Acestă televiziune a fost lansată în 1989 ca un joint-venture între European Broadcasting Union şi Sky Televusion plc. Când Sky a fuzionat cu BSB s-au decis să se concentreze asupra canalului BSB The Sports Channel care a fost redenumit Sky Sports. Eurosport a fost închis în mai 1991 după ce concurenţii de la Screensport au depus o plângere împotriva lor la European Economic Comission. Totuşi, canalul a fost salvat cand Grupul TF1 a înlocuit BskyB. În aceeaşi lună, canalul Eurosport a reînceput transmisia. Pe 1 martie 1993, canalul prin cablu şi satelit Screensport a fuzionat cu Eurosport, al cărui proprietar a devenit grupul francez TF1, Canal + şi Havas Images. Din ianuarie 2001 este complet deţinut de TF1.
Eurosport este cel mai mare canal sportiv de satelit şi cablu din Europa. Are mai multe ediţii şi coloane sonore, în diferite limbi cum ar fi engleză, franceză, germană, italiană, spaniolă, portugheză sau română.
Versiunea în limba română a fost lansată pe 29 noiembrie 1997
EuroSport wrote:
Lansat pe: 5 februarie 1989 Proprietar: TF1 Group Format imagine:576p (PAL)
1080i (HDTV) Ţara: Europa
Hong Kong
Malaesia Sedii: Issy-les-Moulineaux, Franţa Canale înrudite: Eurosport 2
Eurosport News
Eurosport HD Site Român:Aici
Eurosport was launched in 1989 as a joint venture between the European Broadcasting Union and Sky Television plc. When Sky merged with BSB they decided to focus on the sports programming on Sky One, and also The Sports Channel, launched by BSB, which was renamed Sky Sports.
Eurosport was closed down in May 1991 after the competing Screensport channel had filed a complaint to the European Commission over the corporate structure. The channel was however saved when the TF1 Group stepped in to replace BSkyB as joint-owners. A new Eurosport channel was able to start its broadcasts the same month. On March 1, 1993, the cable and satellite channel Screensport merged with Eurosport. Eurosport eventually came under a French ownership consortium, comprising the TF1 Group, Canal+ Group and Havas Images. Since January 2001, the network has been owned entirely by TF1.
Eurosport is currently broadcast in twenty languages; English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish, Cantonese.
In May 2007, Yahoo! Europe and Eurosport formed a co-branded website which Eurosport uses as its web portal, including an online TV guide, in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Germany.
In 2008, Eurosport launched an online subscription service (called the Eurosport player) that allows Internet users to watch both Eurosport and Eurosport 2 live, plus additional coverage not available via broadcast. During the 2009 Australian Open, the Internet player offered coverage from five courts.