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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (937 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#226 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 19:52:11 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#224 Iulik,
#225 regnumekal, на мировых трекерах клон уже висит

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#227 by GooBeen (ArtWorks Director) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 20:04:13 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ну че кому не лень качать 7,5 гигов :lol:

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#228 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 20:12:11 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#227 GooBeen, а мне пох я в стратегий не шплию вернее в РТС не шпилю :)

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#229 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 20:42:10 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#224 Iulik, Nu afirma dacă nu ştii!!! E vorba de ISO RELEASE! Pe vitrină deacord pe 28! "релиз состоялся 26 марта 2007 года"
ISO RELEASE e originalul care va urma să fie pus la vitrină, e normal că toată aceasă operaţie nu se face într-o zi şi oficial joaca apare în Shop cu o zi, două mai tîrziu! (e vorba de transportul Box-elor la destinaţie)!

Editat de către Protos la 2007-03-26 21:01:33

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#230 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-27 15:39:14 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Survolam gamespot-ul si am dat peste review-ul la C&C3: Tiberium Wars. Joaca are un scor de 9.0 ce inseamna ca are un scor mai mare ca Europa Universalis III cu 8.7
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 9
Sound: 9
Value: 9
Tilt: 9
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Curve: About a half hour
Stability: Stable
The Good: Exciting campaign features a ton of quality full-motion video; fast-paced gameplay is fun and exhilarating; scrin race is a fantastic, balanced addition to the c&c universe; battlecast turns the thrilling multiplayer into a spectator sport.
The Bad; Game is picky with structure placement.

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#231 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-27 20:52:18 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Eu deacum l-am downloadat...

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#232 by Vladutz (The friend in need ©) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-27 23:33:53 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#231 BlackCross, Da eu seedez deam 2 torrente de C&C :P :lol:

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#233 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-28 01:27:01 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Da!!! Jocul impresionează, sunt deacord cu scorul afişate de #230 regnumekal (de pe gamespot), dar cinstit am şi sperat să fie ceva bun şi nu m-am dezamăgit!

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#234 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 10:17:11 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Carmack Not Sold on Vista
Confesses he sees little reason to support Microsoft's new OS.
While gamers are getting excited ogling DirectX 10 footage of Age of Conan and Crysis, id Software co-founder John Carmack is speaking out against Microsoft's Windows Vista. In an interview with Game Informer, Carmack chided Microsoft for attempting to sell Vista by tying it directly to DX10. While there's no question that DX10 holds the potential for superior graphics, Carmack's not ready to hop on board.

"There's no massive pull for me for DX10," Carmack told Game Informer. "[Enemy Territories:] Quake Wars is definitely not DX10." Carmack added that he felt a move to Vista is unnecessary at this time. "There were some clear wins going from Windows 95 to Windows XP for games, but there really aren't any for Vista... I suspect I could run XP for a great many more years without having a problem with it."

Carmack would not rule out developing games for Vista, but stressed that id plans to wait until the market has more widely accepted the new OS.

BioShock CE On The Way
Fans are invited choose the extras for the upcoming title.
March 30, 2007 - You asked for it and now you're getting it. A 2K Games community manager announced today that a collectors edition of BioShock is on its way on the 2K Games BioShock site.

Yesterday, Elizabeth Tobey of 2K Games unveiled a petition for a CE, stating that 5000 signatures are needed. The petition cleared 16000 signatures from fans around the world and the question posed now is what should be included in the BioShock Collector's Edition?

To determine the extra goodies included in the BioShock CE, 2K games is conducting a survey to see what the fans want the most. The choices of extras that fans can vote on include:

A Soundtrack CD
A BioShock Artbook
A Big Daddy figurine
A "Making of" DVD
BioShock posters
Upgraded packaging
An art print signed by the BioShock team
To vote, simply head over to the and submit your choice.

Eidos Confirms Battlestations: Midway Sequel
The company posts a loss, but looks towards the future.
Gamasutra is reporting that SCi, the owner of Eidos, has released details of its interim financial results for the fiscal half-year, ended December 31.

SCi revealed that for this fiscal period, sales rose to Ј74.5 million ($146.3m), a 49% increase from the same period in 2005. SCi reported a loss of Ј17.9 million ($35.1m) for the period, an improvement over 2005's Ј19.9 million ($39.1m). For the twelve-month fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, Eidos reported sales of Ј179.1 million ($351.4m) and a profit of Ј7.8 million ($15.3m).

SCi pointed to the importance of the deal made with Warner Bros. Entertainment, which resulted in a Ј44.5 million ($87.3m) investment by the media monolith. This investment was for distribution of Eidos-made games in the U.S. Additionally, this deal garnered SCi access to Warner Bros. intellectual properties such as Looney Tunes, Batman, and Hanna Barbera.

Eidos announced that it had garnered top sales in the UK for some of its games during this period. Both Just Cause and Battlestations: Midway hit number one in the region. Overall, the company reported 4 million units sold during the period; other significant movers were Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Reservoir Dogs, and Championship Manager.

Looking forward, SCi CEO Jane Cavanagh remarked, "As we do not believe that the installed base will be high enough until the second half of our 2008 financial year, most of our major product releases on the PlayStation 3 platform are not scheduled before that date."

Instead of focusing its attentions on PS3 development, SCi announced its plans to release the first games from its new casual games division throughout the second half of this fiscal year. Additionally, the company confirmed the development of sequels to Just Cause and Battlestations: Midway.

To conclude the announcements, Cavanagh commented: "During the first six months of the financial year we have continued the successful growth of SCi and consolidated our position as one of the world's leading computer and video game developers. The strength of our franchises, the quality of our development studios, our global distribution infrastructure and our investment in New Media means that the Group is set to benefit from the continued growth in the games market."

Max Payne Creator Recoils
A new development studio is destined for disastrous consequences.
March 29, 2007 - Established in January 2007, Recoil Games has officially announced its presence in the videogame industry and its intentions to create games with the scope of disaster movies. The studio was founded and is being headed by Samuli Syvдhuoko, co-founder of Remedy Entertainment, which introduced the world to Max Payne back in 2001.

Recoil is describing its titles as "cinegames" and says they will feature epic stories and large ensemble casts who must work together to overcome their disastrous circumstances. The studio's first cinegame will be based on an original IP and will make its way to next-gen consoles and PCs.
"Recoil Games titles will focus not only on compelling storylines and state of the art visuals, but also on superb playability," said Syvдhuoko. "Our long-term goal is to become a world-class game development company by building original IP game franchises that will reach hit status worldwide."

Along with Syvдhuoko, Recoil's founding members include industry veterans with experience at Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Treyarch, and Bugbear.

Civilization IV Moves Beyond the Sword
This summer brings the biggest expansion in the series' history.
March 28, 2007 - 2K announced today that development is firmly underway for Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword, the latest expansion pack for the world-building strategy game. Developed by Firaxis games exclusively for the PC, Beyond the Sword carries with it the largest amount of content of any expansion in the history of the franchise.

As any seasoned Civ player will tell you, the coolest parts of the game come in the latter ages, when you have built up your technology enough to create all sorts of wonderful units and buildings. With Beyond the Sword, Firaxis has worked to focus on expanding these late-game time periods after the invention of gunpowder.

"Civilization is close to our hearts here at Firaxis and we're excited to up the ante on the series once again with what we consider to be our best expansion pack ever," said Steve Martin, president of Firaxis Games. "Fan requests and a constant stream of new ideas motivate our team to continue delivering more and better gameplay for our premier series. Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword is a must-have expansion for every Civ fan."

Obviously, Firaxis seems pretty proud of itself, but should gamers agree? Beyond the Sword does look to enhance the Civ IV experience by adding in 10 new civilizations, 16 new leaders, 5 new wonders, and a whole slew of new unit and building types, all designed for the post-Industrial Age. Of course, that's not all Firaxis sought to include in Beyond the Sword. The game also features additions such as corporations, an expanded espionage feature, random natural disasters, and enhanced AI. Furthermore, the crew at Firaxis worked hard to respond to fan requests by the inclusion of Advanced Starts, a feature which enables players to "buy" components of a custom-tailored empire and jump into play in the latter portion of the game. The expansion also includes more intricate rules for both Space and Diplomatic Victories.

Strategy fans had better start working out their index fingers now. Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword is set to launch for PC in July 2007.

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#235 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 17:04:14 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Dark Sector
Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter
By: D3, Digital Extremes
Platforms: PC X360 PS3
Release Date: Q3 2007

Mai ţii minte acel trailer E3 de acum un an, arătвnd primul proiect de PS3 al producătorului Digital Extremes, Dark Sector? Nu? Bine de tine! Pentru că, altfel, oricum poţi uita de el complet! Jocul a fost demonstrat la E3 2006 doar "cu uşile оnchise" şi, cu toate că nu au fost făcute publice imagini sau un trailer nou, prezentarea a dat de оnţeles că Dark Sector a suferit o schimbare majoră оn ultimul an. Ceea ce iniţial părea a fi un joc futuristic de stealth-action, deşfăşurat pe nave spaţiale şi alte asemenea, acum se dovedeşte a fi un joc mai cu picioarele pe pămвnt. Mai mult la propriu, оntrucвt elementele S.F. abundă оn continuare.

  Ca unul dintre puţinele site-uri cu impresii de la E3 despre Dark Sector, 1UP dezvăluie un scenariu interesant şi cвte ceva despre gameplay-ul derivat dintr-o super-armă bună-la-toate pe care o vei avea la dispoziţie. Dar mai intвi, povestea sună cam aşa:

"you play an FBI agent sent to a small Russian city to investigate what is ambiguously described as "a threat". Upon arrival you're attacked by a brain-drilling monster, which implants a parasite in your head, and then kills you.
In the finest of gritty sci-fi traditions you later wake up to find that your right arm has been replaced by a metal monstrocity, and the parasite within has given you regenerative abilities and super powers. Then things start to get interesting. As you stumble back out into the Russian landscape, you see that a war has broken out between "infected" locals, and an unknown miltary force which is attempting to wipe out the threat before it spreads further."

  Articolul mai descrie cum jocul a devenit un titlu de acţiune cu perspectivă "peste umăr" (cam ca Resident Evil 5 sau Gears of War), şi cum prima armă de care te оmpiedici - zisă "mag disc" - оţi va permite să efectuezi tot felul de nebunii cu fizica jocului. Nu se precizează оnsă nimic nou despre data de apariţie, iar după ultimele noastre informaţii Dark Sector era vorba să fie lansat de D3Publisher оn toamna lui 2007, pe PC, PS3 şi Xbox 360.

Dark Sector Update - Remaking the Game
Have you wondered lately what's been going on with Digital Extremes' Dark Sector? We have, considering the game was unveiled back in April 2004 with an evocative trailer and was touted as the first game being designed entirely for next-generation hardware. Since that time, next-gen has evolved fully into this-gen, with a number of impressive titles like Gears of War, Resistance, and Twilight Princess appearing on all three of the shiny new consoles. And yet there's been no word on what's happening with Dark Sector--until now. Digital Extremes and publisher D3 recently gave us a brief real-time demo of Dark Sector in action to bring us up to speed, and we were surprised to find that it's not the game we were expecting based on our first look way back when.

For starters, forget everything you saw in that trailer. Gone are the futuristic corridors, powered armor, and Metal Gear-in-space trappings you saw well over two years ago. They've given way to a slightly more mundane setting that Digital Extremes says will serve to underscore the unusual and exceptional nature of the game's new main character, Hayden Tenno. Tenno is a CIA "cleaner," the guy they call to come in and fix situations gone awry, the guy who "makes plausible deniability happen," according to the developer. At the game's outset, Tenno will head to the fictional former Soviet state of Lasria, where some sort of horrific biological weapons research has been taking place in secret. His mission is, of course, to mop up the situation, but that mission will be complicated when he encounters two factions at war with one another: a group of powerful mutated humans known as the infected, and a well-armed paramilitary force trying to stop them.

Besides, Tenno's got his own problems. Primarily, he's been exposed to the toxic goop himself, and it's mutated his arm into a gnarled, armored instrument of destruction that can spontaneously grow a three-bladed flying weapon called the glaive. This weapon forms the cornerstone of Dark Sector's third-person action gameplay, which looked similar to games like Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War, given that you can shoot imprecisely from the hip (with no targeting reticle) or zoom in to a tighter, over-the-shoulder aiming mode when you want to get serious. Of course, you'll have access to an array of conventional weaponry as well, such as assault rifles and the like, and you'll be able to perform one-hit melee kills if you manage to get up-close and personal with your foes.

The glaive is the real star of the show here. When you go to your aiming mode, you'll get a little ball of light that acts as a crosshair, and then you can hurl the glaive at your target and have it come flying back to you. This makes it effective as a conventional ranged weapon, and even if it gets stuck or destroyed somehow, you can grow another one in an instant. But the glaive has an interesting secondary power that we weren't expecting, one that takes its cue from Zelda rather than traditional shooters, according to Digital Extremes. The glaive can absorb different kinds of energy, so if you fling it into a fire, for example, it will return to you wreathed in flames. Fire it into a light fixture, and it will not only disable the light but come back to you electrified. You can use these bonus properties to fight enemies--an electric glaive will automatically electrocute an enemy, for instance--but naturally this ability has myriad puzzle-solving applications as well. The only example we saw of this was using a flaming glaive to detonate an explosive crate and clear a path, but the developers promise you'll use the glaive in other interesting ways as the game progresses.

We didn't get to see a lot of Dark Sector in action, though Digital Extremes took us through a short demo in which Hayden navigated the streets of a dilapidated, deserted town presumably located in Lasria. After dispatching several grunts from afar with the glaive, he entered an old house and fought up-close with a few machete-wielding soldiers who used a gas that reduced his power and created a really freaky, unique distortion effect that made the enemy appear to be two or three enemies (you'd have to see this in action). Finally, Hayden entered an attic area, at which point the game switched to a cutscene in which he encountered his first infected--a sinewy, fully mutated beast that seemed to have superhuman strength and agility. We figure these guys will be a royal pain to deal with later on.

Dark Sector certainly made a splash back in early 2004 when Digital Extremes unveiled it as the first game in development exclusively for next-gen hardware. Plenty of great-looking games have shipped since then, but Dark Sector looks as though it's still holding its own, running on the company's internally developed Sector engine. We were particularly impressed by the lighting effects--at one point Tenno walked by some boarded-up windows and we saw the light. There's also some nice detail in the characters. For instance, when the player melee-killed one of those machete soldiers by snapping his neck, the attack actually knocked the guy's mask upwards, and we were able to see his fully modeled face behind it.

Dark Sector is looking like a solid first next-gen effort from Digital Extremes, from the little we got to see of it. We'll be interested to see if the game can deliver on all of its potential when it ships in late 2007. Stay tuned for more on the game before then.

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#236 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 18:14:34 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#235 regnumekal, c DarkSector прикольная фигня произошла если кто не знает она начиналась как космическая игра даже ролик был где глав герои на корабле месит всяких чепушеи а потом и робота рулит в конце а переросла в зомби боивик

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#237 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 18:45:31 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#236 Votan, :yes: Iata mie imi este interesant cum o sa fie joaca numai cu o singura arma. :hmmm:

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#238 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 18:48:07 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#237 regnumekal, не там по моему кроме его фигни будет еще обычное оружие

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#239 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 18:50:48 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#238 Votan, :slap: Aaaa da:
"... This weapon forms the cornerstone of Dark Sector's third-person action gameplay, which looked similar to games like Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War, given that you can shoot imprecisely from the hip (with no targeting reticle) or zoom in to a tighter, over-the-shoulder aiming mode when you want to get serious. Of course, you'll have access to an array of conventional weaponry as well, such as assault rifles and the like..."

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#240 by cristi21Disabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-31 21:42:33 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#235 regnumekal, joaca parca seamana cu Infernal.

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#241 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-01 08:45:37 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#240 cristi21, Nu Dark Sector seamana cu Infernal, dar Infernal seamana cu Dark Sector.

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#242 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-01 10:30:36 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Collapse: Devastated World
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure
By: Buka Entertainment, CREOTEAM
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release Date: Q4 2007
2096 A.D. The world we know is destroted. Creatures from other dimension emerged over the old Europe, massacring and killing every life form they found on their way… That was one century ago.

The remains of humankind live under the constant menace of alien attacks, while the law of the strongest has taken place over the society.

The Lords, an elite group appeared from the total chaos and anarchy and now they are the only barrier between the total annihilation

Collapse is an amazing 3D Non-stop Action game. CREOTEAM is making an amazing job and, even in the early stage that the game is, we all can see the high quality the final product will have.

Take the best adventure elements of Tomb Raider saga, all the action of Devil May Cry and the acrobatic movements and realism of character of Prince of Persia, and you will have the perfect mixture for the most amazing game for 2007!


-Hyper-realistic characters and movements, all of them created under the “Motion Capture” technology.
-A huge world to discover and explore, divided into several zones, full of secrets and enemies.
-Intuitive hit combo system based on mouse and keyboard clicks. Perform amazing and painful combos with your weapons.
-State of the art physics system. Hundreds of elements in the scenario can be destroyed, moved and used as pieces to solve complex puzzles.
-Dozens of acrobatic movements to perform, even using elements of the scenario like walls, bars, ladders, etc…

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#243 by cristi21Disabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-01 10:49:38 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#242 regnumekal, super!! inka PC Exclusive! rupatoare joaca.

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#244 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-01 11:11:12 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#243 cristi21, +1 very nice

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#245 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-01 11:39:02 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#242 regnumekal, вроде весело надо будет пошпилить

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#246 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:06:19 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Left 4 Dead
Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter
By: Turtle Rock
Platforms: PC X360
Release Date: Q2 2007

You might not think about team-based online multiplayer going hand-in-hand with "survival horror" games--games like the Resident Evil series that give you only limited resources while pitting you against legions of horrible monsters, often in cramped confines. After all, classic survival horror games are usually single-player experiences because they're about your character being all alone in a hostile, zombie-filled world. But Turtle Rock Studios, a developer with credits that include Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and the Xbox version of Counter-Strike, is doing just that with Left 4 Dead. This new team-based game for the PC and Xbox 360 pits small teams of humans against "the infected," which are hordes of ordinary people transformed into mindless killing machines by a mysterious virus that has spread throughout the game's various environments. We sat down with Turtle Rock's Michael Booth to get the first details.

GameSpot: What exactly is Left 4 Dead? We understand that it has survival horror elements, but what else is there to the game? How would you describe it?

Michael Booth: Left 4 Dead is a cooperative survivor horror game where four survivors must work together to escape a city teeming with an overwhelming number of the infected. If you work together, you have a chance. If you run off on your own, you will die.

GS: What's the setting? Is it contemporary America, in the vein of something like Dead Rising? Or is this a postapocalyptic future we're talking about? What sort of environments will we see?

MB: Left 4 Dead is set contemporary America. Although we've pushed the fiction a bit for the sake of gameplay (such as including the "boss infected"), the basic idea of a catastrophic pandemic and the collapse of civilization makes for great survival horror because it is quite plausible. We wanted our environments to remind you of home--but a horribly changed and tortured version of home.

The initial four campaigns of Left 4 Dead include both urban areas and rural areas, with lots of dense architecture and challenging landscapes. Each campaign also ends with an elaborate "finale" where the survivors must make a stand while waiting for a rescue vehicle to arrive and take them to apparent safety.

GS: Who's who in the game? Who are the main characters, what are they trying to do, and what exactly are the infected?

MB: The four survivors include Bill, a Vietnam veteran with combat skills that have helped keep him alive; Louis, an assistant manager at a local retail electronics chain store; Zoey, the teenage daughter of a wealthy family; and Francis, who is big, loud, and rough, but always has your back.

Imagine that you live in a major city during a time when a new and highly virulent strain of the rabies virus emerges and begins spreading rapidly among the human population. Those infected become dangerously psychotic and attack all noninfected on sight. You are one of the lucky few who seem to be immune to the virus, but are trapped in a city teeming with thousands of extremely violent infected. Banding together with a few other survivors, you try to escape.

GS: It seems safe to say that Left 4 Dead is a class-based game, considering Turtle Rock's previous work on Counter-Strike: Source, and judging from the early graphic showing the four heroes, each carrying a different type of weapon. What are the classes in the game, and how do they complement one another?

MB: From the survivor standpoint, Left 4 Dead is a cooperative game in which success is based upon the skills of each member and the team's ability to work together as a unit. As such, the four survivors have the same weaponry available to them and begin with the same skills.

On the infected side, however, the characters available to human players (the boomer, smoker, hunter, and tank) have very specific skills.

GS: It sounds like infected characters play quite a bit differently from the humans. Will you be able to shoot guns, as well?

MB: The experience of playing an infected is entirely different than that of being a survivor. The four "boss infected" classes have very unique abilities based on their particular virus-induced...mutations.

For example, the boomer can vomit blood on his victim, which attracts hordes of infected to this victim. The smoker, meanwhile, has a 50-foot tongue that can pull a survivor out of position or even leave them hanging.

But the infected cannot use items or fire weapons, and will die quickly if they blindly charge at the well-armed survivor group. That said, the infected are legion in number and when one dies, they spawn right back into the fray after a short time. The infected just keep coming.

As such, playing as an infected tends to be more of a "hide and seek" kind of thing. You want to position yourself to attack at the worst possible time for the survivors, lurking and stalking for a bit until you make your move. That is, unless you are the tank. Then you charge right in and cause massive chaos and mayhem--tossing cars into the air, smashing through concrete walls, that sort of thing.

GS: Is there going to be some kind of story, or is the game mainly a series of multiplayer battles, like Counter-Strike? We understand the game will also ship with four campaigns, each containing five maps. Is each campaign basically a chapter, or a collection of maps that share a same theme?

MB: The campaigns are a connected and evolving set of maps. Like CS, the design goal is to create interesting areas that will allow for extended replay value. Unlike CS, the maps in each campaign are connected and lead to an eventual finale that the survivors are challenged to reach and complete. And along the way, player stats are collected and displayed at given intervals.

The only "story" elements in the game are the differing goals of each campaign, which are all of the "survive-and-escape" variety.

This is an intentional design decision. We've kept the overall goal of the game simple, because the moment-to-moment gameplay is often hectic and mentally demanding. Trying to stay with your team, keep everyone alive, and keep moving toward the next checkpoint is often enough to keep track of.

GS: Multiplayer cooperative gameplay is a big feature of Left 4 Dead, but will you be able to play by yourself in some kind of single-player game? If so, in that case is it just your character solo, or will other members of your team be controlled by artificial intelligence?

MB: Left 4 Dead is built upon Turtle Rock Studios' next-generation AI technology. This lets us create a scalable game experience whether you play alone with AI-controlled survivors and infected, or online with and against human players.

GS: Could you go into detail about the multiplayer modes? It sounds like there's going to be cooperative gameplay against the AI, but also competitive gameplay, with one team playing as the humans and the other team playing as the infected.

MB: The game is designed to allow human players to drop in and out without adversely affecting the experience or requiring the scenario to restart. We have also taken steps to maintain the survivor's game experience even with the presence of human-controlled infected. Although the infected can "win" by killing all of the survivors before they reach the finale and escape, it doesn't feel like a traditional competitive game--it still feels very cooperative from the survivor side.

GS: What sort of weapons will be in the game? Are we talking about modern-day equipment mixed in with a few futuristic prototypes? And can we expect any kind of vehicular combat?

MB: For the initial release of Left 4 Dead, the game's arsenal consists of weaponry that you would be able to scavenge during such a catastrophe: handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns, even some homemade weaponry like pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.

We are planning to continue to create and release new content for the game via Steam, much as we have done for the Counter-Strike franchise. Over time, we expect the inventory of items in Left 4 Dead to continue to grow.

GS: Finally, a PC version is scheduled for the first half of 2007, with an Xbox 360 version scheduled that winter. Can we expect both versions to be identical? And will the two versions be playable against one another?

MB: Left 4 Dead was explicitly designed as an online cooperative survivor horror experience. I've been quite impressed with the Xbox 360 and its Xbox Live interface. Our game will be a perfect fit for it.

Allowing the PC and Xbox 360 versions of Left 4 Dead to play together is something we're still investigating.

GS: Fair enough. Thanks, Michael.

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#247 by cristi21Disabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:21:02 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#246 regnumekal, rupator arata.inka la PC apare.super.

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#248 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:30:39 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ca sa intelegeti mai bine despre ce e jocul priviti trailer-ul:

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#249 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:31:10 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Sh inca mai zicea cineva ca grafika la PC e rea :D

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#250 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-04-02 21:42:23 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#249 Iulik, aici chiar nici nu se compara cu acea de la xbox360!!uite la Turok!

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