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#0 by Ridedin (◄▌▌█▬☑ Белый ☑ ▬█▐▐►) (0 mesaje) at 2007-11-08 20:02:06 (902 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Editat de către Ridedin la 2016-09-30 12:35:02

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#6501 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 17:27:17 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6498 SashAlex, так что я неправильно сказал объясни ) я же не сказал что коби плохо играл
я сказал что дюрант совершает ошибки которые когда то длеал браинт ) и это глупо ))

а в шаре нет ничего плохого тем более которая решила исход всей серии

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#6502 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 17:40:33 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
numaice privit meciul ... tough loss for OKC
doream meci 7 :)

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#6503 by Toshiba22 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 19:03:27 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6489 Ambush, "... jazz will get pwned easily ..." - N-aş spune... Jazz au prins la curaj p¤zdeţ în seria cu Denver şi au o echipă mai echilibrată şi mai experimentată ca Oklahoma. Lakers tot nu-s de azi, da' o să asude puţin şi cu Jazz imho

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#6504 by Ile (Boston Celtics Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 19:27:27 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6500 Ambush, "... pentru orlando e usor sa ajunga in conference finals ..." - si pentru LAL la fel

in vest tot e clar... nimeni nu se poate lupta de la egal la egal ku Lakers ( iata de ce nu-mi place conferinta asta)

Dar in est sint 3 echipe care pot cistiga. Sa speram ca o va face Boston :)

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#6505 by Ruffrider (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 19:43:17 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top,677,598,659,729
Take a look at my little mix :D

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#6506 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 19:49:16 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


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#6507 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 20:30:48 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6506 Freshman, when ATL or Mil ... and then .... )) :P

#6505 Ruffrider, слишком мелко были бы побольше )))

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#6508 by Ruffrider (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 20:37:39 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6507 TiuTeA, "слишком мелко были бы побольше )))" нажми Enlarge

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#6509 by Ile (Boston Celtics Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 20:43:50 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6505 Ruffrider, klass,546,562,588,678

I love defence :D

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#6510 by Ruffrider (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 21:08:38 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6509 by Ile , nice one, KD got pwned 2 times :rofl:

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#6511 by sEsHoMaRu (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 21:13:21 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6504 Ile, "... si pentru LAL la fel ..." - de unde atita siguranta ?! :lol:

Lakers din anul asta nu sunt nici pe aproape de echipa din anul trecut !

Putem sa spunem ca si in EST tot e clar deja si ca a fost totul clar inca de la inceput ! Si iar Orlando ii macelaresc pe Cavs si ies in finala !

In Vest Match-upurile au fost mai interesante in primul round ! Phoenix nu au jucat cu milwaukee da cu Portland cu 100 de jucatori traumatzi is peste toate echipele din EST de la 4 in jos ! Aceeashi Dallas au avut de jucat cu spurs denver cu jazz...cel mai ushor probabil a fost la ashtia au avut probleme ..!

Dar spunemi se ashtepta in EST sa treaca mai departe Bulls , Miami , sau Bobcats ?! Pff sh normal ca deobicei in est trec mai departe toate echipele din TOP ! Insa in Vest au trecut Spurs care is pe 7 ..Dallas fiind pe 2 , si Jazz care la fel sunt in urma lui Denver in clasament si precis ca nu erau favoriti sa treaca nici una din astea doua !

Si cum poate sa fie interesanta o conferinta ..unde nici nui concurenta in primul round ! ?

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#6512 by Toshiba22 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 21:57:02 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6511 sEsHoMaRu, În East totul abia se-ncepe!!!

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#6513 by Ile (Boston Celtics Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 22:08:23 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Daca esti SashAlex, ar trebui sa stii cel mai bine din toti ca Lakers sunt cu un cap mai sus ka toate echipele din vest. Da, primul round a fost foarte interesant, deoarece echipele de pe lokul 2 pin pe 8 sint cam de-o putere si meciurile dintre ele sint intotdeauna interesante, DAR pericol pentru Lakers nu prezinta nici una.
In est sunt 3 candidati, echipe care intr-adevar pot lua titlul, de aceea imi place conferinta asta.

Sa ne amintim ce a fost anul trecut: de la inceput, majoritatea asteptau o finala Lakers-Celtics, insa dupa accidentarea lui Garnett, favoriti erau Cavs, dar in final Magic i-au surprins pe toti. Lakers fara probleme si fara surprize au cistigat.

Imprevizibilitatea face ca basketul sa devina frumos. Ce folos ca Utah au jukat foarte bine cu Denver, daka eu stiu ca n-au nici o shansa cu Lakers?! Analog si Spurs si Suns.

In est este o lupta interesanta intre echipele de top, dar in vest intre echipele medii si mediocre, iata de ce Estul imi place mai tare ca Vestul

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#6514 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 22:13:02 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Orice finala in afara de LAL-Cavs va fi considerata, de mine, deja o mare surpriza :)

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#6515 by unknown78 (Orlando Magic Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-01 22:16:24 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6514 Antipod, kiar asa ..

#6513 Ile, da tu de unde asa filozof we ?? :D

Utah forward Andrei Kirilenko says he hopes to return to the Jazz by Game 3 of their second-round series against the Los Angeles Lakers.

Kirilenko sat out Utah's first-round win over Denver and missed most of the last month of the regular season with a strained left calf.

Kirilenko said Saturday that his calf has been feeling better and Game 2 on Tuesday in Los Angeles is a slight possibility, but he says Game 3 next Saturday in Utah is the target for his return. The Jazz and Lakers open the second round Sunday in Los Angeles.

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#6516 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 10:23:34 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
aaaaaaaa _ так глупо слили Кавс ) Пирс Мазила )

рондо разделал весь кливлэнд и на нём жестко фолили ) сломать леброна в следующей игре ! __ Перк вперёд !

ЛеБрон Джеймс: «Игроки «Бостона» слишком много говорят»

Форвард «Кливленда» ЛеБрон Джеймс перед полуфинальной серией плей-офф с «Бостоном» обвиняет соперников в излишней болтливости.
«Соперники слишком много говорят, но это их право. А мы не та команда, которая любит разговоры. Это серия будет жесткой и напряженной», – цитирует Джеймса АР.

А кто после каждого гола или фола и игры трындит разную фигню ) и танцует а ???

Навёл эти понты с Локтём )) и уже 2ю неделю плачет ))

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#6517 by Ambush (beer yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 12:25:06 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
nba officials sux
must kill lebron

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#6518 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 15:14:12 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6501 TiuTeA, That's how I'm going to answer :

....And I am not going anywhere."

OKLAHOMA CITY – They passed in a corridor of the Ford Center, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook on the way to summer vacation and Kobe Bryant to the Western Conference semifinals. Bryant reached to hug them and blurted, “You all are two bad mother … . I’m glad I’m done with you.” Suddenly, those sullen kids brightened and thanked Bryant for the kind compliment and the cutthroat competition.

As much as these young Oklahoma Thunder stars needed to learn the lessons of playing Bryant and the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers, Durant needed his debut tutorial on playoff perseverance and persistence. For as much as Oklahoma City’s young star needed Bryant to deliver him the right of passage, the oddest thing happened for Bryant. In a way that Kevin Durant needed Kobe Bryant, well, Bryant needed Durant.

One of these days, the Western Conference will belong to the young star, and rest assured the suggestions that Durant threatens to pass him sooner than later haven’t gone unnoticed by Bryant. For the first time in his career, some are doubting Bryant can still be considered a transcendent star in the sport.

All the way to 32 points in a 95-94 Game 6 victory to clinch the series, Bryant privately confessed that he cherished the confrontation with Durant. Perhaps he cherished it in ways that he didn’t completely comprehend until the series was over, until he had shown everyone that he’s not ceding a damn thing.

“More than last year or the year before, this means something because now they’re trying to force me out,” Bryant told Yahoo! Sports late Friday on his walk to the bus.

He let the words sit there for a moment.

They’re trying to force me out.

“And I’m not going anywhere.”

Yes, Bryant needed Durant as a prop in this series, a reminder that as gifted and devastating his talent, Durant isn’t pushing Bryant to the curb. Bryant’s forever listened to the public debates on his selfishness and leadership and character. Yet for Bryant, who’s playing through three significant injuries – an ankle, knee and broken finger – here has risen a debate that he has a more difficult time processing. You’re questioning his stature as a superstar, as a transcendent talent? Well yes, this is different. This is uncharted for him.

“I’ve been around for so long, you’d figure that they would understand my competiveness comes when I’m trying to figure out a way,” Bryant said. “If I can’t walk, I’m going to figure out a way to be effective to help us win. That’s part of the challenge. And I guess if there’s no challenge, there’s nothing left for me. I might as well go home.”

Behind those sunglasses Bryant plopped onto the bridge of his nose, his eyes glistened again and he insisted, “History always seems to be repeating itself. People never learn.”

As Durant missed shot after shot, Bryant delivered 16 stirring points in the third quarter. He hit shots everywhere, in every contorted way. Again, the Thunder moved Durant over to defend him. In Game 4, it had bothered Bryant. He had a terrible shooting fourth quarter in Game 5 at the Staples Center.

Only this time, Bryant hit a 3-pointer on Durant. And another. When Durant and Westbrook made a bid to push this series to a seventh game on Sunday, Bryant buried a ridiculous baseline shot with a little over two minutes left to pull the Lakers within 94-93. As the final seconds ticked away, Bryant backed down Westbrook and rimmed a turned-around jumper in and out, only to see Pau Gasol free himself under the basket and put back the winning shot with half a second left.

Across Games 4 and 5, the Thunder held Bryant to a total of 25 points, but everything changed when it mattered on Friday night.

“Kobe made Kobe-like shots,” Thunder coach Scott Brooks said with a sigh.

“He has the heart of a lion.”

Bryant doesn’t have all his speed and lift, but he can still summon his guile and ingenuity. The idea that it’s all gone is sheer foolery. It’s just that he’s never been so wrought with injury, so physically diminished. That isn’t decline.

Bryant loves Durant, who is respectful, humble and a hellacious worker. When Team USA invited Durant fresh out of the University of Texas to its summer camp in Las Vegas, Durant had but one wish: Watch Kobe work in the gym, on the floor, and learn it all. Bryant understands the Thunder are coming and coming fast for the Lakers in the Western Conference. Next year? They could play them in the conference finals, not the first round.

When these Western Conference playoffs are finally over, it’s possible the Lakers will look back and decide the go-go Thunder were the toughest out for the defending champions.

“They’ve got some stallions over there,” Bryant said. “They just get up and down the floor. We won’t see another team that’s as athletic as they are the rest of the way.”

What’s more, there won’t be a forward the magnitude of Durant between now and a possible meeting with LeBron James in the NBA Finals. These Thunder threatened to be a nightmare for the Lakers, but L.A. survived them in a loud Ford Center, and Game 1 comes on Sunday against the Utah Jazz.

Yes, Kobe Bryant remembers the way he would go after Michael Jordan as a young star, and there was Kevin Durant coming for him in this series. Only, it wasn’t just the kid – but a dubious mob proclaiming Bryant was on a steep decline, that his days of dominance were done. All of that gets transformed into fuel for ferocity, into the most willful basketball star since Jordan taking on the long, sleek kid out of Oklahoma City and all those people he insisted are forcing him off basketball’s Rushmore and out of the company of LeBron and Dwyane Wade.

To get there, you still go through Kobe Bryant. Durant tried and failed. He’ll be back. Somewhere, LeBron James waits in the distance, and the deeds and words of Kobe Bean Bryant were unmistakable on Friday night.

He isn’t going anywhere.


All along in Kobe's career, he's been told, "He's good, but he's got Shaq", "He shoots too much", "He's getting old", "He's no Jordan", "He's not a team leader"

What does Kobe do? Get better everytime. We continue to add fuel to his fire. People dont' realize what keeps this man going is the drive to prove all the haters wrong.

When the hate finally dies, is when his basketball soul will as well. Like he says above, "When there's no longer a challenge, I guess it's time to go home."

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#6519 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 16:32:10 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6518 SashAlex, не буду читать какие то статьи ))у меня есть своё собственное мнение )

иное чем у писак СТЕРНА которые пишут под диктовку его )(

И я его повторю Дюрант буранул как делал это коби ))) вот и всё )

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#6520 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 19:00:13 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6519 TiuTeA, De acord ! Si opinia ta despre Kobe impreuna cu alte sute de mii de oameni care'l urasc pe dinsul il fac si mai puternic ! :wink:

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#6521 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 19:01:24 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6516 TiuTeA, "... сломать леброна в следующей игре ! __ Перк вперёд ! ..." - you forgot about witness protection,tha diesel one move and perk is off the court with his lip or whateva' there broken :P

#6516 TiuTeA, "... рондо разделал весь кливлэнд ..." - he sho' did...

#6516 TiuTeA, "... и на нём жестко фолили ..." - welcome to PO!! son :wave:

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#6522 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 19:03:15 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6521 Freshman, Cum acolo LeBron ? Nu-l doare nimic, saracutu ? :lol: Atita zarva cind s-a accidentat putin cind Kobe joaca cu 3 accidentari si injectii in fiecare zi.

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#6523 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 19:08:10 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6522 SashAlex, zarva a fost si este dar sa nu uitam cine o face :wink: la kobe nu tot asa era?de fiecare data pe toate paginile kobe kobe kobe cu degetul lui psc...jurnalistii isi fac treaba ei doar joaca))

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#6524 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 20:56:37 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6522 SashAlex, Ты так думаеш ьчто я не навижу коби ) мне не нравится его стиль игры ))
Он становится сильнее ??он даже не знает о нас  и ему пофиг  )))

хахахахаххаахах убил меня ))

скажи любому доктору что палец не заживает 3 месяца я буду ржать ))

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#6525 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-05-02 21:31:36 (773 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6524 TiuTeA, Stii multe din ortopedie ? Daca ceva, mai are accidentare la genunchi si la spinare.

El nu te stie pe tine, pe mine, insa el stie citi il urasc si-l invidiaza. :wink:

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