Forum Index > Sport > NBA Regular Season 2017-2018

#0 by Ridedin (◄▌▌█▬☑ Белый ☑ ▬█▐▐►) (0 mesaje) at 2007-11-08 20:02:06 (880 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Editat de către Ridedin la 2016-09-30 12:35:02

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#3676 by pUsHaADisabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-16 01:12:55 (796 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3675 TiuTeA, "... НА иксбоксе дело стоит поругому даже графа и пластика у еа круче )) ..." - ea znaiu....esti u menea 09 live na Xkoropke :sarcastic:

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#3677 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-18 22:45:02 (796 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Вот Чтоб Грифина Взяли к нормальню команду и зделали из него игрока )))

А то пропадёт талант в каком нить сакраменто

Тут препологаемые Результаты драфта ( то есть кто кого возьмёт ) по мнею разных спецов и всех короче ))

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#3678 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-19 14:15:04 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Draft`ul in ~1 sapt... :w00t:

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#3679 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-19 21:23:57 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ghitler, eto dlea tebea : :D

What More Do You Want?

The NBA season is over and the Lakers have been crowned champions once again. Phil Jackson has won his 10th title and Kobe Bryant has won his much talked about “ring without Shaq." Many felt that Bryant needed to win another title to cement his place in history, but it still seems like Kobe’s critics can’t bring themselves to admit his basketball greatness. Instead of everyone trying to compare him to Michael Jordan, just enjoy him for what he is: Kobe Bryant, the best player of the past decade.

In the history of sports, no player has put together a 10 year resume like Bryant’s and been scrutinized more. No matter how many great performances he delivers, or which records he breaks, Bryant’s critics always want more. Kobe’s performance in this year's playoffs has proved to be the highlight of an already great career that is far from over.

Most NBA greats would be happy with three NBA titles on their resume, but many still weren’t impressed with Kobe’s three. For some reason, people felt that Kobe’s place in history wasn’t secure until he won a title without Shaq. Never mind that Wilt Chamberlin, Bill Russell, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Jerry West, and a long list of other greats, including Jordan himself, have never won an NBA title without another Hall of Famer on their team. Apparently, Bryant haters needed to see him do what they didn’t. Not only does this year's Lakers team not have any future Hall of Famers on it, Bryant’s 11 teammates have combined to make only 2 all-star games...hardly the star-studded supporting cast most Hall of Famers have enjoyed. They said he would never win one without the big Diesel and he proved them wrong, but that’s still not enough.

Even after Kobe put together a great NBA finals that saw him average over 30 points and 7 assists a game, he still had his doubters. While Kobe carried his team through the playoffs, the headlines the next day were about how great his teammates had played. Aside from Dwyane Wade in 2006, you would be hard pressed to find a player who won an NBA finals with less support from his teammates. Pau Gasol had a good playoff performance to the tune of 18 and 10 a night. Odom scored 12 points and hauled in 9 rebounds a game -- a very solid performance, but hardly the superstar performance many are making it out to be. While Trevor Ariza made several key defensive plays, he still shot 35 percent from the floor in the Finals and a horrid 50 percent from the line. After those three, it just gets flat out bad.

Derek Fisher will always be remembered for his pull up three in game four, but that doesn’t change the fact that Fisher was nowhere to be found for the majority of the playoffs. When Fisher wasn’t getting lit up on one end by Deron Williams, Chauncey Billups, and Aaron Brooks, he was missing every three pointer in sight on the other end. Andrew Bynum, the low post presence that was supposed to put the Lakers over the top, proved to be nothing more than a solid 6 fouls. For the playoffs, Bynum scored 6 points with 3 boards and less than 1 block a game...not what you would call a lot of help from your starting center. Sasha Vujacic, the team's supposed sharp shooter apparently took the playoffs off and even went scoreless in the Finals...not quite a Steve Kerr performance. Luke Walton came off the bench and in 15 minutes a game provided almost as many fouls as points. Through the first 3 games of the Finals, he had 11 points and 9 fouls. Jordan Farmer chipped in 3 points a game against the Magic while shooting 36 percent from the floor, hitting just one of his 8 three point attempts. Clearly, to say that Bryant’s teammates are the reason they won the NBA Finals is far from the truth.

Kobe’s play on his way to his fourth title was nothing short of brilliant. He made quick work of a tough Jerry Sloan team, then dropped 27 points a game in a very physical 7 game series while being guarded by 2 of the best defenders in the NBA. After that, he went and banged with Carmelo Anthony on the defensive end while Dahntay Jones pushed, tripped and kicked him in an attempt to guard him on the other end. Throughout the playoffs, Kobe led the Lakers through it all. He led them to tough wins on the road and helped them come from behind and win overtime victories. Teams tried everything they could to stop him and nothing worked. Some tried one on one, some tried double and triple teams, and some just flat out tried to beat him up. In the end, there proved to be no answer for Kobe and the Lakers.

While the biggest knock on Kobe his entire career has been that he is not a good team leader, the last 12 months he has proven to be one of the best leaders in history. He led his team to back-to-back NBA Finals in a very tough Western Conference. In fact, the last team to make back-to-back Finals in the West, Bryant was on as well. As if Kobe’s body of work in the NBA wasn’t enough, he showed what a true leader he is with his international play. After many failed attempts by very talented USA teams to bring home the gold, the first Kobe Bryant-led team did just that. LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, and a host of other NBA superstars failed to make the Finals in the ‘04 Olympics or the ‘06 World game. After already playing in the NBA finals weeks earlier, Kobe put off surgery to lead the USA Men’s basketball team to its first gold medal since 2000. Nowhere is Kobe’s leadership on display more than the effect he has on the play of his teammates. Gasol has been in the NBA for 7 seasons but didn’t make an all-NBA team until playing a full season alongside Kobe. After four years in the NBA, Ariza was on his third team and being looked at as nothing more than a solid bench player. After one full season playing with Bryant, Ariza is now talked about as one of the most sought after free agents this summer. LeBron, Carmelo, and Wade had been in the league for 5 seasons and were known as some of the weakest defenders in the league. After one summer of practicing with Kobe and seeing how hard he works, Wade and LeBron made first team all-defense this past season, and Melo also made drastic strides. It’s time people stop looking at everything that happens around Kobe as a coincidence and realize he plays a part in their improvement.

Is Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan? No. He is a different player on a different team in a different era. It’s unfair to compare players from different eras because it’s not apples to apples. Did Russell win 11 rings? Yes, but he also played in an era with 8 teams and no free agency. Jordan is the best player of his era and Kobe is the best player of his. He’s great on offense, defense, in the clutch, and he wins. What more can you ask from the guy? We will never see another Michael Jordan, so let's just enjoy Kobe while we still can.

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#3680 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-19 21:27:09 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3679 SashAlex, Prea multe litere... xDD

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#3681 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-20 00:53:09 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3680 Antipod, Prea multa dreptate. xD !

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#3682 by 50niggaz (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-20 12:25:36 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Вот это похоже на правду "Is Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan? No. He is a different player on a different team in a different era. It’s unfair to compare players from different eras because it’s not apples to apples." :wink:

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#3683 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-23 11:47:57 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
2 days till draft ... soon soon soon ... :mml:

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#3684 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-23 16:00:49 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3683 Antipod, Expect big trades... :D

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#3685 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-23 17:47:53 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
...daca cinstit, mai mult astept trade`urile decit noii jucatori, pe dinsii o sa`i vad deabea in noiembrie :D

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#3686 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-23 21:49:28 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3685 Antipod, Deamu Richard Jefferson to San Antonio Spurs for Fabricio Oberto, Bruce Bowen and Kurt Thomas for salary cap purposes.

Iaka-sha ! Vai de capu lui Spurs cind o sa joace cu Lakers, deacu nu o sa aiba cine sa-l urmareasca pe Kobe pe tot terenul. Kobe o sa-si bata joc de Jefferson in ofensiva. Bowen e un aparator superior, cu toate ca e murdar, da Jefferson e bun numai in ataca, si plus contractul lui e mare, si Spurs imbatrinesc si se traumeaza cite doi fiecare sezon. Ba Parker in lazaret, ba Ginobili, ba Duncan McLoutt ! :lol:

Multi spun ca e cel mai bun line-up Parker, Ginobili, Jefferson si Duncan. :lol:

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#3687 by Ambush (beer yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 00:33:24 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
stau shimi inchipui, daca se traumeaza cumva kobe, lakers oare vor ajunge in playoff? :thinking:

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#3688 by pUsHaADisabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 02:29:39 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3687 Ambush, Sasha Vujacic a sal schimbe ... !

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#3689 by pUsHaADisabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 02:32:43 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#3690 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 08:17:48 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3687 Ambush, Hahahaha ! Lakers nu au, cum se spune in engleze "the luxury" de a avea 3 superstaruri in echipa, doi din care au fost practic cadonati...

Insa, te rog, nu diminua talentul lui Pau Gasol, care poate sa fie lider si sa inscrie multe puncte, chair uneori is nemultumit ca arunca mai putin decit trebuie cind Kobe arunca mai mult. Nu diminua talentul lui Andrew Bynum, care stim ce poate face daca e complet apt sa joace. Acuma dupa accidentarea la genunchi, care a fost a doua, si cind vii in cursul sezonului, e normal sa te simti incomodat, sa menajezi genunchiul si sa te temi putin, plus era "out-of-sync". Normal, vara o sa lucreze la genunchi si totu' va fi bine. Lamar Odom, care  nu e consistent, insa stim ce poate face. Trevor Ariza, un jucator complet schimbat.

Intrebarea asta desteapta trebuia s-o pui doi, trei ani in urma cind Kobe avea asa jucatori ca Smush Parker, KWAME BROWN FROM DOWNTOWN !!!, Chris Boh ! Oi, razme4talsea... Chris Mihm in primii 5, Starting Lineup, asa jucatori in starting lineup, si jumate de lume de idioti spuenau ca Kobe trebuia sa le deie mingea, spuneau si rageau ca GORILELE ca Kobe-i selfish, edinal, se gindeste numai la statistica lui ?!!? Normal ca o sa te gindesti la statistica ta cind ai asa PERDILE luati de pe strada si pusi sa joace in NBA IN STARTING LINEUP ! Come on ! Celtic fan ! Give me a break ! Nici Boston Celtics cind erau in CUR pina la trade-ul lui KG in afara de sezonul cind au ajuns cu mult noroc in ECF, nici Boston Celtics nu au avut asa jucatori nu ca in starting lineup, dar nici in rezervele apropiate ! Si nici cu aceia nu puteau sa nimereasca in playoffs in Conferinat de Est, care e cu mult mai slaba decit cea de vest, in sens ca daca Boston Celtics cum ei sunt acuma, sa fi jucat cite 4 meciuri pe sezon cu fiecare din primele 8 echipe din Vest, apu' o dadeau de belea ei oleaca, e cu mutl mai greu decit sa joci cu dinsii de doua ori pe an, sa te pregatesti de road-trip, s analizezi echipele si cistigi acolo 10 echipe din vest la rind, si toti spun ca East e mi puternic ! WTF !?!? Cind joci back-to-back in Texas, pe urma te intorci acasa si joci cu Denver, pe urma du-te in Portland, si iara casa cu New Orleans, asta nu ti-ijoaca cu Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia sau Bobcats...

Asa-ca, da, la intrebarea d-voastra. Lakers o sa nimereasca in playoffs fara ca Kobe sa joace aproximativ toate meciurile, sa spunem, sa nu joace el si 30 de meciuri( Doamne fereste sa se intimple ! Lakers trebuie sa aiba HCA ! ), apu Lakers nimeresc in playoffs fara probleme, cu un record, ti-ash spune, in jurul la50-53 e meciuri cistigate. Insa asta-i ipoteza, ipoteza pe care multi si-o doresc. LOL ! Pusiti sideat i molitza ! Kobe nu a mai avut o pauza de 3 ani ! NBA Finals, Olympic Games, iara NBA Finals, si inca 2 sezoane full, unul si jumatate cu, chair si daca e mezin, rupt.

Amu are timp sa-si revina, sa-si odihenaca corpul, sa vina odihnit in noiembrie, mai puternic ca niciodata si sa rupa curul latori inca vreo 4, 5 ani ! Nu-s contra sa va bucure pe unii, sa se prikaleasca mai bine zis, sa se faca grav accidentat intr-o joaca, sa-l duca cu wheelchair-ul, sa strige : "Off, off, off, Marie, ce mi-ai facut tu mie la ESPN !" Si pe urma sa vina peste vreo 10 minute, si tot Staples Centerul, : "WOAH, Kobe ni4to i nikto ne sneset, mi je v Hollywoode, nam nado otobrati Oscar kotorii v Bostone nahoditsea za lu4shii KAMBACK, za lu4shee voploshenie iz cvasi-cvasi invalida v lu4shego igroka mat4a i potom finalov ! Oh, my GOD ! :lol:"
Kobe eto ne4to ! Da voi, Celtics fans si pur si simplu Kobe and Lakers haters, da, e si normal, si ziceti : "WTF ! Kobe faker ! Nu se poate sa te ieie cu ta4anka, sa te tiriie ca pe un alkagolik-debiloid care nu stie care genunchi il doare, si pe urma sa vina si sa joace de parca i-au schimbat genunchii, in loc de Michellin i-au pus Bridgestone ca stzipleniia sa fie mai buna cu parketul ! :lol:"

Give me a break, man ! Andrew Bynum, cind si-a rup ACL Ligaments in sezonul trecut in ianuarie, cind a calcat pe o parte si genunchiul s-a miscat de pe loc, el tot ca si Pierce sa tavalea pe jos de durere, l-au luat ai lui si l-au sculat, el a sarea intr-un picior si se tinea de doi acolo nu tin minte si l-au dus la control. Insa el a venit tocmai sezonul urmator, pe cind Paul Pierce a venit peste 5 minute ! AMAZING - Kanye West ! El a spus ca nu stia ce are acolo ? WTF ?! Asa sa te doara ca sa te duca cu ta4anka si pe urma asa sa joci ! WOW ! De obicei jucatorii care ies asa de pe cort, nu se intorc peste 5 minute, si mai mult, nu joc asa cum pkrilionii Pierce, care i-au spus doctorii : "Uai, debil, nu te kika la dela, n-ai nik !"

Ai grija de fakerii tai, si de niste movafuckers care doi ani in urma niorlaiau ca vor sa cistige si mi se pareau jucatori normali cu respect fata de altii, si dupa ce au cistigat, si-au inchipuit ca-s buricul pamintului si se atirnau cu disrespect fata de alti jucatori ! Se ascundea sub masca de gentleman si milaia dusha in Minessota !

KG: #$#@@%$#!%$%@#$!!!
Gordon: Why is this man in the European style suit yelling at me?

KG: You've seen what I did to Calderon, Belinelli, and Bayless. You don't scare me.

(Garnett) I ate raw onions for dinner...AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

"oh, you're under 6'3," i guess i can talk trash to you. just don't go all anthony peeler on my ass, or i'll run away crying."

KG: Molly! You're in Danger!
KG acts like Patrick Swayze in Ghost as Ben Gordon walks by, oblivious to him.

It's sad, sort of. We used to love Kevin Garnett. Remember when the Bulls were supposedly in the running to trade for him? Remember when Garnett was the Hall of Fame center stuck on a horrible franchise? Remember last year, when Garnett finally won that title, and you felt good for him, felt that if there was anyone who deserved a trade to a title contender, it was him?
Remember when it was easy to like Kevin Garnett?
We do. Unfortunately, those days are long gone.
Anyone who's watched even a few minutes of the Bulls series these last few days has seen an injured, besuited Garnett. He gets more TV time than Doc Rivers, it seems. Every time the camera flashes to Garnett, sitting on the sideline because he's too hurt to play, Garnett is doing one of two things. He's either a) sticking his chin out in a defiant mean-mug that at this point just looks stupid, especially from SOMEONE SITTING ON THE BENCH IN A SUIT, or b) raining down a host of obscenities, usually at Bulls players.
Which, to a point, is fine. If that's how Garnett needs to re-emasculate himself, to make up for the fact that his body his breaking down and he can't get on the court this year, fine. But last night was worse than usual. Last night crossed a line. After Brad Miller missed the first of two potentially game-tying overtime free throws, Garnett took time out of his busy injured schedule to yell "choke" at Brad Miller. Classy, man. (And this is coming from us, someone you'll rarely ever see complain about "class" in sports.) There's also this photo of a snarling Garnett getting in Ben Gordon's face, the same Ben Gordon who played through his injury last night while Garnett threw on Armani and did his cheerleading from the sidelines.
Garnett's Adidas campaign slogan is, get this, "Basketball is a Brotherhood." If our brother acted like such a raging, overcompensating, confused and classless d-bag, we'd have disowned him long ago.

#3687 Ambush, Uai, desteptule, NBA fan, nu face pe desteptul ! Orice echipa are cite un lider care daca se traumeaza, scade sansele la cistig echipei cu mult.

Sa luam : Nu-i Dwayne Wade, nu-i Miami Heat. Nu-i Dwight Howard, nu-i Orlando Magic care mereu joaca inside-out after double-team. Nu-i LeBron James, Cleveland vaabshe nu cistiga un meci. Nu-i Carmelo Anthony sau Chauncey Billups, Denver nu e Denver. Nu-i Cris Paul, nu-i New Orleans Hornets. Nu-i Brandon Roy, nu-i Portland T-Blazers.

Toate echipele o sa aiba probleme fara liderii lor.

Editat de către SashAlex la 2009-06-24 08:39:46

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#3691 by pUsHaADisabled (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 08:41:08 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3690 SashAlex, read it all AMBUSH :sarcastic:

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#3692 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 10:11:55 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Nici mie nu mi`a placut deloc atitudinea lui KG din playoffs .... x(

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#3693 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 11:34:55 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
SashAlex tu faci esee la romana,istorie? :blush:

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#3694 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 11:50:11 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3693 Freshman,
La istorie ? De obicei stiu ca la romana se scriu esee pe baza romanului sau poeziei, la istorie am scris o data un eseu, si acela la examene.

Da ce-ti trebuie ?

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#3695 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 11:53:05 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3694 SashAlex, caatare a fost o gluma,luata din ceia cit scrii tu :D

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#3696 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 12:47:05 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3695 Freshman, Gluma ca m-ai luat peste picior ? Hehe. Am scris cu rusisme ? - si mereu pe forumuri scriu cu rusisme, asa imi par comentariile mai fun.

Eu nu dau aici examene la gramatica...

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#3697 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 12:52:04 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3696 SashAlex, pffff chill man nu de rusisme eu de volumul commenturilor:D

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#3698 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 14:10:23 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
[img]  [\img]

«Филадельфия» вернула старый логотип

«Вашингтон» отдал «Миннесоте» пятый номер драфта в сделке с участием пятерых игроков

«Миннесота» обменяла в «Вашингтон» защитников Майка Миллера и Рэнди Фоя на пятый номер предстоящего драфта и трех игроков – Дарюса Сонгайлу, Этана Томаса и Алексея Печерова, сообщает AP.

«Милуоки» отправил Оберто в «Детройт» в обмен на Джонсона

Аргентинский центровой Фабрисио Оберто, приобретенный «Милуоки» в результате обмена Ричарда Джефферсона в «Сан-Антонио», сразу был отправлен в «Детройт» в обмен на форварда Амира Джонсона, сообщает AP.

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#3699 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 14:13:29 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3697 Freshman, " I'm all chilling, bud ! Poate am crezut ca ai avut in vedere ca am scris cu rusisme, stii cum e acuma, cu pro-romanismul asta exagerat !? :D

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#3700 by TiuTeA (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 14:14:03 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
«Детройт» отказался от предложения «Бостона»

По информации Yahoo! Sports, «Бостон» предложил «Детройту» защитников Рэя Аллена и Рэджона Рондо в обмен на атакующего защитника Ричарда Хэмилтона, легкого форварда Тэйшоуна Принса и защитника Родни Стаки.

Согласно источнику, до переговоров между генеральными менеджерами клубов дело не дошло, поскольку «Пистонс» сразу отказались от сделки. Шестикратный участник Матча всех звезд Аллен, в контракте которого остается один год и 20 миллионов долларов, уже неоднократно за это лето упоминался в разговорах об обменах.

«Майами» предложил контракты Муну и Энтони

«Майами» сделал условные предложения форварду Джамарио Муну и центровому Джоэлу Энтони. Теперь оба игрока являются ограниченно свободными агентами, и клуб имеет право перекрыть любое предложение от другой команды, сделав равноценное, пишет AP

Нью-Йорк» может обменять Дэвида Ли в «Портленд»

Тяжелый форвард Дэвид Ли, который 1 июля станет свободным агентом, может подписать контракт с «Никс», после чего клуб обменяет его в другую команду, пишет The New York Post.
~~Хочеться увидеть ЛИ в сильной команде

«Нью-Йорк» интересуется Макгрэйди

Как сообщает The Newsday, «Нью-Йорк» проявляет интерес к атакующему защитнику «Хьюстона» Трэйси Макгрэйди, в контракте которого остается один год и 23 миллиона долларов.

~~Сразу бы купил майку Магрэди ___)))

Представители «Оклахома-Сити» встретились с Рикки Рубио

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#3701 by Antipod (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-06-24 14:24:56 (795 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Eu ca insider va pot spune:
Mcgrady to Knicks - nea ... injured si va lipsi primele 20-30 meciuri din sezon ... thanks x)
D.Lee - va fi sing and trade .. ori cu Portland ori cu Detroit :)

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