Forum Index > Jocuri > -= TMD Mafia Wars Community =-

#0 by MosCraciun (~Baiet Bun~)( Хирург пе планте ) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-19 01:19:59 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

  • what's zynga?

- Zynga was founded in July 2007 with the vision of connecting the world through games. Since then we’ve dedicated ourselves to making fun and social games for people to play with their friends and have become the largest developer of social games on the web in the process. Zynga games provide a platform for players to express themselves and form deep social connections with their friends. With a catalogue that ranges from casino games to role playing games, our games can be found on most social networks, and on the iPhone.

  • what's Mafia Wars?

- Start a Mafia family with your friends in Mafia Wars, Run 3 kinds of crime businesses, and Vie for respect... then Fight to be the ruling family in NYC, Cuba or Moscow!

  • how can I play?

- It's necessary to have a facebook, yahoo, myspace, tagged, account

:!: Deci, club exclusiv pentru jucătorii Mafia Wars ... fără multă aberaţie ... fludul şi mesajele la teme aferente celei date vor fi mai întîi cenzurate, apoi pedepsite ... Welcome in the Mafia :vinsent:

Mafioţi :

1. MosCraciun, Maniac, 1212+
2. KYARA, Maniac, 1300+
3. Capilleary, Maniac, 300+
4. dorelu, Mogul, 300+
5. Tollex, Maniac, <100
6. Cramer, Mogul, 300+
7. driger, Mogul, 100+
8. diancic, Fearless, 700+
9. ceekay, Fearless, 600+
10. DanyGaby, Mogul, 600+
11. NES, Maniac, 500+
12. Delta21, Mogul, 200+
13. g0D, Maniac, 500+
14. gabbyk, Mogul, 300+
15. BNQ, Fearless, 1500+
16. mishunika, Maniac, 300+
17. Kerdic, Maniac, 400+
18. ShkeT, Maniac, 700+
19. Crisss93, Maniac, 400+
20. Kazuma89, Maniac, 700+
21. Panther, Fearless, 200+
22. StyleMD, Maniac, 100+
23. WeirdO, Maniac, 400+
24. AbsenT, Maniac, <100
25. Unlimiter, Maniac, 500+
26. weezy, Mogul, 200+
27. vadim2008, Maniac, 500+
28. TiuTeA, Mogul, 300+
29. Viorrika, Maniac, 600+
30. nnEDBEDb, Maniac, 600+
31. LitLLeR, Maniac, 300+
32. crisss, Mogul, 300+
33. TIGER94, Mogul, 200+
34. AlveX, Maniac, 400+
35. Bughiman, Maniac, 100+
36. Veniurka, Maniac, 500+
37. Smokeserghei, Maniac, 1000+
38. mirc3a, Mogul, 200+
39. RespecT, Maniac, 700+
40. SRK, Maniac, 200+
41. BLADE, Maniac, 1500+
42. Danyk, Maniac, 100+

White - 1500+
Red - 1000+
Purple - 500+
Green - 100+
Blue - <100
BNQ - SysOp-niţă xDD

What is the difference between Mafia Wars character types

The Mogul character type has increased cash flow with cash coming in every 54 minutes instead of every hour. A mogul is also the only character type that can be a Top Mafia Bagman. If assigned to be a Top Mafia bagman in a friend's mafia you have the chance to earn double the money from performing jobs

The Maniac character type has increased energy regeneration with a new energy point being awarded every 3 minutes instead of every 5 minutes. A maniac is also the only character type that can be a Top Mafia Button man. If assigned to be a Top Mafia Button man in a friend's mafia you have the chance to automatically win any fight that you initiate.

The Fearless character type has increased health regeneration. A Fearless character is also the only character type that can be a Top Mafia Wheelman. If assigned to be a Top Mafia Wheelman in a friend's mafia you have the chance to complete jobs without spending any energy.

about Traveling in Mafia Wars (to be updated)

Using "Travel" button you can switch your location

  • New York - 9 Job Tiers to complete. each with 3 levels of difficulty
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  • Cuba - 6 Job Tiers, each with 3 levels of difficulty
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  • Moscow - 6 Episodes, each with 3 Chapters + Finale Mission
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  • Bangkok - 6 episodes . Still working at it
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iaca ş imnu topicului nostru :fingers: Click me

12.03.2010 wrote:

vreu off

Editat de către BNQ la 2010-09-30 11:15:10

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#6501 by DubluV Velo Club (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-04 21:37:16 (782 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6500 DanyGaby, yeap, Sunt deabia level-ul 25, uite

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#6502 by KYARA (люблю патлатогО!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-04 22:20:52 (782 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#6503 by NES Club de sah si dame (lost in tranceNeSs) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-04 22:25:50 (782 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 MosCraciun, "... 16. mishunika, Maniac, 150+ ..." -

#0 MosCraciun, "... Last edited by mishunika at 2010-03-01 18:16:41  ..." -


#6502 KYARA, "... waaaaar!!! ..." - sorry, am întârziat :(

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#6504 by VeniuRka (прости.) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 09:44:35 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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collection items :pls:

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#6505 by KYARA (люблю патлатогО!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:10:24 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6504 VeniuRka, done toate 3 :smirk:

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#6506 by VeniuRka (прости.) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:10:57 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6505 KYARA, ms :hug:
din clubs collection mai ai itemi?

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#6507 by mishunika (/dev/null) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:15:47 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


#6503 NES, so?

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#6508 by KYARA (люблю патлатогО!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:16:51 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6507 mishunika, done.

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#6509 by BNQ Donor Fotbalist (End of an Era) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:18:16 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

pls :)

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#6510 by Crisss93 Velo Club (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 10:24:45 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
NES ms :mml: :thx:

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#6511 by BNQ Donor Fotbalist (End of an Era) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 14:40:09 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
You gained a Car Part. Use this to build Vehicles in your Chop Shop.

şi za? :)

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#6512 by jenea91 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 15:12:58 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6511 BNQ, +1... numai ce facut job sh gasit...


P.P.S cineva are Blue Bom ? vreu s fak vault nakanetzto xD

(thx Dany & Nes pentru flori... doar k numaice am facut un job sh am gasit floare care ni-o dat-o Dany... dak itzi trebu pot sa ti-o introc :D k am deja 2 :smirk: )

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#6513 by RespecT (★With Victory in Heart★) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 15:29:26 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6511 BNQ,

Chop Sop-ul NU mai creaza cite o masina-per-day, ci primesti  asa numite "Car Part"-uri cu care poti construi diferite tipuri de masini  in dependenta de partile componente de care dispui..... daca faci Upgrade la Chop Shop  o primesti mai multe piese per-24h



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#6514 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 15:42:48 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#6515 by kotelea (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:04:29 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Help with Job
Help with Job

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#6516 by playboy18 (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:30:46 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ma ajutati cine poate cu: 3xCar Lift, 1xShipping Container???
merci mult

Editat de către playboy18 la 2010-03-05 17:06:35

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#6517 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:42:24 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6516 playboy18, "... Help (apasă aici) ..." - pune spatiu dupa ] sh inainte de  [

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#6518 by playboy18 (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:48:10 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6517 ceekay, Edit :)

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#6519 by KYARA (люблю патлатогО!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:56:15 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#6520 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:57:16 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6519 KYARA, done primele 2

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#6521 by KYARA (люблю патлатогО!) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 16:59:01 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6520 Kerdic, "... done primele 2 ..." - Chop Shopu' meu îi gataaa :w00t: Thx :hug:

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#6522 by mishunika (/dev/null) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 17:00:34 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#6523 by BNQ Donor Fotbalist (End of an Era) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 17:14:29 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Aruncaţi şi mie cîte ceva.. am nevoie de 2 de fiecare parte :)

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#6524 by DanyGaby (take my <3 with the train) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 17:43:41 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6512 jenea91, "... dak itzi trebu pot sa ti-o introc  ..." - dar am 4 kakbâ :lol: dar tu crezi că eu le cadonez ca să le priemsc înapoi sau să le cer înapoi ulterior ? ))

mps. mafia asta toată ziua nu s-a deschis :weep: de ce eu, Doamne ? (((

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#6525 by Viorrika (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-03-05 18:02:26 (781 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6524 DanyGaby, "... de ce eu, Doamne ? ((( ..." - cît de tragik a sunat :lol:

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