid steel, which may be augmented by a variety of materials. Carbon fibre has an excellent strength to weight ratio, is stiff, and gives excellent kinetic energy transfer. Before the adoption of carbon fibre composite, racquets were made of light metals such as aluminum. Earlier still, racquets were made of wood. Cheap racquets are still often made of metals such as steel, but wooden racquets are no longer manufactured for the ordinary market, because of their excessive mass and cost. Nowadays, nanomaterials such as fullerene and carbon nanotubes are added to rackets giving them greater durability.
There is a wide variety of racquet designs, although the laws limit the racquet size and shape. Different racquets have playing characteristics that appeal to different players. The traditional oval head shape is still available, but an isometric head shape is increasingly common in new racquets.
Badminton strings are thin, high performing strings in the range of about 0.62 to 0.73 mm thickness. Thicker strings are more durable, but many players prefer the feel of thinner strings. String tension is normally in the range of 80 to 160 N (18 to 36 lbf). Recreational players generally string at lower tensions than professionals, typically between 18 and 25 lbf (110 N). Professionals string between about 25 and 36 lbf (160 N).
It is often argued that high string tensions improve control, whereas low string tensions increase power.[10] The arguments for this generally rely on crude mechanical reasoning, such as claiming that a lower tension string bed is more bouncy and therefore provides more power. This is in fact incorrect, for a higher string tension can cause the shuttle to slide off the racquet and hence make it harder to hit a shot accurately. An alternative view suggests that the optimum tension for power depends on the player:[8] the faster and more accurately a player can swing their racquet, the higher the tension for maximum power. Neither view has been subjected to a rigorous mechanical analysis, nor is there clear evidence in favour of one or the other. The most effective way for a player to find a good string tension is to experiment.
The choice of grip allows a player to increase the thickness of his racquet handle and choose a comfortable surface to hold. A player may build up the handle with one or several grips before applying the final layer.
Players may choose between a variety of grip materials. The most common choices are PU synthetic grips or towelling grips. Grip choice is a matter of personal preference. Players often find that sweat becomes a problem; in this case, a drying agent may be applied to the grip or hands, sweatbands may be used, the player may choose another grip material or change his grip more frequently.
There are two main types of grip: replacement grips and overgrips. Replacement grips are thicker, and are often used to increase the size of the handle. Overgrips are thinner (less than 1 mm), and are often used as the final layer. Many players, however, prefer to use replacement grips as the final layer. Towelling grips are always replacement grips. Replacement grips have an adhesive backing, whereas overgrips have only a small patch of adhesive at the start of the tape and must be applied under tension; overgrips are more convenient for players who change grips frequently, because they may be removed more rapidly without damaging the underlying material.
A shuttlecock (often abbreviated to shuttle) is a high-drag projectile, with an open conical shape: the cone is formed from sixteen overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered with thin leather or synthetic material.
Synthetic shuttles are often used by recreational players to reduce their costs as feathered shuttles break easily. These nylon shuttles may be constructed with either natural cork or synthetic foam base, and a plastic skirt.
Additionally, nylon shuttlecocks come in three varieties, each variety for a different range of temperatures. These three varieties are known as green (slow speed which will give you an extra 40% hang time/shot length), blue (middle speed), and red (fast speed). The colours, and therefore speeds, are indicated by coloured strips fastened around the cork. In colder temperatures, a faster shuttle is used, and in hotter climates, a slower one is chosen.
Badminton shoes are lightweight with soles of rubber or similar high-grip, non-marking materials.
Compared to running shoes, badminton shoes have little lateral support. High levels of lateral support are useful for activities where lateral motion is undesirable and unexpected. Badminton, however, requires powerful lateral movements. A highly built-up lateral support will not be able to protect the foot in badminton; instead, it will encourage catastrophic collapse at the point where the shoe's support fails, and the player's ankles are not ready for the sudden loading, which can cause sprains. For this reason, players should choose badminton shoes rather than general trainers or running shoes, because proper badminton shoes will have a very thin sole, lower a person's centre of gravity, and therefore result in fewer injuries. Players should also ensure that they learn safe and proper footwork, with the knee and foot in alignment on all lunges. This is not only a safety concern, as proper footwork is critical in order to move effectively around the court.

To win in badminton, players need to employ a wide variety of strokes in the right situations. These range from powerful jumping smashes to delicate tumbling net returns. Often rallies finish with a smash, but setting up the smash requires subtler strokes. For example, a netshot can force the opponent to lift the shuttlecock, which gives an opportunity to smash. If the netshot is tight and tumbling, then the opponent's lift will not reach the back of the court, which makes the subsequent smash much harder to return.
Deception is also important. Expert players prepare for many different strokes that look identical, and use slicing to deceive their opponents about the speed or direction of the stroke. If an opponent tries to anticipate the stroke, he may move in the wrong direction and may be unable to change his body momentum in time to reach the shuttlecock.
Both pairs will try to gain and maintain the attack, smashing downwards when possible. Whenever possible, a pair will adopt an ideal attacking formation with one player hitting down from the rearcourt, and his partner in the midcourt intercepting all smash returns except the lift. If the rearcourt attacker plays a dropshot, his partner will move into the forecourt to threaten the net reply. If a pair cannot hit downwards, they will use flat strokes in an attempt to gain the attack. If a pair is forced to lift or clear the shuttlecock, then they must defend: they will adopt a side-by-side position in the rear midcourt, to cover the full width of their court against the opponents' smashes. In doubles, players generally smash to the middle ground between two players in order to take advantage of confusion and clashes.
At high levels of play, the backhand serve has become popular to the extent that forehand serves almost never appear in professional games. The straight low serve is used most frequently, in an attempt to prevent the opponents gaining the attack immediately. Flick serves are used to prevent the opponent from anticipating the low serve and attacking it decisively.
At high levels of play, doubles rallies are extremely fast. Men's doubles is the most aggressive form of badminton, with a high proportion of powerful jump smashes.
The singles court is narrower than the doubles court, but the same length. Since one person needs to cover the entire court, singles tactics are based on forcing the opponent to move as much as possible; this means that singles strokes are normally directed to the corners of the court. Players exploit the length of the court by combining lifts and clears with drop shots and net shots. Smashing is less prominent in singles than in doubles because players are rarely in the ideal position to execute a smash, and smashing often leaves the smasher vulnerable if the smash is returned.
In singles, players will often start the rally with a forehand high serve. Low serves are also used frequently, either forehand or backhand. Flick serves are less common, and drive serves are rare.
At high levels of play, singles demands extraordinary fitness. Singles is a game of patient positional manoeuvring, unlike the all-out aggression of doubles.
Mixed doubles:
In mixed doubles, both pairs typically try to maintain an attacking formation with the woman at the front and the man at the back. This is because the male players are usually substantially stronger, and can therefore produce smashes that are more powerful. As a result, mixed doubles requires greater tactical awareness and subtler positional play. Clever opponents will try to reverse the ideal position, by forcing the woman towards the back or the man towards the front. In order to protect against this danger, mixed players must be careful and systematic in their shot selection.
At high levels of play, the formations will generally be more flexible: the top women players are capable of playing powerfully from the back-court, and will happily do so if required. When the opportunity arises, however, the pair will switch back to the standard mixed attacking position, with the woman in front.


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Badminton fans

Badminton Players

Editat de către HaPpY_SmIiLe la 2010-09-05 16:28:43

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#1 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 16:29:21 (751 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
pina cind am terminat...daca ceva opinii sunt...puteti sa le spuneti... :)

mai departe voi voi vedea cei corect...

mersi pentru antentie... :wink:

Zhou Mi banned for two years

The BWF announced today that a BWF Doping Hearing conducted in Copenhagen on Monday 23 August has banned ZHOU Mi (HKG) for 2 years from participation in badminton, following an Adverse Analytical Finding.

The Hearing Panel decided “that a period of 2 years ineligibility is imposed upon ZHOU Mi for the first violation of the BWF Anti-doping Regulations. The period of ineligibility commences from the date of the provisional suspension, 4 August 2010”.

The Hearing was the result of an Adverse Analytical Finding of a sample taken from ZHOU Mi in late June as part of the BWF’s ‘out-of-competition’ testing programme. ZHOU Mi tested positive to Clenbuterol, a Class 1 Anabolic Agent on the WADA Prohibited List of substances.

“BWF is fortunate that this is the first case that the BWF has ruled on for a number of years. The case sends a strong message to elite athletes in the sport who need to be aware of Prohibited Substances and the consequences of taking these – either deliberately or inadvertently,” said Thomas Lund, BWF COO.

Zhou Mi (HK) in the proceedings acknowledged that she had taken some common over-the-counter medication but was unaware whether or not it had contained any prohibited substance.

“The BWF together with WADA conduct both ‘out-of competition’ and ‘in-competition’ testing on a regular basis and athletes need to be aware that they are ultimately responsible for everything they ingest – whether it is taken deliberately or inadvertently” Lund added. “And this case shows that for a first offence, the punishment is severe”.

The sanction means that ZHOU Mi cannot participate in any badminton at the international, national and local level for a period of 2 years.

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#2 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 18:50:53 (751 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ce nu practica nimeni acestgem de sport?

nu sunt fani?

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#3 by TasiLoDisabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-11 11:29:09 (751 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

clas e un sport destul de dragut... :smirk:

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#4 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-20 16:53:10 (749 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
psc....ce nimeni nu e liubiteli la acest club? :D

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#5 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-10-12 00:12:28 (746 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
shota slab voi pe aici? :d

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#6 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2010-12-26 19:26:21 (735 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
we la nimeni nui place?

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#7 by meaumeau (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-07-28 15:36:01 (705 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Poate fi un sport destul de obositor daca joci cu cineva care poate sa joace bine.....dar si destul de interesant....un bun mod de a petrece timpul liber,si de a folosi energia in surplus))

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#8 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2011-07-29 13:42:30 (705 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#7 meaumeau, cam asa ceva,joci bine badminton?

#7 meaumeau, cam asa ceva,joci bine badminton?

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#9 by DannyP (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-07-29 23:30:26 (705 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 HaPpY_SmIiLe, adaugama la fans si players :)

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#10 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2011-07-30 10:49:36 (705 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9 DannyP, ok,facem :wink:

da sa mai scrii din cind in cind ))

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#11 by meaumeau (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-07-30 16:38:32 (705 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8 HaPpY_SmIiLe, destul de bine....

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#12 by renchi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-05-09 18:59:04 (612 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
adaugama pls la fan :) si cand va fi un off-line scrie pls si in privat

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#13 by renchi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-05-12 23:52:26 (611 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
lume , hai la un off-line sa jucam Badminton :)

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#14 by Soulfly Velo Club (User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-06-05 17:31:46 (608 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Doresc să procur un fileu pentru badminton, ştie cineva unde aş putea găsi?

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#15 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2013-06-05 19:33:26 (608 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#14 Soulfly, 1000 maruntisuri )))

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#16 by renchi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-06-05 23:39:10 (608 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
da sunt offuri la badminton ?

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#17 by Soulfly Velo Club (User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-06-06 00:08:47 (608 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15 HaPpY_SmIiLe, "... 1000 maruntisuri ..." - asta acolo la magazinu şela din subsol?
fost vo 2 luni în urmă acolo, nu aveau în vînzare :(

P.S. Noi sîntem vreo 5 omenaşi, care jucăm mai mult sau mai puţin regulat badminton, de obiceai seara, pe terenul de la Valea Morilor. Dacă doreşte careva să ne facă companie, poftim. :)

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#18 by HaPpY_SmIiLe (Moose) (0 mesaje) at 2013-06-22 01:10:12 (606 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#17 Soulfly, "... asta acolo la magazinu şela din subsol? ..." - este acolo dupa cite stiu :*

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#19 by ADrMD (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-12-17 20:22:43 (580 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Stie careva o sala unde se poate de jucat badminton ? Sa fie usor de gasit un partener pt joc.

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#20 by renchi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-12-19 17:57:48 (580 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
as dori si eu sa stiu asta :)

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#21 by reter (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-08-13 15:52:23 (546 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Cine vrea sa joace badminton la Valea Morilor ? cine POATE JUCA BINE mai precis !!! )))

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