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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (917 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#301 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-19 17:34:50 (910 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Genre: Historic First-Person Shooter
By: Ubisoft, Gearbox Software
Platforms: PC X360 PS3
Release Date: Q4 2007
We got a chance to get another demonstration of Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, running on an Xbox 360. Gearbox president Randy Pitchford led the demonstration, playing the game while explaining the details to us. As the subtitle suggests, the game will once again put you in the role of a sergeant in the 101st Airborne Division as you make your way up Hell's Highway, a series of missions relating to Operation Market Garden in 1944. The road was used as a conduit into Holland as the Allies made their push toward Germany near the end of the war. During the game, you'll play as squad sergeants Matt Baker and Joe Hartsock while controlling squads in small-scale pitched battles.

The first thing we noticed about the game is that the graphics engine has clearly been redone from the ground up to take advantage of the Xbox 360 hardware. The game is slated to come out on that platform as well as on the PlayStation 3 and the PC, so there's no legacy hardware to worry about as a low common denominator. We immediately noticed highly detailed texturing in the environments, with wood grain clearly visible, as well as cracks in the pavement and individual stones on what appeared to be a cobbled, brick road in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. Facial details, like the stubble and scars on Baker's face were easy to spot as well, and the other characters exhibited some emotion on their faces as they conversed inside of a toy shop. The midday lighting was also very realistic, with shadows cast on the ground by buildings and trees. Also, we saw smoke emanating from lit cigarettes, curling up just so and dissipating slowly into the air, with the cherry-red end flaring up as characters took their drags.

The lively conversation at the start of the demo was interrupted by an abrupt explosion at the front of the shop, which blew glass out of the window and knocked the soldiers off their feet, including the player character, Baker. As Baker staggered to his feet and out the door, a squadmate pointed out the nasty-looking shard of glass sticking out of Baker's bloodied arm. The audience in the theater winced as he savagely removed the glass from his arm, before directing his troops across the street and into an alley leading to some backyards. As in previous Brothers in Arms games, you'll use the analog stick to move a command ring around the environment. As the squads moved down an alley, civilians popped into view, something we haven't seen much of in previous Brothers in Arms games. Pitchford led the squad deeper into the lush gardens of the Dutch town, directing troops in stealth mode (one of a few different combat stances you can set for your squad in the game), so as not to arouse the attention of any of the many German Wehrmacht crawling around.

Upon moving toward a two-story Dutch house, we happened upon a German soldier who was facing away from us on top of the house, directing flak fire from nearby antiaircraft guns that were shooting up at the periodic appearance of American C-47 planes. The mission objective was to take out those AA guns. After directing troops out of sight, Pitchford aimed down the iron sight of his Garand, taking out the German spotter on top of the house, who then tumbled backward and slid down off the sloped roof.

Pitchford then directed his troops behind some more cover, before crawling underneath a truck to observe the German flak guns that were firing from behind some houses just down the street. Still staying in stealth mode (which means your troops will not automatically fire on German troops in sight, and that all soldiers in the squad stay low as they move), Pitchford led his squad across a street to flank behind one of the German flak crews. After setting up behind a near wall, he directed both his squads to fire, cutting the AA crew to pieces as they were caught completely unaware. This, in turn, caught the attention of some other German soldiers, so Pitchford went back around the other side of the house to take on the other AA crew from the street side. Upon reaching the street, though, a mortar hit the house across the street, which caused the chimney to fly up in the air and land in the middle of the street. While this explosion was nice and dramatic, the chimney also made for a useful bit of coverage, which Pitchford used to hole up behind before bringing up a bazooka team to aim and shoot at the German flak gun. After ordering the shot, the game shifted to some kind of cinematic camera, which followed the rocket as it homed in on its target, after which time the demo ended.

We're a little doubtful on how much that little rocket cam reflects actual gameplay, but it was a good demonstration of the different types of squads you'll be able to bring to bear in Hell's Highway, including the aforementioned bazooka team, as well as machine gun teams. Pitchford assured us that we'll be able to control tanks in Hell's Highway as in previous games, and we'll even get to drive jeeps with mounted machine guns for a small portion of the game. There's still a good amount of development time left in Hell's Highway, as the game is tentatively scheduled to ship in the first quarter of 2007, but Pitchford noted that the date isn't firm, as Gearbox is going to take all the time it needs to get the game just right. For more on Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, stay tuned to GameSpot, or see our previous story.

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#302 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-19 18:11:44 (910 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#301 regnumekal, :drool:

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#303 by m000rfik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-19 21:47:01 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#302 BlackCross, +1

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#304 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-20 13:54:24 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Mie tot nu mi-au placut screen-urile... Dar totusi BiA! :) Si avind in vedere ca aceste screen-uri sunt de cind lume :unsure:

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#305 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-21 15:30:31 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Genre: Fantasy Online Role-Playing
By: EA Games, EA Mythic
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release Date: Q4 2007
Nothing says "summer" quite like having a bunch of video games in one place. At a recent press event at which publisher EA Games showed off a great many of its upcoming games, we had a chance to take an updated look at Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the upcoming massively multiplayer game from developer Mythic and its brand-new publisher and corporate owner.

According to Mythic's Jeff Hickman, much of the content for the game's first "racial pairing," the dwarves versus the "greenskins" (a faction of orks and goblins), is complete, including many of the lower-level areas and items. In addition, though we were unable to see it in action, Mythic has begun production on the game's high-level player-versus-player content, such as capital city raids, which will offer multiple types of treasures (including open, undefended loot and special items that can be obtained only by defeating specific enemy characters, such as merchants, barkeeps, and kings). These raids will let you capture enemy dignitaries and hold them hostage (and for some cheap humor) until they can be rescued by players from the opposing side.

In addition, the game's expansive "Tome of Knowledge" journal system is now nearly complete. The Tome not only offers up an encyclopedic reference of Warhammer lore, but it also tracks each player's battles and accomplishments, which makes the system a virtual trophy case for players and a powerful feedback system for Mythic to track which content is most popular and which isn't. The Tome will expand as players further explore the game's vast online world, encounter new monsters, accept and complete new quests, and meet key characters. As Mythic has told GameSpot previously, this feature is intended to be completely comprehensive in order to render external information sources, such as fan sites and item databases, obsolete. This bold move may seem alienating to players who create such resources, but Mythic has stated that the idea is to keep players in the game and playing, rather than making players feel as though they have to quit playing every 15 minutes to look up the solution to a quest or to consult an item table.

We also had a chance to see one of the game's "public quests" in action. As we've mentioned in our previous coverage, the game will have many different types of quest content, including traditional quests given out by key characters to perform basic tasks, like killing a set number of monsters or delivering an item. However, the game will also have player-versus-player-focused quests, larger-scale "scenario" quests that may culminate in the aforementioned capital city raids, and public quests, which are essentially communal, cooperative quests that any player belonging to one faction can take on. The quest we saw was a greenskin mission that required all players in the area to aid a friendly (but exceptionally ugly) giant who stamped about the greenskin encampment, pursued by annoying "squig" monsters (Warhammer's wormlike vermin with a bite like a snapping turtle). All greenskin players were allowed to contribute to the quest to kill a total of 20 of the little varmints--and any players who contribute to such quests will apparently be able to reap shared rewards.

In other news, the Mythic team seems to be cranking away at all aspects of the game, constantly adding new content and tuning and tweaking existing content. For instance, the game's unusual character advancement system is apparently more or less in place and will be developed further as new character classes are rolled out for new races. The game's character advancement system, as we've mentioned previously, will make much more use of "lateral" advancement--that is, adding new skills and abilities that give your character flexibility rather than raw power--over the course of your character's career.

Aside from letting players create highly distinctive characters with unique combinations of abilities, this approach will (hopefully) go a long way toward keeping players with different preferences more or less in line. After all, Warhammer Online will focus heavily on PVP combat (though as Hickman pointed out, the studio is committed to making sure the game offers an enjoyably competitive experience, rather than an unpleasant one marred by "griefing" from obnoxious players who use underhanded and abusive tactics to ruin PVP). In fact, the game's emphasis on PVP is so heavy that it's Mythic's goal to let player characters spend their entire careers, from level 1 onward, doing nothing but fighting PVP battles, gaining experience and even loot over time. The task of keeping players who prefer PVP combat in line with players who prefer the more-traditional player-versus-environment gameplay that pits players against monsters and quests, rather than other players, will most likely be exceptionally challenging, and Hickman concedes that the team has allotted many months in its schedule to hammer away at that potential balance issue.

Otherwise, the game's vast and colorful environments look like they're coming along fine. If all goes well, Warhammer Online will take all the strengths of a traditional massively multiplayer game and combine them with new and exciting ideas and a distinctive emphasis on head-to-head competition. We'll have more updates on the game, which is planned for release in 2007, as we get closer to beta this fall.

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#306 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-21 15:40:07 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#305 regnumekal, хотел бы пошпилить вселеная меня очень прет

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#307 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-24 21:56:57 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
The Crossing

Разработчик:  Arkane Studios
Статус:  B разработке, запланирована на 2008 год
Жанры:  Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

The Crossing is an upcoming first person shooter computer game, under development at Arkane Studios with assistance from Valve Corporation, fusing single and multi-player gameplay.

The game incorporates the idea of parallel universes, and is set across two vastly different renditions of modern day Paris. In one, which shares many aesthetic similarities to our own, Paris and the rest of France has descended into anarchy following the collapse of government. In the other, the timeline diverged in 1307; where instead of being disbanded, the Knights Templar seize control of the French crown. The story will take the player across both universes.

Click to enlarge screen

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#308 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-24 23:22:42 (909 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#307 BlackGod, нормально если не ошибаюсь Аркане это создатели сакреда

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#309 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-27 20:21:26 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Genre: Historic First-Person Shooter
Platforms:PC X360 PS3
Electronic Arts
Release Date: Aug 28, 2007
Useful Links:


There's no doubting the continuous popularity of the World War II first-person shooter, but you couldn't exactly say the genre has driven innovation in the last few years. The typical WWII game presents a linearly designed level that relies on you following a path from a start point to an end point, and it peppers that path with hand-placed enemies and scripted action sequences that rely on you to approach them from the front, just as the designers intended. That traditional sort of design is well and good, but Electronic Arts' LA studio has had enough. With Medal of Honor: Airborne--the latest entry in the long-running WWII franchise that arguably kicked off the genre--the developers intend to do away with that linear mission structure in favor of a more dynamic experience that will hopefully give diehard fans of the genre something new to think about.

The big difference between Airborne and past WWII games--especially those in the Medal of Honor series itself--is that the new game's missions don't have specific start and end points at all. If you looked at the levels in past MOH games as resembling a line, the ones in Airborne are more like a circle. But let's back up a bit. As the title implies, the new game places you in the role of a paratrooper who's part of the Allied airborne forces that dropped behind enemy lines, often in advance of the main, ground-based invasion force, throughout the European theater of the war. Every level will thus begin with you and a bunch of other paratroopers squeezed into a C-47, awaiting the inevitable drop that begins your mission.

You only have look control while you're in the plane, so you can at least observe the nervous precombat chatter of your comrades. But the gameplay doesn't really start until you hit the open air. You'll be able to see the entire mission area below you, and as soon as you deploy your chute, you'll be able to control your descent to choose where you land on the battlefield. And this is where Airborne really diverges from the WWII pack, because your choice of landing points will determine how the mission proceeds. Each mission will have around a dozen objectives, some of which must be tackled in a set order, but how and from which direction you come at these objectives will be up to you. The specified drop zone will be visible from the air, and while your allies will always follow their orders and land in the zone, you can land anywhere--on rooftops, on towers, in the streets--and approach the tasks of each mission as you see fit. Then again, when three dozen Nazi soldiers stand between you and your goal, fighting it out solo may not be the best idea.

EA played a demo for us set during the famed Operation Husky--in which the Allies led a very costly invasion of Sicily that took two years to prepare for--so we could see how all this is coming together. You won't be able to draw a weapon while you're dropping, so your attention will be focused entirely on where you're going to hit the dirt. It sounds like there will be some finesse involved in landing smoothly, because if you flare or cut your chute at the wrong time, you'll hit the ground too hard or you'll need extra time to get out of your gear. But if you perform a perfect landing, you'll have your weapon at the ready almost the instant your feet touch down. Some objectives will be set in stone, while others will be rolled out based on where you are and what you're doing in the level--but luckily, if you're killed before you complete any goals, you'll restart in the plane so you can try a different landing strategy the next time around.

Since you can begin a mission from anywhere on the battlefield, and since there are no scripted action sequences, Airborne's developers have been forced to create a more robust artificial intelligence system for the soldiers on both sides of the battle. All AI characters will have an awareness of affordances in the environment, which are simply features of the terrain or urban infrastructure that provide a tactical advantage. This can range from taking cover behind some crates to using an alleyway as a choke point--but the point is, the soldiers you're fighting (and the ones you're fighting with) will theoretically take intelligent combat actions based on their surroundings.

Furthermore, Airborne will track the tug-of-war battlefield dynamics between the two sides throughout the entire level, not just where you're currently fighting. You can pop up a tactical map of the level that indicates different types of friendly and enemy units, which move around on the map in real time as they push each other back. The game won't respawn an infinite number of enemies to stymie you; rather, you'll have to clear out and hold a territory to stop the enemy from appearing. We saw an unexpected example of this during our demo, when we stopped to examine an unrelated gameplay feature. As the player idled for a couple of minutes, a group of enemy soldiers advanced on and reclaimed their previous position, nullifying the progress the player and his AI allies had made. According to executive producer Patrick Gilmore, you can think of all this a little like a real-time strategy game unfolding from a first-person shooter perspective.

Airborne takes place over four other campaigns in addition to the aforementioned Husky. There's Operation Avalanche, the rescue operation in Solerno, Italy, that the Allies only had two hours to prepare for; Operation Neptune, the airborne component of D-Day in which paratroopers dropped inland the night before the Normandy beach invasion and fought backward to clear the infantry's path into France; Operation Market Garden, the failed attempt to secure Germany's roads and bridges; and the game's finale, Operation Varsity, which saw 30,000 soldiers parachuting into Germany in the single largest military airdrop in history.

But wait a minute. If each mission in the game begins with a drop, and there are only five operations, doesn't that mean Airborne will only have five missions? Au contraire. You'll actually drop into each mission twice, as two different characters, at different times and with different objectives. The first time around, you'll play as pathfinder Eddie La Point. The pathfinders dropped roughly an hour before the bulk of the airborne force and were tasked with marking off the drop zone, setting up the Eureka telemetry device that guided the pilots to the DZ, and exploiting any targets of opportunity that presented themselves. So we expect your mission objectives will tend toward these activities during the pathfinder levels. Then you'll take control of Boyd Travers, a member of the 82nd Airborne who will jump with the main portion of the paratrooper force and take part in the primary objectives of the given operation.

Though we didn't get to take the controls for ourselves, it looked to us like the action will be classic Medal of Honor once you're on the ground. The Operation Husky level's first set of objectives required the player to neutralize four anti-aircraft guns located throughout the level by planting explosives on them, and each one was marked by a spotlight that could be seen over the surrounding buildings. All the classic Medal of Honor-style combat you've come to expect was in evidence--taking cover, using iron sights for better aim, and so forth. Enemies seem to behave more intelligently, too, from what we saw. For instance, anytime the player threw a grenade at enemies without cooking it, they would immediately flee the area and usually not take any damage.

The developers are making a few additions to the standard formula, though. For instance, when sniping, the trigger on your controller will act as an analog for the actual trigger on your weapon. Anyone who's ever tried to fire a gun with any precision knows you have to smoothly squeeze the trigger rather than pull it quickly, and similarly, squeezing the controller trigger slowly before popping off your shot will allow you to stabilize your weapon for greater accuracy.

Airborne will also feature a weapon-upgrade system for the first time in the series, which Gilmore says is consistent with the modifications real-life soldiers made to their weapons on the battlefield. For instance, one of the available upgrades in the final game will include a Cutts compensator for the trusty Thompson submachine gun, which ejects gas upward from the barrel to counteract muzzle climb. We saw an example in a test level where a fully modified Tommy gun had a much tighter grouping of shots than the fairly inaccurate factory model.

You'll have to find your weapon upgrades in the field, but you can't use them immediately. You'll actually accrue battle proficiency with each weapon, and each upgrade will carry a minimum proficiency rating that you'll have to obtain to use it. So if you get the upgrade for the grenade attachment on the M1 Garand rifle--which essentially turns the weapon into a rocket-propelled grenade that was highly effective, from what we saw--then you'll have to whip out that M1 and start shooting the heck out of it so you can attain the necessary proficiency to apply the upgrade.

The team at EA LA is using a "heavily modified" version of Unreal Engine 3 to create Airborne, and naturally it's the best-looking entry in the series to date. Aside from the attendant detail increase in geometry and textures and more realistic lighting and particle effects, the team is using a new animation system to bring the game characters to life with far more emotion than in the past. The characters are modeled from real human reference, and the new "e-cap" (think emotion capture) animation system lets the animators articulate each character's face in a lot of specific ways. Based on the impressive concept demo we saw of this system, you can expect to see realistic creases and folds, furrowed brows, and so forth in the facial animations of the characters on both sides of the battle during gameplay, not just cinematic sequences. But why take our word for it when you can see the exclusive first gameplay footage for yourself?

Airborne is looking like the most ambitious Medal of Honor game yet in the series, and it's certainly nice to see the designers paying real thought to evolving the genre rather than simply filling in the status quo for yet another game. Hopefully the development team will have the time and resources to realize the potential of its new ideas--and with the game not due out till sometime next year, there's still plenty of time for polish.

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#310 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-30 07:43:53 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Field Ops
Genre: Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
By: Freeze Interactive, Digital Reality
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release Date: Q2 2007
More Info:
In our first look at Field Ops since the Games Convention in Leipzig last year, we were keen to see how the balance between the game's first-person-shooter and real-time-strategy elements were developing. The game is due to ship a little later this year, and we spent some time on one of the early levels, set in Santiago de Cuba.

The story goes that a failed coup d'etat on the island has split the country in two, and Santiago de Cuba has become the new base for the rebels. Our task in the mission was to head over to a checkpoint outside a ruined church and sit tight while reinforcements made their way to us. Once that was accomplished, we were required to make our way over to the building that the rebel leader was holed up in and capture him by eliminating his troops--simple objectives on paper, less easy in practice.

The map itself is set out very much in the style of games like Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, with dusty, mazy streets and rebel soldiers hiding around every corner. To begin with, it's tempting to try and play through the game by jumping into the shoes of a single soldier and clearing the way in first-person mode, only zooming back out every so often to get your medic to heal you. However, the game is pretty hard, and your troops can't take much of a beating. What's more, even those soldiers equipped with half-decent weapon scopes wouldn't win prizes for the quality of their aiming, and it's easy to become outflanked by enemies that are difficult to see.

We found that a much better tactic was to move our men around in the zoomed-out strategy setting, as it was much clearer to work out not just where to go but also which direction the bullets were coming from. Our small team could be split up into two-man designations of Alpha and Bravo, used as a group of four, or even as individuals when necessary, and it's possible to jump into any soldier's shoes in first-person mode at any time.

Just by looking at the map, we could tell that there were usually two or more routes through any part of the section of city we were in, and therefore it made sense to split the team in two to try and outflank the opposition where possible. However, although that sounds simple in principle, the game still currently suffers from some issues with the artificial intelligence. Because the use of cover is vital, the general behaviour of your soldiers is crucial, and at this point some of the pathfinding is a little out. It was possible to get around that to some extent by micromanaging each team's every move--after a little while, that care and attention became second nature and yielded a satisfying opposition body count.

Visually, the game is holding up pretty well at this stage, and the Cuban city streets certainly look the part. There is some good particle physics in evidence, with smoke and explosions modelled effectively and crates and barrels that react to being hit by bullets and other objects realistically. One particularly neat effect is the ability to jump into and drive vehicles, although in the level we played through, only civilian and police cars were available, and these were pretty easy targets. That said, we did build a nice protective barricade at one point by parking a series of cars in line, making the task of defending our vantage point that much easier.

There are still plenty of details to be mopped up in Field Ops, but the build we played dated back to December, so it's likely that significant progress has already been made. For example, the fog of war, which renders enemy troops invisible until they're in line of sight, needs some work, and there are still some conflicts between the soldiers and some of the scenery.

It's clear there's plenty of potential for Digital Reality to produce an absorbing, compelling action strategy game that will force you to think carefully about how to progress through each part of a level. As long as the AI gets a hefty polish, and the frame rate picks up, we'll be looking forward to seeing more. When we do, we'll bring it straight to you, so keep checking back.

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#311 by JRocker (性交) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 12:35:15 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
lume punetsi ceva info despre Assasin's Creed :)

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#312 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 13:19:30 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Assassin's Creed

Разработчик:  Ubisoft Montreal
Статус:  в разработке, запланирована на сентябрь 2007 Годa
Жанры:  Action / 3D / 3rd Person

Aproximative system requirements:


2.4 GHz CPU
1GB of RAM
128 MB DirectX 9 Graphics Card (GeForce 6800 or Radeon X800 card or higher)
5GB Disk Space

И, конечно для нормальной игры при высоких настройках графики:

Intel/AMD dual core 4200+ CPU
ATi X1900XTX (which is 512Mb)
2 Gigs of RAM

Действие игры разворачивается в Европе 1191 года, где в роли наемного убийцы Альтаира, нам предстоит поработать на как никогда милитаризированную церковь и алчных правителей. Разработчики обещают неограниченную свободу действий, разнообразные способы умерщвления противников (Альтаир соединит в себе все лучшее от Принца и Сэма Фишера), живой интерактивный мир, и уникальный AI, который наделит собственным характером, одеждой, внешностью и даже походкой, всех NPC.

!Click to enlarge screen!

Editat de către BlackGod la 2007-05-01 13:49:08

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#313 by JRocker (性交) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 13:25:32 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#312 BlackGod, THX!!! da ple eu nu vreu sa ashtept pina in septembrie... da va fi cu shader 4??

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#314 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 13:32:00 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#313 JRocker, Shi 3 shi 4!!

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#315 by JRocker (性交) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 13:39:24 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#314 Antikiller, cool inseamna ca vom juca :)

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#316 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 19:02:39 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
The Hell in Vietnam
Genre: Historic First-Person Shooter
By: City Interactive, DTP Entertainment
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release Date: TBA 2007
Demo: Released yesterday, 305 MB;title;1

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#317 by JRocker (性交) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 19:55:20 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#316 regnumekal, hmm nu prea semana am NextGen :)

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#318 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-01 20:37:04 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#317 JRocker, Putine nextgenuri anul asta.Si in general nextgen-ul e ceva relativ. Ceea ce se primeste intotdeauna la cei de la City Interactive sunt efectele speciale: exploziile, fumul, furtunile de nisip etc. Pe mine acestea m-au impresionat in Code of Honor: French Legion.
PS: Eu pun aici jocuri care sa o apara , nu numaidecit nextgen, cred ca in viitorul apropriat o sa pun screenurile de la o joaca in 2D, dar foarte interesanta care o sa apara in viitor. :)

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#319 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 09:44:36 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Genre: Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
By: Lighthouse Interactive, Vertex 4
Platforms: PC Exlclusive
Release Date: September 2007 or Q2 2007 (not sure)
System Requirements:
• Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
• 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor
• 512 MB RAM
• 4x speed CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
• 1 GB free hard disk space
• 64 MB 3D accelerated video card
About SunAge
SunAge is a new breed ‘oldschool’ 2D RTS with revolutionary graphics and supersmooth balanced gameplay, while being playable on a vast range of PC’s. The game will include the full set of a singleplayer campaign, skirmish as well as multiplayer battles (LAN & online). SunAge runs on an indie developed engine that had been in development in-house at Vienna based Vertex4 for some time; recently the transfer to Direct X 9 has been made, resulting in better looking environments and vastly improved effects.
SunAge Features
• 3 distinct races - Human, Raak-zun and Sentinel- each with their own units, buildings, technology advantages and disadvantages.
• Alternate modes for all units, dual functionality for greater tactical depth.
• Exploit weaknesses in the enemies network while strengthening your own connection lines
• Formations: Intuitive formation handling and superior overview in battles
• Campaign: 24 map single player campaign with strong storyline.
• Multiplayer: Old skool multiplayer with focus on gathering 4 kinds of resources and outsmarting the opponent in battle.
• Command queuing: Command your units to prone, build or attack where you want them and when you want them to do so.
• Indirect Intelligent Targeting (IIT): order your units to focus on pre-selected targets.
The Story in a nutshell
SunAge takes place in a futuristic setting across different worlds, ranging from a lush alien planet to the Earth which is reduced to desolate wastelands and industrial cities. In the distant future, the Earth is dying and mankind retreats into sealed cities. A new cult called RaakZun arises, spreading chaos. Our hero battles to protect his Federation and aims to strike at the heart of the Raak Zun’s creed. This opens a gateway to an alien planet and frees up the way for lethal Sentinel drones that will crush any life-forms that get in their way.

PS: Iata si 2D-ul promis.

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#320 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 11:23:46 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#319 regnumekal, по стилю камнд анд конкуер напоминает

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#321 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 11:55:06 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#320 Votan, Diferenta e ca C&C3 e-n 3D, dar SunAge e in 2D

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#322 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 14:07:10 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
2D <3

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#323 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 14:08:52 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#322 BlackCross, asta cum sa inteleg? ca 2 ii mai mic ca 3 sau ca tzie izti place 2D?:)

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#324 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 14:09:40 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#323 Antikiller, că-mi place.

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#325 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-05-02 14:11:05 (908 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#324 BlackCross, Ai dreptate, pentru 2D, joaca aceasta ii tare!

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