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#0 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-03 11:39:15 (941 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#15551 by CrashPk (Youth like summer morn...) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 20:24:51 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
emm am inskris tekken 6..pakr o mers fara nika..adik activator sau nush ) hmm ce am observat..e k grafika..kam ...sux....dar in rest un fighting tipic..)am kreztu k va fi ceva mai deosebit )

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#15552 by Dumbledore (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 20:31:27 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15551 CrashPk, "... emm am inskris tekken 6..pakr o mers fara nika..adik activator sau nush ) ..." - ai ix1.51?

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#15553 by michigan (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 20:41:04 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
подскажите пожалуйста. как узнать какая у меня прошивка??
боксу чуть больше года. привод Лайт-он. NTSC-U
все игры 3ей волны приходилось патчить.

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#15554 by CrashPk (Youth like summer morn...) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 20:41:10 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15552 Dumbledore, hz shi am...da o mers :lol:

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#15555 by Dumbledore (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 21:12:21 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15553 michigan, "... все игры 3ей волны приходилось патчить. ..." - lite-on shi treb sa patchuieshti jocurile? :blink:

#15553 michigan, "... все игры 3ей волны приходилось патчить. ..." - lite-on shi treb sa patchuieshti jocurile? :blink:

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#15556 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-22 23:34:31 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15553 michigan, da prin abgx360 nu le-ai dat? daca nici atunci nu merg - atunci fw e <1.5.1

#15547 Dumbledore, "... scoate activator.iso de pe net shi inskrie pe DL... dupa asta bagi in bos... ashteptz sa se invartz... deskizi cd-romul shi bagi tekkenul ..." - da prin abgx360 nu ai de gind sa dai? care-i sensul atunci in iXtreme - daca tot pui jocul neverificat! activator.iso in caz ca image-ul e rau - te face unstealth! :wink:

#15547 Dumbledore, "... scoate activator.iso de pe net shi inskrie pe DL... dupa asta bagi in bos... ashteptz sa se invartz... deskizi cd-romul shi bagi tekkenul ..." - da prin abgx360 nu ai de gind sa dai? care-i sensul atunci in iXtreme - daca tot pui jocul neverificat! activator.iso in caz ca image-ul e rau - te face unstealth! :wink: wrote:

2009/10/15 (Updated 2009/10/16):

Wave 4 and YOU v1.2 by Kushan

A n00b's guide to everything Wave4

What IS "Wave 4"?

A regular, retail Xbox 360 disk is split into several sections or "partitions". One of these partitions is known as the "video partition". Before March 2009, this partition simply contained a video that would play if you inserted the disk into a regular DVD player, the video would basically tell you that you were an idiot and need to put it into an Xbox 360 to play it.

One of the ways Microsoft can detect you being a dirty, filthy pirate is to scan this video to make sure it matches with what is supposed to be on the disk, so to protect you, the firmware itself does a quick checksum of it and if it doesn't match with known video data, it wont boot. Every now and then, this video changed, with each change being called a "wave".

Normally, system updates (dashboard updates) are stored on a different part of the disk, taking up about 8Mb of space, however in November 2008 Microsoft launched the "NXE", a completely new Dashboard for the system. Along with the new dash came Avatars, making the whole update substantially larger (somewhere in the region of 130MB). This meant the update wouldn't fit on the disk in the same partition that previous updates were located and so instead the update was placed within the video partition. This was known as "wave 3" and hit around March 2009.

As Microsoft now distributes new Dashboard updates in the same partition, each time the 360 gets a software update, we will see a new "wave" a few months later. There was a Dashboard update in August 2009 and that is now being distributed with the latest games. This is known as Wave4. Its identical to Wave3, except the video partition now contains the August 09 Dash update. The first known game to have this was Cars Race-o-rama.

Now, its important to remember that iXtreme was designed to PROTECT you and part of that protection is the "video partition" check. When this video partition changes, the firmware doesn't know if its just a new "wave" or if its a bad rip and thus opts to not boot it.

When wave 3 hit, iXtreme 1.51 was quickly released to tackle the problem. This was a temporary fix only, the firmware simply does not do the video partition check and thus boots was supposed to boot ANY wave, up to wave 4 and beyond.

However, this in itself is "unsafe". If the disk is fine, then you'll be fine, but if the video partition is in any way corrupt, iXtreme 1.51 will still boot it and thus you could be detected by Microsoft and banned. This also is not helped by the fact that some impatient, idiotic people decided to "patch" Wave3 games with Wave2 data in order to get iXtreme 1.5 or below to boot it. This is a great way to get yourself banned and thus iXtreme 1.6 was created.

ix1.6 will only boot games that have the CORRECT video partition, up to and including wave 3. This means that if you have a Wave 3 game that was patched with a Wave 2 video partition (aka a great big bullseye for Microsoft to target), iXtreme 1.6 will not boot it but ix1.51 will.

Will I need a new firmware to play Wave 4 games?

IF you are on iXtreme 1.5 or below, Wave3 games will not boot for you and thus Wave4 games will not either. In this case, YES you need to update your firmware!

IF you are on iXtreme 1.51 (Hitachi), then ANY wave will boot fine, including Wave4 however you must be EXTRA careful as you are not protected against corrupt or incorrect video partitions. This is one of the many reasons to always use abgx360. If a game is fully verified, playing it on iXtreme 1.51 is just as safe as playing it on iXtreme 1.6 - this includes Wave4 games.

IF you are on iXtreme 1.51 (BenQ/LiteOn/Samsung), then YES you need to update your firmware!

IF you are on iXtreme 1.6, you can ALSO play Wave 4 and above games, however you need to use a special activation disk to do so. This was added to the firmware specifically for this eventuality - the disk activates "one-shot-boot" mode, essentially it allows iX1.6 to boot any game you insert into the drive, even if its not properly stealthed. You simply insert the disk into the drive, let it spin up (it will say "play DVD"), then swap in your Wave4 game. You will need to do this each time you want to play a Wave 4 (or above) game. Don't worry, if the game has all the necessary stealth data, then iX1.6 will still use it, so if you boot a VERIFIED Wave4 game using this method, you should be just as safe as you were booting a verified wave 3 game.

The disk is available here: and needs to be burned to a DUAL LAYER disk, but entirely on the first layer (do not set a layerbreak and when imgburn prompts, tell it to burn to the first layer only).

A new iXtreme firmware will eventually be released with strict wave4 support (no activation disk needed), however some time needs to pass before this happens. Although Cars: Race-o-Rama was the first game to appear in the wild with Wave 4 video, it was not necessarily the first game to be pressed with it. Also, during a wave transition there are often a few exceptions to the process which also need to be known about. There will be no timeframe for this, so do not ask.

What about abgx360? Will that need to be updated?

abgx360 v1.0.1 (latest as of time of writing) does not recognise a "wave 4" image and will report a POSSIBLE corrupt/bad PFI/Video partition, however the program is actually still completely compatible with Wave 4 games. Once a Wave4 title is verified, abgx360 will still download the .ini from the database and fully check out the image. If the image matches and the game is verified, then it has also passed the stealth checks and thus it is as safe to play as any wave3 or wave2 game.

abgx360 v1.0.2 will be released with full Wave4 recognition in a similar manner to the new iXtreme; that is once the transition date is known and any exceptions are noted.

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#15557 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 02:23:15 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15549 serega1, "... No way! у меня древняя и всеядная прошивка.:D ..." - same here. Am incercat si merge. ^^

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#15558 by DJVoY (Music4All) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 04:22:04 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Встречайте, новая волна - Wave 4!!!!!!!!

1) Tekken 6 - Игра работает!!!! Проверенно лично мною (Lite-On - iXtreme 1.6)!!!
2) Способы запуска:
  • -прошивка Xtreme - играем и не заморачиваемся как и всегда
  • -прошивка iXtreme 1.4-1.51 - патчим игры 4-й волны патчем под 2-ю волну и играем
  • -прошивка iXtreme 1.6 - скачивам activate.iso, пишем его на двухслойку и используем для запуска игр 4-й волны. Вставляем ActivateCD в привод на 30 сек., вытаскиваем вставляем игру 4-ой волны, играем. Если не хотите проблем в Лайве со старыми играми, после игры 4-ой волны перезагружаем консоль!!!!
  • Ну и наконец, если вы счастливый обладатель консоли с сидиромом фирмы Hitachi прошитого в iXtreme 1.51, ничего не делаем, ничего не патчим, а как и раньше пишем всё подряд и наслаждаемся

Используя ActivateCD - в Live НЕ ВЫХОДИТЬ!!! 90% БАН!!!!

Так что соХВОХники, готовимся к выходу новой прошивки!!!!!

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#15559 by Omega (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 07:41:57 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
spunetzi va rog cum de reincarcat batereile de la gamepad? se poate de incarcat ka shi cele obishnuite sau trebuie cablu special pt xbox? shi inca una, pt a juca live trebuie de cumparat cartele speciale,da? de unde le luatzi? :) thx anticipat...

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#15560 by trol (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 11:45:07 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15526 BlackCross, multumesc de raspuns. am cumparat ieri 20 Arita, am inscris 5 fara probleme. Acuma o alta intrebare. Stiti ceva jocuri pentru camera web, gen You're in the Movies?

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#15561 by muzlov (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 12:45:28 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15558 DJVoY, а после 27-ого можно в лайф заходить?

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#15562 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 13:21:16 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15560 trol, "... multumesc de raspuns ..." - Pentru putin. ^_^

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#15563 by DJVoY (Music4All) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 13:35:39 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15561 muzlov, c ActivateCD ваще не желательно в лайв лезть, лучше дождаться новой прошивки и не рисковать!!!
Все игры в дальнейшем будут уже четвертой волны, особенно хиты!!!
Новую прошивку вроде обещают скоро, так что ждемс, играем и не лезим в LIVE!!!!

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#15564 by trol (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 13:46:20 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
As mai avea doua intrebari. Toti care aveti console stati pe Live sau este si vreo retea "locala"?
1. Prin Kai s-a conectat cineva? Nu de alta dar nu joc asa de mult ca sa dau bani pentru Live. Din ce am gasit pe net, cel mai ieftin este 700 lei pe an, si chiar nu as vrea sa-i dau.
2. Daca imi inregistrez consola in Live, si pe urma imi schimb adresa (stau la gazda) si automat mi se schimba si ip-ul, exista posibilitatea conectarii ulterioare a Xbox-ului la Live cu un alt ip?

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#15565 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 14:04:38 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15564 trol, 2. desigur

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#15566 by trol (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 14:36:07 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15565 BlackCross, pai cum ramine cu banatul consolei? iti baneaza ip-ul sau "imei/ul" consolei sa-i spun asa? vad ca unii vind consola ca ii banata, cumpara alta si foc la ghete. ramine a doua varianta. si revin la prima mea intrebare: a incercat cineva prin KAI?

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#15567 by Erick (¡La 15-a ya esta aquí!) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 14:49:41 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15558 DJVoY, "... -прошивка Xtreme - играем и не заморачиваемся как и всегда ..." - эх, у моего бокса была она ( все игры шли

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#15568 by vict90 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 15:34:55 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Nu prea am inteles, patchurile de la wave 3 vor fi compatibile shi pentru wave 4? Nu-mi pasa de LIVE, shi nu vreau sa schimb iXtreme 1.4.1 care il am acum.

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#15569 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 16:17:38 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15559 Omega, "... spunetzi va rog cum de reincarcat batereile de la gamepad? se poate de incarcat ka shi cele obishnuite sau trebuie cablu special pt xbox? shi inca una, pt a juca live trebuie de cumparat cartele speciale,da? de unde le luatzi? thx anticipat... ..." -
1. daca este acumulator integru - atunci sau prin cablu sau cradle. daca sunt acumulatoarte obisnuite - le scoti si le incarci normal in charger.
2. sunt cartele speciale. sunt de mai multe tipuri: USA, EUR, Region Free. in dependenta de zona in care ai inregistrat accountul - iti iai cartela. Region Free normal ca merge la toate. Eu de exemplu mi-am luat prin Vei avea nevoie de un cont WebMoney, pe care il vei putea usor incarca in mai multe puncte autorizate din Chisinau sau la terminalele de plata. Pe un an te va costa acum 37.9$ + 0.3$ comision (0.8%) + 3.3$ taxa pentru incarcare si transfer WebMoney = 460 lei.

#15564 trol, "... Din ce am gasit pe net, cel mai ieftin este 700 lei pe an, si chiar nu as vrea sa-i dau. ..." - 460 lei iese. nu dai, nu joci! simplu nu? nu te impune nimeni! btw - sunt cartele si pe 1 luna sau pe 3. Pe o luna e cel mai nerentabil sa iai. Sau 3 sau 12 (12+1 uneori sunt oferte).

#15561 muzlov, "... а после 27-ого можно в лайф заходить? ..." - da acum ce problema sa iesi? principalul nu iesi cu activate.iso. pentru o mai buna siguranta - e bine sa-l evitati total pina iese noul iXtreme. Nu este confirmat ca nu se transmit careva log-uri.

#15563 DJVoY, "... Новую прошивку вроде обещают скоро, так что ждемс, играем и не лезим в LIVE!!!! ..." - pina atunci se poate de iesit in Live!, dar nu cu jocurile noi Wave4 + activate.iso!

#15566 trol, "... #15565 BlackCross, pai cum ramine cu banatul consolei? iti baneaza ip-ul sau "imei/ul" consolei sa-i spun asa? ..." - dupa IP Microsoft nu baneaza. Sunt 2 tipuri de banuri - total (pina in 31.12.9999 :)) dupa MAC adresa boxului sau partial: al gamertag-ului.

#15568 vict90, "... Nu prea am inteles, patchurile de la wave 3 vor fi compatibile shi pentru wave 4? Nu-mi pasa de LIVE, shi nu vreau sa schimb iXtreme 1.4.1 care il am acum. ..." - daca nu iti pasa - continua sa faci patching la jocuri, cum o faceai si pina acum cu jocurile Wave3, punind patch Wave2.

Editat de către adrianis la 2009-10-23 17:28:38

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#15570 by vict90 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 16:46:20 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15569 adrianis, OK, thx, atunci Wave 4 il ocolesc)))))

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#15571 by Omega (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 16:46:24 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15569 adrianis, :clap2: pt asha un mesaj cu atita informatzie folositoare :) ...thx...

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#15572 by 2kira2 (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 16:51:12 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Люди скажите плисссс как скинуть игру с CD Диска на Жёсткий Диск Xbox &&&

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#15573 by LonG (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 17:17:20 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15558 DJVoY, Чёто не прошел метод с activate.iso, слух а как падчить под 2-ю волну?

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#15574 by trol (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 17:21:10 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15569 adrianis, 10x. m/am lamurit acuma cu banurile. si inca o intrebare de concretizare. dau 460 lei, cumpar cont pe 1 an, si indiferent de la ce ip ma conectez si de cite ori voi schimba ip-ul pe parcursul acestui an, voi avea live 1 an de zile indiferent de toate astea, corect?

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#15575 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2009-10-23 17:32:33 (799 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#15572 2kira2, in meniul principal - aflindu-te in dreptul logo-ului jocului - apesi Y pentru functii suplimentare. acolo si este optiunea de a instala jocul pe hard. asta insa nu inseamna ca DVD-ul nu va trebui totusi sa-l tii in drive. btw, butonul X - are functia de eject/close tray! :wink:

P.S. jocuri pe CD la XBOX360 nu-s. toate sunt pe DVD. :D

#15574 trol, "... o intrebare de concretizare. dau 460 lei, cumpar cont pe 1 an, si indiferent de la ce ip ma conectez si de cite ori voi schimba ip-ul pe parcursul acestui an, voi avea live 1 an de zile indiferent de toate astea, corect? ..." - exact. statutul Gold in Live! se "lipeste" de gamertag.

P.P.S. am asteptat ziua asta cu mare nerabdare - totusi Forza 3 e super. Daca Gran Tourismo o intrece - atunci chiar imi iau un PS3.
Doar daca aceste screen-uri sunt inagme!

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