Forum Index > Filme, Cinematografie > Dragon Ball Z The movie

#0 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-10-03 14:46:14 (906 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Веточка закрыта +_+ Фильм вышел - фильм-говно, о продолжении пока речи нету.

Editat de către maxbeet la 2010-03-21 11:45:12

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#451 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-08 16:15:28 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
бесполезно... они никогда не удавалитворят фанатов это абсурд. . .

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#452 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-08 17:04:04 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#451 Human, да, реально это не возможно!!!

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#453 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-08 17:48:12 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
filmul asta nu prea va fi bun )

insa urmatorul poate o sa fie un pic mai bun :) urmatorul va fi dragon ball Z

va arata transformarea in super sayan :D

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#454 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 08:42:06 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#453 lopata, в 3 фильме может быть ))
почему, потому что 2 фильм скорей всего будет основан на брате Гоку и Вежите, и 3-4 фильм зависит как они это растянут будет уже Фриза сага.
К 2015 году если не поже увидим как они придумают трансформ Гоку в СС )

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#455 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 10:34:26 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#454 Human, Не обязательно так... Они могу вырезать Напу и вставить вместо него Радитса, и бам ... переписать сюжет что и Фриза влезет... Крилина то они вырезали...

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#456 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 13:04:32 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#455 maxbeet, просто реально, нет Крилина, нет СС трансформа, все знают что трансформ случился от как он говорил дальше "Power of loss" converted to enegry и т.д. как они сечас это сделают хрен пойми.
Насчет Напы, да все возможно. Но вот я думаю , что если это не Кинг Пиколо, а просто Пиколо, тогда, если он умрет в конце фильма, значит его больше не будет по ходу остальных фильмов, тогда вобше понта не вижу. . .

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#457 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 13:40:29 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#456 Human, Imho e king picolo :) si la sfirsit o sa-l arate pe Picolo mic :D intr-un ou :sarcastic: x)) sau ceva de genu asta ) au spus ca totul e dupa primul dragon ball x)

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#458 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 16:00:32 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#457 lopata, Так вот имено! они сказали, но они не сказали что это КИНГ ПИКОЛО! если ты знаеш , в Драгон Балле, Пиколо дрался с Гоку когда они уже вырысли после 1 стычки с Кинг пиколо, так что это может быть и эта.
Кинг пиколо воспользавался шарами чтоб вернуть себе молодасть, а тут он хочет уничтожить землю . . . )

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#459 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-09 17:17:39 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#458 Human, hz, vom vedea)

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#460 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-10 19:02:07 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

first impressions :)

fan review

Editat de către lopata la 2009-04-10 20:37:29

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#461 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-11 09:28:24 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#460 lopata, first Impression, еше дал какуето надежду на то что фильм стоит смотреть, а после review, все. . . и самое интересное что я с ним согласен во всем)) Теперь что делать плакать или смеятся ))

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#462 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-11 11:00:12 (827 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
imho a 2 seria va rupe mai tare :wink:

vad ca in prima el umba in High School :sarcastic: ce cauta el acolo xD

da dupa review se vede ca cam suge )

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#463 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-12 19:27:00 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Imdb 3.1 4,441 votes :(
what the hell

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#464 by Vladiuss (Space Marine) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-12 19:38:43 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#463 lopata, этого и стоило ожидать
Походу проголосовали в основном DBZ фаны

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#465 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-12 22:00:19 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#463 lopata, да. Злые фанаты... Крилина нет, значит фильм гавно.. но вот как сделатьчтобы на экране нормально смотрелся лысый человек ростом в метр, без носа и с шестью звёздами на лбу, их не интересует... Все тока обсирать горазды, так что не удивляйся...

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#466 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-12 22:45:58 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#463 lopata, а ты больше ожидал?) Лично я нет )

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#467 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-12 23:03:56 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#466 Human, macar vreun 6 5 :D

si imi inchipui cum regizorii au reactionat la note :look: sau la critici :look:

daca si urmatorul o sa fie un "fail" atunci pe al 3 probabil nu-l vor face )))

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#468 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-17 23:21:03 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


aceste caractere chiar seamana oleak :)
tot is prosti oleak amindoi :sarcastic:

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#469 by Human (true homo-sapiens) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 09:01:55 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#468 lopata, Whats true! is True!

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#470 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 10:01:48 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
and btw what anime do you prefer the most ?
Imho one piece pwnes dragon ball.

I mean, OP has more drama, humour, its based on emotions, frienship... Which in dragon ball you can see only awesome fights.

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#471 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 11:02:30 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#470 lopata, One Peace is too childish for me; I don’t like how it’s drawn… so I always liked Dragon Ball Z more… Anyway, today Bleach OWNES EVERYTHING in the anime-series genre, it’s like a modern Dragon Ball Z.

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#472 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 14:12:02 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#471 maxbeet, bleach ? :rofl: :rofl:

bleach sux balls imho.

there's no drama, humour in it, nothing.

only awesome characters and thats all.

the characters are annoying, rukia, ichigo...

how many episodes of one piece have you seen ? :)
10 ? 20 ?

the first 20-30 episodes may be childish, but the rest no.
now there's an arc called " Human Auction" veeeery childish :drool:

One piece has a unic drawing. original.

the anime has awesome fights + a lot of drama+ and humour.
bleach is nothing compared to OP, even with Dragon ball :)

even the storyline of bleach is little, nothing special.
just a guy betrayed some guys and wants to conquor the world :drool:

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#473 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 15:34:18 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#472 lopata, I can say the same about One Peace… The characters in there are cheesy and annoying. And the drawing is horrific by my tastes, and nothing will make me change my mind about that. Plus almost half of One Peace are fillers… And we all know that the devil invented fillers )))

On the other hand, Bleach has amazing, unique characters, a very interesting world, and not a bad plot. Plus the fights in Bleach are the best… Their very good, and have the feeling that had the fights in Dragon Ball Z… A feeling of something epic happening (their smashing mountains there dammit!!) Plus Bleach is very near to the manga, it’s only 20-30 chapters away… And there are not that many fillers in there. (Not like that fucking Naruto…) That makes Bleach one of the most watched anime series in the world )))

That's my opinion, and your words will not change it. ))) Period!

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#474 by lopata (Хырлец) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 15:48:07 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#473 maxbeet, "... Plus almost half of One Peace are fillers… And we all know that the devil invented fillers )))
..." - fail)

check the fillers list.

in 360 episodes only 46 ep. fillers :)

and the fillers are awesome, not like the bleach ones.

the plot in Bleach is good, but is very simple.
its an little world there...
have you read the plot in One piece ? its fucking EPIC.

the caracters in bleach are practically the same, all are serious, they're is no humour in this anime, no drama, the conversations are boring...
in One piece every character has an unic dream, everyone is special in a way, has smth unic to there personalities.

you should read some reviews about this anime.
or at least watch it..

i suppose you watched 20/30 episodes ... and thats very very bad.

first episodes of dragon ball also sucked, but you know the rest of them how there were...

#473 maxbeet, "... Plus Bleach is very near to the manga, it’s only 20-30 chapters away ..." - :sarcastic: this means that a new bunch of fillers are coming out :angry:

you cant compare this one with drago ball.

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#475 by maxbeet (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-04-18 16:27:23 (826 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#474 lopata, You want to say that the captains of Gotei 13 are all the same, or the Espada? Did you even see, for example, Kenpachi? He is awesome, funny and strong! And he is not the only one like that... And what about Shinigami Golden Cup... It is funny as hell )))

I still don't want to watch ~400 episodes from the beginning... It's just too big, to watch from the beginning...

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