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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (916 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#326 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 15:26:11 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#321 regnumekal, вобще то я имел ввиду старый C&C а точнее Тибериум сун

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#327 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 16:32:00 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#326 Votan, :hmmm:

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#328 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 18:33:49 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Warhammer Online offline 'til '08
Via newsletter, Mythic announces that EA's fantasy MMORPG has been delayed until next year.
Back when George W. Bush was just a presidential candidate, Climax and Microsoft announced a massively multiplayer role-playing game based on the Warhammer tabletop game. When Bush was up for reelection, the project was briefly canceled, with Climax then developing the game solo for a few months before independent developer Mythic picked up the license in 2005.

Mythic didn't stay independent for long. Last June, after watching rival Vivendi Games bathe itself in World of Warcraft revenue for nearly two years, Electronic Arts decided it wanted its own piece of the MMORPG pie. It bought Virginia-based Mythic, now known as EA Mythic, and began ramping up development of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning for a late-2007 ship.

Now, though, Warhammer Online has been delayed yet again. In a newsletter sent out this week, EA Mythic general manager Mark Jacobs revealed that the game now won't be released until just months before Bush's successor is elected.

"We have made the decision to move our ship date for the US and Europe to the first quarter of 2008," said Jacobs. (The Asian release date remains TBD.) "Since our acquisition by EA, we have been afforded many wonderful development opportunities and we plan to take full advantage of everything that is available. This includes taking several additional months to make the best MMORPG possible."

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#329 by arel (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 19:32:58 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Genre: action
By: Triumph Studios
Platforms: PC X360
Release Date: 26 июня 2007 года

Being bad is inherently a lot more fun than being good. Villains don't have any morals to worry about, they get to laugh really loudly a lot, they usually have some kind of secret lair with lasers inside and they order henchmen around rather than do the dirty themselves. Being bad is the new good.In Overlord, you play as a mysterious character who inherits the evil powers of a long-dead overlord. Unfortunately, the previous overlord's Dark Tower - the source of your evil power - is a crumbling ruin and you've got to rebuild it. Thankfully, you don't need to get your hands dirty yourself; instead you've a horde of wicked-looking Minions at your command, all quite happy to collect items needed to construct a new and more powerful Dark Tower.During your mission to master the dark arts, you come across plenty of enemies: trolls, halflings, dwarves and so on. Although the Overlord himself can bash at them with a rather fierce-looking club, it's much better to send Minions swarming at foes.Overlord gives you total control over movement of your Minions by directing them on their path of destruction with the right analogue stick. This is perfect for squeezing Minions through tight gaps or running over narrow ledges in order to proceed.Interesting gameplay elements aside, Overlord is shaping up to look visually rather nice as well. The first level sees you venturing to a village full of peasants, sheep and evil halflings. There's a lot of detail in the village, from the lush fields full of flowers and trees that surround it, to the plots of bright orange pumpkins and barns in the village itself. Graphically, Overlord certainly isn't the most technically impressive game we've seen, but it's certainly one of the prettiest thanks to the fantastical art design, throwing up environments full of colour and imagination.

Ultimately, Overlord looks to be shaping into something special, offering a much-needed diversion from the onslaught of driving and shooting titles currently clamouring for your attention this year

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#330 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-03 09:32:23 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Fallout 3 покажут в июне
Bethesda Softworks продолжает радовать фанатов ролевой серии Fallout приятными новостями. На днях разработчики объявили, что вскоре каждый желающий сможет своими глазами увидеть плоды труда последних месяцев.

На рекламной страничке Fallout 3 появился счетчик, ведущий обратный отсчет до выхода первого видеоролика из игры. Судя по подсчетам, это событие состоится 5-го июня. Поэтому ждать остается не так уж долго.

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#331 by JRocker (性交) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-03 13:07:30 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#330 Votan, :w00t:

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#332 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-05 17:27:49 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Разработчик:     Electronic Arts UK
Статус:    в разработке, запланирована на июль 2007 года
Жанры:    Arcade / 3D / 3rd Person

Извиняюсь, мне лень искать описание ...

Нажмите на скрин для его увеличения!

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#333 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-05 18:04:46 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Rail Simulator
Genre: Train Sim
By: Electronic Arts, Kuju Entertainment
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release Date: September 2007
Rail Simulator took to the Rails publicly for the first time last week at the annual European Games Convention at Leipzig and announced a working partnership with Deutsche Bahn. The first playable version of the game was exhibited on the EA Games and Microsoft Games for Windows stands which attracted 180k consumers, and was presented in the Business Lounge to worldwide press! 

Rail Simulator featured the Deutsche Bahn’s BR101 German train and in-game screenshots! The previously announced German route has been developed with the support of Deutsche Bahn, who are the leading railway and logistics operator in Germany, and now Rail Simulator’s German official German partner!

Rail Simulator is one of a very exclusive range of Windows Vista launch titles, fully supported by
Microsoft! Rail Simulator will make use of many of the new usability and graphics features of Vista further enhancing the user experience.

And of course, Rail Simulator’s very first screenshots were captured! Jonathan Newth, MD for Kuju’s Rail Simulator, commented “We’re delighted to be able to release our first set of Rail Simulator screenshots and with Rail Simulator’s first major outing at the Leipzig Games Convention! Most of the shots show the Deutsche Bahn 101 which is the feature engine for our German Hagen – Siegen route – but the route is a demonstration route which we have developed for Leipzig.”

Rail Simulator will offer the opportunity for players to take charge of steam, diesel and electric trains on real routes in the UK and Germany.  Challenging and fun gameplay will even enable players to design their own ideal journey routes. Rail Simulator will become the gold standard rail simulation title and will fully support the creation of add-on third party content.

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#334 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-06 20:30:33 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
They Hunger: Lost Souls
Genre: Horror First-Person Shooter
By: Blackwidowgames
Release Date: TBA
Official Site/Additional Info:
Engine: HL2's Source
They Hunger: Lost Souls is a commercial first-person action game powered by the award-winning Half-Life 2 Source engine from Valve Software. Based upon the highly popular They Hunger mod series, the upcoming title features a completely new horror-survival adventure.

In North-Eastern Europe during the early 1960's, strange anomalies culminate with dead corpses rising from their graves. As a tourist recovering from a tragic accident, you seek shelter in an ancient monastery overrun by bloodthirsty zombies, and become involved in an escalading cascade of calamities.

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#335 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-06 23:24:35 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#334 regnumekal, mam saturat de zombi deam :lazy:

#333 regnumekal, Da iaq trenuletzurile imi plac, ash juca cu placere :)

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#336 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-06 23:59:21 (907 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
They Hunger! =D~

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#337 by Jitalik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-08 10:32:17 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#336 BlackCross, "... They Hunger! =D ..." - ultimul screen - ei sunt asha de bucuroshi ca i-au dat voie in joc incit zimbesc. Ia priviti mai atent :)

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#338 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-08 10:48:17 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#337 Jitalik, они просто нашли что покушать вот и довольны того кто смотреть с другой стороны экрана будут кушать

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#339 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-09 08:20:23 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Prima data vad un joc de o asemenea amploare sa fie free. Cellfactor: Revolution a fost lansat pentru a promova PhysX Ageia. Iata link-urile de unde puteti downloada:

Size=880 MB

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#340 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-09 11:49:15 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Fiindca sunt doar user pe torrentsmd, l-am incarcat pe p2p:

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#341 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-11 00:48:34 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
[Two Worlds]

Mai des se întîmplă să apară mai înainte de SHOP, dar se vede că e după 9 mai :) !!!

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#342 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-11 14:29:16 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top :D

Editat de către Iulik la 2007-05-11 16:23:01

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#343 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-11 16:02:20 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#342 Iulik, Îl scot de pe extern, mai am 2 ore!!!

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#344 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-12 07:25:36 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
The Club
Genre: Modern Shooter
By: Sega, Bizarre Creations
Platforms: PC X360 PS3
Release Date: Q4 2007

Earlier today, at its 2007 Spring Gamers Day event in San Francisco, Sega gave us our first look at The Club on the Xbox 360. Also in development for the PlayStation 3 and the PC, The Club is an arcade-style third-person shooter that appears to borrow more than a few gameplay mechanics from developer Bizarre Creations' popular Project Gotham series of racing games. The storyline revolves around an underground blood sport in which trained killers are tasked with fighting their way through various locales around the world to amuse wealthy and influential, though faceless, audiences. Based on what we've seen today, said premise won't figure prominently in The Club; rather, it's simply an excuse to have an eclectic cast of armed-to-the-teeth characters indulge in fast-paced, action-packed shootouts in locations they really have no business visiting in the first place.

The Club will feature a roster of eight playable characters, most of whom are being kept under wraps for the moment. Those we were afforded brief glimpses of during our presentation included an escaped Russian prisoner named Dragov, a former New York cop named Renwick, a gambler with life-threatening debts, an extreme sports junkie, and a mysterious character whose face was almost completely hidden under a hood. Each of the characters will purportedly play quite differently as a result of their individual speed, strength, and stamina attributes, as well as other factors that aren't being disclosed just yet. For the duration of our presentation, the game's design manager from Bizarre Creations was playing the single-player game as Renwick, showing off two of the game's eight levels as he did so.

First up was a quick tour of the "Prison Cells" level, which bore a strong resemblance to Alcatraz--albeit with many more exploding barrels. Evidently, your goals in The Club will be very similar to those in the Project Gotham Racing games. In other words, you'll try to get to the finish as quickly as possible, and en route you'll try to earn bonuses for style and stringing together combos. The combos are composed of kills rather than powerslides, of course, and the style points will come from headshots and multikill explosions rather than well-taken corners, but you get the idea. Skull tokens scattered throughout the levels will afford you an opportunity to keep your combos going while taking a very brief break from the otherwise nonstop action, and we suspect that in some cases finding them will be the only way to prevent your score-multiplier combo bonus from taking a hit when there are no enemies left in the vicinity. The other level that we saw a small portion of was "Venice," which was similarly gritty in appearance and looked more like a sewer system beneath the city than its famous canals. The remaining locales that you'll be shooting your way through will include a steel mill, a warehouse, a disused ocean liner, a war zone, a bunker, and a manor house.

Most of the enemies that you kill in The Club will leave their weapons behind for you to pick up, and we're told that the game's arsenal will boast at least 17 different firearms for you to play with. Those that we noticed during today's presentation included the Austrian Steyr Aug assault rifle, the Italian SPAS-12 semiautomatic shotgun, the American M60 machine gun, and the AK-74 assault rifle from the Soviet Union. We're told that high-caliber pistols, sniper rifles, and mounted weapons will also figure in The Club, and that you'll be able to earn significant point bonuses by using weapons appropriately.

Since we weren't allowed to play The Club ourselves on this occasion, we couldn't get a feel for its controls. We can tell you that you'll have access to a sprint button and that the left and right triggers will be used for zooming in (when stationary) and for shooting, respectively; but other than that, all we were told is that the controls are "pretty standard" for a third-person shooter. You will be able to take cover, incidentally, though our understanding is that, at least in the single-player game, doing so will almost certainly be a last resort because it slows you down and loses you points.

Bizarre Creations isn't talking about The Club's multiplayer features for the moment, but the fact sheet that we were handed mentions support for up to 16 players online and up to four players on a single screen if you have the Xbox 360 or PS3 version. The PC game won't feature offline multiplayer of any kind. We look forward to bringing you more information on The Club, which is currently scheduled for release "this winter," as soon as it becomes available.

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#345 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-15 15:47:41 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ATI RAdeon HD 2900 XT Hands-On:;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot

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#346 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-18 16:54:11 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Pro Cycling Manager 2007 - Tour de France
Genre: Sport/Simulation
By: Focus Home Interactive, Cyanide
Platforms: PC PSP
Release DateL Jun 20, 2007
Official Site and More Screens:

Pro Cycling Manager/Tour de France 2007.

Offering a brilliant combination of sports simulation and management, the Cycling Manager series presents a series of versions that continue to set the standard for sports video games.

Pro Cycling Manager/Tour de France 2007 gives you an opportunity to compete in the greatest international cycling competitions. In charge of one of 60 official teams available in the game, you control your team’s tactics and strategies for 180 real-time 3D races. As directeur sportif [DS], you are also be responsible for managing your team, signing contracts, equipment, transfers, scheduling, training, and everything else that makes up a working day for a pro team manager.

The accurately represented Tour de France, with its intensity-filled stages, its electric mood in the mountains, its massive sprints, and its breakaways, forms one of the highlights of the game.

The Cyanide team outdid itself to offer you an edition that is rich in innovations and enhancements to immerse the player deeper and deeper into the realism.

In its management piece, the well-known career mode has been updated with a new, much more intuitive interface, a new transfer system, a new simulation engine, new features for recruiters… as many elements mirroring the actual pro competition organisation so as to put you in the shoes of a real team manager.
In its real-time simulation portion, Pro Cycling Manager 2007’s gameplay becomes even more polished and refined. It offers new racing possibilities and improved Artificial Intelligence to create more diverse behaviour for a realistic gaming experience. Combined with graphical effects and gameplay animations using new shaders, shadowing systems, and new textures, this new edition further intensifies the feeling of being immersed, putting the player into the heart of the action.


You participate in the true Tour de France 2007 and take part in all of the season’s big competitions.

An updated and improved database! More than 1500 cyclists, 180 races (Tours or traditional), and 520 stages.

Realistic management of a cyclist manager’s career. Gain experience throughout years and competitions, manage aspects of human relationships, training, finances, etc.

Direct the largest professional teams. A total of 61 official teams are available (Rabobank, Quickstep, Discovery Channel, CSC, etc.).

New gameplay possibilities reinforce the tactical aspect of the races with the introduction of the “observe” mode, Gruppetto, etc.
The Artificial Intelligence of competitors is improved so as to offer behaviours that vary by objectives, situations, and needs. Get ready for even more competition this year!

Includes a race editor to create and modify your own 3D stages.

Playable in single-player and/or multi-player, up to 20 players over the Internet or a LAN: Simple Race mode, Tour mode, and Season mode.

Pro Cycling Manager, a true technical challenge.

Graphically, Pro Cycling Manager improves with each version, a true challenge for Cyanide Studio. This year marks a new, detailed lighting and shadowing system. The routes, vegetation, and mountains have been updated to more closely match the various geographical typologies encountered along the actual races. Add to that the improvements made to the 3D objects (spectators, bikes, cars, etc.), and the result has never been so beautiful and realistic. Although the studio’s constraints are sizable, the playable real-time stages are in fact produced on about a 1/10 scale and present an area of up to 400 kmІ for some stages, compared to the World of Warcraft world of "only" 200 kmІ, which uses streaming to load the different areas of the game.

Cyanide made the technical decision to allow the player to pass from one racer to another in real time, as on a televised broadcast, no matter how much distance is between them. We then instantaneously go to a group of racers breaking away from the stragglers, who may be located tens of kilometres from there (consequently, with very different landscape, racers, and environment textures). This strengthens the player’s immersion and makes it easier to make strategic decisions during a race. However, this drains the system resources incredibly, particularly for any stage including 200 racers, more than 20 different teams, special jerseys, 40,000 (animated 3D) spectators, and roughly 2 million trees, requiring Cyandide to be truly creative to be able to reconcile this technical challenge with the graphics.

Behind a team, a man’s choices.

Pro Cycling Manager / Tour de France 2007 invites you to direct one of 60 official teams during one season, bursting with more than 180 international competitions. You experience the day-to-day life of a sports manager and thereby participate in developing race tactics and strategies as well as in managing your team (transfers, contracts, training, media, equipment, etc).

To optimise your comfort within the management portion of game, the career mode interface has been completely redesigned. The directeurs sportifs will therefore discover a new navigation system that is simpler, more ergonomic, and more instinctive to use.

There is also a new transfer system. It was completely re-examined, cutting the season into three phases (3 in total) in order to avoid downtime. The new transfer period now takes place in between seasons and thus creates gameplay even when there is no race.

The virtual manager will have to face a much more competitive and aggressive AI (Artificial Intelligence) on the transfer market, which will lead to fierce battles to get the desired cyclist. The player will have to make his choices carefully and behave like a sports management professional, as it will be necessary to manage increasingly more complex human relationships in terms of the racers’ motivations, the leaders’ requirements, and the new budget system, which covers salaries, transfers, transportation, etc.

Finally, you must develop a strategy for each of the races by assigning a position (leader, team-mate, sprinter, etc.) to each of your racers. These positions play a crucial role because they affect the motivation of the racers and allow certain race tactics to play out (breakaway, economisation, working for the leader, etc.). The player is then notified on the results page of the effectiveness of their choices, allowing them to adjust or rethink their race strategy to reach the highest spot on the podium.

Experience the race and its highlights.

Pro Cycling Manager is not just about its management piece. It allows us to fully experience the intensity of the races through its real-time simulation mode. It is up to you to implement the best strategies through a panel of complete tactics options (managing the efforts of your racers, replenishments, attack phases, leader protection, competitor monitoring, etc.) and involve yourself completely with your racers according to the situation in order to gain the victory.

In-race gameplay has also been improved by the introduction of a day-by-day system to allow grace periods for racers, depending upon them and their assigned positions. By the effort each racer puts forth, this in-race information makes it possible to build noticeable suspense, as it could tip the balance for a stage.

There is also a new transfer system: “observe”. This makes it possible to gather necessary information about the quality of a racer’s participation by the level of observation obtained on a scale from 1 to 5. You can’t attack or defend yourself during observation, but the player can always click to react to the observed racer’s attack while launching a counter-attack, but beware… A racer can observe only one opponent at a time, and the others are then able to surprise you. If you consider the many improvements to the racers’ AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the tactical richness within races, Pro Cycling Manager / Tour de France 2007 places you at the heart of professional cycling to experience the many highlights and great intensity of the 2007 season.

Editat de către regnumekal la 2007-05-18 17:01:38

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#347 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-18 16:55:19 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#346 regnumekal, dacă asta e next gen pai deacum nu mai ştiu...

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#348 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-18 17:04:12 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#347 BlackCross, Ei da !... :slap: Iata nu tin minte daca am pus vreodata .screenuri de la vreun joc true-nextgen.

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#349 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-18 17:17:00 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#348 regnumekal, fă atunci thread "Anunţuri de jocuri" or smth şi pune acolo pentru ce tre să faci offtopic?

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#350 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-18 17:29:10 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#349 BlackCross, "... fă atunci thread "Anunţuri de jocuri" or smth şi pune acolo pentru ce tre să faci offtopic? ..." - OK. Daca asa de tare te deranjeaza, voi lasa topicul asta sa moara si o sa fac altul.

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