Forum Index > Jocuri > Total War

#0 by DiZaster (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-12-15 16:14:57 (791 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Games List
Shogun: Total War:


Shogun: Total War is set in feudal Japan. The expansion pack, called Mongol Invasion, was released with the original in the Warlord Edition. It is different from the more familiar Western settings of later Total War games. In the single player game, the role-playing done by the clans and players of Shogun was unrivaled by any other games in the series[citation needed], and included interactive videos that represented possible decisions by the player, such as converting to Christianity. The original Shogun was not quite a mainstream product, but attracted a dedicated fan base.
Medieval Total War:


Medieval: Total War is set in medieval Europe. The expansion pack is Viking Invasion, and the combined edition is called the Battle Collection. In the multiplayer world, Viking Invasion can be considered the most balanced and complete version of Total War throughout the whole series. Shogun was faster and arguably more taxing on the individual playing skill, while MTW/VI added new exciting elements to online battles. It was one of the best received games in the Total War series.
Rome Total War:


Rome: Total War is set in the Roman Republic. The first expansion pack, Barbarian Invasion, was released on 27 September 2005. Rome: Total War Gold Edition, which combined the fully patched versions of the original game and its first expansion into one DVD (instead of the original game's three CD-ROMs) was released on 14 February 2006, though a CD-ROM version (a total of four CDs) was also produced for those without DVD drives. A second expansion pack, Rome: Total War: Alexander, was announced on 10 May 2006. It was released on 19 June 2006 as a download and afterward as retail. A compilation of the original game and the two expansions, Rome: Total War Anthology was released on 16 March 2007.This game was the one which really shook the game industry,with its amazing graphics, music, and game play.
Medieval II Total War:


Medieval II: Total War a sequel to Medieval: Total War, was released on 10 November 2006 in Europe and on 14 November in North America. This game includes much more detailed characters and features the Age of Discovery (and colonization of the Americas) and the Mongol and Timurid invasions. An expansion pack, Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms was announced on 30 March 2007.[2] It was released on 28 August 2007. The Gold Edition of the game, containing the original game and the expansion pack, was released on 1 February 2008.
Empire Total War:


Empire: Total War, was announced on 22 August 2007 by Sega.[3] It had been secretly in development since the release of Barbarian Invasion.[4][5] It is set in the 18th century to early 19th century, and includes features such as the Industrial Revolution and America's struggle for independence. For the first time in a Total War game, players have the ability to play real-time 3D naval battles. Empire: Total War was released on March 3rd in North America and March 4th in Europe 2009.[6] The expansion pack Empire: Total War Warpath was released in October 2009. Warpath is set in The Americas where you can control five different Native American Nations.
Napoleon Total War:


Napoleon: Total War, is a RTS/turn based stratergy developed on the Empire Total War engine, with over 355 historical, unique modeled units, it lets the player take command as Napoleon Bonaparte. With three campaigns, one set during Napoleon's Italian campaign in 1796, the Egyptian campaign in 1798 and the Mastery of Europe or Grand Campaign from 1805 to 1812, ending with a optional Waterloo scenario. All of Napoleon's major battles will be presented as historical scenarios and it includes a whole new multiplayer system which will include a multiplayer option for the campaign. It is currently in development, and is scheduled for release in March 2010.
Rome Total War:
Medieval 2 Total War:
Tech Support

Instructiunea instalarii Rome Total War(+ addonuri)

Instructiunea pentru instalarea jocului Folosesc aceast joc..:
(pentru aceasta trebuie sa dawnlodam torrentul dat ) :
1) Instalam Rome Total War
2) Instalam Rome Total War -Barbarian Invasion
3) Instalam  Patch 1.6 (din torrent)
4) Instalam Rome Total War - Alexander
5)Copy/paste crackurile(daca e versiune piratata) ( Important!! folositi crackurile oferite in joc ,..ele nu-s valabile pentru patch..:wink:
p.s. daca nu vreti sa dawnlodati patchul cu crackurile impreuna,scoateti bifa la file-ul care nu va trebuie



Zyper / Krakadil / Ucionyi / Kripton / Crossfire
  Imortal / TermikMDA / SEAD / VASEA20000 / neluser
    maximas31 / DeaDlyMan /STRESS /TurboCata / ProK1D

Prietenii noştri:

Total War Campionat

------------------------------------------------------------Beleriand Wars (MOD) section----------------------------------------------------------------

Eu si Console am inceput un mod pentru RTW :"Beleriand Wars"
Storyline-ul:va fi bazat pe cartea Silmarillion
Locul: Beleriand
Echipa: DiZaster(Mapper,LORE) ; console(Unit) ; Ucionyi(LORE)

Ne Trebuie mai multa lume!

Fractiuni(thx Ucionyi)

.....o sa se adauge pe parcurs
Sa terminam harta(se lucreaza(DiZaster) ) Progres
Sa facem un preview a Doriathului(se lucreaza(console)Progres 1
Sa fac harta lucratore

Editat de către DiZaster la 2010-06-25 22:04:17

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#951 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 00:45:48 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top Imi cer scuze de offtopic dar avem nevoie de semnaturi urgent. - La Alexander scrieti un messaj tuturor daca doriti :) Totodata puteti sa semnati de mai multe ori daca aveti mai multe emailuri(confidentiaitatea garantata).

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#952 by Kuznecik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 13:32:02 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#951 Andrason, semnat :wink:

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#953 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 16:42:51 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#952 Kuznecik, Multumesc :)

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#954 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 18:16:03 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
35 de semnaturi!!!! :)
oameni buni,scuzati ca merg oleaca off-topic,daca puteti,sa puneti linkul petitiei ca semnatura la toate forumurile pe care sunteti inregistrati :)

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#955 by DiZaster (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 18:52:40 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#954 napoleon10, offtop? e strans legat de Total War.Cum naibii sa cumpar licenta)?!

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#956 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-04 20:47:38 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#955 DiZaster, Prin steam se poate, iar la noi este mai usor de a plati webmoney, iar aici: ei au uitat de Moldova, care este apropo membru al CIS.
De aceia incurajam sa semnati petitia. Desigur puteti folosi dar nu este nici o garanatie ca ordinul va fi indeplinit, caci nu este cu totul legal - cineva cumpara, tu platesti, si el trebuie sa o transmita. Desigur ca eu personal nu sunt de acord cu decizia Valve de a ne alunga din steam, pentru ca platirea prin paypal, visa card este mai greu(mai ales inregistrarea :wink:) Noi tot vrem o sistema de achitare usoara, poate daca vom avea multe semnaturi aceasta petitie va intra in viziunea Valve si ei ne vor include ina aceasta lista, timpul ne va spune.

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#957 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 16:08:36 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
baaai am vazt' azi pe aista... a cistigat o batalie intreaga cu generalul sau numai!!! xD vedeti aici.. si dati pe la sfirsti :)

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#958 by george95 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 16:43:06 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#957 napoleon10, de asta nu prea imi place RTW....O unitate de general poate sa distruga o intreaga armada formata din legionari sau cohorte urbane.Am patit asta contra britoni.La ei era o unitate de general la mine armata plina de legionari si tot am pierdut.

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#959 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 17:02:45 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
sa inteleg ca joci mIItw dara? :)

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#960 by george95 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 17:42:47 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#959 napoleon10, yeap.

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#961 by Kuznecik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 17:50:33 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
In RTW n-am patit asa ceva, dar in M2TW......
Jucam in M2TW Kingdoms (Britania) in Hotseat (campanie multiplayer), am fost pentru irlanda
Am patit asa ceva ca 1 general englez (undeva 15 soldati) a distrus armata mea de 300 de ifantrie (пехота ^^)
Am avut asa fata > O_o
Si chiar mi-a aratat cum contra AI sa joc cu 1 singur general ^^

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#962 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 18:39:20 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
apropo..ce versiune e nevoie penrtu a juca mIItw online?

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#963 by george95 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 20:02:13 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#962 napoleon10, si cd key gasesti dami te rog si mie.

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#964 by Kuznecik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-05 21:05:40 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#962 napoleon10, ultima versiune (nu prea tin minte, credca era 1.04)

Editat de către Kuznecik la 2011-02-06 12:15:12

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#965 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 12:30:45 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
daca cineva vrea medieval II total war apui este pe amazon..costa 11.8$
pe steam e 20 $ :\

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#966 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 13:49:27 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#965 napoleon10, Pe amazon o parte foarte mica se duce la creatorii jocului.

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#967 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 14:34:36 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Andrason nu-ti fie teama...ei cistig sute sute si miliarde de la seriile total deficit ei nu merg xD
pe mine ma preocupa cumparea jocului cu licenta..da banii pe care ai cistig devii nu ma pre ma intereseaza
ei sunt o companie vazut cum arata office-ul lor? daca nu trage o privire pe forumul total war :)

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#968 by DiZaster (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 14:39:01 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#967 napoleon10, "... daca nu trage o privire pe forumul total war ..." - da link terog,nu la total war forums..dar la topic-ul cu oficiu)

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#969 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 16:18:43 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#968 DiZaster, Mie tot :D

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#970 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 19:16:26 (732 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

poftim! :)
si nu asa..da inca contruiesc cabinete subterane xD

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#971 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 21:27:12 (731 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
parerile multor steam useri conform semnaturilor lor:

Gary:Even cats should have steam accounts and pay via webmoney, have you given a though about them?! :P
Chiar si pisicile trebuie sa aiba accounturi steam si sa plateasca via webmoney,va-ti gindit la asta?

Rob:Heck, Steam should support ALL European countries, it's not Africa LOL
Ce dracu',Steam are trebuie sa sustina TOATE tarile europene,nu e Africa LOL

Johnny:For ease of payment!
Pentru plata mai usoara

Megashop:We're not worse than anyone else in CIS (cred ca un moldovan)
Nu suntem mai prejos decit altcineva din CSI

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#972 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-06 23:24:32 (731 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#971 napoleon10, Commentarii foarte puternice :D

#970 napoleon10, Multumesc.

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#973 by Zyper (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-07 07:41:30 (731 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#971 napoleon10, "... Steam should support ALL European countries, it's not Africa LOL ..." - cu Africa a rupt :lol:

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#974 by napoleon10 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-12 22:15:07 (731 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
azi am fost sa-mi cumpar medieval II total war,mergea impreuna cu empire si expansionea Kingdoms,si m-am bucurat..numa 95 de lei
vin acasa... vreu sa instalez...hop.. am numai optiunea de a instala empire si MEDIEVAL TOTAL WAR - viking invasion(prima expansiune) care nu trebuia inclusa.. mai in scurt lahatron..nio mers ca am cerut bonul de casa ..maine il returnez.

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#975 by Andrason (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-02-12 23:01:02 (731 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#974 napoleon10, Unde ai luat?

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