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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (937 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#251 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:50:28 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#250 Antikiller, In primul rind screenurile nu sint gameplay, dar sunt facute cu ajutorul aceluiasi engine(adica modelele vor arata fix asa), engine-ul este Source.
In al doilea rind nu grafica e principalul in acest joc ci:
"...Michael Booth: Left 4 Dead is a cooperative survivor horror game where four survivors must work together to escape a city teeming with an overwhelming number of the infected. If you work together, you have a chance. If you run off on your own, you will die..."
Posibilitatea de a trece jocul impreuna cu prietenii.

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#252 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:54:30 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#251 regnumekal, Eu inteleg, dar eu i-am raspuns lui Iulik care afirma ca grafika aici e frumoasa!!Dar Grafika frumoasa o gaeshti la box shi ps3!

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#253 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 22:57:22 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#252 Antikiller, Vrei sa zici ca grafika nu e frumoasa? eu ma uit la detalizatzia la fatza shi la Xbox/PS3 nam vazt niq diferentza

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#254 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 22:57:57 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Peste 1-2 ani grafica la PC va fi mai bună.

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#255 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 23:02:10 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
стока много букав не смог прочитать ниче пиво не дает

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#256 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-03 01:05:27 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
INFO:  X360 şi PS3 e echipat cu video: PS3 - 7800GTX şi X360 - X1800XT, nu sunt direct acestea dar modificate sub specificul Box-elor.
Sunt pe bază de DX 9, pe DX 10 box-ele vor trece doar în 2008, dar la PC va fi deacum DX 10.1 şi video echipate cu Shader 5! (În laturi globale, nu în particular - la cei cu MX440!!!!)
De jocuri, o să vedem cînd va apărea CRYSIS, unde e mai bună detalizarea!
Şi va fi posibil de procurat X2900XL sau 8800 GT/GTO cu 300-400$, să sperăm!

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#257 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-03 01:07:54 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#256 Protos, да но давать 300-400$ за видюху когда примерно за эти же деньги можно купить консоль дохерата да и консоли вобще не нужны апгрэиды

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#258 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-03 01:10:16 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#256 Protos, tu gândeşti incorect. Standartele de la PC şi console sunt absolut diferite.

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#259 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-03 11:21:36 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
BioWare MMO Adopts New Engine
StreamBase to power the mysterious new title.

April 2, 2007 - As a means of accelerating the development of its next-gen, MMO gaming platform, BioWare has adopted StreamBase's Stream Processing Engine. StreamBase has previously provided Complex Event Processing software to many leading financial institutions as well as the government and military sectors, and has now set its sights on gaming.

With its entry into the popular realm of MMO gaming, BioWare has decided to expand its offerings beyond its beloved role-playing games. BioWare contracted StreamBase for its platform's scalability and persistence capabilities for storing, processing, and querying large volumes of data in real time.

"StreamBase is designed to process enormous amounts of real-time information at blindingly fast speeds, making it an ideal platform for delivering a rich online gaming experience for thousands of players simultaneously," said Barry Morris, Chairman and CEO of StreamBase. "BioWare's MMO gaming initiative is an excellent example of the many kinds of real-time applications that can take advantage of the rapid time-to-value our CEP software offers."

The use of StreamBase allows BioWare to monitor the entire game environment in real time, and immediately offer fixes for any problems, as well as shut down malicious player behavior instantly. Additionally, the "point & click" development architecture has enabled a development period that is supposedly exponentially faster than traditional coding. BioWare hopes that this will allow the development team to concentrate on delivering compelling stories and characters without worrying about infrastructure performance.

"After we evaluated the StreamBase CEP software, we quickly realized that partnering with them would cut our server development costs by multiple man years," said Bill Dalton of BioWare. "Therefore, partnering with StreamBase was clearly the right choice to deliver on budget and on time."

Game Developer Salaries
How much do the folks who make your games make?
April 2, 2007 - The latest issue of Game Developer magazine includes the results of its 2006 Salary Survey, which details the average salaries of game industry professionals. Game Developer's sister publication Gamasutra has summarized the results of the survey. Overall, the people making the games you play enjoyed an average salary of $73,316 in 2006 -- slightly down from $75,039 in 2005.

The lowest average compensation was given to Q/A personnel, who received about $37,861 for bug testing games. This figure is actually a decrease from the previous year. Next up are game designers, who were paid about $61,538. Designers' salaries have raised an average of $5,000 over the last three years.

The 2006 average for artists was $65,107, basically flat from 2005. The average audio employee was paid $69,935. Production personnel in America had an average salary of $77,131, and programmers were paid $80,886.

If you want to make bank in the game industry, though, you should consider a career on the business and legal side of things. These professionals raked in an average $95,596 last year.

The survey also reveals that U.S. employees working in the game industry are paid on average 33 percent more than their European counterparts. GamesIndustry has revealed details of the survey's comparisons between the two markets.

"Europeans in the games industry are earning significantly less than their American counterparts," the report reads. "The only discipline that comes close is QA, which is separated by only seven percent in 2006. Game designers in Europe are making 25 percent less, business and legal staff are making 26 percent less, and programmers are making 33 percent less."

5,600 readers of Game Developer magazine and Gamasutra were polled for the results. More details can be found in Developer's latest issue.

Genre: Beat 'Em-Up
By: Midway
Platforms:PC X360 PS3
Release Date: Q3 2007
LOS ANGELES--Stranglehold, or as Midway puts it, "John Woo presents Stranglehold," promises to be the video game sequel to Woo's famous 1992 action movie Hard-Boiled. As you can probably guess, Midway is working with the acclaimed director (Woo is reportedly a huge fan of video games), but the game will also incorporate the likeness and voice of famed actor Chow Yun Fat reprising his role as police inspector Tequila. We got a chance to play the Xbox 360 version of Stranglehold at the show, and it's got a really promising blend of gameplay and visuals.

As Midway's Tony Rod explains it, the idea behind Stranglehold was to create a game that captures the essence of John Woo's movies. And it's something that Rod feels is overdue, since so many other games and movies are so obviously inspired by Woo's movies, which usually feature incredible gunfights that are displayed with stylistic grace. To do that, the control scheme for Stranglehold is incredibly simple. The thumbsticks move you and the camera around, just like in any console action game. Meanwhile, the right trigger fires a weapon, while the left trigger is used for everything else, from leaping into the air to getting Tequila to interact with the object in front of him. Actually, you won't need to worry about making him jump or open a door, because he'll automatically do that without your input. Make him run at a table, and he'll slide over it. The demo that we were shown was the interior of a restaurant, and it was crowded with tables, chairs, and everything else that you'd expect. But since you don't have to worry about jumping over things, it's easy to move around as Tequila jumps and leaps over everything automatically and effortlessly. "From a gameplay perspective, this is an empty room," Rod says.

This lets you run around the entire place, focusing on blasting bad guys with your dual pistols (yet another John Woo signature moment). You can leap into the air, and, if you have enemies in the crosshairs, the game will go into slow motion, just like it would in a John Woo movie. Leap against a wall, and Tequila will do a cool bounce off the wall, pushing against it and leaping in the other direction. Run up to a stairway banister, and it lights up, and if you leap, he'll run atop the banister up and down the stairs. Aim at a chandelier and leap, and he'll swing across the room. There are no jumping puzzles--just aim and jump, and the game takes care of the rest.

The result is that it's incredibly easy to get into some stylized gunfights. It's not enough to shoot guys, but you soon want to get colorful with your kills by trying to be as cinematic as possible. This also serves another purpose, because the more style in each kill, the more you fill up a meter at the bottom of the screen. Fill the meter high enough, and you can execute a special move, like the Tequila bomb, a signature John Woo shot where Tequila suddenly drops down, spins around, and fires at multiple enemies, all while the camera is circling around him and in slow motion. The camera then switches to the enemies that he's shooting at, and it shows close-ups of the bullets hitting each of them.

Visually, the game looks impressive, just like you'd expect from an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 game (Stranglehold will also appear on the PC). But what's really cool is that the game features persistent and destructible environments, which means you can shoot them up and they look trashed at the end of a gun fight (just like they do in John Woo's movies). Shoot a rice sack, and rice trickles out. Shoot a seat cushion, and stuffing flies. Shoot wall tiles, and they shatter. And things that are destroyed don't fade away after a few seconds, but they stay around the entire time. By the end of our gunfight, the restaurant was absolutely trashed.

We had a fun time with the single-player demo. We're told that the game will also feature multiplayer, and while details aren't being released just yet, Rod says that they've come up with a creative way to handle the issue of everyone going into "Tequila time" with special powers. We'll have to wait and see what that is and find out what's in multiplayer. Until then, Stranglehold is scheduled to ship for the three platforms listed above simultaneously sometime this winter.

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#260 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-03 12:17:03 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#258 BlackCross, Trebuia paranteze mai multe să pun!!! Şi să lămuresc mai concret, nu am vrut să scriu mult! Nu eu am inventat-o, sunt posturi citite de pe unele site-uri legate de tehnologii şi PC!
DX 10 - Nu înseamnă că directX va fi folosit direct, vor fi echipate dar cu hibridele video ce ţin acest DX, dacă nu a fost clar!

"tu gândeşti incorect. Standartele de la PC şi console sunt absolut diferite."

Dacă tu gîndeşti corect expune care e părerea ta referitor la cu ce te-ai informat tu în direcţia dată! De absolut, nu spune căci nu e aşa!
Dar cred că lucrul dat îl cunoşti, orce joc 3D, fie pentru consolă fie pentru PC e proiectat în prisma DX, anume la stadiu iniţial şi mă refeream (proiectarea şi programarea jocurilor) în cele scrise mai sus! 
De video, nimeni oficial nu spune nimic şi se fac că nu aud (mă refer la SONY şi Microsoft), dar şmecerii care au făcut boxele bucăţi, au menţionat cele spuse mai sus, că ele sunt foarete apropiate după sructură cu 7900 şi 1800!

Straniu că anume cu DDR3 video RAM e echipată consola?! Şi tot straniu că video cu DDR4 VRAM va apărea în 2008 pentru console!

#257 Votan, Sunt deacord într-o oarecare măsură!!!

Editat de către Protos la 2007-04-03 12:32:06

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#261 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-04 00:19:27 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top XD

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#262 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-04 13:38:35 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#261 BlackCross, :rofl: Bietul Wii.

Tabula Rasa
Genre: Fantasy Online Role-Playing
By: NCsoft
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release date: Q3 2007
As the massively multiplayer online role-playing genre evolves, we're noticing that a lot of newer games are reacting to the trends set forth by the previous generation of such games. This sort of "cultural borrowing" and appropriation and re-appropriation of features and design elements seems like it's going to lead to some decidedly different types of gaming experiences in the future--Tabula Rasa looks like it's slated to be one of these. Between the game's unique science fiction theme and its emphasis on streamlined, fun-filled gameplay and character building, this first product from Ultima and Ultima Online creator Richard Garriott's new development studio has us very interested indeed. Following our first look at the game going into E3, we're here with our latest impressions.

The game's science fiction premise seems to draw heavily upon Eastern philosophy. Every character in the game will be rated based on three types of attributes--body, mind, and spirit--and they will have different skills, strengths, and weaknesses based on these attributes. Player characters will be able to specialize in one of these three types of attributes, resulting in particular areas of strength and concentration when it comes to doing battle against Tabula Rasa's sinister-looking villains, the Thrax, or against other player characters in the game's player-versus-player-styled military exercises.

As you might expect, characters particularly strong in body will be the ones who can dish out physical damage most readily, using a variety of recognizable but still unusual weapons. But all characters will be able to dish out the pain in some way. Much like in the classic sci-fi novel, Snowcrash, information can be used as a weapon in Tabula Rasa. We saw a character extracting strange symbols from a tome and firing them, like magical projectiles, toward her enemies as an example of a mind-based attack. Spirit-based attacks are reminiscent--the same character brandished a strange harplike instrument, which when strummed, sent powerful energy blasts surging at foes. Incidentally, we watched as the same character used and mixed up attacks from all three ability groups. Tabula Rasa will encourage you to do so, because by taking advantage of a variety of skills in battle, you'll be able to charge up your chi meter more quickly to deliver an especially powerful attack.

The combat itself looked interesting and fast paced, and it will take place in missions in instanced combat spaces and battlefields designed for individual players or player groups which are more conventional player zones in which large numbers of players can take on computer-controlled foes. As mentioned, player-versus-player areas will also be in the game, and they will take the form of competitive training exercises rather than full-on, to-the-death battles as in some other online RPGs.

Basically, Tabula Rasa is being designed to alleviate most all of the frustrating qualities found in other online RPGs, leaving behind just the elements that players find enjoyable, exciting, and addictive. For example, the sci-fi premise gives the designers license to allow players of any experience level to instantly teleport to each other for whenever they wish to join forces. As well, death will be merely an inconvenience in the game--during missions, dying might cause you to earn an experience penalty for the remainder of that mission; you'll never actually lose progress, and you may just as well decide to abort the mission and try again later. Character creation will also be very simple--just pick a name and a gender for your character, and later you can shop for different outfits and customize your character in other ways. The skill-based combat system will naturally allow you to find your inclination, rather than have you make a critical gameplay decision about your character class before you even start playing.

The game's missions will be structured to be about 30 minutes long so that players can very easily find a group and get into some action, then go for another mission, or call it a day. Each player will begin with a sizable estate--we were quite impressed with the apparent luxury of the most basic player housing in Tabula Rasa--and they will then be able to customize and furnish that lot at their discretion.

One of the most exciting features about Tabula Rasa is that it will natively support voice-based communication between players, freeing them from having to type to each other while also managing their combat skills. The overall look of the game, though it's built on an original 3D engine expressly designed for Tabula Rasa, can be considered comparable to the latest online RPGs, such as publisher NCsoft's own, recently released City of Heroes. Loading times between areas seemed minimal, judging from the demo version we saw, and combat animations and various monsters (who sported menacing-sounding names like Destroyer, Malice, and Diabolist) all looked quite good.

We're excited about Tabula Rasa, if not because it comes from some of the most venerable designers of role-playing games in the industry, then because it boasts a unique look and what seems like an interesting, streamlined design. Of course, the online role-playing genre is highly competitive, so Tabula Rasa has a lot to prove before it can compete with the likes of the already-established heavy hitters in the genre. Still, we'll be very much looking forward to seeing how it develops and learning much more about the game. We will be anticipating Tabula Rasa's release sometime this coming winter.

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#263 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-05 12:56:17 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#262 regnumekal, frumushel :D

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#264 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-05 16:51:37 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Australian Games Chart on 1st April

PC Games

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#265 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-05 19:58:49 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
regnumekal, Bravo!, ţine-o tot aşa (Prezentarea Review-urilor), sunt deacord cu locul 1 din ambele clasamente afişate în - #264!

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#266 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-05 22:35:27 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
народ была идея утроить офф прошлый раз не получилось близится выходные давайте сделаем офф либо субботу либо воскресение

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#267 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-07 09:15:35 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Genre: Action Role-Playing
By: 10tacle Studios
Platforms: PC X360
Release date: Q3 2007
Engine: Unreal Engine 3

LOS ANGELES--Tucked away in a corner of Kentia Hall at E3 2006 is a booth for company 10Tacle Studios. You may recognize the name from the GTR series of hardcore racing sims, but the game we went to see was about as far from racing as possible. We sat down with the developers for a lengthy demo of the action role-playing game Elveon for the Xbox 360.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to play Elveon, but we did get a good demonstration of the combat system and level design, as well as the physics and graphics engines in the game. Elveon is about an elvish hero in the land of Naon...and that's about all we know thus far about the narrative.

However, one thing we did get to see is the combat system. When you begin a game, you can choose a combat philosophy based on how you want to fight. You can choose to focus all your skills in a single weapon, or you can go the jack-of-all-blades route. There are four weapon classes in the game: daggers, which do the least amount of damage but are lightweight and can be dual-wielded; bows, which are the only ranged weapons in the game; spears, which have a long reach and work well for taking out multiple enemies; and two-handed broadswords, which can inflict heavy damage but are slow and heavy. You can bring up to three different weapons into battle, and each one lets you perform unique attacks and combos. Once you're in battle, you can swap weapons on the fly to take advantage of the strengths of each fighting style.

The fighting itself is somewhat realistic in that you become fatigued as you fight. If you keep performing one strong attack after another, you'll get worn out and will not be able to move for a few moments. That said, the fighting style in the game is still pretty flashy, though not to excess. You can perform lengthy combos and jumping attacks, swing your spear around to quickly clear the immediate area, and more. You can also block attacks and use combos to break through enemy defenses.

The artificial intelligence in the game fights very much the same way that you do. We saw enemies block attacks and then counter when we became fatigued, and the enemies use combos to break blocks, as well. The combat animations look a bit clunky, but that's to be expected from a game this early in development.

The combat we saw took place on a very long, stone bridge high above a valley floor. We only saw one-on-one fights, but according to the developer, there will also be group battles where you'll be able to fight alongside allies against large groups of enemies and monsters. There will also be some arcade-style shooting missions where you'll hop on the back of a flying creature and fire arrows at hostile targets.

The demo then switched gears to showcase the graphical detail and level design in the game. The first area we saw was a huge bridge with a massive, ornate Elven castle looming atop a craggy cliff. We watched as the lighting and weather changed in real time, and the changes were very noticeable and dramatically affected the feel of the environment. The demo then moved inside the castle to show some of the expansive interiors of the game, before moving onto a walkway overlooking a rugged cliff. There were some really lifelike, swaying trees poking up through the crumbling bricks in the walkway.

We then saw an area set in a forest clearing where large rocks were arranged in a pattern similar to Stonehenge. The tall grass and flowers all swayed in the breeze, and the way the light filtered through the massive trees looked especially impressive. Also, we got a look at one of the monsters in the game, which was a muscular dog type of creature, with massive teeth and an even more massive mouth. Again, the weather changed at random from sunny skies to rain. One nice touch was when it rained in a castle area, puddles formed on the ground.

It's still hard to say what's in store for Elveon, since what we saw was still in the very early stages of development. However, based on the level of detail in the environments, the weather effects, and the flexible combat system, Elveon is one to keep an eye on for now. According to the developer, there will be some sort of multiplayer component in the game, as well as downloadable content for the single-player game on Xbox Live Marketplace. The team at 10Tacle is planning for a worldwide release in the Summer of 2007, but until then stay tuned to GameSpot for updates

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#268 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-10 02:50:30 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Джон Ромеро в одном из интервью поделился своим взглядом на будущее РС и консолей. Он считает, что Sony и Microsoft выбрали не совсем верный путь развития. Их приставки по архитектуре практически не отличаются от РС. Поэтому, когда цены на многоядерные процессоры снизятся, PS3 и Xbox 360 лишатся своих главных преимуществ перед персоналками. Кроме того, хардкорные геймеры никогда не бросят РС, так как на консолях очень сложно создать игры некоторых жанров.

Ромеро считает, что приставки должны эволюционировать по пути Nintendo Wii. Она не только кардинально отличается от РС, но и предлагает геймплей, который невозможно встретить на этой платформе.

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#269 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-11 23:13:51 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"ÜberSoldier 2" aka "Восточный фронт: Крах Аненербе"

Разработчик:  Burut Creative Team
Жанры:  Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Статус:    B разработке, запланирована на май 2007 года

Попытка нацистов вырастить универсального солдата обернулась против них самих. Вы тот самый солдат и свое оружие обернули против создателей. Качественная графика и заложенная в игре мотивация "побольше headshot-ов" привносит в геймплей особый шарм, а уникальный эффект с остановкой града пуль в воздухе понравится любителям "матрицы".

Click to enlarge screen.

Editat de către BlackGod la 2007-04-12 00:32:25

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#270 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 00:34:19 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Age of Pirates: Captain Blood" aka "Одиссея капитана Блада"

Разработчик:  Акелла
Жанры:  Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Статус:    B разработке, запланирована на II квартал 2007 года

"Одиссея Капитана Блада" предложит вам вжиться в роль храброго, отважного и благородного пирата, который путешествует по Карибскому Бассейну времен 1685-го года в поисках приключений, любви и, разумеется, денег.
Характерной особенностью игры станет разделение на миссии, которые будут представлены как классическими морскими сражениями, так и аркадными "сухопутными" схватками на мечах. В первом случае вы вольны управлять кораблем, учитывая погодные условия, и самостоятельно садиться за орудия, обстреливая вражеские корабли. Второй тип заданий предложит вам динамичные схватки с многочисленными противниками с использованием различных типов оружия (мушкеты, сабли, ножи) и применением комбо-ударов. Отличительная особенность всех игр "Акеллы" - феноменальная графика - достигла в новом проекте, кажется, пика своего развития. Потрясающие морские пейзажи, демонстрируемые модифицированным движком STORM 2, отображение команды на палубе и впечатляющая интерактивность окружающего мира - вот лишь малая часть того, что вы увидите в игре.

Click to enlarge screen

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#271 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 00:36:59 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#269 BlackGod, welcome one more :)

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#272 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 00:40:28 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#271 Votan, +1 :D

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#273 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 01:31:09 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Tomb Raider: Anniversary" aka "Tomb Raider: Юбилейное издание

Разработчик:  Crystal Dynamics
Статус:  B разработке, запланирована на май 2007 года
Жанры:  Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person

В прошлом году студия Crystal Dynamics объявила в пресс-релизах о долгожданном возвращении к истокам серии. Речь идет о разработке новой версии игры построенной на основе первого Tomb Raider. Выход Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition приурочен к десятилетней годовщине жизни сериала на всех мыслимых платформах. Похоже, это становится доброй традицией, переиздавать игры к памятной дате. Достаточно вспомнить недавнее переиздание стратегии Settlers II выпущенной аккурат к десятилетию серии. Сразу же спешу успокоить ту часть игроков, расстроено подумавших, что их будет ждать простое переиздание Tomb Raider пусть и с осовремененной графикой и звуком. По заверению Crystal Dynamics нас будет ожидать не просто римейк старой игры визуально похожей на Tomb Raider: Legend, а гораздо более полноценный проект пересекающийся с оригинальной игрой лишь только в основных сюжетных точках.

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Editat de către BlackGod la 2007-04-12 02:20:37

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#274 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 02:18:09 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#273 BlackGod, кстати у на в субботу офф если хочешь приходи детали спроси в пм

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#275 by BlackGodDisabled (Гений) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-12 02:20:43 (931 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Spider man 3: The Game" aka "Человек паук 3: Игра"

Разработчик: Activision
Статус:  В разработке, запланирована на май 2007 года
Жанр:  3rd Person, Action

Впервые, помимо традиционного красно-синего одеяния, игроку будет предложено "примерить" и легендарный черный костюм Человека-Паука, продлевающий персонажу жизнь, делающий его более выносливым и сильным. Обещана полная свобода передвижений по крышам и улицам Нью-Йорка. Нам будут противостоять три бандитские группировки. Ганстеры будут захватывать заложников, грабить банки, магазины и квартиры жителей, угонять машины и т.д. И всему этому беспределу нам надо помешать всеми доступными способами. После успешного выполнения того или иного задания наш герой повышает свой опыт, обзаводится новыми средствами и уникальными комбо-ударами. Стремительные погони и головокружительные бои, с обязательными "боссами" в конце каждой миссии прилагаются.

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