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#0 by ronie (Stelos) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-17 17:58:48 (841 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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            Brought to you by Corina as known as Blow


Editat de către ronie la 2012-09-07 21:34:00

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#9076 by DanyGaby (take my <3 with the train) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:40:39 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9075 Tollex, ageţiile astea ? au măcar salarii normale, condiţii ?
Eu am o părere sceptică asupra chestiilor de genul :)

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#9077 by akiro Donor (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:41:11 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9075 Tollex, lucrezi in domeniu? :)

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#9078 by Tollex Fotbalist (Morcov never sleeps) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:44:11 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9077 akiro, tata meu are o agenţie, da nu pot să spun că au venituri mari. nu este o agenţie renumită, el mai mult se ocupa cu turismul intern, rom ş ucr. , excursii ... şi macar că acum deam a început şi turcia,egypt ... foare puţini cumpără foi. Şi sînt agenţii care se ocupă vaşe numai turismul intern şi nu au venituri mari.

#9076 DanyGaby, "... ageţiile astea ? au măcar salarii normale, condiţii ? ..." - sînt şi care au, hz di unde :)

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#9079 by System at 2010-01-17 16:46:49 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Examene. Cum ați dat exemenele? Cine deja le-a avut? :(

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#9080 by akiro Donor (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:50:44 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9078 Tollex, exista agentii ca Corina Tur care au venituri foarte mari :)

Apropo de turismul intern, orice agentie este obligata de lege ca sa faca excursii prin MD, pe an trebuie sa fie minimum 50 turisti :)

La noi din pacate agentiile se hranesc mai mult din turismul emitator

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#9081 by Sandor Drivers Club (Miracles happen) (2 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:52:04 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9079 eurosergiu, "... Examene. Cum ați dat exemenele? Cine deja le-a avut? :( ..." - le dăm cu încetu)

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#9082 by Tollex Fotbalist (Morcov never sleeps) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:53:16 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9080 akiro, eu ştiu că multe agenţii au venituri mari , mai ales celea care au autobuzele lor . trimit cîteva autocare pe saptamina ... sau de la vînzarea biletelor la avion tot fac bine )

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#9083 by System at 2010-01-17 16:57:02 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Cel mai bine să deschizi o companie aeriană în Moldova. Air Moldova sucks.

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#9084 by DanyGaby (take my <3 with the train) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:57:59 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9083 eurosergiu, "... Cel mai bine să deschizi o companie aeriană în Moldova. Air Moldova sucks. ..." - o! cul !! :w00t: Chiril, hai să deschidem una :girlsigh:

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#9085 by Sandor Drivers Club (Miracles happen) (2 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 16:58:02 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9083 eurosergiu, Este compania lu' Carpat Air, Moldova Airlines, ș care îi tolku?

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#9086 by System at 2010-01-17 16:58:51 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Prețurile sunt prea mari la bilete, însă ar putea fi mult mai mici.

Cine învață în limba străină la universitate (în afară de limba engleză, toți deja o știu :D)?

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#9087 by akiro Donor (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:05:03 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9083 eurosergiu, e prea scump + Air Moldova detine suprematia, nu uita ca apartine statului :wink:

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#9088 by System at 2010-01-17 17:07:00 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9087 akiro, mai bine folosești mașina dacă nu înveți foarte departe.

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#9089 by Tollex Fotbalist (Morcov never sleeps) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:15:34 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9084 DanyGaby, "... o! cul !! :w00t: Chiril, hai să deschidem una :girlsigh: ..." - tu eşti Dexter ! Dexter doesnt share his thoughts with others.

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#9090 by blow ( (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:17:33 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
You know you are Moldovan if

1. People have a quizzical look on their face when you tell them where you are from
2. You usually have to explain where/what your country is
3. Have a significant number of acquaintances who work abroad illegally
4. You have, or are striving to get, several passports
5. You use Romanian words with Russian endings and the other way around. Also, you freely mix Russian and Romanian when you speak (i.e. Ian uitate shi sumka prikolinaia)
5.1 Supposedly bilingual from "birth" (Romanian and Russian), you barely speak properly either language …rather, you’re somewhere in between
6. In a 12-seat Maxi Taxi (marshrutka) twice as many people manage to find a place (
6.1 You hope you'll get a seat in the Marshrutka when you hear the plastic bag noise in the back
7. You study abroad and always have the highest grades and explain it through Chernobyl’s positive influence on your brain. If you get low grades, you blame Chernobyl
8. Your foreign friends all know Zdob si Zdub because you keep playing it when you feel homesick
9. People still call you Russian after you already told them you are from Moldova
10. Once they find out that you are Moldovan, people from other ex-Soviet countries immediately start speaking to you in Russian

11. You have/had carpets on your walls
12. You always cook a LOT of food for the New Year as if it were your last dinner. Olivie salad and “chiftie” (or “racitura) are among the prepared dishes
13. You or someone in your family celebrates Christmas on Jan 7th and New Year’s on Jan 14th
14. You reuse plastic bags as trash bags. Also, you reuse gift wraps.
15. You use the term “Fanta” as a name for plastic bottles AND you reuse your Fanta bottles (i.e. for wine)
16. Bad language with references to someone’s mother is something fairly common
17. You enjoy bargaining, even at the grocery store
18. Rasarita prajita (sunflower seeds) is a perfectly acceptable dinner and helps bond with your female relatives
19. You greatly enjoy eating various pickled vegetables (i.e. castraveti shi patlagele murate) with several of your meals
20. Your mom never throws away anything. If you manage to sneak something in the garbage your mom takes it from there and puts it wherever it was before

21. You think that drinking a glass of red wine every day helps you “get more blood.” Alternatively, it serves as good protection against radiation.
22. You’ve been reproached for being disrespectful when you refused to drink alcohol at someone’s house (even though you had a whole pitcher of wine prior to that and can barely walk)
23. You have witnessed gatherings where everyone drinks from the same glass by taking turns
24. Taking shots of wine is normal
25. You’ve seen your 5 year old sibling drinking alcohol at the dinner table on several occasions
26. You, or your parents, scream when talking on the phone with someone far away
26.1 You only make long distance calls after 11 p.m
27. You have a drink (or several) “la botul calului” when you leave someone’s house
28. You’re 20 and unmarried and your mom thinks that you are getting old
29. You’ve observed the ritual of “kidnapping” the bride and “selling” her back to the groom at a wedding ceremony
30. You’ve attended a wedding where all the guests take turns in announcing what they give to the young family as a gift

31. At the train station in Chisinau you saw written "La casa informatie nu se poate" (At the cash register information cannot ...)
32. You are all dressed in fancy clothes and high heels but you use cheap public transportation (troleibuz)
33. You have a 400-euro cell phone but no credit, so you “beep” somebody
34. When you go out in a club or fancy cafe, you display all your keys and always play with them noisily
35. You wear sunglasses in a disco.
36. You always dress up even if you are just going grocery shopping
37. When someone asks you how you are (ce mai faci) you give an honest answer instead saying you’re doing well (bine)
38. You are afraid of open windows in a moving vehicle because of the Curent (draft). The Curent is the root of all evils and will get you sick.
39. You do business with your relatives because “singele apa nu se face.”
40. It is legal for you to get married at 16, but illegal to smoke, drink and watch porn until 18

41. You can only travel if there are 5 persons at least to see you off or receive you whether you are traveling by bus, train or plane
42. When a woman asks "do you love me?" you usually answer: "What’s wrong with you?" (shii cu tini fa?)
43. Your mom tells you that you are too skinny even if you are 300 kilos overweight and have a stroke every time you breathe
44. You keep leftover food in your fridge in as many bowls as possible
45. Your vote was bought with a bag containing 200 grams of macaroni, detergent, and some cheap soap
45.1 You didn't go to the elections because no political party gave you the respective bag of generous "gifts"
46. Not many nations in Europe may have a better idea (on the national level!) about the difference between the European Union and Schengen Agreement area…
47. You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house
48. You refuse to pay 15 lei a month for the stairwell cleaning...but u r always pissed of how dirty your appartment building stairwell looks!
49. You know you need to move fast when at the "Piata centrala", cause you'll definitely get hit by a cart...
50. You wait for a commercial when watching TV, to wash the dishes

51. You understand what a policeman REALLY wants from you! :)
52. You enroll in that university, where you "have" someone....
53. You know at least one song from radio "Noroc" thanks to RuTieRaS.
54. In your opinion, Moldovan wine is better than French wine. You never had French wine...
54.1. You heard that Queen Elizabeth of England really likes Moldovan wine too...

#9083 eurosergiu, luind in consideratie faptu ca se interzice sa pui preturi mai mici ca ei,,,, e monopolie curata, si guvernu ii intr-un loc de asta :unsure:

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#9091 by Tollex Fotbalist (Morcov never sleeps) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:29:44 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9090 blow, "... You know you are Moldovan if ..." - cam bred. precis o descris un moldovan viaţa lui de zi.
Acolo cu fereastra de la maşină , chiar poţi să te îmbolnăveşti ! eu blin odată am păţito (

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#9092 by DanyGaby (take my <3 with the train) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:31:48 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9090 blow, "... You or someone in your family celebrates Christmas on Jan 7th and New Year’s on Jan 14th ..." - auch :lol:

dar dacă serios, mult adevăr :girlsigh:

#9089 Tollex, "... Dexter doesnt share his thoughts with others. ..." - eu numai cu tine.

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#9093 by Tollex Fotbalist (Morcov never sleeps) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:35:07 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9092 DanyGaby, "... mult adevăr ..." - amuş, fix aşă şi la ruşi,ucraineni, beloruşi ...

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#9094 by Ucionyi ( Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineer) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 17:45:25 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9039 Jumbon, dar eu vin pe 4 sapt :)

#9079 eurosergiu, de maine se incep, 6 examene - 5 zile ...

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#9095 by System at 2010-01-17 18:00:06 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
9. People still call you Russian after you already told them you are from Moldova. True :D

#9094 Ucionyi, Eu sunt mai fericit 5 examene - 11 zile.

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#9096 by ronie (Stelos) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 18:02:29 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9086 eurosergiu, "... toți deja o știu ..." - axa

vrau acasa :(

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#9097 by System at 2010-01-17 18:17:15 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9096 ronie, Vreau să trec examenele.

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#9098 by ronie (Stelos) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-17 22:18:19 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9097 eurosergiu, "... Vreau să trec examenele. ..." - ok, dorinta dvs imi este porunca


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#9099 by System at 2010-01-17 22:26:22 (788 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9098 ronie, :D M-am referit la compararea dorinței tale la moment cu a mea.

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#9100 by shtrafnik (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-01-24 23:01:15 (787 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
OMG, eu 3 sapt nu intru aisi :look:

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