Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ, Kōdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurūshu?), often referred to as simply Code Geass, is a Japanese anime series created by Sunrise, directed by Gorō Taniguchi, and written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, with original character designs by Clamp.
"Code Geass" first ran in Japan on MBS from October 5, 2006,[1] to July 28, 2007.[2] Its sequel series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2, Kōdo Giasu Hangyaku no Rurūshu Āru Tsū?), ran on MBS and TBS from April 6, 2008 to September 28, 2008.[3][4] Both seasons have won several awards at the Tokyo International Anime Fair,[5] Animage Anime Grand Prix, and Animation Kobe event.[6]
The series is set after Japan's conquest by the Holy Britannian Empire on August 10, 2010, a.t.b. with their powerful new robot weapons, the Knightmare Frames, stripping Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renaming the country Area 11. The titular Lelouch is a Britannian prince who was disowned by his father, Emperor Charles zi Britannia, after his mother was murdered, and has vowed to destroy his father, the Emperor, and Britannia. He gains an ability through the mysterious power of the Geass, becoming the leader of the resistance movement to fulfill his two wishes: to seek revenge for his mother and to construct a world in which his beloved sister Nunnally can live happily.
#76 by StoneEye (Carpe Diem!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 14:58:24 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#75 Pheonix999, loshara...
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#77 by Pheonix999 (a.k.a. VenoM) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 15:06:57 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#76 StoneEye, SMF, ma tot mir de unde va luati voi asa "prapaditi" si prosti?! Ce ma rog ai vrut sa spui cu postul tau, sau sa arati cit de "inteligent" esti, ma rog nu ma pun eu in mintea voatra... mai am de crescut pina a va intelege ... Am spus ce am avut de spus, mai departe faceti concluziile potrivite virstei si capacitatii intelectuale ce o detineti...
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#78 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 15:12:17 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#75 Pheonix999, aceea pur și simplu au pus doar așa pentru show, și dacă chiar avea să vadă memoriile păi ea nu avea să fie tristă dar confuză, plus la asta CC nu avea să plîngă pentru fake-moarte lui
anyway citește asta de pe un forum
Such a long death scene could'nt possibly be fake....
Also so many people had died because of him,so its impossible for him to make a clean slate,without some punishment.
As for him stealing the Emperor's code,the code must be given willingly and cannot be stolen.
Also, other immortals(VV & the nun who gave CC the geass)died after the code was taken from them.But the Emperor's body disintegrated,which means the code went with him.
And as for Lord Jermiah smiling in the end,Jermiah agreed to serve Lelouch because he was Marianne's son & he declared that Empress Marianne was his master.
So if Lelouch had just told him that he was the one who killed Marianne,then Jermiah would hav willingly supported zero requiem.
And Nnnally seeing his memories,it was probably a way to show she ralized.Because if she was actually seeing his memories,she would be more confused than sad.
Besides the one biggest point which proves his death was CC's tears.She definately would'nt hav cried if he was gonna live.
Also there was a simillarity in Lelouch's death & Euphimia's death.Both died being hated & and with everyone screaming Zero's name aft they died.Which implies that this is also Lelouch's punishment for killing Euphy .
The beauty of the ending is in Lelouch's death.It would make so much sense if Nunnaly was crying while everyone celebrated his death,only if he was really dead.
And the fact that we still don't hav season 3 proves it!!
Most peopke say he's alive because wat happened to him was so unfair and they want to convience themselves that the ending is a more happy one.
But they just need to understand Lelouch is doing this as a redemption for his past sins. For all the people he has killed or caused to die, for the people he has manipulated, and as compensation for using Geass on people. If we believe (as I do) that Lelouch is atoning for himself, then he’s committed himself to death — it just wouldn’t make any sense if he was still alive.
But accepting he's dead,would make his sacrifice great & his charecter itself more admirable,rather that beliving he's alive,which would only make him a trickster.
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#79 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 15:13:35 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#72 lopata, ple eu stiu q el ii mort da mai ramine o varianta...
cine a spus ca C.C. nu i-a dat lui nemurirea ei?
ei sh oricum nu conteaza...asteptam Lelouch's Ressurection
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#80 by snyper (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 15:38:33 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#68 Placinta, EA NU VORBEA CU NIMENI, era prezent un monolog, dacă ştiţi ce e asta.. adică vorbea singură cu dînsa, blind fanboys
#75 Pheonix999, :O)
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#81 by StoneEye (Carpe Diem!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 17:30:48 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#77 Pheonix999, "... mai am de crescut pina a va intelege ..." - +3,14... rest tat fuflo))) копкилуле...
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#82 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 19:34:29 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#74 lopata, "... unde el e viu deam .. ..." - Code Geass R...emix xD
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#83 by Placinta (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 19:51:58 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#69 PcholKa, Nu mă jigni, şi nu te voi jigni nici eu. Faptul că eşti mai în vârstă deloc nu-ţi face opinia un adevăr.
#80 snyper, Aceasta e părerea ta că a fost un monolog. Dar ce defapt a fost - nu poţi şti. Ceea ce ne-a fost arătat nouă poate fi doar o parte din ce s-a întâmplat. Te-aş ruga şi pe tine să nu arunci vorbe în vânt ce ţine de mine.
Creaţi holywar-uri fix pe aceeaşi bază ca şi cu religia sau genul de muzică preferat. Cei care sunt în cantitate mai mare automat spun adevărul.
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#84 by snyper (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 19:59:31 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#83 Placinta, nu putem şti în cazuri unde nu se confirmă nimic, în cazul dat, autorul a precizat concret că Lelouch a murit! sau el ne-a minciunit ?
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#85 by Placinta (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 20:04:18 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#84 snyper, Ar putea fi сă a murit. Ar putea fi cum a spus Pheonix999, din cauza marketing-ului.
Probabil ai auzit de fraza lui House "Everybody lies".
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#86 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 20:19:16 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
rofl ce are marketu cu moartea lui Lelouch ?
parcă dacă era viu raitingu avea să fie mai mare și mai mulți bani o să facă )))))))))))))
ea a vorbit singur cu ea, pur și simplu își amintea despre el..
plus ea nu avea să plîngă dacă el o fake-uit moartea
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#87 by Placinta (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 20:23:25 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#86 lopata, Dacă e viu, atunci au de unde să mai facă un sequel)
Oricum, fiecare crede ce doreşte.
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#88 by snyper (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 20:33:48 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#87 Placinta, tu nu intelegi ca animeul ar fi bred daca lelouch ar fi viu ? asa e un mega ending... autorul cred ca a lamurit f bine, LELOUCH IS DEAD
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#89 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 20:40:40 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#87 Placinta, "... tunci au de unde să mai facă un sequel) ..." - sequel nu fac, dar alte serii vor să facă
chiar o să iasă în decembrie, în pagina trecută am scris)
#88 snyper, +1, cel mai reușit ending văzut pînă cînd în anime-uri)
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#90 by Placinta (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 21:40:08 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#88 snyper,
#89 lopata, Referitor la ending, mulţi spun că putea fi mult mai reuşit dacă nu schimbau scenariul în R2, dar continuau cu cel original.
#89 lopata, Da, am citit că va fi alternative. =]
P.S. ft multe comenturi de acest gen sunt. Şi teoriile sunt credibile.
Lelouch is still alive. He has Charles’ Code which he received when the man choked him. The Code activates first when you die, which happened. Charles code got activate when he shot himself the first time, same with C.C. when she was killed by the nun. And before you say can’t have Code and a Geass at the same time, the Code wasn’t the one C.C. had, meaning that Lelouch was the first one to achieve Code Geass. Lelouch’s code also activates when Suzaku stabbed him. Nunnally even gets ‘memory watch’ when she touched Lelouch. It was the similar effects when Lelouch touched C.C.’s body back in the cave episode. This pretty much tells us that he really has the code and it is activating to revive him. He’s now traveling the country-side with C.C., living as immortals.
That’s the only reason for C.C. to be suddenly so happy again. Also, before you say that C.C. was just talking to the dead like with Marianne, that’s not true. She could only talk to her because of the nature of her Geass which allowed her to implant herself into the “hearts” of others. That’s how she was able to talk with Marianne. Lelouch’s Geass was entirely different, meaning that she could only have spoken to him if he was there.
The man driving the cart at the end is Lelouch. You can tell by the way C.C. tilts her head back a bit and in the tone that she is using that she is talking to that person, who she calls Lelouch. They don’t show you his face because they want to make you speculate about it, but he is alive — all the proof you need is given to you.
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#91 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 21:55:00 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#90 Placinta, eu tot de la partea cu Nunnaly ma gindeam ca el avea the second Geass Code... pt ca cu C.C. acelashi efect s-a intimplat...
p.s. Lelouch Lamperouge... L.L.
p.p.s. la urma cinta Hitomi-Continued Story...insasi numele cintecului parq spune chiar cintecu cind se incepe shi pin la minuta 4.20 descrie moartea shi urma descrie viata intr-o lume mai buna...+ contractul cu C.C. - dorinta ei era sa fie iubita nu? de asta intotdeauna l-a protejat pe lulu pt ca s-a indragostit de el + chiar daq se spune ca el e un mincinos pt ca shi-ar fi inscenat moartea dar in realitate restul si-au dat seama ce scop avea el defapt si ca rezultat nu au dorit ca el sa moara...
IMHO of course :x
#92 by snyper (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 21:59:52 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#91 valachesh, "... eu totusi cred ca Lulu ii alive...chiar daq e mort ..." - crezi pentru tine ca ma inervez cind iti faci opinia ta stupida publica...
#91 valachesh, "... la urma cinta Hitomi-Continued Story...insasi numele cintecului parq spune chiar cintecu cind se incepe shi pin la minuta 4.20 descrie moartea shi urma descrie viata intr-o lume mai buna... ..." - omg daq si de ost te legi ap deamu hz cintecul rupe am tot CG OST in pc, si openings si endings la fel imi plac )
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#93 by Placinta (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 22:03:10 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#92 snyper, Toţi cărora le place CG tre să aibă. %)
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#94 by ECEHuH (Аниме - говно) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 22:05:35 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#88 snyper,
#89 lopata,
#90 Placinta,
#91 valachesh,
enough with this foolish arguments! I will never die by the hands of mere humans!
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#95 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 22:05:50 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
hai gata ajunge atîta discuții
he's alive, but he's in hell, paying for his sins X) period xD
imho remake-ul ăsta nu va fi ceva bun ;( doar bani vor să facă..
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#96 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 22:15:42 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#95 lopata, "... imho remake-ul ăsta nu va fi ceva bun ;( doar bani vor să facă.. ..." - +1...deam nu are sens...lupta cu britannia s-a terminat sh nu vad ce altceva poate aparea...poate doar daq va disparea efectul geassului lui lulu de pe toti da ar fi cam aiurea
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#97 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-28 23:58:54 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#96 valachesh, e Remake, nu continuare X)
posibil să fie iarăși război) da deam altfel să se lupte) sau altceva)
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#98 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-29 08:10:14 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#97 lopata, "... e Remake, nu continuare X) ..." - ple...n-am atras atentia...
hz dar xD
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#99 by Wallachiel (Castle of Dreams: Sleeping Garden) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-29 16:09:41 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
lulu is alive iopt xD
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#100 by PcholKa (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-29 16:48:59 (801 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#83 Placinta, "... PcholKa, Nu mă jigni ..." - babe, quote me please unde te-am jignit
#95 lopata, "... imho remake-ul ăsta nu va fi ceva bun ;( doar bani vor să facă.. ..." - по любому
#91 valachesh, "... la urma cinta Hitomi-Continued Story...insasi numele cintecului parq spune chiar cintecu cind se incepe shi pin la minuta 4.20 descrie moartea shi sacrificiul ..." - ты неисправим...
#99 valachesh, "... lulu is alive ..." - это уже диагноз