#0 by Murzilca (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2014-10-28 13:54:22 (541 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Street Legal Racing Redline
Street Legal Racing Redline (also known as Street Legal 2) is a racing game developed by Invictus and published by Activision Value. The game was released for Windows in July 2003.
On the 9th of September 2014, Invictus announced via their Facebook page that the Street Legal franchise, as well as every other game Invictus devoloped using that game engine was now Abandonware, and the engine, along with all the art assets were for sale.
Pentru a primi 100000 dolari, scrieti oriunde "begformoney" si apasati pe surubelnta, astfel vor aparea si banii.Exemplu:
Fan list
1. Murzilca
2. andrkim
3. BratanGagauz
p.s. Daca nu sunteti in lista dar doriti sa fiti adaugat: PM si rezolvam.
Am deschis aceasta tema pentru a ne imparti cu sentimentele si cu
masinile din joaca "Street Legal Racing Redline" si nu pentru a
face off-top si flood. Imaginile/Discutiile nu la tema vor fi cenzurate.
#1 by andrkim (Модератор на пенсии) (1 mesaje) at 2014-10-28 14:13:05 (541 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
some shit de al meu ))
altele făcute s-au pierdut
dacă mai fac ceva mai postez =)
Mesaj util ?
Da0 puncte
#2 by Murzilca (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2014-10-28 15:29:40 (541 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#1 andrkim, frumos, am sa fac si eu citeva. M-am jucat mult in ea, dar am sters-o si toate s-au pierdut. Iti recomand versiunea Jack v2 pre release 4. E tare
#4 andrkim, А я вот наоборот, покататься интересно, собрал, покатался, настроил и вперёд. В начале просто "убивал" эти автомобили, т.к это была игра с самыми реалестичными повреждениями, а теперь для таких целей использую BeamNG.
Думаю многим здесь будет полезно это видео, а именно тем, кто начал в неё играть, и особо не разобрался
Mesaj util ?
Da0 puncte
#6 by Murzilca (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2014-10-28 22:00:10 (541 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#4 andrkim, "... я вообще не катаюсь =DD так только собираю их и может замер до 100 делаю ..." - я тоже, а если катаюсь то мало и редко.
[center][b][font=Verdana]Street Legal Racing Redline[/font][/b][/center]
[i][center]Street Legal Racing Redline (also known as Street Legal 2) is a racing game developed by Invictus and published by Activision Value. The game was released for Windows in July 2003.
On the 9th of September 2014, Invictus announced via their Facebook page that the Street Legal franchise, as well as every other game Invictus devoloped using that game engine was now Abandonware, and the engine, along with all the art assets were for sale.[/center][/i]
[spoiler=100.000$]Pentru a primi 100000 dolari, scrieti oriunde "begformoney" si apasati pe surubelnta, astfel vor aparea si banii.Exemplu: [yt]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNphxUMhphA[/yt][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fan list]
[center]1. [b]Murzilca[/b]
2. [b]andrkim[/b]
3. [b]BratanGagauz[/b]
[size=1]p.s. Daca nu sunteti in lista dar doriti sa fiti adaugat: PM si rezolvam.[/size][/center]
[i][right]Am deschis aceasta tema pentru a ne imparti cu sentimentele si cu
masinile din joaca "Street Legal Racing Redline" si nu pentru a
face [b]off-top[/b] si [b]flood[/b]. Imaginile/Discutiile nu la tema vor fi cenzurate.[/right][/i]
[center][b]Va urez succes![/b] :fun:[/center]
how it looks
Street Legal Racing Redline
Street Legal Racing Redline (also known as Street Legal 2) is a racing game developed by Invictus and published by Activision Value. The game was released for Windows in July 2003.
On the 9th of September 2014, Invictus announced via their Facebook page that the Street Legal franchise, as well as every other game Invictus devoloped using that game engine was now Abandonware, and the engine, along with all the art assets were for sale.
Pentru a primi 100000 dolari, scrieti oriunde "begformoney" si apasati pe surubelnta, astfel vor aparea si banii.Exemplu:
Fan list
1. Murzilca
2. andrkim
3. BratanGagauz
p.s. Daca nu sunteti in lista dar doriti sa fiti adaugat: PM si rezolvam.
Am deschis aceasta tema pentru a ne imparti cu sentimentele si cu
masinile din joaca "Street Legal Racing Redline" si nu pentru a
face off-top si flood. Imaginile/Discutiile nu la tema vor fi cenzurate.