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#0 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-03 11:39:15 (941 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#1076 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 00:39:10 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1075 Jitalik, Главное никуя не удаляй. Я завтра приду лично посмотрю.8-) :-)

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#1077 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 01:13:49 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1076 BuXPb, "... Я завтра приду лично посмотрю ..." - Ну как скажете доктор :D

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#1078 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 10:21:31 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1076 BuXPb, И придет гуру BuXPb и покажет Jitalik как надо в жизни делать чтоб все у него было првально

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#1079 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 11:38:25 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1078 Votan, Точно подмечено, Ватсон! :boss:

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#1080 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 11:51:03 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1079 BuXPb, Не забудь забычковать сигару на потом когда надоест выпендриватся :D

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#1081 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 12:26:11 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1080 Jitalik, Я не выпендриваюсь - я импроивизирую.:-D А это мне не надоест.

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#1082 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 19:43:25 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
вот и увидел я иксбокс 360 ну что могу сказать такое гавно как можно за такую хрень давать деньги привод шумный игры бес понтовые не интересный короче однозначный маст дай маикрософт опять замутило котлету

П.С.: для не понимающих юмора поясню что выше сказанное стёб а бокс штука офигеная хотю

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#1083 by Erick (¡La 15-a ya esta aquí!) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 19:45:42 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1082 Votan, :rofl: юморист

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#1084 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 19:51:13 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1082 Votan, Ню ню.:-)

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#1085 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 20:11:51 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Crazy good Forza 2 custom paint jobs

Forza 2 isn't even a week old and players have already unleashed some killer custom paint jobs for their rides. A slick iPod theme, several anime-inspired cars along with South Park, Jack Sparrow, and a little game you might have heard of called Gears of War. Readers at Xbox 360 Fanboy have chimed in with their own works as well, proving once again that videogames don't kill brain cells, people kill brain cells.

Lite-On IT становится OEM-поставщиком приводов для Xbox 360
По информации различных тайваньских источников, компания Lite-On IT приобрела статус официального OEM-поставщика оптических приводов для консолей Xbox 360. Поставки приводов начнутся в третьем квартале этого года с прогнозируемыми объема производства примерно 0,8-1 миллион приводов в месяц.

Lite-On IT перешла часть бизнеса по производство оптических приводов от компании BenQ в середине 2006 года, однако до настоящего момента первая решала сертификационные вопросы с Microsoft на предмет приобретения прав OEM-производителя.

Lite-On IT продолжит дело BenQ, став вторым крупным OEM-производителем встроенных оптических приводов для Xbox 360. Однако, как утверждают некоторые источники, Lite-On IT имеет все шансы в будущем заменить Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation, получив статус основного поставщика.

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#1086 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-03 21:06:14 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
В следующее воскресенье снова намечается офлайн. Кто желает пойти, спланируйте свой график так, чтоб осталось время на оф.

Epic: Gears для PS3 – это ложь
Марк Рейн (Mark Rein) из компании Epic активно опроверг слухи о том, что компания Epic планирует портировать “Gears of War” на PS3, что бы насолить Microsoft. "Эта история полное дерьмо. Я написал письмо руководству сайта и потребовал удалить статью. Мы очень довольны нашими отношениями с Microsoft. Если бы мы не были партнерами, то Gears никогда не стали бы таким большим суперхитом."

Editat de către BuXPb la 2007-06-04 08:17:55

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#1087 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 01:07:43 (924 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1086 BuXPb, "... снова намечается офлайн ..." - +1

#1086 BuXPb, "... Эта история полное дерьмо ..." -  :D

Famitsu Top 20 Most Wanted Titles
Every week, Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu publishes a list of the top 20 most wanted titles across all current formats.

Once again Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy XIII and Biohazard 5 remain cemented firmly at the top of the list, Dragon Quest Swords also remains at 7, whilst Everybody’s Golf drops from 9 to 11.

The Xbox 360 gets a bit of a boost this week with the first ever inclusion of Halo 3 at number 20 (that may sound low to us Westerners, but it’s quite an impressive feat for Japan), plus Lost Odyssey jumps two places from 12 to 10.

1. Dragon Quest IX NDS Square Enix
2. Final Fantasy XIII PS3 Square Enix
3. Biohazard 5 PS3 Capcom
4. Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 Konami
5. Monster Hunter 3 PS3 Capcom
6. Zelda no Densetsu: Phantom Hourglass NDS Nintendo
7. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors Wii Square Enix
8. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generations PS2 Banpresto
9. Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii Nintendo
10. 12/10) Lost Odyssey Xbox 360 Microsoft
11. Everybody’s Golf 5 PS3 Sony
12. Doubutsu no Mori [Animal Crossing] Wii Nintendo
13. Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Capcom
14. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII PSP Square Enix
15. Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It’s a Wonderful World NDS Square Enix
16. Final Fantasy Versus XIII PS3 Square Enix
17. Super Mario Galaxy Wii Nintendo
18. Gran Turismo 5 PS3 Sony
19. Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume Xbox 360 Bandai Namco
20. Halo 3 Xbox 360 Microsoft

The Big E3 List: 2007 Edition

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#1088 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 08:18:47 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1087 Jitalik, "... "... Эта история полное дерьмо ..." ..." - Коротко и чётко так высказался чел.:lol:

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#1089 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 10:38:04 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Первая информаия о Aliens
На Ubidays 2007 Рэнди Питчфорд, глава Gearbox, скинул в массы пару деталей о новом шутере во вселенной Alien. Теперь мы знаем, что игру основывают на Кэмероновских Чужих 1986-го года, а ее главный герой будет морпехом. Gearbox уже серъезно трудится над проектом, но игра выйдет на Next Gen только в 2009 году. Также, они поддерживают некоторую “креативную” связь с Obsidian Entertainment, которые делают RPG в той же вселенной, но по словам Питчфорда - “Две игры идут в абсолютно разных направлениях”.

Статистика от Valve
Самая любимая компания всех времен и народов регулярно обновляет статистику геймерских систем. Она подтверждают, что у большинства на западе слишком хорошие интернет каналы (у 33% шнур в 2 Мбита толщиной), а про DirectX 10 все знают только по наслышке (с ним совместим 1% систем). Самый популярный объем памяти (47%) от 512 до 1024 мегабайт, AMD и Intel держатся наравне по популярности, а ATI проигрывает Nvidia. У многих стоят на столе 16-ти и 17-ти дюймовые мониторы (50%), в 19-шки пялится всего 18% пользователей. Шина PCIe уже официально убила AGP, ей обладает половина систем. XP стоит на 9 из 10 машин. Windows Vista на 1 из 20. Русский язык, по количеству пользователей, в Steam на 4-м месте, после английского, немецкого и французского. И самый популярный объем свободного пространства на винте - от 10 до 20 гигайбайт.

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#1090 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 11:44:26 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1089 Jitalik, "... Статистика от Valve ..." - Забавно.:-)

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#1091 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 15:42:11 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Microsoft Game Studios
Выборочный список.

Gears of war
Forza Motorsport
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Lost Odissey
Viva Pignata
Vampire Rain
Dead or Alive
Perfect Darkness
Too Human
The Condemned
Tenchu Z
Shenmue 2
Kingdom Under Fire
Project Gotham Racing
Alan Wake
Ninety-Nine Nights
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Jade Empire
Metal Gear Solid (для компа, базарю!) :D
Project Silpheed (square)

Sony Computer Enertainament of America
Выборочный список

Dark Cloud
Gran Turismo
Twisted Metal
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
The Getaway
EyeToy: Play
God of War
Shadow of the Colossus
Super Rub a Dub :D
Heavenly Sword
Formula One Championship Edition
Resistance: Fall of Man
The Eye of Judgment

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#1092 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 17:30:34 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Tekken 6 - Fighting Its Way To Xbox 360?

Ok guys, this one is strictly filed under the "rumour" section so take it with a pinch of salt, but the SAME guy (an IGN insider source) who first broke news of the Xbox 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5, is now reporting that Namco is currently developing both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Tekken 6, scheduled for release this winter. When asked for confirmation, Namco were unavailable for comment, but following titles like Assassin's Creed and many other previously PS3-only titles' now going multi-platform, don't be too surprised if Namco's latest fighter ends up on Xbox 360 also.

Free content for Lost Planet coming June 7th

Calling all Lost Planet owners, the multiplayer map Battlefield will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace for free, zilch, nada next Thursday, June 7 to be exact. The map was previously available to those who had shelled out for the Collector's Edition of the game.

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#1093 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 17:40:15 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1092 BuXPb, "... Tekken 6 ..." - не люблю серию но сам факт её появления на Боксе приятен.

#1092 BuXPb, "... Free content  ..." - ШАРА!!!

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#1094 by BuXPb (NextGen WaRRior) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 19:29:49 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1093 Jitalik, "... сам факт её появления на Боксе приятен. ..." - Ещё как!!!! :ae:

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#1095 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-04 22:38:41 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Gates Hints At New Xbox Control System
Microsoft’s Bill Gates has given the strongest hint yet that the company plans to introduce a new control system for the Xbox 360 influenced by the success of the Wii, although his somewhat vague comments suggest a very different approach to Nintendo.

As detailed by technology website All Things Digital, Gates was taking part in a live conversation with Apple founder Steve Jobs, when Gates began to discuss the use of 3D online interfaces and the increasing role of the PC as a home media and communications center.

He ended his comments by saying, “And as we get natural input, that will cause a change... Software is doing vision and so, you know, imagine a game machine where you’re just going to pick up the bat and swing it or the tennis racket and swing it.”

As the similarities behind his concept and that of the Wii were pointed out, Gates responded: “No, that’s not it. You can’t pick up your tennis racket. And swing it.”

“You can’t sit there with your friends and do those natural things. That’s a 3D positional device. This is video recognition,” he added.

Although the use of the phrase “game machine” implies Xbox 360 technology, no further details were provided by Gates, although others, including Xbox’s Peter Moore, have previously hinted at Microsoft’s interest in producing a motion sensing controller for the Xbox 360.

Gates himself has been the most dismissive of Microsoft executives on the subject of the Wii, repeatedly stating his skepticism of the format and its controller and regarding it as a novelty. In May 2006, he even went as far as to state that motion sensing controllers are “something that's not mainstream for most games.”

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#1096 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-05 00:03:53 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Fallout 3 тизер сегодня ночью

Major Xbox announcement coming tomorrow?
Word on the street (that is, Gamertag Radio) is that a major Xbox announcement is dropping tomorrow, set to coincide with the final round of the Pac-Man World Championship. Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg dropped the hint via an instant message session with GTR's Godfree. What the hell is this announcement about? We have no idea, only Greenberg's cryptic words, "we have a secret unveil for gamers around the world that I think will go down in video game history."

Стратегия World in Conflict выйдет на Xbox 360?
События World in Conflict разворачиваются в альтернативной реальности. В 1989 году, без предупреждения, Советские войска высаживаются на побережье Сиэтла в Северной Америке. Начинается Третья Мировая война. Игра создается силами компании Massive Entertainment, на счету которой столь известные стратегии, как Ground Control и Ground Control 2.

Изначально проект был заявлен только для РС, однако, если верить двухстраничному превью World in Conflict в журнале GamePro, World in Conflict выйдет также и в версии для Xbox 360. Релиз игры запланирован на конец текущего года. Разработчик пока не прокомментировал эту информацию.

GTA IV may be delayed until 2008 to boost Take-Two's financial earnings.

Michael Patcher, analyst for Wedbush Morgan, has speculated that publisher Take Two may choose delay the release of the hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV till 2008, in an effort to boost financial earnings.

The game, due out on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, hits shelves mere weeks before the end of the currnet financial year on October 16th.

However, Patcher believes “that it is possible that the company will choose to "throw in the towel" on financial year 07 by shifting the release date for Grand Theft Auto IV by a few weeks, increasing the losses incurred this year and improving the company’s prospects for financial year 08."

Furthermore, he stated that a two-week delay would allow for a "reasonable gap" between Halo 3 and GTA IV, which in turn "would actually help sales of both games".

As it stands, Take-Two is currently preparing for the release of the company’s Q2 financial results on June 11th, which Patcher said is likely to result in cutting cost measures, "resulting in studio closures and charge-offs for games in development".

"Shareholders apparently believe that new management has the 'magic bullet' required to reverse the company’s recent history of consistent quarterly losses," he continued.

"Although we are impressed with new management and believe that they will ultimately succeed in turning Take-Two’s fortunes around, we think that the turnaround will take more than a year to complete”, concluded Patcher.

PS: Fallout 3 тизер сегодня ночью

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#1097 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-05 00:08:14 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1096 Jitalik, И где ?? нету блин уроды

блин я забыл про часовые пояса очевидно по ихнему времени появится ролик хотя у мну пишет что уже 00 дней

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#1098 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-05 00:13:27 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1097 Votan, "... я забыл про часовые пояса ..." - спокойно, спокойно... осталось пару часов.

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#1099 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-05 00:26:04 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1098 Jitalik, осталось еще 8 часов

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#1100 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-06-05 09:47:46 (923 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Soul Calibur IV to be unveiled shortly
Although EGM's latest BioShock issue hasn't even reached mailboxes yet, there's good reason to be excited about the following issue.

In the final pages of this month's issue, EGM writes, "If you're hankering for a virtual fistfight, top-quality options about -- the Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and Dead or Alive franchises all offer satisfying punch-up action. But if you're truly looking to give your opponent something to cry about, it's all about wielding sharpened steel, and nothing beats Namco Bandai's Soul Calibur series for weapon-based fighting thrills. In our world-exclusive preview, we'll reveal the future direction of this beloved series."

It seems the adventure-based Soul Calibur Legends for the Wii simply wasn't enough. Namco Bandai is gearing up for the next generation of Soul Calibur. We'll keep you up to date.

Aussie Xbox 360 Software Sales Break Records
Australia, June 4, 2007 - Aussie Xbox 360 owners appear to have an insatiable appetite for games, setting a new record for software sales. Over one million Xbox 360 titles have sold in the fourteen months since the platform's Australian launch, beating every existing platform in this regard - PS2 and Nintendo DS included.

According to Daniel Morse, Account Director at GfK Australia, "360 has reached the milestone faster than any previous console, and is currently outperforming other next generation consoles in terms of software sales. Titles such as "Gears of War", "Saints Row" and "Call of Duty 2", the top three selling Xbox 360 games, have played major roles in the success of the platform."

Ubisoft Australia was happy to divulge which games it had the most success with, saying "…we have been delighted with the response to "Rainbow Six: Vegas" and the "Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter" series." No surprises there folks.

Over 160 Xbox 360 titles are now available in Australia, a number which is set to almost double by the end of the year.

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