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#0 by Schumacher Donor (The First & The One) (0 mesaje) at 2009-02-16 00:10:19 (814 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Рад приветствовать Вас на топике, посвященном сезону 2018 автогонок в классе
Формула 1


Календарь Чемпионата:

25 марта - Австралия (Альберт-парк) Этап пройден*
8 апреля - Бахрейн (Сахир) Этап пройден*
15 апреля - Китай (Шанхай) Этап пройден*
29 апреля - Азербайджан (Баку) Этап пройден*
13 мая - Испания (Барселона) Этап пройден*
27 мая - Монако (Монте-Карло) Этап пройден*
10 июня - Канада (Монреаль) Этап пройден*
24 июня - Франция (Ле-Кастелле) Этап пройден*
1 июля - Австрия (Шпильберг) Этап пройден*
8 июля - Великобритания (Сильверстоун) Этап пройден*
22 июля - Германия (Хоккенхайм)
29 июля - Венгрия (Хунгароринг)
26 августа - Бельгия (Спа)
2 сентября - Италия (Монца)
16 сентября - Сингапур (Марина-Бей)
30 сентября - Россия (Сочи)
7 октября - Япония (Сузука)
21 октября - США (Остин)
28 октября - Мексика (Мехико)
11 ноября - Бразилия (Сан-Паулу)
25 ноября - Абу-Даби (Яс-Марина)


Личный зачет:

1. С. Феттель (Scuderia Ferrari) - 171 points
2. Л. Хэмилтон (Mercedes AMG) - 163
3. К. Райкконен (Scuderia Ferrari) - 116
4. Д. Риккардо (Red Bull Racing) - 106
5. В. Боттас (Mercedes AMG) - 104
6. М. Ферстаппен (Red Bull Racing) - 93
7. Н. Хюлкенберг (Renault Sport) - 42
8. Ф. Алонсо (McLaren Honda) - 40
9. К. Магнуссен (Haas F1 Team) - 39
10. К. Сайнс (Renault Sport) - 28
11. Э. Окон (Sahara Force India) - 25
12. С. Перес (Sahara Force India) - 24
13. П. Гасли (Scuderia Toro Rosso) - 18
14. Ш. Леклер (Alfa Romeo Sauber) - 13
15. Р. Грожан (Haas F1 Team) - 12
16. С. Вандорн (McLaren Honda) - 8
17. Л. Стролл (Williams Martini Racing) - 4
18. М. Эриксон (Alfa Romeo Sauber) - 3
19. Б. Хартли (Scuderia Toro Rosso) - 1
20. С. Сироткин (Williams Martini Racing) - 0


Кубок Конструкторов:

1. Scuderia Ferrari - 287 points
2. Mercedes - 267
3. Red Bull Racing - 199
4. Renault - 70
5. Haas - 51
6. Force India - 49
7. McLaren - 48
8. Toro Rosso - 19
9. Sauber - 16
10. Williams - 4


Следующий гран-при: Германия
Info: 22.07


Editat de către Schumacher la 2018-07-10 00:52:59

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#1901 by Octavian4ik (Super User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 17:42:54 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Vad ca deja s-au scris rezultate, asa ca scriu fara spoiler. Mia placut cursa, interesanta, acest campionat si-a pastrat intriga pina la ultimul cerc. Vettel bravo, a meritat victoria, Petrov tot bun. M-au dezamagit Webber si Alonso.

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#1902 by Gog (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 17:53:11 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1901 Octavian4ik, "... M-au dezamagit Webber si Alonso ..." - doi lasarisi, i-au inminat titlul lui Vettel :lol:

Vettel bravo, s-a luptat pina la urma, nu a lasat sanse nici in cursa precedenta, nici in asta, speranta moare ultima :P

Lui Alonso i-as trage o mama de bataie, mai bine sa nu-mi apara in fata acum :rofl:

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#1903 by Neuro88 (LFC & FCD Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 18:33:02 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
da Alonso pacat, chiar imi pare rau , echipa e devina cum a ajuns de pe 4 pe 12 sau cit era , greseala tactica si pierderea titlului

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#1904 by System at 2010-11-14 18:47:33 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Îmi pare foarte rău pentru Alonso (cu toate speram ca Hamilton să câștige).
Vettel nu prea merita dacă cinstit (însă oricum e mai bun ca Webber).
P.S.: Zilele acestea o să am o ură mare pentru Petrov și Kubica (chiar fiind și suporter Renault).

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#1905 by olegstat (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 18:49:33 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1900 Talea, Это должен был Петров показывать Алонсо тогда)

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#1906 by System at 2010-11-14 18:53:49 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Am scris acum pe YT „Alonso Petrov” și îmi apar două video cu denumiri foarte stranii:
Primul: „Алонсо поздравляет Петрова. Alonso congratulates Petrov”
Al doilea: „Фернандо Алонсо грозит кулаком Виталию Петрову”

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#1907 by _ADEAS_ (F1 Fan|Moto&Car-owner|Student) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 20:49:25 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1897 olegstat, "... Феттель молодец, заслужил победу) ..." - + 10 Chiar a meritat băietul!

#1898 Gog, "... кто отвечает за тактику в феррари уволить нах, а потом сварить в кипящем масле ..." - şi asta trebuie numaidecît de făcut!

#1897 olegstat, "... Алонсо не выйграл из-за Петрова) ..." - misepare după epizodul acesta.....îl voi urî pe V.Petrov!

Vinovată strategia !

Mai răbdi sezonul următor cu KERS şi debutanţi noi !!!

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#1908 by Experiment (Hala Madrid!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 21:15:29 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
:ae: sincere felicitari lui Vettel.. si tuturor cu o cursa formidabila..intr-adevar a fost superb.
ce emotionant era cind Vettel plingea )

chiar daca sun fan ferrari..chiar sunt intrun fel bucuros ca alonso nu a luat premiul de campion..dupa cum am mai pre imi place mie de dinsu ))

faza ceea cu petrov si alonso la sfirsit a fost ft interesanta. alonso na facut frumos

astept cu neabdare sezonl urmator :mml:

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#1909 by Falcon255 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 21:58:15 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Вот и всё победил сильнейший может не тот кто бы хотелось, но явно сильнейший
теперь будем до марта ждать и следить за тестами....

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#1910 by Experiment (Hala Madrid!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 21:58:54 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
repede a trecut sezonul :)

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#1911 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 23:27:47 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
bravo Vettel , pare rau de Alonso .... dar ....

Pertov the best :mml:

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#1912 by Octavian4ik (Super User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-14 23:41:45 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
pacat ca pauza intre sezoane e asa mare, avem mult de asteptat pina la urmatoare cursa :)

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#1913 by Onikage (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-15 12:34:22 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
undeva e chiae cinstit ca Vettel a cistigat campionatul si nu Alonso....
Sa nu facut prostia ceea din hockenheim, Alonso ar fi campion ...dar nu a meritat, nici el nici comanda !
Bravo Red Bull Bravo VETTEL !

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#1914 by System at 2010-11-15 13:17:07 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1913 Onikage, "... nici comanda ..." - :rofl:

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#1915 by Octavian4ik (Super User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-15 23:59:22 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Vettel alaturi de Michael Schumacher :)

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#1916 by Gog (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-16 00:03:18 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1915 Octavian4ik, nice :)

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#1917 by System at 2010-11-16 00:03:25 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1915 Octavian4ik, Super fotografia.

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#1918 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-16 21:33:34 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
The 10 Best M. Schumacher Wins

1992 Belgium (Benetton)

The first win at the venue that became synonymous with Schumacher?s career. In just his 18th grand prix, the 23-year-old German showed the awareness of a veteran after spinning off in the wet-dry race.
After rejoining behind team-mate Martin Brundle, he noticed the Briton?s tyres were blistering, so came in for dries and duly won the race ahead of the all-conquering Williams-Renaults.

1995 Belgium (Benetton)

Schumacher qualified in 16th ? the lowest position of his career so far ?but scythed through the field to amazingly lead the race by lap 15.
However he soon had Damon Hill in the Williams chasing him down on wet tyres as rain began to fall.

It should have been easy pickings for the Briton, as his nemesis was on dries, but Schumacher used some of the most robust defensive tactics ever seen to unbelievably cling on to the lead. Hill eventually got by, but Michael still took the win dealing a huge psychological blow to his rival.

1995 Europe (Benetton)

A brilliant victory at the Nurburgring that summed up his second championship-winning year with Benetton. In another wet race, Michael came out from his final pit stop 24 seconds behind leader Jean Alesi (Ferrari) with just 16 laps to go. It would have been game over for most, but not for the German who sensationally reeled the Italian in before overtaking around the outside in to the final chicane with only a handful of laps remaining.

1996 Spain (Ferrari)

Arguably Schumacher?s greatest ever win was also his first for Ferrari in torrential rain in Spain.

After dropping from third to ninth at the start, the reigning champion sailed back up through the field picking off the Benettons for third, then second by lap nine before cruising past Jacques Villeneuve for the lead on lap 12. A truly stunning drive in horrendous conditions.

1997 Monaco (Ferrari)

Of Schumacher?s five Monaco wins this one was undoubtabely the best.

His gamble of switching to an intermediate set-up before the start proved to be an inspired move as rain began to fall on the parade lap.
While many of his rivals (famously Williams) floundered at the start, Michael was again a class apart building up a 7s lead by the end of the first lap alone. He could even afford to lose 10s with a late spin at Ste Devote and still win by almost a minute.

1998 Hungary (Ferrari)

The race where Ross Brawn famously told his star driver that all he had to do to win was build a 25 second lead in just 19 laps before his final pit stop. As difficult a task as you are likely to get in F1, made harder by the fact that your rivals have the fastest car! But a nifty switch of strategy and a relentless sequence of qualifying-style laps from the German were enough to take the most unlikely of victories.

2000 Japan (Ferrari)

The win that finally secured Michael that elusive first title for Ferrari came after he edged an intense two day battle with rival Mika Hakkinen.
After piping the Finn in qualifying, Schumacher lost the lead at the start, but matched the McLaren man lap for lap until just before the second round of stops. A sprinkling of rain then gave Michael the edge and after Hakkinen pitted he put in two stunningly quick laps to pit and hold the lead, ending four years of hurt.

2002 Belgium (Ferrari)

This gets into our top 10 as it emphasises how Schumacher was operating at the peak of his powers in 2002.

With his fifth championship already in the bag some two months before, the German kept on rolling at Spa handing out a driving master class to the field. After easing to pole, he obliterated everyone in the race, setting a succession of fastest laps from the off ? his best at the end a second quicker than team-mate Rubens Barrichello?s and 2s faster than the next non-Ferrari runner.

2003 Austria (Ferrari)
If any of Schumacher's wins demonstrated his ability to bounce back from setbacks it was Austria 2003 ? after a fire broke out when his car was getting refuelled in his first pit stop!
Leading the race, he stopped on lap 23 but the side of his car was soon engulfed in flames after a few drops of fuel from the refuelling nozzle dropped onto his hot F2003-GA.

However there was no panic from Michael, who remained unperturbed in the cockpit while the Ferrari mechanics rushed to put the fire out. It cost him the lead and 20 seconds ? but Schumacher being Schumacher roared back to win the race.

2004 France (Ferrari)

Another Schumacher-Brawn masterpiece, this time at Magny-Cours midway through Michael?s record-breaking 2004 season.
Ferrari decided to switch Schumacher from his originally planned three stops to an extraordinary four to try and jump the Spaniard.
In a virtual re-run of his exploits at the Hungaroring some six years before, Schumacher?s unrivalled ability to suddenly up the pace when it matters paid dividends again as he put in a stunning sequence of fast laps in the final two stints of the race to get one over on his future rival.

Schumacher cries after equals Ayrton Senna's number of victories.


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#1919 by Cash (Mr. Worldwide) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-16 22:36:05 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1918 ColeaSav, :girlsigh: ,sunt unele curse care nu le-am privit eram mic atunci ,sper sa le vad :)

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#1920 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-16 22:50:32 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1919 Cash, Eu parca le pot gasi , dar slab cu seed...

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#1921 by Cash (Mr. Worldwide) (0 mesaje) at 2010-11-16 22:57:09 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1920 ColeaSav, don't worry ,gasesc eu dak cv , principalu sa gasesc si timp sa le privesc )) ms

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#1922 by System at 2010-12-09 19:59:23 (719 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Nu am știut că „a mâncat bătaie”, dar probabil merita. Poate o să fie schimbat în curând.

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#1923 by Cash (Mr. Worldwide) (0 mesaje) at 2010-12-09 20:49:17 (719 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1922 eurosergiu, l-au prins dupa un colt si i-au administrat o bataie buna , a ramas fara ceas si cv bani :D

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#1924 by System at 2010-12-09 20:51:26 (719 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1922 eurosergiu, ppt ce-au facut din moşneag :shok:
p.s. Nici nu merita !

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#1925 by HuNTeR_96Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-12-11 21:20:33 (719 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
felipe masa the best

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