Forum Index > Jocuri > Comunități > FIFA World

#0 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-02 16:45:24 (567 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Ce este FIFA World ?

FIFA World este un joc free-to-play ce se afla inca in stadiul BETA. Bazat pe varianta PC a FIFA 12, acest World se vrea un titlu menit pentru cei care nu au un PC exceptional dar care vor totusi sa se bucure de o experienta autentica pe batranul calculator. Am facut un clip din Ultimate Team acum ceva vreme, pe care-l puteti vedea mai jos. E un joc relativ ok pentru nimicul platit, cu toate ca e destul de greu de a forma o echipa competitiva fara a investi niciun bal (real), deoarece nu foarte multa lume il joaca momentan si atunci si preturile sunt mai ridicate !

New Engine Gameplay

"FIFA WORLD" - Players
1. WooT ● 026236156

2. Borea2307096 ● MetalHeadMD

3. TurcanuV95 ● TurcanuV95

4. ReEn • frankye98

5. Dexterr • dexterr_2


7. papacristi ● SYS230399

8. gianakis ● gianakis1899

9. pumadadu • PumichChelsea


10. DCgWs21RKi ● DCgWs21RKi

Instructiune de instalare ● RU
Предлагаем вниманию новых участников инструкцию по тому, как установить FIFA World

Шаг 1 Нажмите на кнопку регистрации
Шаг 2 Заполните поля регистрации и нажмите кнопку “Зарегистрироваться”. Обратите внимание, пароль должен содержать одну цифру и одну букву верхнего регистра, а Имя в Origin пишется латиницей и не должно содержать иных символов, кроме букв и цифр.
Шаг 3 Нажмите кнопку “Загрузить FIFA World сейчас!”. Должна начаться загрузка программы установки EA Sports FIFA World.
Шаг 4 Если у вас не установлен Origin, то вам будет автоматически предложена его установка. После того, как вы примете лицензионное соглашение, программа установится, и вы увидите окно входа в Origin:
Шаг 5 После входа в Origin начнется автоматическая установка FIFA World:
Вам будет предложено выбрать язык игры:
И путь установки игры:
Ознакомьтесь и примите условия пользовательских соглашений.
Игра начнет скачиваться и сама установится, о прогрессе вы можете узнать по полосе прогресса на плитке FIFA WorldПосле того, как игра установится, при наведении на плитку появится кнопка “Запуск”
Cum sa schimbi KeyBoard

F.A.Q ● EN
1. Getting Started

What is FIFA World?
The most advanced free to play football game ever made, EA SPORTS™ FIFA World features award-winning EA SPORTS FIFA HD console gameplay and over 30 officially licensed leagues, 600 clubs and 16,000 players. Challenge friends or compete against the world in Ultimate Team and League Teams modes.

What is Ultimate Team mode?

Ultimate Team (FUT) is a free-to-play game mode in FIFA World. In FUT you earn, buy, transfer, and sell global football superstars to build your dream team. Manage your squads, outsmart other gamers in the 24/7 live transfer market, and compete against other gamers in online and single player seasons.

How often does Ultimate Team mode get updated?
Ultimate Team provides a new and exciting experience every week for FIFA World users. New Players are added based on player performances all week throughout the season. The Shop offers limited time special packs, and there is a ‘Team of the Week’ (TOTW) Challenge, where a virtual squad is made up of the week’s best performers from the real world of football — winning a match against this team gains you coins.

What is League Teams mode?
In League Teams mode, you select the team you would like to compete as in an online seasons scenario. Play as your favourite team and climb the leaderboards.

Every match you play in League Teams mode uses up one match credit. Your match credits replenish over time or you can buy more with in-game currency. When you win, your match credits replenish faster than when you lose. If you play consecutive matches, they replenish even faster. You receive extra match credits when you get promoted.

Is FIFA World secure?
Yes. EA SPORTS takes security very seriously and makes every effort to ensure that your gameplay is as secure as possible. In addition to a number of standard security steps, you are required to create a security question and answer the second time you login to the game. You will need to answer the security question correctly the first time you play the game on another machine.

Remember: EA will never ask for your security answer in emails. Do not give this information out to anyone.

In what other countries will this beta be available?
FIFA World is available worldwide to players except in Italy and Asia Pacific countries (Chinese, Korea, Japan, Thailand).

Are there specific online ports that need to be opened on my modem to play FIFA World?

Can I stay signed into two PCs at the same time?
FIFA World is designed to be played on one system at a time. If you try and access the game on multiple platforms at once you'll need to sign out of one, or both, and sign in again.

Is FIFA World available on mobile?
No, not at this time.

Can I play with other people?
Yes, you can choose to compete in FIFA World online against other players. If you are not interested in playing against others online, Ultimate Team offers a single player gameplay option where you can compete against the computer. Ultimate Team also offers other ways to interact with players such as through auctions and trades.

What is the Team of the Week Challenge?
For the second beta session, we’ve introduced a new feature in Ultimate Team mode. In the Team of the Week Challenge you play against a team made up of in-form versions of players already in the game. Players are selected for Team of the Week based on their recent real life performances.

Select a difficulty level from Amateur to Legendary and earn coins when you beat the Team of the Week. The higher the difficulty level you select, the more coins you’ll earn when you win! Pro tip: you can only earn coins once so choose your difficulty level carefully to optimize your payout.

We’ll add new teams each week for you to challenge to earn coins.

Try it out and tell us what you think!


How do I make a new squad?

To create a new Squad, go to the ‘My Club’ tab inside Ultimate Team and then click on the ‘Manage Squads’ button. Once there, click the ‘Create New Squad’ button.
Note: your new Squad name must be 5-15 characters long and should not contain special characters (ex: !@#$%). You can also select 'Copy' to create an exact copy of one of your existing Squads.

How do I add a player from my club to a squad?

These are the two ways to add a Player from your club to a Squad:

    In the Squad screen, click any player to bring up a menu. In the menu simply select ‘Swap with Club’ (or ‘Add Player’ if the position is empty). This will bring up a screen with all the players in your club, and you can use the dropdowns to the right to filter the results. Just click on a player in the results area to bring him to your squad.
    In the Squad screen click the ‘Inventory’ tab. Clicking any player on the pitch automatically retrieves the best results for that position. These appear on the right side of the screen. Simply click on a player in the best results area to bring him to your squad.

How do I delete a squad?

To delete a Squad, from the ‘Manage Squad’ screen click on the 'Delete' button that appears to the right of the squad. Confirm your selection by selecting 'Yes'.
Remember: once you delete a Squad you cannot get it back, but deleting a Squad will not delete your Players---they will remain in your club for you to use again.

How do I change the view for players in my active squad?
In your active Squad, click on the 'Player View' dropdown menu near the top left of the screen and select a filter. You can select from four View Types: 'Summary', ‘Name’, 'Player Info' and 'Status'.
Tip: Those with a scroll mouse can use the scroll wheel to cycle through view types.

How do I view detailed information about an individual player?
In your Active Squad, click the Player you would like to know more about and then click on the 'Bio' button that appears to the side of the Player.

If I remove a player from my squad, are they discarded?
If you remove a Player from your Active Squad you can use them again.

Remember: If you 'Quick Sell' a Player you will not be able to get them back.


What is Chemistry?

Chemistry is essential for building your Ultimate Team. The higher your Chemistry, the better your team performs when playing a match. A team with good Chemistry plays better together and increases your chance of winning matches. In contrast, the same team with weak Chemistry may perform poorly and decrease your chances of making skilled plays.
Your total Chemistry is indicated by the Chemistry Rating in your Active Squad as well as by the lines connecting the Players on the pitch. Ideal Chemistry is shown using bright green lines.
Chemistry is affected by five key components:

    Preferred Position
    Preferred Formation

Nationality, League, and Club Chemistry is applied through links with other Players.

How much of an effect does Chemistry have on a player or squad?
Building Team Chemistry is important, as a highly rated team with weak Chemistry will be more challenged against lesser teams who've focused on building Chemistry. Chemistry is directly connected to Player performance on the pitch. A Player with higher Chemistry will perform better than their basic stats.

The chemistry of a player has a significant impact on a team’s overall efficiency. For instance, a gold team with weak chemistry will have a hard chance of beating a bronze team with perfect chemistry.

Why doesn't my star rating represent my Chemistry level?
Your star rating is a representation of the overall rating of each Player in the Squad. This is calculated from the Players in the starting lineup and on the Subs bench. How well each Player works with each other represents your Chemistry level. For example, Gold Players with an overall rating of 85 or higher that are not playing with Players from the same Club, League or Nation will have a high star rating but a low Chemistry rating.

Why isn’t my star rating reflected in my team’s overall Chemistry?
Your star rating is a representation of the overall rating of each individual player in the squad. This is calculated from the players in the starting line-up and on the subs bench. How well each player works with each other is reflected in your chemistry rating.
Could not initialize graphics device problem


TMD Tournament

Se joaca Tur-Retur,odata invita primul jucator,apoi celalalt.
Dupa fiecare meci se face Screen cu Scorul,Screen care se face pe Tasta  F11
Fifa World TMD's league
1.Vd_9 Origin: MegaRex96
2.ReEn Origin: frankye98
3.Hary_Agent Origin: HarryAgent999
4.foreversmile Origin:atomicharioc
5.papacristi Origin : SYS230399
6.Bakuriuha Origin:[email protected]
Ultimele II Etape
Vd_9 Origin: MegaRex96 vs  foreversmile Origin:atomicharioc
Vd_9 Origin: MegaRex96 vs  papacristi Origin : SYS230399
Bakuriuha Origin:[email protected] vs  Hary_Agent Origin: haryagent4
Bakuriuha Origin:[email protected] vs ReEn Origin: frankye98
foreversmile Origin:atomicharioc vs  papacristi Origin : SYS230399
ReEn Origin: frankye98 vs  Hary_Agent Origin: haryagent4




Editat de către Schumi_Fan la 2015-03-14 21:12:49

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#376 by Jeka97 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-12 03:04:26 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
am deschis pack de 25k si mi-a cazut jordi alba 4-4-2, cam cit face el ?

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#377 by System at 2014-07-12 04:32:46 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#376 Jeka97, 16-20 k

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#378 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-14 12:16:29 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#376 Jeka97, L-ai vîndut?

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#379 by System at 2014-07-15 17:52:24 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
de ce nu pot intra in fifa world?deschid joaca da nu vrea sa intre

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#380 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-16 07:07:08 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#379 Dexterr, Adika, ce iti apare?

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#381 by System at 2014-07-16 16:29:20 (556 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#380 4G37, gata am rezolvat problema am pus repair game :D

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#382 by Jeka97 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-19 18:54:39 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#378 4G37, nu, oricum vreau sa-mi fac squad din jucatorii barcelonei mai mult.

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#383 by Anatoll (♢) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-20 00:36:15 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
nu vinde nimeni pe Suarez ? :D

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#384 by System at 2014-07-20 01:34:13 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
amus il cumpar pe thiago silva si pe garay motm

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#385 by ReEn (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-21 22:34:17 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
baieti sunt in divizia 6 si imi mai trebuie 2 puncte ca sa trec mai departe in divizia 5 si deja am 3 meciuri jucate si pe toate le-am cistigat ,dar dupa fiecare meci nu imi da nici un punct si in istoria meciurilor nu imi apar meciurile care le-am cistigat .Care-i problema, nu imi permit sa merg in divizia 5 :D?

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#386 by Anatoll (♢) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-21 22:45:29 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#385 ReEn, și mie mi se întîmplă asta în unele meciuri,odată am văzut în istorie o perdere 3-0 dar nuștiu deunde a apărut ea,nu numai noi ne confruntăm cu buguri de așa gen,apar des,e versiune BETA și ai de la ce să te aștepți :)

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#387 by Borea2307096 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-22 00:51:13 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#386 AnatolTmD, eu când jucam înainte îmi puneau meciuri pe care le-am jucat în altă divizie

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#388 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-22 19:00:07 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
3 packuri de 15 k si nik bun -_- psc

Am sters din greseala origin, si acum, cind am reinstalat-o, nu mai apare in lista mea de jocuri "fifa world". Sa incerc sa sterg si sa instalez iar? O sa se pastreze squad-ul?

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#389 by System at 2014-07-22 19:45:32 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#388 4G37, apasa iar pe fifa world,ea este la tine in pc,squadul ramine

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#390 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-22 20:26:07 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#389 Dexterr, gata, am facut de vreo 2 ori restart si si-a revenit xDDD
P.s: Oricum, multam :beer2:

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#391 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 11:42:06 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Azi pina la 14:00 nu o sa fie disponibil Ultimate Team

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#392 by Anatoll (♢) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 12:50:56 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#391 4G37, mă uitam și eu că nu merge,ceva schimbări ?

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#393 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 14:53:37 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#392 AnatolTmD, cred ca da.

Citeva schimbari in squad


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#394 by System at 2014-07-23 15:01:51 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#393 4G37, :notbad:

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#395 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 15:20:12 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#394 Dexterr, ms) Stie cineva, este modificator de pozitie ЛП → ЛФА?

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#396 by foreversmile (swayb) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 15:22:57 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#395 4G37, da cum ii in engleza?

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#397 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 15:31:20 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#396 foreversmile, LM → LW parcâ

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#398 by foreversmile (swayb) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 15:35:08 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#397 4G37, lm->lw este precis

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#399 by Schumi_Fan (Saber) (0 mesaje) at 2014-07-23 15:47:41 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#398 foreversmile, nu am gasit.

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#400 by System at 2014-07-23 15:50:58 (555 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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Forum Index > Jocuri > Comunități > FIFA World

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