Forum Index > Filme, Cinematografie > Transformers

#0 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-21 20:27:32 (900 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Pentru mine acesta este cel mai aşteptat film al anului 2007, aceasta se demonstrează prin mulţimea de trailere care se încarcă...
ce păreri aveţi despre ce aset film? cei ce îl aşteaptă, ce aşteptaţi de la el?

ps. astăzi, 21 iunie,după nişte informaţii(cred că foarte veridice), a fost deja o premieră, le aşteptăm şi pe celelalte şi pe cea de la noi pe 5 iulie,
p.s.s posibil filmul peste 7-8 zile va fi pe tracker(dacă cieva se va strădui din răsputeri)
rog să nu încurcaţi Transformers cu Transmorphers, aceste 2 filme nu au nimic în comunm doar primele şi ultimele litere...

Pentru cei ce nu ştiu despre ce e vorba intră aici

+văd că sunt doritori de a pleca pe 5 iulie la premieră... scrieţi aici dacă vreţi să plecaţi...

Date despre Film:
Buget: ~1 875 000 000 MDL

Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi/Comedy(asta eu am pus, pentru că la multe trailere am rîs...)

Plot Sumary
A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later, Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain's glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of the Pentagon, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens...

Directed By
Michael Bay:

Shia LeBouf ... Sam Witwicky

Megan Fox ...  Mikaela Banes

Josh Duhamel ... Sergeant Lennox

Tyrese Gibson ... USAF Tech Sergeant Epps
Rachael Taylor ... Maggie Madsen
Anthony Anderson ... Glen Whitmann
Jon Voight      ...   Defense Secretary John Keller
John Turturro ... Agent Simmons
Michael O'Neill ... Tom Banachek
Kevin Dunn ... Ron Witwicky
Julie White ... Judy Witwicky
Amaury Nolasco ... ACWO Jorge "Fig" Figueroa
Zack Ward ... First Sergeant Donnelly
Pat Mulderrig ... Ranger Team #2
Michael Trisler ... Ranger Team #4

Others(cei mai principali)
BumbleBee                                                                                Optimus Prime


JaZZ                                                                                            StarScream


Releases Dates
Italy  21 June 2007  (Taormina Film Festival)
USA 27 June 2007 (Los Angeles Film Festival)
Australia 28 June 2007
Indonesia 28 June 2007
Italy 28 June 2007
Malaysia 28 June 2007
Netherlands 28 June 2007 (limited)
New Zealand 28 June 2007
Norway 28 June 2007
Singapore 28 June 2007
South Korea 28 June 2007
Taiwan 28 June 2007
Thailand 28 June 2007
USA 2 July 2007
Hungary 3 July 2007
Austria 4 July 2007
Denmark 4 July 2007
Egypt 4 July 2007
Finland 4 July 2007
Netherlands 4 July 2007
Russia 4 July 2007
Spain 4 July 2007
Sweden 4 July 2007
Moldova 5 July 2007
Croatia 5 July 2007
Israel 5 July 2007
Bulgaria 6 July 2007
Turkey 6 July 2007
Lithuania 7 July 2007
China 11 July 2007
Greece 12 July 2007
Argentina 19 July 2007
Brazil 20 July 2007
Colombia 20 July 2007
Mexico 20 July 2007
Belgium 25 July 2007
France 25 July 2007
Hong Kong 26 July 2007
UK 27 July 2007
Venezuela 27 July 2007
Germany 2 August 2007
Estonia 3 August 2007
Japan 4 August 2007
Iceland 10 August 2007
Slovakia 16 August 2007
Poland 17 August 2007

rog să nu încurcaţi TransFORMers cu TransMORPHers, aceste 2 filme nu au nimic în comun, doar primele şi ultimele litere...
sunt mulţi doritori de a merge la cinematograf şi muşţi doresc ca să mergem împreună... pentru unii la premieră e prea scump(şi pentru mine)m deaceea propun să stabilim o zi...

Editat de către HP la 2007-07-01 00:00:38

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#151 by Adrianus (Doctor In The House) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-30 22:19:58 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#149 HP, da eu deamu de 10 de ori m-am uitat la treiler asa ca haideti cit mai repede

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#152 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-30 23:59:40 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
şi încă una ce mă deranjează e că prea mult GM în film...

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#153 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:23:56 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
în ultimul timp am început să îmi fac impresii rele despre film... cititnd comentariile mai multor care care au văzut filmul... chiar şi comentariul meu de mai înainte demonstrează asta... dar, după ce am citit un comment, iarăşi a făcut filmul cel mai aşteptat de mine...

ehprod from United States(IMDB) wrote:

I'm tired of hearing all the complaining about this movie not being EXACTLY like the 80's cartoon or the G1 toys. People are blasting Micheal Bay for everything, making him out to be the Grinch who stole their Transformers Christmas.

Everyone gripes about how they're not the same vehicles as the originals. First, let me say that I was a huge fan of the originals, growing up with the G1 toys and owning nearly all of them. But let's face facts, in the expectations of the movie audience of today, how much do you want to bet that these fans complaining about how Megatron isn't a gun would be the same ones complaining about how unrealistic it is to have a 9 inch pistol transforming into a 40ft robot! I will always remember Bumblebee as a VW, but why is it so important that he MUST stay a VW 20 years later? The Transformers are beings from a technologically superior planet, and with the ability to transform, why wouldn't they adapt along with the culture they're replicating in their vehicle form? Do you define a person by the shirt they wear, or on what's inside? Would Shia's character be any different if he wore a blue t-shirt instead of a black one, or vice versa? Bumblebee, and the other Transformers, are characters. Should they not be given the same consideration? It's not like they changed him completely. He's still the scout, a yellow two door vehicle, nimble and quick. I could understand it if they turned him into a neon pink delivery van, but instead they did their best to retain as much of the qualities as they could while updating him for today's day and age. Again, it would be these same fans complaining about how lame Ratchet would be if they choose to stay with the Toyota Van design of the original.

Why is everyone taking shots at Bay? Yes, he's known as an action intensive, explosive laden director. Hmmm... Robots waging war on Earth. Perhaps you would prefer a touching dramatic tale, filled with romance or heartwarming family tenderness, for a Transformers movie.... I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm excited to see what Spielberg's intelligence and Bay's explosiveness can bring to the screen.

Yes, the cars in Transformers are all GM vehicles. You must remember, while the goal of movie making is to entertain and thrill, it is still a business. If someone were to come up to you, offering you ten or fifteen thousand dollars to wear a shirt with their company logo on it, I'd bet any of you would do it. So many people today download movies, burn copies of friends dvds, sneak into movies for free, and so on, is it any wonder that studios take sponsorships from other businesses to offset the cost of making these films?

I love how people get such a superior attitude sitting at their keyboards. "I would've done it like this..." or "They're just stupid for doing that."... blah, blah, blah. If you think you could do better, then DO IT. Get out from behind your computer screen, take 100 million of your own money (or raise it from investors) and try it. Otherwise, if it's that offensive to you that it's not like the old 80s version, I suggest you sit quietly and play with the old toys, using your own imagination to create your "perfect" movie and let others enjoy this updated story without the whining of overzealous fans who refuse to even consider the fact that time is moving forward and it's no longer the 80s. Judge the movie on what it is, not on what you think it should have been.

Of course, this is only my opinion, my little two cents tossed into the fountain. I'm sure I'll get some backlash from it, but at the end of the day, it's still my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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#154 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:34:46 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Da cit costa la premiera?

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#155 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:41:32 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#154 Jamie, 50-120 lei

oi ple... da eu amu am înţeles un pricol din filmm Cînd Sam îşi cumpără maşina... şi nu alege VW beatle...

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#156 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:44:25 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#155 HP, masina cea galbena (BumbleBee) strica toate ferestrele la acelelalte masini ca baiatul sal cumpere pe el.

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#157 by prunea3 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:47:45 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#152 HP, А вы видели 2 трейлер к фильму?

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#158 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:47:46 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#155 HP, 50 lei unde pe primele locuri?

#157 prunea3, Vse traileri videl.

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#159 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:53:39 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#157 prunea3, chiar şi reclama de la Burger King

#156 Jamie, Bumblebee în desene animate era VW... de atsa cred că acolo era şi un VW vechi...

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#160 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:55:52 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
IMDB 8.4/10 (3,523 votes) - Ati vazut.Normal.Vom vedea dupa 5 iulie.

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#161 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:56:56 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#160 Jamie, deja jumate de lume au văzut filmul... aşa că nu trebuie 5 iulie... eu deja am votat... dar tu?
apropo ratingul scade pe zi ce trece...

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#162 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 14:59:33 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#161 HP, "... apropo ratingul scade pe zi ce trece... ..." - aha.

#161 HP, "... eu deja am votat... dar tu? ..." - o sa votez dupa ce o sa-l privesc.

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#163 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:01:36 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#162 Jamie, da comentariile ai citit?

#158 Jamie, "... #155 HP, 50 lei unde pe primele locuri? ..." - rîndu 1 locu 1

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#164 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:14:30 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#163 HP, ggg.Asha nu merge.Miine ma duc sa vad ce si cum mai detaileat sau chiar azi.Cine merge?

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#165 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:18:14 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#164 Jamie, eu pot merge... să văd numai cît costă... oricum eu vreu peste 1 săptămînă să-l văd la patria... peste 2-3 zile după premieră...sau nu, pe azi deja mi-am făcut planuri...

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#166 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:21:31 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#165 HP, eu o sa vad cum o sa pot daca nu voi avea de lucru si poate pe la vreo 19:00 voi fi acolo ca eu locuiesc la Botanika.

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#167 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:25:02 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
In ce se transforma Megatron in film?

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#168 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:27:22 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#167 DarkMaster, in robot :-)

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#169 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:28:51 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#168 Jamie, Am avut in vedere in ce masina (tanc,avion,etc)

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#170 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:30:10 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#169 DarkMaster, eu shtiu ce ai avut in vedere...Vrodibi in multik se tranforma in tanc.

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#171 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:31:18 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#170 Jamie, Da in TF Armada,dar in G1 se transforma in pistol si mii interestant in film in ce se transforma

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#172 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:33:40 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#171 DarkMaster, iaca ce am gasit:

Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime (Peterbilt truck): The powerful, wise leader of the Autobots, Prime comes to protect humanity from the evil Decepticons.
Mark Ryan as the voice of Bumblebee (1974/2008 Chevrolet Camaro): Bumblebee is an honest and friendly soldier who befriends humanity, namely Sam, in his efforts to find the Allspark. He has difficulty speaking after he was attacked by Megatron and communicates with a radio.
Darius McCrary as the voice of Jazz (Pontiac Solstice): The smallest and feistiest of the Autobots, Jazz is one of Optimus' best warriors, talented at learning new cultures.
Jess Harnell as the voice of Ironhide (GMC Topkick pick-up truck): A tough, weathered soldier, he is always the first in battle. Ironhide is one of Optimus' oldest friends, but has a grittier outlook on life.
Robert Foxworth as the voice of Ratchet (Search & Rescue Hummer H2): The medic and scientist, Ratchet has a strong sense of duty to protect life.

#171 DarkMaster, aaaa!!! iaka:

Hugo Weaving as the voice of Megatron (Cybertronian "jet"): The missing Decepticon leader held frozen by Sector 7, Megatron desires power over the Allspark and hates organic lifeforms.
Charlie Adler as the voice of Starscream (F-22 Raptor): Megatron's second-in-command, Starscream actually desires to overthrow Megatron and take the Allspark for himself.
Jess Harnell as the voice of Barricade (Saleen-modified Ford Mustang police car) : The Decepticon hunter who masquerades in society as a symbol of the law.
Reno Wilson as the voice of Frenzy (2-speaker CD player, mobile phone): The smallest of the Decepticons, Frenzy attaches to Barricade. His main purpose is spying on humans, but he is still a ferocious fighter, shooting blades disguised as CDs from his chest.
Jimmie Wood as the voice of Bonecrusher (Buffalo H Mine-Protected vehicle): A Decepticon warrior who hates all others. He is only subservient to Megatron, whom he fears.
Blackout (MH-53 Pave Low): The largest Decepticon, Blackout is fiercely loyal to Megatron and can fire electromagnetic pulses, making Decepticon attacks easier.
Scorponok (mechanical scorpion): He has a symbiotic relationship with Blackout, hiding within him until he is commanded to kill.
Brawl[14]/Devastator (Modified M1 Abrams): A moody and armed piece of battle fodder.

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#173 by Adrianus (Doctor In The House) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:41:18 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#172 Jamie, In legatura cu biletele, am fost deja, e in jur de 50-120, biletele vor fi de miercuri si doar atunci se va sti pretul precis

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#174 by Jamie (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:44:48 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#173 Adrianus, aaa thx.

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#175 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-01 15:45:12 (898 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#172 Jamie, "... Cybertronian "jet" ..." - :blink: i`ll be damn :blink: Megatron nava zburatoare :yikes:

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