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#0 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2010-08-26 21:11:28 (757 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Top 250
001. Шерлок | Sherlock
002. Теория большого взрыва | The Big Bang Theory
003. Остаться в живых | Lost
004. Игра престолов | Game of Thrones
005. Доктор Хаус | House
006. Сверхъестественное | Supernatural
007. Как я встретил вашу маму | How I Met Your Mother
008. Во все тяжкие | Breaking Bad
009. Декстер | Dexter
010. Отбросы | Misfits
011. Обмани меня | Lie to Me
012. Ходячие мертвецы | The Walking Dead
013. Друзья | Friends
014. Американская история ужасов | American Horror Story
015. Дневники вампира | The Vampire Diaries
016. Доктор Кто | Doctor Who
017. Клиника | Scrubs
018. Блудливая Калифорния  | Californication
019. Побег | Prison Break
020. Касл | Castle 
021. Ганнибал | Hannibal
022. Стрела | Arrow
023. Настоящий детектив | True Detective
024. Грань | Fringe
025. Сплетница | Gossip Girl
026. Герои | Heroes
027. Однажды в сказке | Once Upon a Time
028. Молокососы | Skins
029. Хор | Glee
030. Белый воротничок | White Collar
031. Менталист | The Mentalist
032. Форс-мажоры | Suits
033. Под куполом | Under the Dome
034. Элементарно | Elementary
035. Гримм | Grimm
036. Волчонок | Teen Wolf
037. Мерлин | Merlin
038. Интерны
039. Светлячок | Firefly
040. Вспомни, что будет | FlashForward
041. Компьютерщики | The IT Crowd
042. Зачарованные | Charmed
043. Флэш | The Flash
044. Спартак: Кровь и песок | Spartacus: War of the Damned
045. Фарго | Fargo
046. Отчаянные домохозяйки | Desperate Housewives
047. Бесстыдники | Shameless (US)
048. Десятое королевство | The 10th Kingdom
049. Мотель Бейтсов | Bates Motel
050. Секс в большом городе | Sex and the City
051. Кости | Bones
052. Настоящая кровь | True Blood
053. Милые обманщицы | Pretty Little Liars
054. Все ненавидят Криса | Everybody Hates Chris
055. Новенькая | New Girl
056. Книжный магазин Блэка | Black Books
057. Две девицы на мели | 2 Broke Girls
058. Потерянная комната | The Lost Room
059. Спартак: Боги арены | Spartacus: Gods of the Arena
060. Сообщество | Community
061. Черное зеркало | Black Mirror
062. Визитеры | V (2009)
063. Физрук 
064. Тайны Смолвиля | Smallville
065. Викинги | Vikings
066. Секретные материалы | The X-Files
067. Готэм | Gotham
068. Древние | The Originals
069. Сотня | The 100
070. Агенты «Щ.И.Т.» | Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
071. Родина | Homeland
072. Бруклин 9-9 | Brooklyn Nine-Nine
073. Хранилище 13 | Warehouse 13
074. Кухня 
075. Анатомия страсти | Grey's Anatomy
076. Город хищниц | Cougar Town
077. Сыны анархии | Sons of Anarchy
078. Американская семейка | Modern Family
079. Подпольная империя | Boardwalk Empire
080. В поле зрения | Person of Interest
081. Оранжевый — хит сезона | Orange is the New Black
082. Уилфред | Wilfred (US)
083. Торчвуд | Torchwood
084. Бульварные ужасы | Penny Dreadful
085. Карточный домик | House of Cards (2013)
086. Демоны Да Винчи | Da Vinci's Demons
087. Вечность | Forever (US)
088. Мастер и Маргарита 
089. Лучше звоните Солу | Better Call Saul
090. Сорвиголова | Daredevil
091. Бригада 
092. Твин Пикс | Twin Peaks (1992)
093. Альф | ALF
094. Мой безумный дневник | My Mad Fat Diary
095. Клан Сопрано | The Sopranos
096. Тайный круг | The Secret Circle
097. Эврика | Eureka
098. Два с половиной человека | Two and a Half Men
099. Меня зовут Эрл | My Name Is Earl
100. Аббатство Даунтон | Downton Abbey
101. Константин | Constantine
102. Лютер | Luther
103. Мертвые, как я | Dead Like Me
104. Квантовый скачок | Quantum Leap
105. Терра Нова | Terra Nova
106. Воздействие | Leverage
107. Штамм | The Strain
108. Реальные пацаны
109. Офис | The Office (US)
110. Как избежать наказания за убийство | How To Get Away With Murder
111. Почти человек | Almost Human
112. Легенда об Искателе | Legend of the Seeker
113. Штат голубая гора | Blue Mountain State
114. Топ Гир | Top Gear
115. Убийство | The Killing
116. Косяки | Weeds
117. Борджиа | The Borgias
118. Алькатрас | Alcatraz
119. Дживс и Вустер | Jeeves and Wooster
120. Острые козырьки | Peaky Blinders
121. Селфи | Selfie
122. Универ. Новая общага
123. Мыслить как преступник | Criminal Minds
124. Тайный дневник девушки по вызову | Secret Diary of a Call Girl
125. В Филадельфии всегда солнечно | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
126. Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона 
127. Четыре тысячи четыреста | The 4400
128. Следствие по телу | Body Of Proof
129. Близкие друзья | Queer as Folk (US)
130. Баффи - истребительница вампиров | Buffy the Vampire Slayer
131. Живая мишень | Human Target (2010)
132. Рим | Rome (2007)
133. Музыкальный блог Доктора Ужасного | Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
134. Последователи | The Following
135. Убийство на пляже | Broadchurch
136. Континуум | Continuum
137. Во плоти | In The Flesh
138. Безумцы | Mad Men
139. Рухнувшие небеса | Falling Skies
140. Месть | Revenge
141. Тюдоры | The Tudors
142. Люди Альфа | Alphas
143. Черные паруса | Black Sails
144. Хэйвен | Haven
145. Иерихон | Jericho
146. 24 часа | 24
147. Зена - королева воинов | Xena: Warrior Princess
148. Звездный крейсер Галактика | Battlestar Galactica
149. Чак | Chuck
150. Записки юного врача и другие истории | A Young Doctor's Notebook and Other Stories
151. Темное дитя | Orphan Black
152. Сабрина - маленькая ведьма | Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996)
153. Я – зомби | iZombie
154. О.С. – Одинокие сердца | The O.C.
155. Братья по оружию | Band of Brothers
156. Гордость и предубеждение | Pride and Prejudice
157. Доктор Кто | Doctor Who (1963)
158. Революция | Revolution (2012)
159. Правильная жена | The Good Wife
160. Гимнастки | Make It or Break It
161. Кукольный дом | Dollhouse
162. Кайл XY | Kyle XY
163. Сонная Лощина | Sleepy Hollow
164. Мистер Бин | Mr. Bean
165. Люди будущего | The Tomorrow People (US)
166. Холм одного дерева | One Tree Hill
167. Остров Харпера | Harper's Island
168. Событие | The Event
169. Черный список | The Blacklist
170. Царство | Reign
171. Гавайи 5-0 | Hawaii Five-0
172. Звездные врата: Вселенная | Stargate Universe
173. Агент Картер | Marvel's Agent Carter
174. Части тела | Nip/Tuck
175. Быть человеком | Being Human (US)
176. Парк Авеню, 666 | 666 Park Avenue
177. Майк и Молли | Mike & Molly
178. Зов крови | Lost Girl
179. Прослушка | The Wire
180. Звездные врата: ЗВ-1 | Stargate SG-1
181. Звездный путь | Star Trek
182. Парки и зоны отдыха | Parks and Recreation
183. Красавцы | Entourage
184. Звездные врата: Атлантида | Stargate Atlantis
185. Служба новостей | The Newsroom (2012)
186. Последний человек на Земле | The Last Man On Earth
187. Красавица и чудовище | Beauty and the Beast (2012)
188. Тихий океан | The Pacific
189. Вероника Марс | Veronica Mars
190. Больница Никербокер | The Knick
191. Банши | Banshee
192. Порочные | Vicious
193. Универ 
194. Дракула | Dracula (2013)
195. Кремниевая долина | Silicon Valley
196. Ад на колёсах | Hell on Wheels
197. Университет | GREEK
198. Гудини | Houdini (HISTORY)
199. Мертвые до востребования | Pushing Daisies
200. Неизвестные лица | Persons Unknown
201. Новый день | Day Break
202. Чернобыль: Зона отчуждения 
203. Фальсификация | Faking It (2014)
204. Хемлок Гроув | Hemlock Grove
205. Связь | Touch
206. Пробуждение | Awake
207. Разрушители легенд | MythBusters
208. Беверли-Хиллз 90210: Новое поколение | 90210
209. Река | The River
210. Зайцев+1	
211. Жеребец | Hung
212. H2O: Просто добавь воды | H2O: Just Add Water
213. Плащ | The Cape
214. Майти Буш | The Mighty Boosh
215. Сваты
216. Черная лагуна | El internado
217. Вавилон 5 | Babylon 5
218. Скорая помощь | ER
219. Саутленд | Southland
220. Карточный домик | House of Cards 
221. Опочтарение | Going Postal
222. Правосудие | Justified
223. Коломбо | Columbo
224. Бродчерч | Broadchurch
225. Мой безумный дневник | My Mad Fat Diary
226. Тюрьма «ОZ» | Oz
227. Порочные | Vicious
228. Виртуозы | Hustle
229. Лиллехаммер | Lilyhammer
230. Клиент всегда мертв | Six Feet Under
231. Ковчег | El Barco
232. Дедвуд | Deadwood
233. Жизнь как приговор | Life (US)
234. Отчаянные меры | Last Resort
235. Физика или химия | Física o Química
236. На краю Вселенной | Farscape
237. Управление гневом | Anger Management
238. Искатель | The Finder
239. Как не стоит жить | How Not to Live Your Life
240. Риззоли и Айлс | Rizzoli & Isles
241. Бешеные псы | Mad Dogs
242. Воспитывая Хоуп | Raising Hope
243. Ангел | Angel
244. Сбежавшая работа | Outsourced
245. Смертельно скучающий | Bored to Death
246. Лексс | Lexx
247. Новая норма | The New Normal
248. Отель «Вавилон» | Hotel Babylon
249. Сестра Джеки | Nurse Jackie
250. Скользящие | Sliders
update 30.05.2015


$anek wrote:

Рецензия | One Tree Hill | $anek

«Меня зовут Лукас Скотт. Я старшеклассник в средней школе Три Хилл. Три Хилл — это просто место где-то на земле, возможно он похож на ваш, а может у них нет ничего общего. Но если вы приглядитесь вы можете увидеть кого-то похожего на вас. Или кого-то похожего на мою лучшую подругу Хейли.»

Столько эмоций что даже не знаю с чего начать. Я люблю смотреть сериалы, и у меня большой список с сериалами которых смотрю, но ни один сериал не сравнится с «One Tree Hill».

Меня трудно вообще уговорить смотреть новый сериал, и на чужих мнениях не очень то обращаю внимание, потому что у всех вкусы разные. Если бы не одна бывшая знакомая то я до сих пор бы не знал об этом сериале.

Если сериал хорош то он хорош, и не важно сколько у него сезонов ▬ один, два или десять. Я начал смотреть его осенью 2010го года. Посмотрел первые пять серии, ну а потом руки как-то не доходили до него, потому что времени не было и решил оставить его на лето. Ну так летом я не мог оторваться от монитора, я просыпался и смотрел до позднего часа ночи. Сериал смотрится на одном дыхании, даже не замечаешь что просмотрел уже восемь сезонов и остались последние 13 серий девятого сезона. Он не нудный и не затянутый как большинство сериалов в наше время.

«One Tree Hill» — это настоящая жизнь, полна ошибок, любви, ненависти, дружбы, страха, надежды и чуда. Каждый зритель найдет частицу себя в одном из персонажей, по крайне мере я нашел себя в этом сериале.
Сериал заставляет задуматься о многом и особенно о том как меняются люди. Некоторый в худшую а некоторые в лучшую сторону. Это чётко видно еще с первых сезонов. Где любовь к баскетболу, со временем сближает братьев Скотт. И самоуверенный и плохой парень Нейтан влюбляется и становится лучше ради Хейли. Казалось бы куда хуже Дэнна Скотта, но его ненависть и зависть заставляет пойти на ужасное убийство своего же брата, становясь еще хуже.
Сериал учит еще прощению. В мире нет плохих людей, обстоятельства подталкивает их к ужасным поступкам. Кто знает, если бы Карен простила Дэнну когда он осознал свою ошибку и захотел ей помочь всего этого не было бы. Сделай добрые дела и люди забудут. А сделай одно плохое и они запомнят на всю жизнь.

Некоторым кажется что уход двух главных актеров из сериала, делает его уже не тем же интересным и проницательным, но это не так, потому что появляются новые а смысл не меняется и суть остается прежней.
- Самый позитивный персонаж это Хейли, безупречная жена, мать и друг, которая подбадривает всех и всегда.
- Нейтан, не такой уж и плохой парень на второй взгляд. Великолепный игрок баскетбола, который в конечном счете уходит из большого спорта ради своей семьи.
Жизни этих двух персонажей можно только позавидовать, и я думаю каждый отдаст все ради того чтоб оказаться на их месте.

Каждый герой разный. И все они добились успеха потому что не перестали бороться за свои мечты. А когда не было сил бороться их поддерживали друзья.

- Ты всегда говоришь что мужчины семьи Скотт самые сильные
- Так и есть, он самый сильный из всех кого я знаю, но он умирает. Сейчас нужно чтоб ты был сильным ради него.

В целом картина снята на высоте.
И какая же Драма без музыки которая голыми руками дотрагивается до твоего сердца? У меня лично добавилось очень не мало исполнителей в папке с музыкой из этого сериала. Сериал открыл некоторых очень талантливых музыкантов как: Bethany Joy Galleoti(Lenz), Jana Kramer, Kate Voegele по моему мнению.

Я многое мог бы рассказать, объяснить но все равно этого не было бы достаточно да еще пересмотреть надо, потому что многое позабыл за столько сезонов.
Аплодирую стоя, и со слезами в глазах. Это лучший сериал в этом жанре который я либо видел.

Эта история стара как мир ▬ в один день тебе семнадцать и ты строишь планы на будущее... и друг, без какого-либо предупреждения, оказывается ... что будущее это сегодня... а потом будущее это прошлое... и это ▬ твоя жизнь.


LostFilm.TV wrote:

«Пациент скорее жив, чем мертв»: рецензия на The River
Сериал The River («Река») — яркий пример добротного, но не шедеврального телевизионного продукта. Заявленная команда шоураннеров обнадеживала, кастинг настораживал, конечный результат можно назвать удовлетворительным с претензией на хороший.

Решение о продлении сериала пока не принято. Поэтому пока продюсеры собираются с мыслями, мы проведем ревизию, чтобы узнать, каких компонентов не хватает этому продукту, чтобы из добротного превратиться в шедевральный.

Вкратце сюжет: группа инициативных товарищей на утлом суденышке «Магус» отправляется в самую неизведанную и опасную область реки Амазонки на поиски сгинувшего там полгода назад доктора Эммета Коула (Брюс Гринвуд). По уровню увлеченности он даст фору нашему Николаю Дроздову, так как болеет не только тычинками, пестиками и лемурами, но еще магией. И эта самая магия в самых страшных ее проявлениях сопровождает наших героев на протяжении всего сезона, к финалу заставляя их поверить во все, что угодно.

Из положительных моментов можно сразу отметить реалистичность шоу, которая достигается с помощью умеренного использования модного формата «найденной кинопленки» и «незамыленностью» лиц актерского состава. Практически все актеры справились со своими ролями не блистательно, но и не фальшивя.

Щуплый ботаник Линкольн Коул (Джо Андерсон) явно чувствует себя на «Магусе» не в своей тарелке, и предпочел бы вернуться к своим колбочкам и мензуркам, но его долг — найти отца, и в самые ответственные моменты он превращается в лидера и смельчака. Отдельного внимания заслуживает эпизод, где телом Линка завладел дух — кто бы мог подумать, что этот миловидный блондин с пушистыми ресницами может так таращить глаза, плеваться слюной и изрыгать проклятия!

Его мать, Тесс (Лесли Хоуп) довольно убедительно изобразила жену-почти-вдову, которая иссушена надеждой на благополучный исход операции, и готова делать все, что от нее потребуется и даже больше, лишь бы вернуть своего драгоценного супруга.

Режиссер Жауме Серра, а также сценарист Орен Пели, правильно сделали, что оставили почти все «зло» за кадром. «Магия где-то рядом», — интригует нас слоган сериала, и это действительно так. Какая-то неведомая гадость возникает тот тут, то там, но на глаза почти не показывается — прячется в мутной воде Амазонки, в непролазных джунглях, в заброшенном исследовательском центре, на соседнем судне. И это не одна и та же гадость, а разные ее вариации. Чтобы, так сказать, охватить испугом как можно большее количество зрителей с разными вкусами.

В минусы сериалу можно записать роль Паулины Гайтан, которой посчастливилось играть местного Дэвида Блэйна. Ее героиня Хаэль все время многозначительно зыркает прямо в камеру, до смерти пугает команду своими умозаключениями и даже пытается показывать фокусы. Под конец сезона это начинает надоедать, особенно когда Хаэль напортачит с воскрешением покойника.

Таким же одномерным выглядит «штандартенфюрер» Курт (Томас Кречманн), который прикидывается мужественным охранником, а сам преследует некие мутные цели. Но дело даже не в целях, а в том, что запас эмоций у него слишком скудный — две-три, не больше. Даже личная трагедия не помогла персонажу раскрыться. Этим двоим не хватает правдоподобности, но второй сезон при определенных условиях может поправить дело.

Кроме того, «Река» совсем не смешная. Понятно, что героям, которых вот-вот настигнет и поработит какое-нибудь сверхъестественное явление/существо/не пойми что, не до смеха. Но все время ходить с насупленными бровями — это как-то нездорово. Хороший потенциал весельчака имеется у нового оператора команды, чудом спасенного Джонаса (Скотт Майкл Фостер). Его бы энергию да в юмористическое русло, плюс какая-нибудь интрижка с «помеченной», но отвергнутой Линой — и шоу заиграет новыми красками.

А пока оно остается в своей нише, ни на что не претендуя, не страдая манией величия и не выходя, увы, за рамки. Этакий промежуточный вариант между сериалом LOST («Остаться в живых») и чем-то равным ему по энергетике, но пока не вышедшим на экраны. «Река» как глоток свежего воздуха среди засилья процедурных драм и ситкомов. Ею можно временно утолить жажду чего-то большего. Но только временно.


User wrote:

unde pot sa ma uit la seriale in original ? este vreun site ? Ma uit pe Netflix dar serialul care il caut nui pe netflix....

Power User wrote:

Editat de către ДядяКоля la 2018-09-01 20:07:49

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#13876 by Nikita02 (F#ck being normal) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-13 23:54:12 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13874 CreativeTeet, так вот и я не могу понять

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#13877 by moreno (Bitches they come they go) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 00:12:48 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13876 Nikita02,

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#13878 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 00:25:18 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13872 Nikita02, "... Стоп, я что-то пропустил?! Ганнибала закрыли? ..." -

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#13879 by Nikita02 (F#ck being normal) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 00:26:07 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13878 ColeaSav, ура ура!

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#13880 by System at 2014-05-14 07:29:46 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

AMERICAN CRIME - All over the news are reports about a young couple in Modesto, California, who were attacked in their home. Matt Skokie, a war vet, was killed, and his wife, Lily, is unconscious, barely hanging on. Both sets of parents are at her bedside hoping for a miracle while four suspects are about to be arrested. The case sends shock waves into the community stirring up tensions across racial lines in this gritty drama—from the point of view of the victims. “American Crime” stars Felicity Huffman as Barb, Timothy Hutton as Russ, W. Earl Brown as Tom, Richard Cabral as Hector Tonz, Caitlin Gerard as Aubry, Benito Martinez as Alonzo Gutierrez, Penelope Ann Miller as Eve, Elvis Nolasco as Carter and Johnny Ortiz as Tony Gutierrez. “American Crime” was written, directed and produced by John Ridley (“12 Years A Slave”). Executive producers are John Ridley and Michael J. McDonald. “American Crime” is produced by ABC Studios.

FOREVER - Doctor Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd), New York City’s star medical examiner, has a secret. He doesn’t just study the dead to solve criminal cases, he does it to solve the mystery that has eluded him for 200 years—the answer to his own inexplicable immortality. This long life has given Henry remarkable observation skills which impresses his new partner, Detective Jo Martinez (Alana De La Garza). Each week, a new case and their budding friendship will reveal layers of Henry’s long and colorful past. Only his best friend and confidant, Abe (Judd Hirsch) knows Henry’s secret. “Forever” stars Ioan Gruffudd as Henry, Alana De La Garza as Det. Jo Martinez, Barbara Eve Harris as Lt. Marcia Roark, Donnie Keshawarz as Detective Hanson, Joel David Moore as Lucas, and Judd Hirsch as Abe. “Forever” was written and executive-produced by Matt Miller (“Chuck,” “Las Vegas”). Dan Lin (“Sherlock Holmes,” “Gangster Squad”) and Jennifer Gwartz (“Veronica Mars,” “Cupid,” “Party Down”) are executive producers. “Forever” was directed by Brad Anderson and is produced by Warner Bros. Television.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - The brilliant, charismatic and seductive Professor Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) gets entangled with four law students from her class, “How to Get Away with Murder.” Little do they know that they will have to apply what they learned to real life, in this masterful, sexy, suspense-driven legal thriller from Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers, executive producers of “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scandal.” “How to Get Away with Murder” stars Viola Davis as Professor Annalise Keating, Billy Brown as Nate, Alfred Enoch as Wes, Jack Falahee as Conner, Katie Findlay as Rebecca, Aja Naomi King as Michaela, Matt McGorry as Asher, Karla Souza as Laurel, Charlie Weber as Frank and Liza Weil as Bonnie. Written by executive producer Peter Nowalk, “How to Get Away with Murder” is executive-produced by Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers, directed by Michael Offer, and produced by ABC Studios.

MARVEL’S AGENT CARTER - “Marvel’s Agent Carter,” starring “Captain America’s” Hayley Atwell, follows the story of Peggy Carter. It’s 1946, and peace has dealt Peggy Carter a serious blow as she finds herself marginalized when the men return home from fighting abroad. Working for the covert SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve), Peggy must balance doing administrative work and going on secret missions for Howard Stark all while trying to navigate life as a single woman in America, in the wake of losing the love of her life – Steve Rogers. Inspired by the feature films “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” along with the short “Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter.” Starring Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter, “Marvel’s Agent Carter” was written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. Executive producers are Tara Butters, Michele Fazekas, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Chris Dingess, Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Alan Fine, Joe Quesada, Stan Lee and Jeph Loeb. “Marvel’s Agent Carter” is produced by ABC Studios and Marvel Television.

SECRETS AND LIES - Ben Garner (Ryan Phillippe) is about to go from Good Samaritan to murder suspect, after he discovers the body of his neighbor’s young son in the woods. As Detective Andrea Cornell (Juliette Lewis) digs for the truth, the secrets and lies of this town come to the surface and no one is above suspicion. Ben’s family’s life will be turned upside down as he sets out on a complicated journey to prove his innocence in this thriller mystery from Barbie Kligman (“Private Practice”) based on the original Australian series of the same name. “Secrets and Lies” stars Ryan Phillippe as Ben, KaDee Strickland as Christy, Natalie Martinez as Jess, Clifton Collins, Jr. as Dave, Indiana Evans as Natalie, Belle Shouse as Abby and Juliette Lewis as Detective Cornell. “Secrets and Lies” was written by Barbie Kligman. Executive producers are Barbie Kligman, Aaron Kaplan, Tracey Robertson and Nathan Mayfield. “Secrets and Lies” was directed by Charles McDougall, executive-produced by Kapital Entertainment with Hoodlum Entertainment and produced by ABC Studios.

THE WHISPERS - Aliens have invaded Earth by using our most unlikely resource to achieve world domination—our children. As the kids unwittingly help these unseen enemies, the clock counts down in this suspenseful race to save humanity. “The Whispers” stars Lily Rabe as Claire Bennigan, Barry Sloane as Wes Lawrence, Milo Ventimiglia as John Doe/Drew Bennigan, Derek Webster as Jessup Rollins, Brianna Brown as Lena Lawrence, Catalina Denis as Dr. Maria Benavidez, Kylie Rogers as Minx Lawrence and Kyle Harrison Breitkopf as Henry. “The Whispers” was written and co-executive-produced by Soo Hugh, with Amblin TV co-producing. Executive producers are Steven Spielberg, Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank and Dawn Olmstead. “The Whispers” was directed by Mark Romanek and produced by ABC Studios.


BLACK-ISH - Andre ‘Dre’ Johnson (Anthony Anderson) has a great job, a beautiful wife, Rainbow (Tracee Ellis Ross), four kids, and a colonial home in the ‘burbs. But has success brought too much assimilation for this black family? With a little help from his dad (Laurence Fishburne), Dre sets out to establish a sense of cultural identity for his family that honors their past while embracing the future. “Black-ish” stars Anthony Anderson as Dre, Tracee Ellis Ross as Rainbow, Yara Shahidi as Zoey, Marcus Scribner as Andre Jr., Miles Brown as Jack, Marsai Martin as Diane and Laurence Fishburne as Pops. “Black-ish” was written by Kenya Barris, who also serves as executive producer. Executive producers are Larry Wilmore, Anthony Anderson, Laurence Fishburne, Helen Sugland, Tom Russo, Brian Dobbins, Peter Principato, Paul Young and James Griffiths, who directed the pilot. “Black-ish” is produced by ABC Studios.

CRISTELA - In her sixth year of law school, Cristela (Cristela Alonzo) is finally on the brink of landing her first big (unpaid) internship at a prestigious law firm. The only problem is that her pursuit of success is more ambitious than her traditional Mexican-American family thinks is appropriate. She’s stuck straddling the old culture she’s trying to modernize at home with her working-class family and the modern world she’s trying to embrace in her professional career. Breakout comedian Cristela Alonzo stars in this hilarious comedy about laughing your way down the path to the new American dream. “Cristela” stars Cristela Alonzo as Cristela, Carlos Ponce as Felix, Terri Hoyos as Natalia, Andrew Leeds as Josh and Sam McMurray as Trent. “Cristela” was written by Cristela Alonzo and Kevin Hench. Executive producers are Kevin Hench, Marty Adelstein, Becky Clements and Shawn Levy. “Cristela” is produced by 20th Century Fox Television.

FRESH OFF THE BOAT - It’s the 90s and 11 year old, hip-hop loving Eddie (Hudson Yang) just moved to suburban Orlando from DC’s Chinatown with his parents (Randall Park and Constance Wu). It’s culture shock for his immigrant family in this comedy about pursuing the American Dream. “Fresh Off the Boat” is based on Chef Eddie Huang’s memoir Fresh Off the Boat. “Fresh Off the Boat” stars Randall Park as Louis, Constance Wu as Jessica, Hudson Yang as Eddie, Forrest Wheeler as Emery and Ian Chen as Evan. “Fresh Off the Boat” was written by Nahnatchka Khan, who also serves as executive producer. Jake Kasdan and Melvin Mar are executive producers, and Eddie Huang is producer. The series is produced by 20th Century Fox Television.

GALAVANT - Screenwriter/executive producer Dan Fogelman (“Crazy, Stupid, Love,” “Tangled,” “Cars”) teams up with Broadway and Hollywood award-winning musical team—composer Alan Menken (“The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “Beauty and the Beast”) and lyricist Glenn Slater (“The Little Mermaid,” “Tangled”)—for a musical comedy fairytale of epic proportions. Once upon a time, the dashing hero, Galavant (Joshua Sasse), lost the love of his life, Madalena (Mallory Jansen), to the evil King Richard (Timothy Omundson). Now, our fallen hero is ready to take revenge and restore his “happily ever after.” But it won’t be without a few twists and turns along the way. “Galavant” stars Joshua Sasse as Galavant, Timothy Omundson as King Richard, Vinnie Jones as Gareth, Mallory Jansen as Madalena, Karen David as Isabella and Luke Youngblood as Sid. “Galavant” was written by Dan Fogelman, who also serves as executive producer. Executive producers are Alan Menken, Glenn Slater and Chris Koch. “Galavant” was directed by Chris Koch. Abbey C Studios Ltd. produces “Galavant” for ABC Studios.

MANHATTAN LOVE STORY – Have you ever wondered what your date was thinking? This romantic comedy exposes the differences between men and women through the unfiltered thoughts, and often contradictory actions, of a new couple who have just begun dating. “Manhattan Love Story” stars Analeigh Tipton as Dana, Jake McDorman as Peter, Nicolas Wright as David, Jade Catta-Preta as Amy, Chloe Wepper as Chloe and Kurt Fuller as William. “Manhattan Love Story” was written by Jeff Lowell (“Drew Carey Show,” “Spin City”). Peter Traugott, Jeff Lowell, Robin Schwartz, Rachel Kaplan and Jon Liebman are executive producers. Michael Fresco directed the pilot. “Manhattan Love Story” is produced by ABC Studios.

SELFIE – “Instafamous” Eliza Dooley (Karen Gillan) has 263,000 followers who hang on to her every post, tweet and selfie. But one lonely day, she has a revelation: being friended is not the same as having actual friends. She asks marketing guru Henry (John Cho) to ‘rebrand’ her self-obsessed reputation and teach her how to connect with people in the real world. Loosely based on “My Fair Lady,” “Selfie” explores the modern struggles of Eliza and Henry, as he tries to teach her how to live life offline—whether she ‘likes’ it or not. “Selfie” stars Karen Gillan as Eliza, John Cho as Henry, Tim Peper as Ethan, Da’Vine Joy Randolph as Charmonique, Allyn Rachel as Bryn and David Harewood as Sam. “Selfie” was written by Emily Kapnek and directed by Julie Anne Robinson, who also serve as executive producers. “Selfie” is produced by Piece of Pie Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.


A TO Z – This is the A-to-Z story of Andrew (Ben Feldman, “Mad Men”) and Zelda (Cristin Milioti, “How I Met Your Mother”) — a pair that almost wasn’t — and all that happened from the day they met. Andrew has always been a secret romantic … not above crooning to Celine Dion while driving to work, with dreams of finding “the one.” He imagines her to be just like that shimmering beauty he spotted that night in that silver dress at that concert two years ago. Zelda, having grown up with a hippie mom who believed the universe would provide for everything, rebelled into a no-nonsense practical lawyer who prefers the control of online dating. But when a computer glitch sends her a total mismatch, she’s asked to come in for an interview at the Internet dating site where Andrew works, and this is where it all begins. Andrew and Zelda meet for the first time and despite their differences, sparks fly. She thinks it’s chance. He thinks it’s fate. After all, he’s convinced she’s the shimmering girl in the silver dress. Is it true love forever or just a detour in destiny? The cast also includes Henry Zebrowski, Lenora Crichlow, Christina Kirk and Katey Sagal (narrator). Writers Ben Queen (“Drive”), Rashida Jones (“Parks and Recreation”) and Will McCormack (“Will & Grace”) serve as executive producers. “A to Z” is a production of Warner Bros. Television and Le Train Train.

BAD JUDGE -No excuses, no apologies, no compromises. Wild child Rebecca Wright (Kate Walsh, “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Private Practice”) knows how to have a good time, but she also happens to be one of L.A.’s toughest and most respected criminal court judges. She has a reputation for unorthodox behavior in the courtroom, including creative rulings and saying exactly what’s on her mind. Her private life, on the other hand, is anything but innocent. She parties too much and rocks out on the drums in a band with her best friend, Jenny. While there’s no shortage of male admirers who would love to spend time with her, she’s not ready to settle down … except when an 8-year-old boy — whose parents were put in jail by Rebecca — needs her help. He may, in fact, be the one thing that starts to tame this “bad” judge. The cast also includes John Ducey, Tone Bell and Theodore Barnes.
Writer Chad Kultgen (“The Incredible Burt Wonderstone”) serves as executive producer with Adam McKay (“Anchorman,” “Talladega Nights”), Will Ferrell (“Step Brothers”), Anne Heche (“Men in Trees”), Jill Sobel Messick (“Baby Mama”), Kevin Messick (“The Other Guys”) and Kate Walsh. “Bad Judge” is a production of Universal Television and Gary Sanchez Productions.

MARRY ME – Six years ago, Annie (Casey Wilson, “Happy Endings”) and Jake (Ken Marino, “Eastbound & Down”) bonded over their mutual love of nachos and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Now, after returning from a romantic two-week island vacation, Jake’s all set to pop the question. Before he can ask, though, Annie lets loose on Jake for his inability to commit. She was expecting him to “put a ring on it” in paradise and now Jake’s perfect proposal is ruined. Not wanting to spend the next 60 years talking about that mess of a proposal, Jake and Annie decide to hold off on the engagement until they can do it right. Yet if history tells us anything, it’s when we really want things to go right that they all tend to go wrong. The only thing we know for sure is these two are destined to be together whether they can get it together or not. The cast also includes Sarah Wright, John Gemberling, Tymberlee Hill and Tim Meadows. Writer David Caspe (“Happy Endings”) and director Seth Gordon (“The Goldbergs”) serve as executive producer with Jamie Tarses (“Men at Work”). “Marry Me” is a production of Sony Pictures Television and FanFare Productions.

MISSION CONTROL – Houston, we have a problem! Dr. Mary Kendricks (Krysten Ritter, “Don’t Trust the B— in Apartment 23”) is a tough but brilliant aerospace engineer, leading a team of NASA scientists at the cutting edge of space exploration. The only problem is, this is the 1960s and she’s a woman. Navigating the ridiculous boys’ club of astronauts and engineering nerds is no easy task, but she’s up to the challenge … until her boss brings on Tom (Tommy Dewey, “The Mindy Project”) — a former hotshot test pilot and overall man’s man — to co-manage her team. It doesn’t help that he initially mistakes her for a secretary. Between him, her astronaut boyfriend, Cash, and her offbeat all-guy team, Mary certainly has her hands full… but at the end of the day, they all want the same thing: to get a man on the moon. It might just take a woman to get him there. The cast also includes Malcolm Barrett, Jonathan Slavin and Julie Meyer. Writer David Hornsby serves as executive producer with Adam McKay (“Anchorman,” “Talladega Nights”), Will Ferrell (“Step Brothers”) and Owen Burke. “Mission Control” is a production of Universal Television and Gary Sanchez Productions.

MR. ROBINSON – As lead singer and keyboardist of a rock band, Craig (Craig Robinson, “The Office”) knows a thing or two about working the crowd, but his day job is where he really makes the grade. Every struggling artist knows the drill: you got to pay the bills while you wait for that big break. So when Craig finds himself short on cash, he takes a job as a substitute teacher. It’s an easy gig, right? Throw a DVD in the player, dim the lights and sleep off last night’s party. Yet when he realizes that the kids think his class is an easy A, Craig’s moved to inspire his students. Music is his passion and he’s not about to let anyone sleep though this period … period. The school principal (Jean Smart, “Samantha Who?”) is a woman who believes that rules were made to be strictly upheld. She’s none too fond of Craig’s unorthodox teaching style, or his crush on the pretty English teacher. If he wants to keep his gig, get the girl and teach these kids the joys of music, he’ll have to buckle down, shape up and rock out. The cast also includes Ben Koldyke and Amandla Stenberg. Writers Mark Cullen (“Back in the Game”) and Robb Cullen (“Back in the Game”) serve as executive producers with Howard Klein (“Parks and Recreation”) and Mark Schulman (“Chelsea Lately”). “Mr. Robinson” is a production of Universal Television and 3 Arts Entertainment.

ONE BIG HAPPY – Best friends Lizzy (gay and a bit type-A) and Luke (straight and more laid back) are like family. When they were kids and both of their parents were getting divorces, Lizzy (Elisha Cuthbert, “Happy Endings”) and Luke (Nick Zano, “2 Broke Girls”) stuck together, and they’ve been there for each other ever since. Now, all grown up and still single, they’ve decided to start a family of their own. No, not like that (there are some lines even they won’t cross), we’re talking the non-romantic, go-to-the-doctor’s-office type of baby-making. Then one night, after yet another failed attempt at conception, the two head out to a bar to let off some steam. That’s where Luke meets Prudence (Kelly Brook, “Smallville”), a free-spirited British girl who’s slated to go back to England in a matter of days. Lizzy isn’t a huge fan — it might have something to do with Prudence waltzing around their apartment naked — but Luke really hits it off with her. Soon they’re spending every last minute of her limited time together. Then, just as Lizzy discovers that she’s actually pregnant, Luke announces that he and Prudence got married and a different kind of family is born. The cast also includes Brandon Smith, Rebecca Corry and Chris Williams. Writer Liz Feldman (“2 Broke Girls”) and director Scott Ellis (“2 Broke Girls”) serve as executive producers with Ellen DeGeneres (“The Ellen DeGeneres Show”) and Jeff Kleeman (“The Change Up”). “One Big Happy” is a production of Warner Bros. Television and A Very Good Production.

UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT – After 15 years of living in a cult, the unbreakable and wide-eyed Kimmy (Ellie Kemper, “The Office”) is rescued along with four other women, causing a national sensation that culminates with an appearance on the ”Today” show. Before getting back on the bus to Indiana, however, Kimmy decides it’s time to reclaim her life. Armed with just a backpack, light-up sneakers, a couple way-past-due library books and a big wad of rescue-fund cash, she’s ready to take on New York City. It’s easily the best time of Kimmy’s life as she rides subways, plays with street performers, frees Central Park horses and makes a spontaneous decision to rent a room from Titus, a gay wannabe Broadway actor who makes a living dressing as a robot in Times Square. This unlikely pairing may not seem ideal, but it quickly becomes clear that they can really help each other out: Kimmy needs someone to reintroduce her to the modern world, and Titus could use someone to show him that you should never give up on life, no matter how many times you get rejected from performing in “The Lion King.” As long as they stick together… they might just make it after all. Hakuna matata! The cast also includes Tituss Burgess, Sara Chase and Lauren Adams. Writers Tina Fey (“30 Rock”) and Robert Carlock (“30 Rock”) serve as executive producers with David Miner (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”) and Jeff Richmond (“30 Rock”). “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” is a production of Universal Television, Little Stranger Inc. and 3 Arts Entertainment.


A.D. – In the follow-up to the eye-opening success of “The Bible” miniseries on History, the 12-hour miniseries “A.D.” — from producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey — will look at the lives that were instantly altered following the death of Christ. His disciples, mother Mary and key political religious leaders at the time saw their world turned upside down and their lives forever altered. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, part two of the greatest story ever told will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and disseminate the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world. Mark Burnett, Roma Downey and Richard Bedser serve as executive producers. Simon Block will write the script. “A.D.” is a production of LightWorkers Media.

ALLEGIANCE – Alex O’Connor (Gavin Stenhouse, “Person of Interest”), a young idealistic CIA analyst specializing in Russian affairs, learns a shocking secret and his close-knit, affluent family is about to be split apart when its revealed that his parents, Mark (Scott Cohen, “Necessary Roughness”) and Katya (Hope Davis, “The Newsroom,” “In Treatment”) are covert Russian spies deactivated decades ago. But today the Kremlin has re-enlisted them into service as they plan a terrorist operation inside the U.S. border that will bring America to its knees. Years ago, Russian-born Katya was tasked by the KGB to recruit American businessman Mark O’Connor as a spy — and the two fell in love. A deal was struck: As long as Katya remained an asset for Russia, and it was agreed that her services could be called on in the future, she would be allowed to marry Mark and move to America. After years in America building a happy life and without word from Moscow, they thought they had escaped. Now it seems that the new Mother Russia has one more mission — turning Alex into a spy. For these anguished parents, the choice is clear: Betray their country or risk their family. The cast also includes Margarita Levieva, Morgan Spector, Annie Ilonzeh, Alexandra Peters and Kenneth Choi. Writer-director George Nolfi (“The Adjustment Bureau”) serves as executive producer with Avi Nir (“Homeland”), Ron Leshem, Amit Cohen, Yona Wisenthal and Giyora Yahalom. “Allegiance” is a production of Universal Television, Keshet Media and Yes!

AQUARIUS - It’s 1967 and the era of free love, drug experimentation and the Vietnam War is in full effect. When the teenage daughter of a respected lawyer goes missing, L.A. Police Sgt. Sam Hodiak (David Duchovny, “Californication,” “The X-Files”) starts asking around. He soon discovers that the hippie kids he’s questioning don’t take kindly to cops, especially one with hair as short as his. Needing the help of someone they will trust, he partners with rebellious undercover cop Brian Shafe, a man who’s more comfortable rolling a joint than patrolling a beat. It’s not long before they stumble upon a small-time cult leader seeking out vulnerable women to join his cause. From there, they follow this man’s trail down a rabbit hole of drugs, sex, murder and cultural revolution. Little could they know, however, the guy they’re hunting will eventually become the killer we now recognize as Charles Manson. He was a lost soul who desperately wanted to get into the music scene of the ’60s until something snapped. This is the show that will explore the cat and mouse game between him and the police that will go on for several seasons, ultimately ending with the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders. Writer John McNamara (“In Plain Sight”) serves as executive producer with Marty Adelstein (“Prison Break”), David Duchovny and Melanie Greene. “Aquarius” is a production of ITV Studios America and Marty Adelstein Productions.

CONSTANTINE – Based on the wildly popular DC Comics series “Hellblazer,” seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan, “Criminal Minds”) specializes in giving hell… hell. Armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and his wickedly naughty wit, he fights the good fight — or at least he did. With his soul already damned to hell, he’s decided to leave his do-gooder life behind, but when demons target Liv (Lucy Griffiths, “True Blood”), the daughter of one of Constantine’s oldest friends, he’s reluctantly thrust back into the fray – and he’ll do whatever it takes to save her. Before long, it’s revealed that Liv’s “second sight” — an ability to see the worlds behind our world and predict supernatural occurrences — is a threat to a mysterious new evil that’s rising in the shadows. Now it’s not just Liv who needs protection; the angels are starting to get worried too. So, together, Constantine and Liv must use her power and his skills to travel the country, find the demons that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows… maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all. The cast also includes Harold Perrineau and Charles Halford.
Writer Daniel Cerone (“The Mentalist,” “Dexter”) serves as executive producer with David S. Goyer (“Man of Steel,” “The Dark Knight Rises”). “Constantine” is produced from Bonanza Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The show is based upon characters published by DC Entertainment.

EMERALD CITY – Desperate for clues that will lead to the identity of her biological mother, a young woman breaks into a sinister underground facility somewhere in the Midwest. Unable to complete her mission and surrounded by security, our feisty heroine steals a K9 police dog and drives away into the night… and headlong into the path of a raging tornado. In the blink of an eye, she is transported to another world, one far removed from our own — a mystical land of competing kingdoms, lethal warriors, dark magic and a bloody battle for supremacy. This is the fabled Land of Oz in a way you’ve never seen before, where wicked witches don’t stay dead for long and 20-year-old Dorothy Gale becomes a headstrong warrior who holds the fate of kingdoms in her hands. You’re not in Kansas anymore, and this is not your Grandmother’s Oz. Writer Matthew Arnold (“Siberia”) serves as executive producer with Josh Friedman (“Terminator” The Sarah Connor Chronicles”). “Emerald City” is a production of Universal Television.

HEROES REBORN – The saga behind the 2006 breakout series “Heroes” will continue as creator Tim Kring returns to the fold and develops new layers to his original superhero concept. This highly anticipated 13-episode miniseries will reconnect with the basic elements of the show’s first season where ordinary people were waking up to the fact that they had extraordinary abilities. This series will be preceded by a new digital series that will introduce audiences to the new characters and storylines that will take the “Heroes” phenomenon to new places.

THE MYSTERIES OF LAURA – Debra Messing (“Will & Grace”) stars as Laura Diamond, a brilliant NYPD homicide detective who balances her “Columbo” day job with a crazy family life that includes two unruly twin boys and a soon-to-be ex-husband (Josh Lucas) — also a cop — who just can’t seem to sign the divorce papers. Between cleaning up after her boys and cleaning up the streets, she’d be the first to admit she has her “hot mess” moments in this hilariously authentic look at what it really means to be a “working mom” today. Somehow, she makes it all work with the help of her sexy and understanding partner, and things becomes even more complicated when her husband, ironically, becomes her boss at the precinct. For Laura, every day is a high-wire balancing act. The cast also includes Laz Alonso and Janina Gavankar. Writer Jeff Rake (“Boston Legal”) and director McG (“Supernatural”) serve as executive producer with Greg Berlanti (“Brothers & Sisters”), Aaron Kaplan (“The Neighbors”), Todd Lituchy and Sarah Schechter. “The Mysteries of Laura” is a production of Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions and Kapital Entertainment.

ODYSSEY – In this “Traffic”-like action drama, an international conspiracy explodes when three strangers’ lives unexpectedly collide — a female soldier, a corporate lawyer and a political activist. After a team of American soldiers battles Jihadists in North Africa, they’re shocked to find that one of the men they killed is Al Qaeda’s top man. Sgt. Odelle Ballard (Anna Friel, “Pushing Daisies”) — a soldier, mother, wife and the unit’s only female member — discovers computer files that suggest a major U.S. corporation is funding the Jihadists. But before she can tell anyone, her team is attacked and left for dead. News is reported that the unit was wiped out, but the truth is that Odelle survived and is the only witness to her unit’s assassination by U.S. Special Forces. In New York, former U.S. Attorney Peter Decker (Peter Facinelli, “Nurse Jackie”) is working on a merger deal for the same company that was funneling money to the Jihadists. Meanwhile, Harrison Walters (Jake Robinson, “The Carrie Diaries”), a political activist and trust fund kid, meets a hacker who claims to have unearthed a massive military-industrial conspiracy. And he’s right: He’s stumbled onto the cover-up that began with Odelle and will soon be out in the open and everyone’s lives will be in danger. The only way they’ll ever save their country, their families and themselves is by joining forces and exposing the people behind it. The cast also includes Jim True-Frost, Treat Williams, Nate Mooney, Elena Kampouris, Daniella Pineda, Sadie Sink, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Omar Ghazaoui. Writers Adam Armus (“The Following”) and Nora Kay Foster (“Heroes”), and writer-director Peter Horton (“Grey’s Anatomy”) serve as executive producers with Simon Maxwell (“Off the Hook”), Mikkel Bondesen (“Burn Notice”), Henrik Bastin (“Burn Notice) and Kristen Campo (“The Killing”). “Odyssey” is a production of Universal Television, Fabrik Entertainment and Red Arrow Entertainment Group.

STATE OF AFFAIRS – Each day the President is faced with dozens of life and death decisions, and to prioritize the biggest international crises facing the country, one top CIA analyst — Charleston Tucker (Katherine Heigl, “Grey’s Anatomy”) — assembles the President’s Daily Briefing (PDB). This list of the most vital security issues facing the nation brings with it moral and political judgment calls for Charleston and her trusted group of brilliant analysts at the agency. Aside from the political minefields she has to walk, Charlie has a close personal relationship with the President (Alfre Woodard, “Desperate Housewives”) because she was once engaged to her son before a tragic terrorist attack took his life. Charlie survived that attack and is now determined to bring the perpetrators to justice. Navigating a complex personal life and a pressure-cooker profession is, of course, a challenge, and Charlie sometimes engages in boundary-pushing behavior to avoid facing her grief. But when the clock strikes 2 a.m., she is all about her job — protecting her nation, serving her President and still trying to get to the bottom of her fiancé’s murder that will reveal itself as a shocking mystery. The cast also includes Adam Kaufman, Sheila Vand, Cliff Chamberlain, Tommy Savas and Leslie Odom, Jr. Writer-director Joe Carnahan (“The Blacklist”) serves as executive producer with Katherine Heigl, Nancy Heigl, Robert Simonds, Sophie Watts, Henry Crumpton, Rodney Faraon and Julia Franz. “State of Affairs” is a production of Universal Television, Bob Simonds Company and Abishag Productions.

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#13881 by Vallera (TMD one love <3) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 09:18:40 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13869 stefan007, "... am privit vreo 3 episoade si apoi l-am lasat ..." - priveste mai departe, ca al doilea sezon cu mult mai bun

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#13882 by Nikita02 (F#ck being normal) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 12:42:20 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Но всё же самого актёра могли и получше подобрать!

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#13883 by totti55 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 12:50:06 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13882 Nikita02, tăt normal, da eu aș fi ales un actor cu păr mai închis la culoare... :/

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#13884 by Nikita02 (F#ck being normal) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 13:47:58 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Кто-то может скинуть сайт с субтитрами? не считается)

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#13885 by vladutmg (User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 14:29:09 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
pot gasi de undeva serialul smallville in calitate hd
720p sau chiar 1080p ?
engish sau russian, nu importa , principalul hd ?

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#13886 by System at 2014-05-14 14:33:10 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13885 vladutmg, pe tmd tot erau cu seed, + kinozal sau rutracker.

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#13887 by Mr.Alex (Example) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 14:50:43 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13883 totti55, actorul a fost ales foarte bine , deoarece cind a fost ales Reevs sau inceput multe vorbe , după comics-urile originale constantine are păr blond și accent britanic

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#13888 by MC09 (thrilled) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 17:04:35 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13887 Mr.Alex, unii inca cred ca serialul ii facut dupa filmul cu Reeves :fuckthatbitch:

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#13889 by AndrianSlupetchi (User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 17:12:25 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Numai mie imi pare ca in Penny Dreadful sunt prea multe personaje?
Victor Frankenstein,Dorian Gray

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#13890 by sergiuxpp (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 18:03:57 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13889 by AndrianSlupetchi Victor Frankenstein,Dorian Gray"-asta e abia inceputul pe parcurs vor aparea inca mai multe

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#13891 by aNMs (Barça FTW) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 21:30:06 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
sezonul 3 la The Killing tot e despre Rosie?

damn, pana acum credeam ca personajul lui Rosie e jucat de Madeline Zima. cum zic rusii, "на одно лицо" cu Katie Findlay)

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#13892 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 21:32:40 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13891 aNMs, nu

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#13893 by totti55 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-14 22:08:42 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13887 Mr.Alex, "... actorul a fost ales foarte bine ..." - n-am negat că actorul e ales bine, am spus doar cum mi-ar fi plăcut mie, în fine, "всем насрать на моё мнение" :D

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#13894 by Shadow23 (Везунчик) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 00:37:50 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13889 AndrianSlupetchi, "... Penny Dreadful ..." - al 2-lea episod inca e mai bun ca primul. Eva joaca minunat :megustamucho:

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#13895 by kolean4ik (User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 02:29:36 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13894 Shadow23, a-2 zi astept traducere de la Alex/Lost si nimic .. nu stiti cand apare ? vreau si eu sa vad a-2 serie dar baibako neocheni

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#13896 by sergiuxpp (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 13:18:38 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
seriale care le asteptam :
Fargo -bunishor ii acord un 8 provizoriu
Salem-e cam boring deshi primul epizod a fost captivant
penny dreadful-so,so,nimic deosebit vedem ma tirziu poate ma uimeste cu ceva inafara de prezenta Evei green

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#13897 by Grenvich Drivers Club (Impossible is Nothing) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 16:10:49 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13896 sergiuxpp, SERIALE REINNOITE
Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. ???? WTF?!

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#13898 by Hzrd (000) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 16:46:46 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13897 Grenvich, "... Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. ..." -XDD

#13884 Nikita02,

umm , Je dislike Constantine's main actor =(

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#13899 by ДядяКоля (Knight of TMD) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 17:50:06 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Суд ограничил бесплатный доступ к популярным сериалам
Московский городской суд поддержал требование компании "А сериал" ограничить бесплатный доступ к популярным сериалам на страницах таких ресурсов, как,,,,,,,,,,,,,, и

Под запрет попали такие телепроекты, как "Игра престолов", "Настоящие детективы", "Черные паруса", "Новости", "Подпольная империя", "Девчонки", "Настоящая кровь", "ВИП", "Банши", "Жеребец", "Белая королева", "Во все тяжкие, "Родина", "Карточный домик" и "Американская история ужасов".

Суд принял решение, опираясь на закон "О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации по вопросам защиты интеллектуальных прав в информационно-телекоммуникационных сетях" от 2 июля 2013 года, которым предусматривается досудебное блокирование сайтов с пиратским контентом.

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#13900 by pharaohvit (pardon my valyrian) (0 mesaje) at 2014-05-15 18:03:14 (563 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13899 ColeaSav, пусть идут лесом, ребята и с внешки могут скачать раз пошла такая пляска.
да и в списке нет, а ведь это самый популярный российский трекер.

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