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#0 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-02-27 16:52:57 (936 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
У нас тут есть топики про PS3 про Х360 есть Сони против коробки и даже про PS2 но мы как-то все чаше забываем что PC та тоже входит в NextGen я создал этот топик чтоб это исправить в этои теме предлагаю больше говорить о экслюзивах на PC есть и такие :) ну и про мультиплатформенные не будм забывать и про ПК

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#201 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-19 00:05:52 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#196 Antikiller, ну с далика они с графикои справились отличить очень сложно возможно даже нельзя а вот с ближним планами до идеала еще надо поработать хотя уже не так много

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#202 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-19 06:42:49 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#201 Votan +1

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#203 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-19 13:33:55 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Colin McRae: DIRT
Похоже, компания Codemasters всерьез решила напомнить о себе. Colin McRae: DIRT для Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 и PC призвана повторить успех предыдущих игр и стать путеводной звездой для автомобильных симуляторов, посвященных гонкам по бездорожью. Сотрудники Codemasters с гордостью заявляют: Colin McRae: DIRT создается на новом движке Neon, благодаря которому изображение не отличишь от действительности. За этим привычным обещанием скрываются на удивление интересные подробности.
Связи с прошлым порваны: предыдущая часть хвастала отличной картинкой, но Neon не имеет с ней ничего общего. Над движком в течение 18 месяцев трудились в поте лица более 30 специалистов. Помимо весьма правдоподобного поведения машины, одним из наиболее любопытных нововведений стала модель… воздуха. Чтобы попытаться понять, просто представьте воздушную волну, которая следует за несущимся автомобилем. Таким образом, если машина проехала мимо, например, кустика, авторы обещают: он слегка потянется вслед за машиной. Растениями дело не ограничится: флаги, лужи, дым – новая модель учтет все. Кстати, деревца не только прогнутся под порывами ветра, они будут ломаться, преграждая дорогу автомобилю. Дуб или сосну перемахнуть не удастся, зато протаранить пару-тройку хлипких березок не составит труда. Для простых обывателей это уточнение малоинтересно, но для поклонников автомобильных развлечений – бальзам на душу. Долгое время упавшие деревья были непреодолимой преградой для любителей виртуальных рулей. Совсем недавно от этого избавился сериал Need For Speed, теперь дело за Colin McRae.
От качественных показателей перейдем к количественным. Игроков ждут более 40 различных машин, охватывающих 12 автомобильных категорий. Присутствуют как привычные для серии 2WD, 4WD и RWD, так и неожиданно появившиеся на сцене 4X4. Приятный сюрприз! Не обойдется без Colin McRae’s R4 и легендарной Subaru Impreza. Опробовать как новые, так и старые модели можно на трех чемпионатах, этапы которых пройдут в различных уголках планеты. Ожидаются также залитые грязью трассы для джипов и горные поездки по Rocky Mountains в Colorado.
В Cеть редко просачиваются скриншоты, но уже сейчас ясно: каковы бы ни были системные требования для PC – игра того стоит. Однако еще неизвестно, кому повезло больше: Xbox 360 или PlayStation 3. Консоли для Codemasters куда важнее компьютеров. Не останутся в стороне и владельцы мобильных телефонов – для них готовится эксклюзивная версия. А вот о DS и PSP нет ни слова. И если в случае с первой это можно принять как должное, то со второй – едва ли. Впрочем, до релиза многое может измениться, и не исключено, что любители портативной консоли от Sony еще успеют появиться в списке приглашенных на гонки. Проверяйте тормоза и ремни безопасности, доставайте карту местности, оформляйте страховку и готовьтесь к самому «грязному» приключению на дороге!

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#204 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-19 13:53:31 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#203 Votan, mmm, tasty... =)~

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#205 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-20 00:36:11 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Вот это я называю контролерами нового поколения (то бишь некстген).Вот мы и дождались фантастика стала реальностю еще лет 10 и будет полный виртуал а теперь можно сказать здраствуи виртуальная реальность потому что по большому счету идинственого чего нам не хватала это вот этого графа уже почти на пределе за физику взялись звук давно и вот пришли контролеры

Нейроинтерфейс доступен

То, о чем писали фантасты и мечтали обычные пользователи теперь доступно – управлять компьютером теперь можно при помощи мозговых импульсов. Австрийская компания Guger Technologies представила коммерческий продукт для контроля компьютеров мыслями. Brain-Computer Interface улавливает мозговую активность через электрофизиологические сигналы, вроде электроэнцефалограммы или электрокардиограммы. Устройство транслирует их в понятные для компьютера команды. На фото запечатлены пользователи, которые играли в настольный теннис без помощи клавиатуры и мышки. Как видите, сигналы снимает причудливый шлем, но это могут быть и прямые имплантанты в мозг. Переоценить устройство сложно – оно поможет полностью парализованным людям общаться с окружающими! Цена на BCI System не названа, но она не должна быть слишком уж высокой. Собственно, будущее уже наступило.

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#206 by AndyProParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Железных дел Мастер) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-20 10:27:23 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#205 Votan, фигня, не надо мне в мозги ничего впихивать

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#207 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-20 11:02:42 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#206 AndyPro, а зачем в мозги впихивать одел шлем и все

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#208 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-20 14:21:23 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Rogue Warrior
By: Bethesda Softworks, Zombie
Genre: Modern Tactical Shooter
Platforms: PC PS3 X360
Release Date: June 2007
While the Tom Clancy brand dominates the genre of realistic military shooters, it's going to get some competition from a legendary Navy SEAL. Bethesda and Zombie Interactive are currently working on Rogue Warrior, a tactical shooter for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 that's based on the fiction novels of the same name by Richard Marcinko, a former Navy SEAL commander whose best-selling autobiography is also titled Rogue Warrior. However, the game won't be based on Marcinko's real-life exploits in the Vietnam War. Instead, the plot, which could almost be ripped from today's headlines, is set in modern-day North Korea.

In Rogue Warrior, you'll lead Marcinko's four-man SEAL team deep into enemy territory. The game's plot has you infiltrate a North Korean submarine facility to get intelligence data on that country's nuclear capabilities. However, while you're busy doing this, North Korea launches a massive invasion of South Korea, and war erupts. Since all friendly forces have their hands full, you'll have to find your own way out of North Korea, which means you must escape and navigate through enemy territory.

There are a couple of key things to note about the game. The first is that this isn't a rigidly scripted game, like so many other military shooters. The design team at Zombie felt that the "rails" approach favored in those games (so called because you're basically restricted to a single path) doesn't really capture the essence of SEAL combat. SEALs are the Navy's elite commando units, and they're usually dispatched in small teams to operate behind enemy lines. That means SEALs must be smart, resourceful, and flexible, and to capture this element of SEAL warfare Rogue Warrior will have fairly large levels for a first-person shooter. The idea is that you'll be able to approach tactical situations in the manner that you determine.

For instance, in the example that we were shown, Marcinko's SEAL team approached a North Korean ship-breaking yard (where ships are torn apart for their metal). In this situation, there were three paths that the team could follow, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One path might be more direct, but it also increases the odds of detection, while a safer option might offer a more roundabout path that takes longer to navigate. The idea is that you can tailor your tactics to fit your situation. However, having this freedom of movement in such large levels doesn't mean that Rogue Warrior will be like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Bethesda's hugely popular fantasy role-playing game. Rogue Warrior's levels are big, but not gigantic. The levels are designed for tactical flexibility, not exploring a huge dynamic world.

During your adventures behind enemy lines, you'll encounter a wide variety of environments and foes. In the beginning, you'll battle North Korean conscripts, but as you progress closer and closer to the front lines of the battlefield, you'll encounter elite North Korean Special Forces, basically the equivalent of the SEAL team. North Korea has the largest Special Forces contingent in the world, too. These enemies promise to be intelligent. For instance, the bad guys will actually talk to each other on the radio, and that means if you neutralize a guard and his buddies start asking for him over the radio, you're in trouble because they're going to investigate why he disappeared.

The game is also going to be fairly flexible in how you play it. You can switch between first- or third-person views, depending on your preference. And you can also play the game as a team tactics game, where you give simple, context-sensitive commands to your teammates (for example, you can tell one to sneak up on a guard and knife him), or you can play it as more of a run-and-gun-style action game, where your teammates just follow you wherever you go. The really cool thing about the team mechanics is that the campaign supports cooperative gameplay, whereby other players can jump in and take over any of the other three slots in your team. And if anyone drops out, the AI will take over, so you don't miss a beat.

As cool as this new cooperative mode sounds, the new tiling system for the competitive multiplayer is even more interesting. The developers explained that one of the problems with online action games is that the levels never change. Rogue Warrior addresses this by separating the map into three sections that can be mixed and matched to create hundreds of different maps. Each side can select a map tile that it wants for its side of the map, while the middle tile is determined by the server. So if one side likes to snipe, it can choose a tile with long fields of fire for its section, but the other side can counter this by choosing a built-up tile for its section, thus negating the sniper's fields of fire. The middle section is a bit of the wild card, as the server can randomly select it. Put it together, and you never know quite how each map will play out.

Rogue Warrior is being built on the Unreal 3 engine, the same one being used for the upcoming Gears of War, so it goes without saying that the visuals, even at this early stage, look really sharp. The character modeling on the various SEAL team members is eerily good. However, this may be a game in which the audio outdoes the Unreal 3 graphics, as Marcinko and the other ex-Navy SEALs that he bases his characters on provide their own voices in the game. And if you've read any of his novels, you know that the man has a very "colorful" way with the English language. He talks like the seasoned sailor that he is--only this is a seasoned sailor with a master's degree. Listening to his descriptions of a tactical situation is humorous, crude, and enlightening at the same time.

Bethesda and Zombie hope that Rogue Warrior shakes up the military shooter genre. This is a genre that Zombie has plenty of experience with thanks to its Spec Ops games, but by teaming with Marcinko's popular franchise and infusing Rogue Warrior with tactical flexibility, we may be seeing the birth of a new kind of shooter. Rogue Warrior is scheduled to ship for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

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#209 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-21 11:20:45 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#208 regnumekal, frumushel

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#210 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-21 14:18:08 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
By: Sierra Entertainment, Saber Interactive
Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter
Platforms: PC X360
Release Date: Q4 2007
What first-person shooters have in common these days is that they are action games in which you make your way through the story shooting down your enemies, all performed from a first-person perspective. Recent shooters have incorporated all kinds of new and different stuff, like team-based play, vehicles, tactical squads, and plenty of other features that have moved away from the traditional, one-guy-with-a-gun-against-the-whole-world model. That's not to say that there isn't room for this original kind of shooter anymore. In fact, an example of the traditional shooter can be found in the newly announced TimeShift, from developer Saber Interactive and publisher Atari, a futuristic sci-fi shooter that outfits you with an arsenal of powerful weapons plus a specially prepared suit that makes you immune to any kind of changes in the flow of time. Oh, and it will also give you the ability to change the flow of time.

The new game takes place in a hostile world in which you must battle a mysterious enemy that is in charge of an army of soldiers. You may have heard that one before, but you probably haven't heard about the part where you can rewind, pause, or slow the flow of time. As we saw in a demonstration of the game, these abilities are good for, if nothing else, a little grandstanding. You'll be engaged in plenty of intense firefights and can put an exclamation point at the end of them by gunning down your last enemy, turning back time to restore him, then gunning him down again (if you're into that sort of thing).

Of course, there will be more to the game and your character's exceptional abilities than just a few vanity frags. TimeShift will feature more than 10 different weapons with alternate firing modes. To be clear, your time-affecting abilities won't be able to fully affect weapons and weapon fire. For example, if you take a severe hit from a stray bullet and turn back time, you'll end up a few seconds in the past with the same wounds. What your time-affecting abilities will let you do is affect your enemies and your environments. You can slow down time to dash past your enemies, similar to the bullet-time effect in Max Payne, and you can pause to run right past them before they can draw a bead on you.

These tactics seem equally useful in close-in battles with lots of cover--including a level we saw inside of a military complex with enemy soldiers firing from behind cover--as well as in long-distance battles, such as a sniper battle outside the complex with enemies carrying laser-scoped rifles while stationed on the roof. You can even use your time-slowing power as a means to distract your enemies. In one example sequence, we watched a series of antipersonnel mines get set off around the perimeter of guard towers. Naturally, the mines caught the attention of enemy snipers, who immediately began searching for a target. However, it was actually possible to slow time and dash forward into the perimeter of the courtyard while enemies were still blindly pointing their laser sights around the blast radius.

Time manipulation will also play a key role in solving the game's various puzzles, which the development team is carefully tweaking to make sure players can solve them without getting frustrated. These puzzles will also have multiple solutions. An example of this is a bridge being blown up to prevent your progress as you're entering a huge control room built over a cavern. You might try the very difficult task of slowing or pausing time so you can get to the bridge controls and take out the guards with the bomb, or instead you might try slowing time to try to make the jump across before the bridge is blown up. If you don't get there in time to prevent the explosion, you might also try to pause time just as the bridge blows up, then make your way over the chasm by hopscotching over the floating debris that is suspended in midair. Currently, the team has plans to limit your use of time powers with a meter that will drain with use (so that you won't play the entire game in slow motion). The idea is to make sure players always have enough juice to turn back the clock when needed, plus a little extra to experiment.

There aren't many details on the multiplayer modes, except that there is multiplayer planned for the game. From what we've seen, TimeShift will be a good-looking, fast-paced shooter with time enough to spare. The game is scheduled for release later this year.

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#211 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-21 16:47:01 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
By: Track 7
Genre: Adventure
Platforms: PC X360 PS3
Release date: 1 may 2007 or TBA :dntknw:
Aparent versiunea PS3 a fost anulata din motive financiare :sarcastichand: :clown:
Andonicos Kalogerou is a man devoted to science and the war against superstition. From his office in the historic centre of Athens, he has worked diligently for more than 5 years, travelling all over Greece and revealing the paranormal for what it truly is: drunken fantasies and uneducated hysteria. But his intelligible, safe little world is going to come crushing down when a call from Pheve, his adopted sister and fervent advocate of the mythic, informs him that his step-father is not only missing, but presumed dead as well. With a heavy heart, Andronicos travels to the place of his childhood, high atop the Greek mountains, to bury an empty coffin and reunite with his quarrelsome step-sister. Little does he know that each step irrevocably brings him and Pheve closer to what Destiny has in store for them. For the death of their stepfather heralds the beginning of the greatest struggle between good and evil with the prize being nothing less than the very future of this world.

From the hidden network of caves beneath the Greek metropolis, crawling with the remnants of a bygone age and the treasures of the past, to long lost places of legend all over Greece, Andronicos and Pheve struggle to uncover the pieces of an ancient conspiracy, kept secret through stealth and murder. But what they find could well be just the tip of the iceberg. For beneath the cover of shadows and time, a great power lay dormant, waiting for the time when it will once again come forth to the light of day, back amongst the people where it belongs.

Awe and dread, humor and split-second decisions, discovery and betrayal, the mythical and the mundane, are all intertwined in this fast paced crossing to the other side, where your only allies are the discarded rumors of ancient folklore, dubious medieval books and above all your wits!

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#212 by Votan Donor (Son of Valhalla) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-21 17:36:54 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#211 regnumekal, должно быть что-то интересное

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#213 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 15:36:59 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
By: Activision, Splash Damage, Id
Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter
Platforms: PC X360 PS3
Release date:Q2 2007
In Quake Wars, players will be able to battle for Earth as humans or the Strogg invaders. The bad news for humanity? We were selected to play as the Earth defenders.
Activision and id is letting attendants at E3 play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, the online-focused action game that lets players divide into two teams as they reenact the fictional human/Strogg war that serves as the basis for the famed Quake series. The game is set approximately 60 years in the future, as the alien Strogg suddenly invade the Earth and the Global Defense Force must battle the invaders off the planet. Quake Wars may seem inspired by the Battlefield series, as the focus in the game is on teamwork, different classes, and infantry and vehicular combat. However, it's the follow-up to Enemy Territory, the popular free add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

The Quake War games on the show floor were actually 24-player games, and that's described as "the sweet spot" for the game, according to id lead designer Tim Willits, who walked us through the game. We played as the GDF, and one of the cooler aspects of the demo was that we underwent a mission briefing onscreen while our Strogg opponents had a similar briefing next to us. The briefing made it very clear as to what kind of teamwork is required to win the battle, as the GDF could win the mission only if it accomplishes a sequence of objectives, each of which requires a player playing as a different class.

In the first objective, a key bridge must be repaired to get vehicles across a chasm, and engineers can only do the job. The rest of the team must provide cover. Then the GDF must battle its mobile command post through a tunnel, with engineers constantly repairing it and medics reviving fallen infantry. Once through the tunnel, the GDF must seize a base where the MCP can deploy to fire its missile at the Strogg base, and to be able to call in air support. Then the team must battle to the Strogg base, where covert ops troops must take down the shield generator protecting the base. Once that's down, the MCP can fire its missile to destroy a key Strogg facility, and then soldiers must plant explosives onto the objective. Because each task can be conducted only by a specific class, that means that a team must work together in order to accomplish the objective. Medics revive fallen colleagues, soldiers take out enemy armor, covert ops scout ahead, and so on.

It sounds a bit complex, and it is (especially with strangers as your teammates), but we could definitely see the potential of the game. Both sides are not mirror images of each other, like they are in so many other action games. The result is each side can adopt different tactics. There's very much a sense that you're battling some kind of alien force in the Strogg, and combat was a constant tug-of-war between the sides. As soon as we got some traction, the Strogg side counterattacked and pushed us back a bit. Certain classes can place artillery guns on the battlefield, while other classes can then call down where to bring down an artillery barrage. That'll require a high amount of teamwork, but we can see the action being insane if you can find a good team.

Quake Wars also looks fantastic, as it uses an updated version of the Quake IV and Doom 3 graphics technology, though it's been heavily updated to support much larger levels. The maps aren't anywhere as large as those found in Battlefield games, but we're told that the levels in Quake Wars are about a square kilometer in size each, which is a huge amount of room for 24 players. This gives enough room for vehicles such as tanks and aircraft to maneuver, but also keeps it a bit small for infantry. One of the neat new features, of course, is the megatexture feature in the game. Instead of having ground that consists of repeating textures, each level has one huge texture that covers the entire level. It's impressive, and it allows for some really beautiful terrain.

The game will ship with about 12 maps, according to Willits. What's cool is that the game will feature a campaign mode, with campaigns that consist of three or four maps that are linked together. Teams will battle on each map, and experience carries over to the next map, so by the end map, and the more experience that you gain, the more health you'll have, as well as the more weapon options at your disposal. Meanwhile, new players just joining the campaign will be given "lone wolf" missions that have those players pursuing secondary objectives, since they would otherwise get torn apart by the higher-level players. The campaign is over after the last map, and the winner is determined by which side has the most wins. After that, everyone resets for the next campaign. It sounds like it'll be fun, and Quake Wars sounds like it's nearing the end of development. The game is scheduled to ship later this year.

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#214 by beshlica (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 15:59:05 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#213 regnumekal, :thumbsup: tare o ashtept

imi amintesc ca am citit undeva ca fara modul de procesare a texturilor special incadrat in engine , pentru a procesa toata harta ar fi fost nevoie de 8 GB de Ram video :shok:

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#215 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 16:00:39 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#214 beshlica, nu du lumea in eruare!!numai este nevoie de 8 GB ram!!creatorii au spus asta de la inceput dar dup asta au spus ca au reduso la MB!

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#216 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 16:14:45 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#214 beshlica, Eu astept joaca asta mai tare ca pe Crysis. :)

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#217 by beshlica (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 19:59:57 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#215 Antikiller, eu am zis ca FARA MODUL DE PROCESARE SPECIAL .... , AR FI . . .

eu nu am zic ca VA ! bologhan pe voi nica nu va invatza ! :(

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#218 by Antikiller (地獄) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-23 20:21:16 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#217 beshlica, vo pervih ii BOLOCAN nu BOLOGHAN!da in al doilea rind eu nu am fost atent!:)

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#219 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-24 12:10:09 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising
By:Sony Platform Publishing, Perpetual
Genre: Fantasy Online RPG
Platforms: PC Exclusive
Release date: June 1 , 2007
We recently had a chance to take a look at Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising, the upcoming online game from Perpetual Entertainment. The game is set in a fantasy version of ancient Rome, circa 300 BC, where mythological creatures like furies, medusas, and minotaurs walk the earth. You'll play as a character born of immortal blood who will eventually gain godlike powers as the result of completing quests and your own character's advancement through the game's 50 character levels. The game will also put each character on a "destiny-fulfilling epic quest" that will span the entire character's life and may be tied to your character's allegiance to the game's 12 gods. The game's Roman pantheon will include 12 deities arranged into four specific "triads," to whom your character will owe allegiance. This allegiance will affect your character's quests and which godlike powers your character will receive, so it should serve as a means of differentiating characters of the same profession (the game will let you play as one of six classes: warrior, gladiator, rogue, scout, priest, and healer).

Gods & Heroes will have a very heavy focus on quests that would make sense in an ancient Roman setting, considering that Rome's primary political enemies were Gauls, Samnites, and Visigoths, and that its goals include expansion into new territory as well as protecting its borders. The game is expected to feature some 1,250 quests at launch. Many of these quests will require you to seek out specific characters in order to initiate them, and all of them will be given context; rather than simply tasking a player with killing a bunch of monsters for the sake of it. Gods & Heroes' quests will also involve your character's creation of a retinue; you'll be able to hire on a squad of up to eight different characters (who themselves may be archers, swordmen, or belong to other character classes) that can be given strategic orders and even placed into formation before sending them off to battle. You'll even be able to customize their colors and standards.

These military companies should make solo play a very viable prospect (a mission to defeat a small clan of barbarians is much more approachable with eight stout soldiers behind you, after all), and will make group play take on a completely new dynamic of large-scale company-versus-company battles that may involves as many as 200 characters onscreen at once. These battles will be made manageable thanks to the game's heavy reliance on "dynamic content"--that is, instanced areas where individual players (and their invited friends) can stage their own battles. In fact, the game will actually have "replayable arenas"--instanced areas that will be less like a static role-playing quest and more like a first-person shooter level, where you'll be able to do battle again and again.

We were able to watch as lead designer Stieg Hedlund (whose previous design credits include Diablo II) took us on a brief introductory quest, starting outside a small Roman town. Hedlund demonstrated that the game's character models will let you customize your character's facial features and physical build, and even customize clothing colors. Once our character was created, we set out to a nearby villa to undertake a fairly straightforward-sounding quest: retrieving a ring, which was stolen by Samnite thugs, for an olive merchant. On running the mission, we headed off to the olive groves and used a number of different combat abilities that showcased the game's "action-combat animation system," which seems to already do a good job of modeling monster animations and some very vicious-looking combat animations, like a maneuver in which your character can impale your enemy on your sword, then kick your foe off of your weapon down to the ground. The game will have a branching network of skills (over 1,000 combat abilities) and god powers (over 1,000 of these too) not unlike that of Diablo II--a system that Hedlund explained was "approachable, but depth."

After fighting off the thugs and retrieving the ring, we returned to find that the olive merchant wasn't a merchant at all, but rather, the towering god of war, Mars, who tasked us with a longer-term quest: seeking out and destroying the medusa and delivering her head to a temple. We skipped through a few areas, quickly visiting the temple for a briefing before jumping in a boat to the medusa's crocodile-infested island. This and other adventure areas will also be instanced to allow for scripted events that resemble those you might find in a story-heavy single-player game, such as a whispering woman's voice (try to guess whose) who hisses "leave this place" as you make your way to the medusa's lair. On confronting the medusa, whose stony lair was bordered by hovering furies, we found ourselves in for a tough fight, especially since the huge snake-creature had a tendency to grab us up and bit us repeatedly with the serpents in her hair before tossing us to the ground. Through the narrowest of margins, we succeeded and claimed the medusa's head.

After the game launches, the developer plans to add in regular content updates and even retail expansion packs that will add new adventure areas and high-level content, and even has plans to add in additional nations from the ancient world, which could include Carthage, Egypt, and even the Chinese. These post-launch plans also include "nation v. nation" combat--country-based battles which will take place over contested territory. For now, the final game will launch with some 35 "areas," each of which should be something in the neighborhood of two to three square kilometers in size. If Perpetual can pull off everything it's aiming for, then Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising will be a very promising game of mythology, divine intervention, and huge strategic battles. The game has been in development for some 18 months and is scheduled to launch this October.

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#220 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-24 12:20:03 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#219 regnumekal, arată aiurea pe screenuri.

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#221 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-24 13:50:31 (933 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#220 BlackCross, +1 nu chear frumos

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#222 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 13:16:44 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Doua jocuri care ar trebui sa iasa saptamina aceasta:
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles

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#223 by Protos (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 16:34:39 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#222 regnumekal, Prima azi a eşit!

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#224 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 18:46:31 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#223 Protos, Pe 28 :D

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#225 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-03-26 18:58:40 (932 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#224 Iulik, El imi pare o zis ca l-o vazut pe vreun tracker. :unsure:

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