#0 by oneelina (Power User) (48 mesaje) at 2017-12-05 23:21:35 (373 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
A XXIII-a ediţie a Jocurilor Olimpice este un eveniment multi-sportiv internaţional major, ce va avea loc în perioada 9 - 25 februarie 2018 la Pyeongchang, în Coreea de Sud. Va fi prima ediţie organizată pe teritoriul Asiei continentale.
The XXIII Olympic Winter Games will be held for 17 days from 9 to 25 February 2018 in PyeongChang, Gangwon Province, the Republic of Korea.
The emblem symbolises a world open to everyone. It combines the image of ice and snow, winter sports stars (athletes), and people from all over the world, coming together in PyeongChang where heaven meets earth.
Soohorang, the mascot of the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 took its motif from white tiger, which has been long considered Korea’s guardian animal. “Sooho”, meaning protection in Korean, symbolises protection offered to the athletes, spectators and other participants in the 2018 Games. “Rang” comes from the middle letter of “Ho-rang-i”, the Korean word for “Tiger”, and is also the last letter of “Jeong-seon A-ri-rang”, a cherished traditional folk song of Gangwon Province, where the Games will be held. Soohorang not only has a dauntless spirit and passion but also is a trustworthy friend who protects the athletes, spectators and all participants in the Olympic Games.
The slogan for the Games is “Passion. Connected” and the two simple words express the objectives and the legacies of the PeyongChang 2018 Games.
“Passion.” symbolises PyeongChang2018 as the stage of a global festival where people will exchange inspirations, share the Koreans’ warm unique hospitality, and experience the excitement of the Olympic and Paralympic Spirit.
“Connected” signifies the openness of PyeongChang where all generations can participate anytime and anywhere through Korea’s cutting-edge technology and cultural convergence. It also showcases the meaning of a new beginning and opening New Horizons for winter sports in Asia to spread further throughout the world.
Combined, “Passion. Connected.” expresses PyeongChang’s vision to expand the enthusiasm for and participation in winter sports to a wider audience throughout Asia, opening New Horizons for winter sports and the Winter Games.
Consonants in ‘평창동계올림픽(Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018)’, ‘ㅍ,ㅊ,ㄷ,ㄱ,ㅇ,ㄹ,ㅍ’ were stretched out and cut in the three dimensional shape of a cylinder to form the medal.
Hangeul consonants put together to form snowflake pattern, part of the Games Look, are weaved along with the ‘gabsa’ textile of the strap-using a traditional technique. The PyeongChang 2018 wordmark and the Olympic emblem are stitched using Korean embroidery technique.
Hanok, traditional Korean houses, were the source of inspiration for the medals case. The simple yet elegant curves of a Hanok’s eaves have been incorporated into the wooden case.
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#1 by oneelina (Power User) (48 mesaje) at 2017-12-06 00:33:11 (373 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
sa fi fost in catalogul Avon sau Oriflame...
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#2 by oneelina (Power User) (48 mesaje) at 2017-12-13 23:21:05 (372 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
"Love Alone" was specially created for South Korean figure skating champion Kim Yuna.
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#3 by oneelina (Power User) (48 mesaje) at 2018-02-08 19:53:03 (364 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Sportivii moldoveni Cristopher Hoerl și Nicolae Gaiduc, respectiv antrenorii Hans Frick și Nadejda Briaau ajuns în Satul Olimpic, în PyeongChang.
Nicolae Gaiduc are 21 de ani și evoluează la proba schi fond, iar Cristopher Hoerl este fost component al naționalei Austriei de schi alpin, care reprezintă Moldova de un an și jumătate.