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#0 by GF! (AC Milan ♥ FORZA MILAN) (0 mesaje) at 2008-04-14 07:50:39 (879 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Мир разделен на четыре Народа: Воды, Земли, Воздуха и Огня. У каждого Народа есть Предводитель, который обладает способностями управлять своей стихией. Они называют себя Магами Воды, Земли, Огня и Воздуха. Сильнейший Властелин мира и единственный, кто может управлять всеми четырьми стихиями, - Аватар - воскресает для каждого Народа раз в сто лет.
Когда жестокий Народ Огня угрожает поработить Народы Воды, Земли и Воздуха, непокорному и озорному мальчишке предстоит встретить свою судьбу, судьбу Аватара, избранного, которому суждено восстановить мировой порядок.
«Аватар: Легенда об Аанге» - это история Аанга, двенадцатилетнего мальчика, который просто хотел жить обычной жизнью, но в его судьбу вмешалось появление долгожданного Аватара. Аанг призван возглавить борьбу с жестоким Народом Огня, чтобы восстановить равновесие в разобщенном войной мире. Аанг отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы спасти мир. Ему помогают юная, но отважная Маг Воды по имени Катара и ее простодушный брат-воин по имени Сокка.

UPDATE: Since we published this story, Variety has announced that Paramount is calling the movie simply The Last Airbender, to avoid confusion with James Cameron's Avatar, and that the movie has been given a US release date of July 2, 2010.

If you're a person who laments the decline of the Saturday morning kids cartoon genre, then you should really check out Avatar: The Last Airbender. It may not currently be on TV (we've not been getting up early), but it's available on DVD and it's properly brilliant; beautifully animated and very well written for kids' entertainment. M Night Shyamalan is currently in pre-production adapting the cartoon into a movie trilogy, so now is really the time to get yourself familiar with it.

We chatted with Shyamalan recently and he filled us in on a few details of the movie. For those who don't know the show, he explains the plot thusly:

"The actual plot is in a place where there are four tribes of people. And these people each have people within their tribe that have mastery over one element: water, earth, fire or air. They all live in a balance and harmony and once every generation there is born an individual who can bend - that is manipulate -all four of those elements and thereby keep a balance between all. They are kind of a Buddha figure to some extent. The story is about how, in this particular time, this avatar is born into the airbenders and disappears. Then all hell breaks loose and the fire nation basically commits genocide and eradicates the air tribe in the hopes of killing the avatar and taking over control of everything. This child then re-emerges, which is the beginning of our story. He reappears having been frozen in the ice — there is a whole story about how that happens — a hundred years later and this world is all fucked up and he is the last airbender, but he doesn’t want this job. He’s forced into the position of putting the world back together again. It actually has a lot of Shakespearean overtones to it. There’s lots of family angst, and fathers denying sons in different storylines."

That all clear? Short version is, there's a small boy called Aang who has the potential to control all the elements and everyone wants to capture him. Shyamalan says it was the mythology and philosophy inherent in the story that attracted him to it.

"Buddhist and Hindu philosophies run through the stuff," he continues. "When I realised that is what it was, it really drew me as the template for putting storytelling on a new level. There is a kind of thread that connects Star Wars and The Matrix – the first one. That same thread is in this story, about a forgotten belief system, or the illusion of the world now."

Of course, philosophy doesn't necessarily guarantee bums on seats. But this is a film that has a great deal of potential for incredible spectacle. The most powerful of the element benders can do great things with their powers, like controlling a raging river or manipulating walls of flame. Done right, this should have some incredible action.

"Obviously [there will be] some breathtaking visual effects," the director says. "Just imagine if you saw a little girl bending water out of a glass into the air as an extension of her own personal discipline. It’s three movies about the hero learning three elements. Live action".

But, equally, Shyamalan doesn't want the film, which he says will shoot on stages in Philadelphia, as well as locations including Greenland, to simply be an excuse for empty spectacle. He also acknowledges that this is a long way from anything he's done before. It's got the philosophical elements he likes, but it's also painting on a much larger canvas than any of his other films and speaking to a younger audience.

"It’s daunting on the level of not doing it properly," he admits. "It can’t be special effects for the sake of special effects, it has to be [that you use] take seven because the girl breathes properly on take seven. I have to tell the animators that. Everything, has to have that detail. I can’t leave it. I have to make sure that I make it the same kind of storytelling, but with just one more tool."

Like we say, this is very different to anything Shyamalan's done before, but we can really see him making this work. Whether you like all his movies or not, you can't deny the man is blessed with a lot of imagination. And that's exactly what a project like this needs – someone who can wrestle the multiple ideas of the show into a simple, coherent and visually amazing film. This should, and hopefully will be, fantastic.

For more from Shyamalan, including extensive discussion of his new film The Happening, pick up the next issue of Empire, on sale April 25.

Special topic guest: Tarkan

★ Avatar: The Last Airbender ★ FAN's
  • GF!
  • Tarkan
  • Nikita02
  • totti55
  • PcholKa
  • iosea
  • d!mann
  • Роман
  • XqqX
  • BoogieMan
  • Oreon
  • fakejoker7
  • StewieG
  • superleu
Аватар: Легенда о Корре / Avatar: The Legend of Korra [Season 1 / Episode 1-12 (FULL)

Editat de către GF! la 2013-11-17 15:10:45

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#126 by iosea (Шах - и мат, Мат - и Бан) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:22:33 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#117 snyper, мля что ты тут делаешь?? сдесь для фанов Аватара
а не Наруто которое не имеет конец мля....
мне Наруто напоминает Покемонов
3 Лопуха собираются вместе и видят в каждом врага и давай с ним тупо драться!!:D

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#127 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:25:35 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#126 iosea, esti prost sau ce ? in primul rind am tot dreptul sa stau aici !!!!!!! in al doilea rind, daca compari Naruto cu Pokemon atunci cu adevarat esti prost ! Pokemon se aseamana mai degraba cu Avatar, se vede clar ca nu ai privit Naruto de vb asa, numai inceputul la primul sezon care sux !

P.S anime are sfirsit ca si manga, nu tin minte precis cite chapters manga au mai ramas !

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#128 by iosea (Шах - и мат, Мат - и Бан) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:26:32 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Наруто это жалкое подобье.... скока мона наити таких сериалов
а Аватар не найдешь нечего подобного!!!!!!
Если ты Фан Анима ты должен знать такие Анимэ
как Hellsing,Деах Нот и Elfen Lied вот это да! на такую тему ты не найдешь.
а твой наруто сух а Аватар Рулль!!!

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#129 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:31:01 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#128 iosea, Elfen Lied tot imi place, pur si simplu voi m-ati provocat la asa decizii, nu am nimic impotriva la Avatar, pur si simplu se putea ceva mai bun de gindit, insa voi m-ati atacat si m-ati provocat sa scriu asa parere despre Avatar !

#128 iosea, "... наруто сух а Аватар Рулль! ..." - anume cu asa vorbe ma faceti sa arung cu noroi in Avatar !!!

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#130 by ZuGao (Sony Ericsson Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:34:32 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#129 snyper, pentru ca nimeni sa nu te provoace nu intra aici caci incerci sa-ti expui parerea care e contra topicului dat...

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#131 by KinT08 (69) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:38:53 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#129 snyper, cu ce oare te-am provocat???
TU nea-i provocat,copkilule....

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#132 by iosea (Шах - и мат, Мат - и Бан) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 19:50:30 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#129 snyper,
Давай так по хорошему,топик назван Avatar: The Last Airbender и черт возьми
наруто тут не написано!!! так каково ты фига приводишь мне в пример эту бредятину.... Этот бред съедает мозг....
Слушай давай без скандала я так разочарован из-за того что аватар кончился
а ты еше мне эту фигню вспоминаешь!!!!

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#133 by Chujoi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 20:01:20 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ehh, incepe un nou razboi de o suta de ani, pina no sa faca atmarozka din somn criogenic la un ciuvak.

Hai linistitiva. Avatar si Naruto sunt ambele bune. Doar diferite. De acea e greu de gasit oameni carora sa le placa la nebunie ambele. Avatar, a fost in stare sa aduca auditoriu de oameni de pina la 40 ani, copii find chiar foarte putini, si sa ajunga sa fie facut film de asa regizor care a creat de exemplu Hulk. Naruto, intradevar poate e mai lung, si in spiritul anime are multa mistica, lupte aprige intrun still fantastic post-modernist. Si intradevar, se uita mai multi, caci e de mai de mult.

Asaca ne linistim, aducem balance to the world. Si daca a sa shiti tat pravilnie, tatz veti avea ocazie sa va imbalati cu Katara in Ba Singe Se si sa mergeti la o pifa afighitelinaia in baru lui Iroh.

Peace and balance everyone :D

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#134 by System at 2008-07-21 20:18:15 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Вообщем так снайпер... Ты такой тупой, что не можешь осознать куда попал... Тема не называется "Аватар или Наруто", здесь говорится именно о аватаре, так что проваливай...
А в догонку скажу 1... Я поклоник наруто еще с давних времен, если бы его сжали до 150 серий, то он был бы бесценен, или хотябы на 1 сезон (220 серий)... наруто еще гдето минимум будет идти лет 5, т.к. автар манги сказал что будет около 100 томов, а 1 том в неделю, и еще не каждую бывает... И я мангу читаю, если тебя это интересует... Если тебе нужно анимэ с чувствами, про которые ты говоришь, то посмотри "Эльфийскую песню, Металического алхимика, Loveless..." и куча других... А наруто чисто под то что ты описал не подходит...
А если начнем говорить про прорисовку анимэ, то в очень многих моментах она на столько плоха в Наруто, что блевануть охота...
Ты как будто живешь в танке, и тебе дали только Наруто посмотреть, и вот ты ничего не зная говоришь...
Я кроме манги и анимэ, больше знаю о Наруто чем ты, я искал доп. матерьялы овки, заметки, вообщем дофига всего... Наруто было бы шедевром, но японцы просчитались.....
создатели "Аватара" справились со своей целью, они выпустили шедевр в 61 серию...
Ты видимо из поклоников Дом 2 и "Санта Барбара", так тебе не здесь надо быть, психушка в другой стороне! УДАЧИ!

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#135 by Chujoi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 20:43:10 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#134 Var1ok, Calm down brother.

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#136 by Watts (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 21:39:20 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#109 snyper, chea eshti asha ancapatzinat mai bine  :baby:

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#137 by ZuGao (Sony Ericsson Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 21:49:51 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ne reintoarcem la tema baietz!

P.S. cum credeti, e vie mama lui Zuko?

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#138 by KinT08 (69) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 21:54:32 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#137 Leu, eu cred ca e vie,in episodul 11,cind Ozai,o spus ca poate ii vie,da poate nu,si cind Zuko a intrebat,unde-i Mama lui,el a facut o fata,parca va face un schimb...

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#139 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:20:28 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#134 Var1ok, singur esti "tupoi", prin acea fraza ti-ai aratat nivelul tau de intelectualitate !

P.S cind am venit pe topic, am inceput sa compar Avatar fata de Anime, si sa imi exprim parerea despre acest desen animat, iar voi ati inceput sa ma provocati, rezultatul il vedeti, asa ca fii bun si nu ma mai provoca, am vazut zeci de anime asa ca nu ma limita pe mine numai la Naruto, pur si simplu e preferatul meu . nu mai raspund la nici-un post, aveti neintelegeri PM !!

P.P.S I hate Dom II ! :evil:

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#140 by Chujoi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:33:21 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#139 snyper, hai gata serios. Si tu, si ceilalti.

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#141 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:34:39 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#137 Leu, "... . cum credeti, e vie mama lui Zuko? ..." - desigur, ea a fost izgonita nu ucisa, cred ca traieste intr-o casuta modesta pe undeva)))

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#142 by System at 2008-07-21 22:37:23 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#139 snyper,
кто сказал, что мы здесь будем расуждать на тему, можно ли отнести аватара к жанру анимэ... Ты уже свое тупое мнение высказал, и оно ничего не принесло, кроме агрессии в твой адресс, ты заметил что на тебя кричат а не поддерживают...

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#143 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:40:51 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#142 Var1ok, #141 !

Cum credeti, ce va fi cu Azula ? care va fi soarta ei ? hz, eu cred ca a fost prea crud in partea ei, ea de mica a fost lipsita de dragostea de mama, fiind socotita un monstru, ceea ce distruge psihica unui copil, defapt, ea nu e asa de rea, tineti minte episodul The Beach ? mi mi-a placut ))))) alte pareri ?

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#144 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:42:31 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
referitor la Azula de ce doar la ea focul e albastru?

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#145 by Chujoi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:49:50 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#144 DarkMaster, asta e lightning. Putzini pot sa faca asa ceva. Dar ea il foloseste permanent. Citeodata Ozai o folosit si el, dar ramine sa foloseasca mai des tot focul original.

#144 DarkMaster, P.S. Davno ni videLo tebea, 4to delaetSo u vas?

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#146 by System at 2008-07-21 22:52:56 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#145 Chujoi, Нет то огонь, молния по другомы выглядит... Молнией она стреляла в Катару, а Зуко защитил ее...

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#147 by NovaSky (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:53:20 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#145 Chujoi, "... asta e lightning ..." - nu este fulger e foc albastru,eu ma gindeam ca poate combina focul cu fulgerul sa faca asta

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#148 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:53:37 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#145 Chujoi, nope !!!!!!!!!! nu e lightning, cind s-a luptat cu Zuko, folosea permanent fo albastru, era diferit de lightinng, si tot il folosia, pina cind zuko a intrebat-o de ce nu foloseste lightning... cica ce tii frica sa nu contratac, si apoi a folosit lightning pe adevarat ! uite la episod din nou ai sa vezi ca am dreptate

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#149 by IxXxIDeviL (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:55:19 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#144 DarkMaster, deoarece ea a ajuns la Limita posibilului de Fire Bending (asa cred) (sau foloseste Gaz Natural :-D)

#143 snyper, Te sustin, lipsa mamei inseamna mult pentru psihica unui copil.

PS. nu compara Naruto cu Avatar sunt 2 lucruri foarte diferite. Sincer sa spun nu-mi place Naruto... dar nu-l critic intr-atit incit sa provoc lumea. Si inca ceva vreau sa-ti spun ca variok are dreptate serialele prea lungi sunt iritante, caci uiti cu ce sa inceput (am spus la general). Si inca ceva o zicala rusa "О вкусах не Спорят".

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#150 by snyper Drivers ClubParticipant la concursul Counter-Strike Masters Tournament (Maia Sandu - Președinte!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-07-21 22:58:44 (864 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#149 IxXxIDeviL, "... nu compara Naruto cu Avatar sunt 2 lucruri foarte ..." - am terminat discutia deja xD

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