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#0 by Ridedin (◄▌▌█▬☑ Белый ☑ ▬█▐▐►) (0 mesaje) at 2007-11-08 20:02:06 (901 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Editat de către Ridedin la 2016-09-30 12:35:02

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#626 by baskoff (HDT | BasketMD) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-05 22:09:41 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#623 Gothik, так и не надо ничего комментировать .. просто напиши что болеешь за Коби и всё ..
Жену как буд-то защищаешь, а не любимого игрока .. :D

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#627 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-05 22:10:46 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#625 Gothik, ЛебРон КОбИ Магрэди.... и список длинный )) ну эти самые известные и популярные =)))

#626 baskoff, Хех )) Я бы поменял твой АВАТАР чтоб Элис поставил Бэну __))) я бы долго смеялся бы ))

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#628 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 12:52:56 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Бостон" первым вышел в плейофф
(Сергей Бондоренко | | 06-03-2008 13:32)
"Бостон" уже в плэф-офф, "Детройту" осталось совсем немного. Благодаря 31 очку Кэвина Гарнэтта и победе над "Детройт Пистонс" со счётом 90-78, "Бостон" стал первой командой в НБА, которая застолбила за собой место в плэф-офф этого сезона.

"Это не то, чего мы хотели. Это, конечно хорошо, и в прошлом году мы бы устроили парад в честь такого события", - говорит, наставник "Бостона" Док Риверс, которому просто участия в плэф-офф уже мало. Ему нужно чемпионство.

"Сэлтикс" не принимали участия в постсезонке последние 2 сезона, но этим летом команда пополнилась Кэвином Гарнэттом и Рэйем Алленом, и у руководства появились совсем другие планы. Так что заранее обеспеченное место в плэй-офф менее важно, чем победа над "Детройтом", которая вывела "Бостон" вперёд по личным встречам 2-1.

"Отлично, что мы одержали победу и выиграли серию в регулярном чемпионате против них. Но это была команда, которую мы, скорее всего, встретим ещё в плэй-офф, и к тому времени они будут ещё сильнее",- говорит Пол Пирс, на чьём счету оказалось 15 очков.

Такие напряжённые матчи, как сегодняшний, игроки сразу начинают сравнивать с постезонными. "Каждый раз, когда ты играешь с такой командой, создаётся атмосфера плэф-офф. Все три игры были такими. Было потрачено много сил, но это то, что нам нравится. В этом весь баскетбол, и все игры должны быть такими",- говорит Чонси Биллапс.

С сегодняшнего дня победы "Бостону" будут нужны только для того, чтобы оставаться на своём первом месте в Восточной Конференции. "Детройт" близок по турнирной таблице, и "Селтикс" должно это волновать, ведь, если они лишатся первого места, то они лишатся и преимущества своей площадки. Но это только в том случае, если Бостон дойдёт до Финала Конференции, где, скорее всего, будет ждать их "Детройт".

"Все игры идут в счёт. Мы пытаемся завоевать преимущество домашней площадки, поэтому все эти игры очень важны для нас",- говорит Кэвин Гарнэтт.

Сам сегодняшний матч проходил под контролем хозяев. "Детройт" ни разу не находился в лидерах, и через несколько минут после стартового вбрасывания, проигрывал сопернику 17-3. И только в начале четвёртой четверти, благодаря точному попаданию Тайшона Принса, гостям удалось сравнять счёт на отметке в 69 очков. Однако равенство держалось недолго, так как следующие 5 очков кряду последовали от Кэвина Гарнэтта. Больше "Сэлтикс" не упускали преимущества и уверенно завершили встречу.

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#629 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 14:00:40 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#626 baskoff, Da ne boleet on za Kobe, eto j ia napisal ! ))))))

#628 Ghitler, "... "Бостон" уже в плэф-офф, "Детройту" осталось совсем немного. Благодаря 31 очку Кэвина Гарнэтта и победе над "Детройт Пистонс" со счётом 90-78, "Бостон" стал первой командой в НБА, которая застолбила за собой место в плэф-офф этого сезона. ..." - igrai bi oni na zapade, oni bi v piaterku ne bili bi ! East coast sucks !

#627 Ghitler, "... ЛебРон КОбИ Магрэди.... и список длинный )) ну эти самые известные и популярные =))) ..." - ti skazal LeBron ? Ne veriu ! ))))

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#630 by baskoff (HDT | BasketMD) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 15:09:32 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#629 SashAlex, я понял что это был ты .. :D

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#631 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 15:49:34 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#629 SashAlex, igrai bi oni na zapade, oni bi v piaterku ne bili bi ! East coast sucks !

Бостон и ДэтРоИт Самый 2 сильные команды Регулярки этого года...
и скажи пожалуйсатся какая разнится были они вэст или ист... всё равно между собой они играют(всмысле они играют и с командами запада и вотока).... и что бы измнилось если они играли бы на западе ??? они что стали бы меньше выйгравать ? =)))

Я ТЯ ещё Больше УдевЛю ЧТО БОСТОН Проиграл командам с запада тока 3 игры !!
у ся в конференции 28-9

И САМЫЕ 3 СИльные КОМАНДЫ по результатм регулярки это

А то что Восток ослаб в этом году это фигня... Провал у Лидеров МаЯми Чикаго НьЮ-Джерси... еслиб они бы сильны как в прошлом сезоне такая же заруба было бы как и на западе )))
Всё РАвно на западе Болею ЗА Орлеан Феникс Юту ... =
Хоть и ШАкил Забуровил Феникс... этот трэйд не в тему Феникс без Мэриона плохо играет.. и врятли что-то сделает в Плэйофф но я надеюсь... ))

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#632 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 17:47:37 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#631 Ghitler, "... И САМЫЕ 3 СИльные КОМАНДЫ по результатм регулярки это
БОСТОН             Восток
ДЕТРОЙТ            Восток
САН-АНТОНИО      Запад ..." - a Lakers ???? Po4emu toliko SAS, i Lakers toje vhodit v etu 4etverku !

Raznitsa v tom 4to s zapadom oni igraiu toliko po 2 igri, kogda kak na vostoke oni igraiut po 4 ! Ti kogda igraeshi 5 igr podread s Phoenix, Dallas, Spurs i Hornets, eto tebe tak leghko neproidet !

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#633 by baskoff (HDT | BasketMD) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-06 18:11:49 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#632 SashAlex, "... "... И САМЫЕ 3 СИльные КОМАНДЫ по результатм регулярки это
БОСТОН            Восток
ДЕТРОЙТ            Восток
САН-АНТОНИО      Запад ..."
- a Lakers ???? Po4emu toliko SAS, i Lakers toje vhodit v etu 4etverku ! ..." - :lol: :lol: :lol:

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#634 by baskoff (HDT | BasketMD) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-07 10:16:14 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Which recent acquisition will have a bigger impact on the Celtics?
Sam Cassell      79% 
P.J. Brown      21% 
Total Responses: 13759
-- :closedeyes:

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#635 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-07 10:29:00 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#634 baskoff, Да туПые Они АмериКОСЫ ))

Андрей Кириленко: я не собираюсь мстить
( | | 06-03-2008 20:42)
Форвард "Юты" Андрей Кириленко, получивший болезненный ушиб после грубого фола Дирка Новицки, считает, что немец сделал это не осознано и не держит на него зла.

"Я не думаю, что он действительно делал это намеренно. Скорее всего, получилось так по ситуации – он потерял позицию, но пытался меня все же остановить. Такое случается в игре, я не собираюсь мстить", – цитирует российского форварда Deseret Morning News.

Напомним, что НБА наказало Дирка Новицки за этот инцидент - дисквалификацией на одну игру без права сохранения зарплаты

Исполнительный директор Microsoft готов помочь «Сиэтлу» с реконструкцией стадиона

07.03.2008 09:39

Исполнительный директор Microsoft Стив Баллмер и крупный бизнесмен Джон Стэнтон готовы помочь «Суперсоникс» с расширением домашней арены с целью сохранить команду в Сиэтле. Затраты на реконструкцию «KeyArena» по предварительным расходам составят 300 миллионов долларов, а предприниматели готовы выплатить половину этой суммы. Круная компьютерная корпорация является градообразуеющем предприятем Сиэтла, наравне с фирмой Boeing.

На данный момент Баллмер и Стэнтон от каких-либо комментариев по этому поводу отказались, сообщает Seattle Times.

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#636 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-07 16:44:03 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#634 baskoff, "... Which recent acquisition will have a bigger impact on the Celtics?
Sam Cassell      79%  
P.J. Brown       21%  
Total Responses: 13759 ..." - they'll make an impact, but not a big one !

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#637 by 50niggaz (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-07 16:48:07 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Wade wants long-term commitment to rebuild Heat

In the wake of NBA stars pushing for trades or buyouts so they could play for contenders, Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade stressed Wednesday his desire to make a long-term commitment to South Florida.

"I came here when it was down and I helped it get up to this point," Wade said of the team being two years removed from an NBA title, before heading south this season. "Why would I want to leave and let someone else come in and get the glory for taking Miami back?

"Just because we're having a down year doesn't mean I'm ready to jump to another city," he said. "That's not the case. I love Miami. This perception of me ready to leave right now because other players are getting mad in their situation is totally false."

That's an attitude!

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#638 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 00:17:39 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"As we head into the final stretch of the season, the MVP discussions have began to heat up. As they have, one thing has become painfully obvious. Whether he has earned these honors or not, he will not receive them. It's not my place to decide if Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Chris Paul, or Kevin Garnett is most deserving of this award. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Each of those players have staked a rightful claim to the award with their play this season. What is unfortunate though is that one of the favorites to win this award is not being given a fair and objective chance at winning it.

Prior to Colorado, and the sexual assault allegations, Kobe was the NBA's golden child. Similar to Lebron James the media had latched on to him early. A boy wonder with a squeeky clean image. That image would forever be shattered after those allegations. The story then became that of a fallen hero. Like a greek tragedy, people were entertained by the idea of an ego-driven star who had broken up a dynasty, driven out it's other stars and Hall of Fame Coach. Kobe the villain sold newspapers and improved ratings. That is not to say that he has not deserved the criticism he has received. There is one question that deserves to be asked though. Is it truly possible that Kobe was once a model citizen and a great guy, only to one day decide do a complete role reversal and turn into the Anti-Christ? A much more feasible explanation is that he was never as clean, or as evil as his media portrayal.

The reality is that journalists are just people. They take sides. They become offended if they are snubbed by a player, and sometimes they can be vindictive. Yet the NBA's Most Valuable Player award is determined by the sports media. Two seasons ago Steve Nash walked away with MVP honors for the second straight season, joining an elite cast of multiple time winners. Nash had a great season, and kept the Suns afloat without the injured Amare Stoudemire. Kobe Bryant would finish fourth in MVP voting despite averaging 35.4 points, 5.3 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 1.8 steals. His 35.4 points was the most the league had seen in nineteen seasons, since Michael Jordan averaged 37.1 in 1986-87, and he led that Lakers team to a 45-37 record and pushed them to the brink of an upset, going up 3-1 against the Phoenix Suns in the playoffs.

Allow me remind you of his roster at that time. That team featured Smush Parker, Kwame Brown and Luke Walton as 3/5 of it's starting lineup. Kwame Brown is stinking it up on one of the leagues worst teams and Smush Parker has been on paid vacation for most of this season by the league's worst team. Luke Walton had his break out season the next year, but averaged just 5 points and 3.6 rebounds that season. To have led that team to 45 wins and the brink of an upset was truly an accomplishment for Kobe. Say what you will about the Cavaliers supporting cast this season, but they are innumerably better than Kobe's Lakers team two seasons ago.

Yet 22 members of the media didn't even feel that Kobe was worthy of a top five vote. The 125 man panel gave him 22 first place votes, 11 second place, 18 third place, 22 fourth place and 30 fifth place votes. If cornered with the question of why Kobe Bryant failed to receive more two votes the de facto response were that his Lakers team simply wasn't good enough. The MVP usually goes to the best player on one of the best teams. Okay, I can respect that. The media backed up that notion last season by voting Dirk Nowitzki as the league's MVP.

What I don't understand is that many members of the same media have suddenly done a 180 on the criteria of MVP this season. Kobe has taken more of a backseat role this season. He has allowed his teammates to do more, and in the process the Lakers have become a better team. Even before the acquisition of Pau Gasol, the Lakers were the top team in the West prior to Bynum's knee injury. His 28.3 points, 6.1 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 2.0 steals is more impressive than the 24.6 points, 8.9 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 0.8 blocks that Nowitzki posted en route to the MVP last season.

Yet, there is an alarming trend in the media. Suddenly they have decided that the old criteria didn't make much sense after all. In recent weeks the Lebron for MVP talk has picked up. The Cavs are 35-27 and in 4th place in the much weaker Eastern Conference. The Lakers are 43-18 and second in the Western Conference, despite battling injuries all season. Let's put that into perspective. Despite playing in the much weaker conference, and thus having a lighter schedule, the Cavaliers current record would place them as a 10th seed in the west, or two seeds away from the last spot in the playoffs.

ESPN's John Hollinger answered some questions on his choice of Lebron James, followed by Chris Paul as his MVP candidates earlier this week. He began by explaining that 58 of the 82 games are identical between the two conferences and that it shouldn't make a large difference in the win/loss column. I'm sorry John, but that just won't fly. That leaves a whopping 30% of the eason where western conference teams are battling it out with much stiffer competition. Mr. Hollinger knows this well, as his power rankings are determined by a statistical analysis which calculates the Strength of Schedule. According to his own power rankings the Cavs would place as the 15th best team. The Cavs have faced the 18th most difficult schedule in the league this season. The Lakers meanwhile are even with the Mavericks for the 7th most difficult. Of the ten most difficult schedules to date, only three of those teams were in the eastern conference, topped by the Knicks at #4. If the strength of schedule means so little, then why does he weight it so heavily in his standings? In the end he would explain that he felt that Lebron was head and shoulders above the rest of the league right now, and for that reason he would get his vote. If that were the case then why didn't he vote for Kobe two seasons ago?

Kelly Dwyer shared his sentiments in a recent article at Yahoo Sports. He would say in that article that Kobe probably should have been the MVP in the 2005-2006 MVP race, and not have been punished for playing on an otherwise poor team. He would then explain his thoughts of why Lebron has been a better player this season and deserves the award this season. The problem here is that Kelly Dwyer wrote an article two years ago at when he picked Lebron James as his MVP then. Why the change of heart now? Does anyone honestly believe that the Cavs supporting cast is weaker right now than the Lakers was two seasons ago? If next season Kobe averaged 50 points a game beause the rest of his team died in a plane crash but the Lakers struggled, would the criteria change yet again?

Has Lebron really surpassed Kobe as the games best player? If you look at statistics, then a strong case can be made. Lebron outdoes Kobe in just about every statistical ranking at a glance. Lebron averages 2.3 more points, 2 more rebounds and 2.3 more assists per game than Kobe. He also shoots a better field goal percentage and has more blocks. Kobe has a higher free throw and three point percentage, as well as averaging more steals. He does play a couple more minutes per game than Kobe. On the surface it seems like an easy choice if the criteria is purely on who is the better player. Numbers can be deceiving though.
The most important difference is defense. You know, the activity that occurs during the other half of the game. Kobe has been on the all-defensive team seven times in the past eight seasons, including five first team appearances. Lebron meanwhile is an average defender. The interesting thing is that some members of the media have attempted to do the jedi mind trick on us, and convince us that Lebron has turned into a good defensive player. While I agree that his defense has definitely improved, to call him a good defender would be a stretch. Effective Field Goal Percentage is a representation which takes three point baskets into the equation of field goal percentage. Opposing small forwards have shot a 50% eFG against Lebron this season. Meanwhile, Kobe has held opposing shooting guards to a mere 44.1% eFG against him. That's a huge difference.

Next up is rebounding. Both players are good rebounders at their positions. The difference is the positions they play. Kobe plays 77% of his minutes as a shooting guard, and the remaining 23% as a small forward. Meanwhile Lebron plays 73% of his minutes as a small forward, and the remaining 27% as a power forward. Rebounding is primarily a responsibility of forwards, and not guards.

Assists is a no brainer. Lebron is a better passer and more willing passer than Kobe. Kobe leads his team in assists year in and year out though. Over the past seven years Kobe has averaged 5.4 assists per game. His primary role though, is as a scorer. As a scorer, Kobe is second to none. Despite chasing Lebron for the scoring lead this season, Kobe is still the better scorer. His field goal percentage as a result of 74% of his shots being outside shots, as compared ot 61% of Lebron's shots. Kobe shoots 45.8% efG on his jump shots though, as compared to James' 39.3%, that's the difference of 6.5%. The big difference difference here is that Lebron is taking 22.3 shots per game, as compared to just 20.4 by Bryant. That is nearly 7 shots less per game than Bryant took two seasons ago.

At the end of the day you can make a strong argument for either player as the games best. Do you value Lebron's passing or Kobe's defense? What you can not argue though is that Lebron makes his teammates better and that Kobe does not. This is an argument that gets used seemingly any time the two are compared. Apparently averaging more assists equals out to making your teammates better. Nevermind the fact that the triangle is not an assist-friendly offense. Let's just stick to the undeniable facts and compare the teammates of both players. The only player who has shown any significant improvement prior to being traded to play with Lebron are Drew Gooden and Carlos Boozer. Boozer was a rookie the year before Lebron came, and had a decent year with him before heading to Utah. His field goal percentage dropped with Lebron but his scoring average went from 10 to 15.5. They only played together one season. Drew Gooden saw his field goal percentage leap by 4.7% in his first season with Lebron, and his scoring average jumped by 2.8. His scoring would drop back down in later seasons.

Ilgauskus was an all-star before playing with Lebron. He has not shown any improvement. In fact the only career high he can boast since the arrival of Lebron is in blocked shots. What has been most confusing about Lebron's game though is that they have brought in a number of guys who have played absolutely terribly with him. One would have to wonder why Kevin Ollie saw his shooting percentage drop from 45.1% the season before playing with Lebron to 37% in the season playing alongside of him. He was only 31 years of age. Ricky Davis was traded mid-season in Lebron's rookie season. He responded by lifting his shooting percentage by 5.7% and his three point percentage by 2.6%. Eric Snow had averaged 12.1, 12.9 and 10.3 points in his three previous seasons, while shooting 44..2%, 45.2% and 41.3%. He joined Lebron at age 31 and plummeting to 4 points per game on 38.2% shooting, despite playing a 22.8 minutes per game.

The next season they made the moves that were supposed to move them into contention. They brought in Donyell Marshall, who had long been a deadly shooter. He had averaged 11.5 points on 41.6% from beyond the arc the season before, and had shot 40% or better from that range for the past two seasons and routinely averaged in the low teens. Yet in three seasons with the Cavs he never shot better than 35.1% from that range or averaged more than 9.3 points. Damon Jones was also brought in to space the floor. The 29 year old averaged 11.6 points on 43.2% shooting from beyond the arc and 45.6% from the field the season before in Miami. Those numebrs dropped to 37.7% shooting and 6.7 points playing under Lebron, however. The largest disappointment though was Larry Hughes. Hughes was an all-defensive player who was coming off a year in which he averaged 22 points on 43% shooting. He had averaged 18.8 points the season prior to that. Yet he never averaged more than 15.5 points or 40.9% shooting in three seasons with Lebron. He was recently traded to the Chicago Bulls and saw a 4.1 point and a 4% leap in his field goal percentage in the seven games since the trade. It's way too early too make any determination on the impact of his latest shooter, Wally Szczerbiak, but it should be noted that in the six games since joining the Cavs he has seen his fielg goal percentage plummet by 13.6% and his three point percentage drop by 4.9%.

I don't want to hear how Lebron makes his teammates better ever again. There simply is no statistical analysis to support this. In fact, he seems to destroy the shooting stroke of the guys brought in to spread the floor for him. Oddly enough, the guy who for years the media has said does not make his teammates better, has indeed done a much better job.
Perhaps the best indication is Smush Parker. Smush bounced around from team to team for a couple of years, never having averaged more than 6.2 points or shot better than 41.9%. The previous season he averaged 3 points per game. Yet he averaged 11.5 and 11.1 in two years with Kobe, having career best numbers in both shooting and three point shooting in each of those seasons. He left to the Miami Heat thsi season, where he saw his average drop by 6.3 points, his shooting percentage by 12.1% and his three point shooting by 11.5%. Chris Mihm was a 45% shooter on his career, with a career high 48.8% from the field. Not only did he have career highs in scoring average during each of his first two seasons with the Lakers but he also shot above 50% in each of those seasons prior to his injury. Kwame Brown had never shot above 49% in his career, yet he shot 52.6% and 59.1% as a Laker. He was traded mid-season this year and since that trade he has seen his field goal percentage drop from 50.3% to 35.3%. The other big man in that trade, Pau Gasol has seen his field goal percentage raise from 50.1% in Memphis to a whopping 59% alongside of Kobe, as well as raising his scoring average by 1.8 per game. Gasol is a 51.1% career shooter who had never shot better than 53.8%. The third piece of that trade, Javaris Crittenton, has sene his shooting percentage drop from 49.1% to 38% since it was made. Another mid-season acquisition in Didier Ilunga-Mbenga has seen a similar rise. He shot 31.3% from the field last season, and 39.1% in 16 games with Golden State this year. He has shot 45.5% in 14 games with the Lakers. Derek Fisher's three years away from L.A. saw him shoot 39.3%, 41% and 38.2% from the floor. Since returning to the Lakers he has shot 44%. Laron Profit suffered a career ending injury in his first season as a Laker. In the 25 games prior to his injury though he shot 47.6%, his previous career high was 43.8% with two seasons under 40%. Jumaine Jones shot 39.1% from beyond the arc and 43.2% from teh floor playing alongside Kobe, after shooting 34.4% from teh floor and 29.5% from beyond the arc the season before. Since leaving he has never shot better than 40.5% from teh floor or 34.3% from long range. Chucky Atkins also had arguably his best season alongside of Kobe, scoring 13.6 per game while shooting 38.7% from beyond the arc. He hasn't matched either number since.

Lamar Odom has in the eyes of some struggled to co-exist with Kobe. In many ways this is true, as both guys like to have the ball in their hands. In reality though he had shot under 43.9% in each of his three previous seasons before joining Bryant, and never above 46% in his career. He has shot 47.3%, 48.1%, 46.8% and 50.4% in his four seasons with the Lakers. His scoring has dropped slightly, by a couple of points a game. The other odd case is Caron Butler. Caron became an all-star after being traded from the Lakers, and some might use that as justification that Kobe held him back. The reality though is that Caron averaged a career high in both points per game and in field goal percentage in his season with Kobe. His field goal percentage jumped 6.5% from the season before and was 2.9% higher than his previous career best.

In the end, there is plenty of evidence to support Kobe making his teammates better, but not much at all to support Lebron doing so. In fact the evidence would seem to point the opposite way. You can read into that what you will. But at the end of the day members of the media will soon determine who is the NBA's next MVP. It's a reasonably safe bet that the name on that trophy will be Lebron James and not Kobe Bryant. In the aftermath of that you will hear a lot of rhetoric and hyperbole about why they gave him the award. What I would like to see from those very same writers though is to address the things written here. Kobe has been among the best, if not the best player in the NBA for a very long time. Yet he has never won the trophy. At just 23 years of age, Lebron is going to have many chances to hang that trophy. Kobe Bryant is not. He has earned it by the very criteria that they set out. In a perfect world he would be the 2007-2008 MVP. In reality though, that is not likely to happen. Not because he hasn't earned it, but because too many of the people who have earned a vote simply do not like him."

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#639 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 12:26:09 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Lakers au invins 119 - 82 si San Antonio au pierdut la Denver ! Ce poate fi mai super decit asta !?

Spurs au un calendar ramas mai greu decit Lakers !

Bad News :

Bynum's return to Lakers may be month away

Lakers coach Jackson says Bynum might not return until near the end of the regular season and that he will blended in carefully.
By Mike Bresnahan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 8, 2008
Andrew Bynum's return from a knee injury might not be until close to the end of the regular season, Coach Phil Jackson suggested Friday.

"That's still perhaps a month away, maybe, whatever," he said when asked about the team adapting to Bynum's return. "I can't even put a date on it. It's just too early to think of it like that."

The Lakers' last regular-season game is April 15 against Sacramento. Their first playoff game will be either April 19 or 20.

Bynum could begin jogging on a treadmill next week, but Jackson already sensed a challenging adjustment period when the 20-year-old returned to the court, particularly with Pau Gasol now in the mix.

"Very difficult, especially when [Bynum] has never played with a player like that," Jackson said. "Regardless of how Andrew comes back, he's not going to start at 100%. He's going to start somewhere where it's going to be, 'Is he in basketball condition now to play eight, 10 minutes, six minutes,' whatever it is.

"When we put him on the court, it's going to be in relief to start with. He's going to come off the bench and play a secondary role, probably, to start with. And then as he gets a couple games where it looks like he can sustain the effort and his conditioning improves, then we'll work on how it fits together.

"Now, if this is in the playoffs, it's almost impossible to do that because you don't want to break up the chemistry. It's going to be handled just the right way."

Bynum has been out since sustaining a bone bruise on his left knee and a brief dislocation of the kneecap in a Jan. 13 game against Memphis.

There's a decent fight for the seventh and eighth spots in the Western Conference, although the Lakers are reluctant to acknowledge it while battling San Antonio for the conference's top spot.

"I'm not really watching that," Jackson said. "We're still 15 games away from that. The last eight, 10 games, you start watching everything that everybody does."

Dallas (39-23) is currently seventh and Golden State (38-23) is eighth, but Denver (37-24) is within striking distance.

The players admit to some scoreboard watching but also refuse to look too far into the future.

"After the game, I like to see the scoreboard just to see how other teams have played, so I have an idea a little bit," Sasha Vujacic said. "But for our opponent for the playoffs, I'm not even thinking about it."

How come?

"What happened last year to Dallas, it was a good experience for everybody -- you should never predict," Vujacic said. "When you're doing that, you're going to get stabbed in the back."

Dallas, the top-seeded team in the West last season, lost to eighth-seeded Golden State in the first round.


Ghitler, kto shiash, na danni moment lu4shie 3 komandi v NBA ? ))))


Kobe, Gasol and Bynum get most of the credit, but who is the unsung hero of the Lakers season so far?
Jerry Buss

Jordan Farmar

Derek Fisher

Mitch Kupchak

Jack Nicholson

Lamar Odom

Ronny Turiaf

Sasha Vujacic

Ia za Nicholsona ! ))))))))

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#640 by 50niggaz (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 14:28:14 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#639 SashAlex, Я тоже за Николсона, единственный человек который там хоть чем-то занимается)))Ну ещё и главного менеджера не стоит забывать,если ЛАЛ возьмут перстни,то как минимум 1/3 победы будет принадлеажть ему:wink:

И ты не сравнивай игру Сан-Антонио и Денвера и игру ЛАЛ и ЛАК,где почему-то лучшим игроком признан Тюриаф,а не Газоль - не могу этого понять((

Жинобили вообще отжог - за 16 минут с копейками настрелял 24 очка+подборы и ассисты,а лучшим признали Тима)))

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#641 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 16:04:45 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#640 50niggaz, Толик всё просто ))) Это Америкосы раз )))
а во вторых Данкан америкос а Джинобли нет !!! а они типо патриоты они так это называют.....
тоже самое тут Газоль далеко не америкос а испанец ))

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#642 by finck Fotbalist (Baller) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 18:04:40 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#641 Ghitler, а туриаф француз !!!

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#643 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-08 19:41:47 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#642 finck, Da ! No on igral v amerikanskom college "Gonzaga" ! O4eni horosho, po4ti bez akcenta govorit angliiskii ! Eshe znaet kakoi-to, rodnoi, no ne franzuskii iazik !

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#644 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-10 16:41:27 (884 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Очередное достижение Шакила О`Нила
( | | 10-03-2008 13:24)
Центровой "Финикса" Шакил О`Нил в сегодняшней встрече с "Сан Антонио" (94:87) сделал два блок-шота что позволило ветерану добиться показателей в 26 тысяч очков, 11, 5 тысячи подборов и 2, 5 тысячи блок-шотов. Шакил О`Нил стал третьим игроком в истории НБА, добившегося этого результата, ранее которым похвастались легенды ассоциации Карим Абдул-Джаббар и Хаким Оладжувон, сообщает агентство ESPN.

Саша Павлович близок к возвращению в строй "Кливленда"
( | | 10-03-2008 13:25)
Защитник клуба "Кливленд Кавальерс" Саша Павлович, восстанавливающийся после полученной 23 января травмы ноги, приступил к тренировкам и планирует присоединиться к партнерам по команде уже в конце нынешней недели, сообщает Cleveland Plain Dealer.

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#645 by SashAlex (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 00:19:57 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Love me or hate me, it's one or the other.-been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons." - Kobe Bryant

Few athletes in the history of sports have been vilified like Kobe Bryant. Throughout his career he’s been labeled as arrogant, self centered, aloof, a ball hog more focused on individual accolades than team success and an accused rapist.

If you are a Kobe fan then you likely believe him to be not guilty of the sexual assault accusations, you do not blame him for Shaq’s departure from the Lakers, and you view his trade demands and lambasting of the Los Angeles Lakers over the off-season as justified.

If you abhor Kobe than you more than likely feel he was responsible for Shaq’s departure and all of the turmoil before and after Shaq’s exit. His trade demands further proving him to self-centered and possessing a lack of loyalty.

"It's one or the other."

No one besides Kobe and his accuser know what happened in that Eagle, Colorado hotel room. No one. One can study the supposed physical evidence tell blue in the face but it does not prove guilt or innocence. The fact of the matter is that the case never went to trial. It never went to trial because of the scrutiny into his accuser’s personal life and the lack of physical evidence needed to prove guilt without reasonable doubt. It is wrong to presume guilt OR innocence without due process.

After earning a 7th seed in last year’s playoffs and being eliminated by the Phoenix Suns for the second straight season, Kobe implored the Lakers to “do something, and do it now.” Shortly thereafter, a Los Angeles Times columnist quoted a Lakers "insider" as saying it was Bryant's insistence on getting away from O'Neal that prompted his trade to Miami. Bryant, infuriated at the report and feeling as if he had been misled about the Lakers apparent long-term plan to rebuild, demanded a trade.

"They said nothing to me about a long-term plan. Absolutely nothing," Bryant told KLAC. "They told Phil one thing and they told me another. Actions speak louder than words."

"Dr. Buss promised me he would rebuild right away, and I believed him," Bryant wrote. "That is why I put my trust in the Lakers.”

Kobe continued to bash the Lakers over the off-season, going as far as calling Jerry Buss an “idiot” and the Lakers front office a “mess.”

Bryant also defended himself against accusations that he forced Shaq out of LA: "The fact of the matter is that many people don't know what really went down when I was approaching free agency because I have stayed quiet about it this whole time," Bryant said. "The real facts are that Dr. Buss requested a meeting with me during the '04 season long before I opted out of my contract, and he told me he had already decided not to extend Shaq, as he was concerned about Shaq's age, fitness and contract demands. Dr. Buss made it clear that his decision was final, his mind was made up, and no matter what I decided to do with free agency, he was still going to move Shaq."

In a surprising turn of events Shaq said that he believed Bryant "100 percent."

"There is no doubt in my mind Kobe is telling the truth," O'Neal added.

Could Bryant have convinced Dr. Buss to retain Shaq? Yes. Should he have? No.

The Lakers may have won one more championship if Shaq had remained in LA (as the Miami Heat did) but they would be in the same position as the Miami Heat are in now. Miami was swept in the first round of the 2006-2007 playoffs and own an NBA worst 11-51 record. The Lakers made the right choice in looking to the future and attempting to put the right pieces around Kobe once he entered his prime. Up until this season, they hadn’t followed through on that choice with continued sound decision making.

Bryant may have wanted to be “the man” but he never asked to be surrounded by the likes of Smush Parker and Kwame Brown. He didn’t ask for it and he didn’t deserve it.

Should Bryant have publicly criticized the Laker front office and called Jerry Buss an idiot? No. Have many of us criticized our employers, called our bosses unflattering names to friends and co-workers, and thought we would be better off elsewhere? Yes. The NBA is a business like any other.

Many comparisons have been made between Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. I think there are more parallels than most would consider. Jordan and Bryant share similar basketball skills and while I don’t think anyone will ever approach MJ’s intensity or drive, Kobe is the only player who has come close. MJ was a fierce competitor whose goal was not only to become the best player he could be, but to become the greatest player who ever played. Kobe has the same goal.

Neither MJ nor Kobe has ever been labeled as “fun” to play with. MJ rode his teammates relentlessly in practice and in games so that they would adhere to his standard of excellence. His intensity once resulted in a punch to Steve Kerr’s eye and the departure of Horace Grant to Orlando. Jordan, like Bryant also received more than his fair share of criticism for dominating the basketball and not being a “team player” early in his career. Even Chicago's last three championships were a result of MJ averaging around 26 shot attempts per game and shooting below 50%.

Regardless of whether you believe they belong in the same company when comparing basketball skill, realize that they share the same competitive drive. Imagine Michael Jordan being forced to endure first round exits in the prime of his career. As great as MJ was, one player can only do so much. Jordan was BLESSED to play with Scottie Pippen and an assortment of veterans who knew their roles and played them to a T. If you think MJ could win titles surrounded by the likes of Kobe’s supporting cast the past three years, you’re sorely mistaken.

I find it very difficult to imagine Jordan being content with anything other than a championship supporting cast. Jordan absolutely could not stand to lose or fail, Kobe is the same way. The very thing that drives great players like Jordan and Bryant can also be to their detriment. They have enormous egos, are in love with their abilities, have unrattling confidence that they will succeed in any endeavor, and will take a backseat to no one.

Would MJ have gone about voicing his displeasure in the manner that Bryant did? Probably not for fear that his immaculate image would be tarnished and he wouldn't sell as many Air Jordan’s, but then again, he never had to.

Jordan hated Chicago's General Manager Jerry Krause and by association the Bulls owner, Jerry Reinsdorf. The only thing that kept things together in Chicago was the fact that Krause put together a supporting cast that Jordan could not have won without.

It’s impossible to absolve Kobe of all responsibility in the recent drama that has enveloped the Los Angeles Lakers over the past 3 years. It is possible to note the factors that led to his behavior. Up until this season, the Lakers had FAILED MISERABLY at building around him. Lamar Odom was never a legitimate second option and the trade of Caron Butler for Kwame Brown was a travesty. Key free agent opportunities (Baron Davis, Carlos Boozer) had come and gone.

Before this season, Kobe’s critics claimed he was incapable of making his teammates better and he was only concerned with scoring titles and other individuals accolades. Those people are being proven wrong. Kobe Bryant is a winner. He’ll do whatever it takes to win. With the Lakers having lost seven games in a row and in danger of missing the playoffs last season, Kobe scored 65 to lead LA to an overtime victory over Portland. Kobe would go on to AVERAGE 53.7 ppg over the next five games, all wins. As for the making his teammates better accusations, how much better could Kwame Brown and Smush Parker have been?

Individual accolades have never been Kobe Bryant’s purpose for playing the game of basketball. Winning NBA championships is. It’s easy to be amazed at that five game 50-point stretch last season but I don’t think anyone realizes the type of commitment that it takes to achieve that level of basketball mastery. Now imagine working that HARD year in and year out, only to be rewarded with an inept supporting cast and an early exit out of the playoffs.

This season, the Los Angeles Lakers have finally delivered on their promise to surround Kobe with a championship contending team. He has responded with an MVP caliber season and done anything and everything necessary to lead the Lakers to a Western Conference best 44-19 record. Gone are the 50 point games, not because he’s incapable of producing them, but because they aren’t necessary to win.

Bryant knows that NBA championships won with him as “the man” are the only way to distinguish himself as worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as MJ. This isn’t a man who plays for celebrity or a paycheck. Kobe Bryant plays for legacy, a legacy that he hopes is culminated with him being crowned the greatest player ever.

Kobe’s career will never be as picture perfect as MJ’s was. It’s been one tumultuous turn after another over the past 12 seasons. From the feuds with Shaquille, the sexual assault allegation, to the trade demands. I hope this season marks an end to the years of turmoil and Kobe achieves some sense of basketball peace.

I don’t agree with everything that Bryant has done throughout his career. But I do believe that many of his perceived mistakes have resulted from his desire to win and leave a lasting legacy. I respect his commitment to the game. I love that Kobe fears no one and no thing on the basketball court and he truly strives and puts in the work necessary to become the game's greatest player. I admire the fact that he doesn’t shy away from speaking his mind and hasn’t created a false image. For better or worse, what you see is what you get, take it or leave it, this is Kobe Bryant.

One can choose to perceive Kobe as a self-centered, egotistical individual with no sense of loyalty. I, and many others choose to view him as a player who has made more than his fair share of mistakes but also as someone trying desperately to become the best basketball player he can be; the greatest player who has ever played.

“It’s one or the other.”

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#646 by Orocimaru (Los Angeles Lakers #1 Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 07:09:14 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Patsani da cind revin Bynum si Ariza????????????????????

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#647 by Gothik (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 18:13:52 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#646 Orocimaru,

LOS ANGELES, March 11 (AP) - Lakers center Andrew Bynum ran on a treadmill Tuesday for the first time since injuring his left knee two months ago.

Bynum temporarily dislocated his kneecap and sustained a bone bruise early in the third quarter of a 100-99 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies on Jan. 13 when he landed on teammate Lamar Odom's left foot while going for a rebound.

"He's coming along well. He's progressing,'' coach Phil Jackson said before Tuesday night's game against the Toronto Raptors. "It's not as fast as he'd like to, but we're looking at the big picture here.

"We know that he makes a big difference in our team, but ultimately the organization feels we don't have to rush him into anything and jeopardize the situation.''

Lakers spokesman John Black said no timetable has been set for Bynum's return, adding: "We set a minimum of eight weeks. We didn't set a maximum.''

The Lakers hope the 20-year-old center will return before the playoffs begin the weekend of April 18-19. He has been rehabilitating by running in a swimming pool.

Bynum ran for 20 minutes on a new $75,000 treadmill that simulates low gravity situations. A player can run without the pounding he would normally experience on a regular treadmill or on the court, which gives his legs a break. Black said Bynum ran at 60-65 percent of his body weight.

"The thing with Andrew is how the knee responds when he works out,'' Jackson said. "You can see the strength coming. He still gets fatigued and it's all about that muscle firing and the protection and all that stuff that's going on.

"It's just part of recovery from an injury and the body protecting itself. But the swelling that happens around that injury is what we're going to have to watch and eliminate as we go down the stretch toward the end of the season.''

A third-year pro taken by the Lakers with the 10th overall pick in the 2005 draft, Bynum is averaging 13.1 points, 10.2 rebounds and 2.06 blocked shots. He was the NBA leader in field-goal percentage (63.6 percent) and ranked 11th in rebounding and ninth in blocked shots when he was injured.


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#648 by Orocimaru (Los Angeles Lakers #1 Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 19:06:24 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#647 Gothik ,Scrie in romina sau rusa ca nu cam o duk bine cu engleza!:D

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#649 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 19:59:15 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Байнам вернется через восемь недель

12.03.2008 11:34

Центровой «Лейкерс» Эндрю Байнам постепенно набирает форму — теперь он занимается на беговом тренажере.

«Сейчас мы следим за тем, чтобы Байнам восстановил мышечный корсет в области травмы. Надо наблюдать за болью в этой области, анализировать прогресс. Что касается возвращения, то предположительно — через восемь недель», — приводит слова главного тренера Фила Джексона AP.

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#650 by Orocimaru (Los Angeles Lakers #1 Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2008-03-12 20:02:05 (883 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#649 Ghitler,a Ariza kogda budet gotov?

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