#0 by RESi (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-11-11 20:33:22 (591 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
TERA has typical MMORPG features such as questing, crafting, and player versus player action. The game's combat uses a real-time battle system that incorporates third person camera view. The player targets an enemy with a cross-hair cursor rather than clicking or tabbing an individual opponent (which is called the "Non-Target battle system" by the developer). The Players need to actively dodge enemy attacks.A keyboard and mouse or a control pad can be used to control the character.
The developers collaborated with CCP Games and their successful use of "PLEX" for Eve Online as a way of deterring gold farmers. As a result, TERA released a currency called "Chronoscrolls" that works similarly, as it allows game time to be purchased with real money and sold for in-game gold. The use of Chronoscrolls is only available to users who have purchased the game either digitally or physically. Those with the "Discovery Edition" cannot use Chronoscrolls.
In February 2013, Tera in North America and Europe transitioned to "Tera Rising", which changed the subscription model to a "freemium" design (free play plus buyable premium status and customization options). The developer has promised no time, level, or content restrictions for free players after this update.Players who purchase a 30-day "Elite" status will receive increased dungeon rewards, in-game discounts and other metagame advantages.Due to the new model, the "Chronoscrolls" mentioned above are being phased out, and are no longer sold by the developer, nor usable to extend game time. Existing chronoscrolls can be sold to merchants for 2,000 gold.
The Japanese and Korean versions of Tera also became free to play in December 2012 and January 2013, respectively.