#0 by kjfg5 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2015-04-09 14:02:29 (517 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Vega Conflict is a free to play Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy game. Construct over 10 different war ships,
and customize them with special armor and other unique weapons. Manage fleets, and launch them into orbit to loot other
player bases and take down lucrative enemy cargo ships. Unlock new ship hulls, along with researching new weapons and
defenses. Engage in real-time, synchronous PvP and NPC combat against live players around the world. Join in or form your
own alliances with other players in your sector. Explore and conquer a massive 24/7, persistent universe.
Compete in monthly in-game for exclusive prizes.