Forum Index > Muzică > Formaţii / Muzicieni > Linkin Park - Official TMD Fanclub

#0 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2008-08-25 15:32:31 (863 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

"Unii oamenii cred ca noi suntem doar o trupă rock" spune Brad Delson, chitaristul trupei. "Noi credem că în muzica noastră se îmbină mai multe genuri, că de fapt ea este un hibrid pe care l-am creat noi şase". Acest lucru este evidenţiat cel mai bine de însuşi titlul albumului de debut Hybrid Theory, în care poţi întâlni un gen muzical în care se îmbină rock agresiv, rock alternativ, hip-hop sau electronic, un gen muzical original care a devenit practic specific Linkin Park.

Anul înfiinţării: 1996, cu numele Xero, ulterior în '98 schimbându-şi numele în Hybrid Theory, atunci când în trupă a venit Mark Wakefield, iar apoi, odată cu stabilirea lui Chester, trupa a devenit Linkin Park.
Locul înfiinţării: Agoura Hills, California, S.U.A.

Primii Ani
Linkin Park înseamnă rock alternativ, hip-hop şi electronic. Membrii trupei sunt originari din sudul Californiei.

Istoria trupei a început acum noua sau zece ani, atunci când Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson şi Rob Bourdon au pus bazele unei formaţii numite Xero. Ideea formării trupei a apărut in dormitorul vocalistului Mike Shinoda, unde acesta împreună cu Delson au înregistrat primul material, în 1996. Cei doi fuseseră colegi de şcoală. Acolo l-au intâlnit şi pe bateristul Rob Bourdon. Shinoda l-a racolat pe DJ-ul Joseph Hahn în timpul studiilor la Art Center College în Pasadena. Delson l-a adus pe basistul Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, care avea să părăsească trupa după colegiu, şi să se întoarcă după un an. Ultimul adus a fost Mark Wakefield; şi ulterior, trupa şi-a schimbat numele în Hybrid Theory (aceasta avea să fie titlul albumului lor de debut, lansat în 2000).

"Cea mai mare greşeală pe care o fac unii este aceea de a spune că suntem doar o trupă de rock", va declara ulterior chitaristul de la Linkin Park, Brad Delson[necesită citare]. "Noi considerăm muzica noastră un hibrid a ceea ce am ascultat noi şase de-a lungul timpului. Titlul albumului nostru de debut, "Hybrid Theory" este de fapt numele pe care voiam sa-l purtăm ca trupă şi este rezultatul a şase moduri de a înţelege muzica şi a şase personalităţi artistice distincte."

"Deşi stilurile noastre sunt diferite, am încercat ca sound-ul sa fie natural, sa nu fie forţat - asta înseamnă să ai identitate ca trupă", avea să spună şi bassistul Phoenix.

Ultimul component al trupei a fost vocalistul Chester Bennington, din Arizona, fost solist al trupei Grey Daze. "Când aveam doi ani, ma pasiona ce cântau Foreigner. De cand am învăţat să vorbesc, spuneam tuturor că voi deveni cântăreţ", îşi aminteşte Chester Bennington.

Venirea lui Chester a survenit la puţin timp după plecarea lui Mark Wakefield, datorată tensiunilor existente în trupă (motivate în principal de faptul că formaţia nu izbutise să semneze încă cu o casă de discuri). Trupa s-a văzut nevoită să caute un nou vocalist care să-l înlocuiască pe Wakefield. Ei au trimis mai multe casete demo prietenilor şi diverselor cunoştinţe, cerând oamenilor interesaţi să-şi înregistreze propriile versuri pe casetă demo şi să o trimită înapoi. Chester Bennington şi soţia lui de-abia îşi cumpăraseră o casă în Phoenix, Arizona când un prieten i-a dat o asemenea casetă lui Chester. Chester a sunat imediat formaţia în acea seară şi le-a spus că era interesat să cânte cu ei.
Cu Chester în formaţie, trupa a început să înregistreze. Produsul acestor înregistrări a fost EP-ul cu acelaşi nume ca al trupei, "Hybrid Theory". Marele noroc al formaţiei a fost când StreetWise Concepts and Culture, o companie de publicitate, a auzit câteva piese de pe "Hybrid Theory" şi au pus o melodie numită "Plaster" (prima versiune a piesei "One Step Closer" ) pe site-ul lor, recomandând-o drept o piesă a unei formaţii de viitor.

Ulterior, formaţia avea să îşi schimbe numele în Linkin Park, aluzie la parcul Lincoln din Santa Monica. În 1999, aveau să semneze cu Warner Bros. Records.

Iar ceea ce a urmat, este deja istorie!
Câte ceva despre membrii formaţiei:


Nişte reguli:
  • Evitarea flood-ului masiv şi ne la temă.
  • Pentru momentele în care începem a scrie versuri din cuvinte, pentru a face mai animat topicul, următorul user va scrie titlul cântecului de unde a fost extras pasajul anterior (testăm un pic ţinerea de minte :D )
  • NU postăm lucruri doar pentru a fi postate, că nu avem ce face!
  • Respectăm utilizatorii şi nu facem atac la persoană!
  • Periodic mai dăm cu ochiul şi pe aici!

LP Trailer
Offline Meetings
Aici vor apărea date despre offline-uri, când se vor mai organiza.
Offline #1
A avut loc Duminică, 13 septembrie 2009, ora 15.00
Trezirea (wake) lume! Don't Stay home! Fiecare zi ce trece ne aduce mai aproape (one step closer)
de ziua primului nostru Offline. Astfel, la finalul (in the end) primei săptămâni din septembrie
(wake me up when september ends... ăăă... asta e din altă operă, da' oricum e bună),
pe data de 6, într-o frumoasă zi de duminică, la ora 15 ne întâlnim (Ntr>Mssion) în faţa monumentului
marelui nostru domnitor Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt. Sper să vă văd pe acolo (Guess that somebody's listening :D )...
Că nu prea mi-e a duce la offline By_Myslf.

So let's start our first Session!

Duminică, 13 septembrie, ora 15.00

Din motive tehnice
Monumentul lui Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt

P.S.: Cine are aparate de fotografiat ar fi de preferat să le aducă.

Au fost acolo!:
1. ceekay
2. Neo92LP
4. DiplomaT
5. Brave90
6. kissalinda
7. SouthPark9
Offline #2
Miercuri. 6 ianuarie 2010. Ora 12.00. Monumentul lui Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt.

Au fost doar patru oameni care nu s-au temut de ploaia de afară!:group:


Yo, you were that foundation/never gonna be another one, no.
I followed, so taken, so conditioned, I could never let go.
Then sorrow, then sickness, then the shock when you flip it on me
So hollow, so vicious, so afraid I couldn't let myself see.
That I could never be held, back or up, no, I hold myself.
Check the rep, yep, you know my wealth./ Forget the rest, let them know my hell.
There and back, yet my soul aint sell./ Kept respect of the best, they fell.
Let the rest be the tale they tell, and I was there saying:

In these promises broken/deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo.
So one last lie I can see through.
This time I finally let you go.

Test my will, test my heart.
Let me tell you how the odds gonna stack up.
Y'all go hard? I go smart.
How's that working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration, big cross, aloft, I don't know.
And I've come back unshaken, let down, and live and let go.

So you can let it be known, I don't hold back, I hold my own.
I can't be matched, I can't be cloned./I can't C-Flat, it ain't my tone.
I can't fall back, I came too far. Hold myself up and earned my scars.
Let the bells ring where ever they are, cause I was there saying:

In these promises broken/deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo.
So one last lie I can see through.
This time I finally let you go.

No, you can tell 'em all now.
I don't back up, I don't back down.
I don't fold up and I don't bow.
I don't roll over, don't know how.
I don't care where the enemies are.
Can't be stopped, all I know, go hard.
Won't forget how I got this far
and every time saying:

In these promises broken/deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo.
So one last lie I can see through.
This time I finally let you go.


Separate, sifting through the wreckage, I can't concentrate.
Searching for a message in the fear and pain.
Broken down and waiting for the chance to feel alive.

Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
So let the silence ring to wash away worst of me.

Come apart, falling in the cracks of every broken heart.
Digging through the wreckage of your disregard
Sinking down and waiting for the chance to feel alive.

Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
So let the silence ring to wash away worst of me.

Like an army falling, one by one by one.
Like an army falling, one by one by one.

Like an army falling, one by one by one.
Like an army falling, one by one by one.
Like an army falling, one by one by one.

Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
So let the silence ring to wash away worst of me.

(One by one, one by one by one)

Like an army falling, one by one by one.
Like an army falling, one by one by one.


The cycle repeated
As explosions broke in the sky
All that I needed
Was the one thing I couldn't find
And you were there at the turn
Waiting to let me know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

The colors conflicted
As the flames, climbed into the clouds
I wanted to fix this
But couldn't stop from tearing it down
And you were there at the turn
Caught in the burning glow
And I was there at the turn
Waiting to let you know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

You told me yes
You held me high
And I believed when you told that lie
I played soldier, you played king
And struck me down, when I kissed that ring
You lost that right, to hold that crown
I built you up, but you let me down
So when you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames
As your blazes burn

And you were there at the turn
Waiting to let me know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

When you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames
As your blazes burn

We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

When you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames
As your blazes burn

We can't wait
To burn it to the ground


I'ma be that nail in your coffin. Sayin' that I soften?
I was duckin' down to reload, so you can save your petty explanations.
I don't have the patience. Before you even say it, I know.
You won't let your pride or your ego talk slick to me, no.
That is not the way I get down and look at how you lose your composure
Now let me show you exactly how the breaking point sounds.

I wanna see you choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery

Choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery

What is it you want me to tell ya?
I am not the failure
I would rather live and let be
But you came with the right kinda threat to
Push me to let you know you can't intimidate me
You disrespect me so clearly/Now you better hear me
That is not the way it goes down
You did it to yourself and it's over
Now let me show ya/Exactly how the breaking point sound

I wanna see you choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery

Choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery (x2)

I wanna see you choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery

Choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery

You did it to yourself

You did it to yourself!

I wanna see you choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery
Choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery


Like shining oil, this night is dripping down.
Stars are slipping down, glistening.
And I'm trying not to think what I'm leaving now
and no deceiving now.
It's time you let me know.
Let me know.

When the lights go out and we open our eyes, out there in the silence, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone
Let the sun fade out and another one rise, climbing through tomorrow, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone.

The sand between us is getting thinner now
Into winter now, bittersweet.
And across that horizon, this sun is setting down
and you're forgetting now, it's time you let me go
Let me go.

When the lights go out and we open our eyes, out there in the silence, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone
Let the sun fade out and another one rise, climbing through tomorrow, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone.

And tell the lie I couldn't help myself
And tell the lie was alone.
Oh tell me I am the only one
and there's nothing left to stop me.

When the lights go out and we open our eyes, out there in the silence, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone
Let the sun fade out and another one rise, climbing through tomorrow, I'll be gone.
I'll be gone.

I'll be gone.


Take me down to the river-bend.
Take me down to the fighting end.
Wash the poison from off my skin.
Show me how to be whole again.

Fly me up on a silver wing.
Past the black where the sirens sing.
Warm me up in the nova's glow.
And drop me down to the drain below.

Cause I'm only a crack in this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything left for you to see.
For you to see.

Bring me home in a blinding dream.
Through the secrets that I have seen.
Wash the sorrow from off my skin
and show me how to be whole again.

Cause I'm only a crack in this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything left for you to see.
For you to see.

Cause I'm only a crack in this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything else I need to be.

Cause I'm only a crack in this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything left for you to see.
For you to see.


No regrets for the confidence betrayed, no more hiding in shadow
cause I won't wait for the debt to be repaid.
The time has come for you.

Victimized, victimized, never again, victimized
Victimized, victimized, never again, victimized

They're acting like they want a riot, it's a riot I'll give 'em
As the sidle calms, higher on this violent rhythm
These snake in the grass, supplying the venom.
I ain't scared of your teeth, I ain't buying what's in 'em
You'll be waiting in the shadows there thinking they're hidden.
But the truth is you don't have the stomach to get 'em.
Lauren already hit 'em, yeah you got to be kidd'n.
Wanna talk about a victim? Imma put you there with 'em.

Victimized, victimized, never again, victimized
Victimized, victimized, never again, victimized


Weep not for roads untraveled, weep not for paths left alone.
Cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.
It's the worse kind of pain I've known

Give up your heart left broken and let that mistake pass on
cause the love that you lost wasn't worth what it cost
and in time you'll be glad it's gone.

Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.

Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.

Weep not for roads untraveled, weep not for sights unseen.
May your love never end and if you need a friend
there's a seat here along side me.

Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.

Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.
Woah. Oh.


Skin to bone, steel to rust. Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
Let tomorrow have its way with the promises we made.
Skin to bone, steel to rust.

Ash to ashes, dust to dust. Your deception, my disgust.
When your name has finally gone, I'll be happy that you're gone.
Ash to ashes, dust to dust.

Ahhhh, ash to ashes, dust to dust.
Ahhhh, skin to bone and steel to rust.

Right to left and left to right. Night to day and day to night.
As the starlight fades to grey, I'll be marching far away.
Right to left and left to right.

Ahhhh, ash to ashes, dust to dust.
Ahhhh, skin to bone and steel to rust.

Let tomorrow have its way with the promises we chase.
Skin to bone, steel to rust.

Skin to bone, steel to rust.
Skin to bone, steel to rust.


It goes a one, two, three....

(I was born with) the hunger of a lion, the strength of a sun.
I don't need to sweat it when the competition come
Original style like an 808 drum, so I don't run the track.
No, I make the track run.
My mama taught me words, my dad, he built rockets.
I put 'em both together now, tell me what I got.
It's a pretty smart weapon:
I can shoot it, I can drop it.
(But) learn to respect it cause you clearly can't stop it like that.

Yea it aint over, cause the sharks on the left side, the snakes on the right.
And anything you do, they wanna get a little bite.
It really doesn't matter if you're wrong or if you're right.
Cause once you get the teeth in, nothing really fights.

Except for me, I do it like I got nothing to lose
and you can run your mouth like you could try to fill my shoes.
But steady little soldier, I ain't standing next to you.
I'd be laying on the ground before you're even in my view.
Like that.

Give me the strength of the rising sun.
Give me the truth of the words unsung.
And when the large bells ring, the poor men sing
"Bring me to kingdom come"

This is something for your people on the block to/black out and rock to,
Give you whatcha need like Papa/Who shot ya
Separate the weak from the obselete, you're meek, I creep hard on imposters
And switch styles on the dime/Quick witted ya'll/Quit tripping
I don't have time for your crying
I grind tough, sucka, make your mind up,
Are you in the firing squad or are you in the line-up?
Bang bang/Little monkey man playing
With the big guns will only get you slayed and I ain't playing
I'm just saying / You ain't gotta sliver of a chance
I get iller, I deliver/While you quiver in your pants,
So shake shake down/Money, here's the break down
You can play the bank/I'ma play the bank take down
And no mistakes now/I'm coming to getcha
I'm a Banksy/You're a Brainwash, get the picture?/
It's like that..

We swim against the rising waves and crash against the shore
The body bends until it breaks, the early morning sings no more.
So rest your head, it's time to sleep and dream of what's in store.
The body bends until it breaks, then sings again no more.
Cause time has torn the flesh away, the early morning sings no more...


You hid your skeletons when I had shown you mine.
You woke the devil that I thought you left behind.
I saw the evidence, the crimson soaking through.
Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose.

And you held it all but you were careless to let it fall.
You held it all and I was by your side, powerless.

I watched you fall apart and chased you to the end.
I'm left with emptiness that words cannot defend.
You'll never know what I became because of you.
Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose.

And you held it all but you were careless to let it fall.
You held it all and I was by your side, powerless.


And you held it all but you were careless to let it fall.
You held it all and I was by your side, powerless.




Editat de către ceekay la 2013-10-01 12:25:50

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#3926 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:22:55 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3927 by 91Brave91Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:24:48 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3928 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:25:39 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3929 by 91Brave91Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:27:05 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3930 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:29:53 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3931 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:30:53 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3932 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:32:01 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3933 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:33:31 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3934 by 91Brave91Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:34:20 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3935 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:35:44 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3936 by 91Brave91Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:36:15 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3937 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:38:40 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3938 by 91Brave91Disabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 11:41:53 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3939 by Psychosocial (Let's play a game...) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 13:54:25 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3940 by DiplomaTMuzician (Lord DiplomaT) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 15:15:19 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3941 by OnlySkyCel mai bun bucătar (mein herz brennt) (1 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 15:57:05 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Muzica e Nice!

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#3942 by Victor_Rk Drivers ClubMuzician (MST|AciDiXiFiCaTioN) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 16:05:00 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3943 by OnlySkyCel mai bun bucătar (mein herz brennt) (1 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 16:19:32 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3944 by Nikole (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-27 17:33:31 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Floodul excesiv dauneaza grav contului Dvs.

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#3945 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 15:22:03 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top wrote:

Как это водится, Linkin Park предоставляют возможность скачать аудиозаписи своих концертов тем, кто на них побывал и купил «цифровой сувенир», то есть сертификат, введя код с которого на официальном сайте группы можно получить доступ к ссылкам на mp3. Все записи с микшера и смонтированы, то есть качество высочайшее. Жаль, но выступление в Петербурге группой не записывалось.

В настоящее время доступны концертные mp3 из следующих городов:

21 июля 2009, Афины, Греция: rapidshare, megaupload, яндекс.диск
23 июля 2009, Грац, Австрия: rapidshare, яндекс.диск
28 июля, Цюрих, Швейцария: rapidshare, яндекс.диск
30 июля, Штуттгарт, Германия: rapidshare, яндекс.диск (Linkin Park + Dead By Sunrise)
2 августа 2009,Грефенхайнихен, Германия: megaupload (Linkin Park + Dead By Sunrise)
8 августа 2009, Тиба, Япония: яндекс.диск (Linkin Park + Dead By Sunrise)

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#3946 by Nikole (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 20:52:47 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


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#3947 by Malfoy (Music is love.) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 21:01:42 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#3948 by AndarsonDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 21:14:08 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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#3949 by ceekay () (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 21:19:14 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3948 Andarson, din cauza unor flooderi ca tine...

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#3950 by AndarsonDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-28 21:24:49 (806 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
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