Forum Index > Chat > PayPal

#0 by AxE! Drivers Club (CISCO-Mind Wide Open! | TST) (0 mesaje) at 2008-12-20 19:54:30 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Începînd  cu  data  de  17.06.2014 - serviciul PayPal  este oficial și în Republica Moldova.

Procesul de verificarea unui card pe PayPal
1. Deschidem card  la orice bancă (de dorit în  € sau $);
2. Cînd la bancă vă întreabă: Dacă doriți să primiți bilanțul lunar pe e-mail, răspundeți sau încercuiți DA! (Etapa foarte importantă);
3. Cream account în PayPal;
4. Intrăm în noul account, accesăm My account---> Withdraw -----> Withdraw funds to your card -----> Add Card.
5. În rubrica nouă, introducem toate datele personale ca nume, prenumele, nr. cardului, CCV etc..
6. Confirmăm cardul: My accounts->Link and confirm my credit card... (link in partea dreapta)
7.  În cazul în care tranzacția a fost blocată de bancă, apelați banca (numărul îl găsiți pe partea Verso a cardului), pentru a debloca GRATIS aceasta operațiune.
8. Dacă ați făcut pașii correct, PayPal va accepta cardul Dvs, după care ar trebuie să primiți un mesaj de genul: ''PayPal v-a dedus 1,5 dollari, p-u a verifica validitatea cardului, introduceți vă rog un cod de 4 cifre care o să-l primiți în bilanțul lunar de la bancă; în momentul cînd introduceți codul, banii scoși vor fi returnați automat'' (Codul va fi în formă de PP*XXXXCODE, introduceți doar cele 4 cifre XXXX din față)

P.S. Acest cod poate fi aflat prin mai multe metode:
  • Internet-Banking (vizualizarea online al extrasului);
  • SMS-Banking (în caz că aveți această opțiune);
  • Extras de la bancomat;
  • Sunet sau o prezentare la bancă;
9.  Voila, aveți card verificat PayPal!
P.S. Înainte de a atașa un card, asigurați-vă că aveți minim 5$ pe cont.
Instrucțiuni de atașare Mastercard, Visa, VisaElectron
Această metodă funcționează, în cazul în care a fost aleasă Romania, în timpul înregistrării:
Pentru a atașa MasterCard, avem nevoie de Firefox și extensia FIREBUG.
1. Alegem Withdraw;
2. Accesăm Withdraw funds to your card;
3. Pornim FIREBUG (în cazul cu Visa/VisaElectron treceți automat la pasul 7);

4. Selectăm forma și observăm o singură opțiune: VISA 
5. Selectăm option selected=" " value="'V"'>Visa</option>
apăsăm Edit în FIREBUG, după care mai adăugăm o linie: 
option value="'M"'>MasterCard</option>

6. Acum alegem Card Type - MasterCard.
7. Mai departe, ca deobicei: numărul, anul, CVV.
Thank you whatismyip
Данная инструкция работает, если при регистрации выбрали Romania:
Для добавления MasterCard  нужен браузер Firefox (либо любой другой) и плагин FIREBUG
1. Выбираем Withdraw
2. Нажимаем Withdraw funds to your card и тут, если у вас не добавлена ни одна карточка, либо добавлена мастер, появляется поле добавления карточки VISA (выбрано Romania)
3. Подключаем FIREBUG (в случае Visa/VisaElectron переходим сразу на 7-ой пункт)

4. Наводим на форму и видим только 1 опцию VISA 
5. Выбираем в коде option selected=" " value="'V"'>Visa</option>
нажимаем редактировать в FIREBUG и добавляем после нее еще строчку: 
option value="'M"'>MasterCard</option>

6. И теперь в списке  выбираем Card Type - MasterCard.
7. Дальше все как обычно при добавлении карточки: номер, год, CVV.
Thank you whatismyip
Verificarea sau scoaterea limitelor de pe un PP account

Pentru a verifica sau a scoate limitele de pe account-ul DVS aveți nevoie de următoarele documente:
Lista nr. telefon suport clientela băncilor din RM
BC '"ENERGBANK" S.A.              (+373) 22  271441
BC "ProCredit Bank" S.A.          (+373) 22  270707
BC "MOBIASBANCA GSG" S.A.  (+373) 22  256555
BC "MAIB" S.A.                          (+373) 22  450603
Banca de Economii S.A.            (+373) 22  222304
BC "BANCA SOCIALĂ" S.A.      (+373) 22  224022
BC "VICTORIABANK" S.A.        (+373) 22  234818
BC "EXIMBANK - GVB" S.A.      (+373) 22  210202
BC "Moldindconbank" S.A.        (+373) 22  548940
BC "EuroCreditBank" S.A.        (+373) 22  500220
BC "UNIBANK" S.A.                  (+373) 22  210202
BC "COMERŢBANK" S.A.          (+373) 22  839807
BCR Chişinău S.A.                    (+373) 22  211705
"Valoarea în vamă, sau din ce se calculează devamarea"

Secţiunea a 33-a
Valoarea în vamă a mărfurilor
Articolul 214. Modul de determinare a valorii în vamă a mărfurilor
Valoarea în vamă a mărfurilor se determină potrivit Legii cu privire la tariful vamal.


Capitolul IV
    Articolul 10. Metodele de determinare a valorii în vamă
                        a mărfii
    (1) Valoarea în vamă a mărfii introduse pe teritoriul vamal se determină prin următoarele metode:
    a) în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfa respectivă ori în baza preţului efectiv plătit sau de plătit;
    b) în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfă identică;
    c) în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfă similară;
    d) în baza costului unitar al mărfii;
    e) în baza valorii calculate a mărfii;
    f) prin metoda de rezervă.
    (2) Principala metodă dintre cele specificate la alin.(1) este metoda determinării valorii în vamă a mărfii în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfa respectivă. În cazul în care metoda principală nu poate fi aplicată, se folosesc alte metode. Fiecare din metodele succesive se aplică doar în cazul în care valoarea în vamă a mărfii nu poate fi determinată prin metoda precedentă. Metodele prevăzute la lit.d) şi e) pot fi aplicate în orice consecutivitate, la dorinţa declarantului.
    Articolul 11. Metoda determinării valorii în vamă a
                          mărfii în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfa
                          respectivă ori în baza preţului efectiv plătit
                          sau de plătit
    (1) La determinarea valorii în vamă a mărfii în baza valorii tranzacţiei cu marfa respectivă ori în baza preţului efectiv plătit sau de plătit, în valoarea tranzacţiei se includ următoarele componente în cazul în care nu au fost incluse anterior în valoarea mărfii:
  a) cheltuielile pentru transportul mărfii la aeroport sau în alt loc de introducere a mărfii pe teritoriul vamal:
    - cheltuielile aferente asigurării;
    - costul transportului;
    - costul încărcării, descărcării şi transbordării mărfii;

Valoarea neimpozabilă a bagajelor importate de persoanele fizice pînă la 300 de euro

În atenția persoanelor fizice - modificări privind modul de introducere a bunurilor

Îcepînd cu 1 ianuarie 2014 a fost majorată valoarea neimpozabilă a bagajelor importate de persoanele fizice pînă la 300 de euro. Astfel, cetățenii au dreptul de a introduce în Republica Moldova, fără achitarea taxei vamale și altor impozite bunuri a căror valoare în vamă nu depășește suma de 300 euro (anterior valoarea a fost limitată pînă la 200 de euro). Scutirea de impozite este valabilă dacă bunurile din bagajele personale ale călătorilor nu sunt destinate activităţii comerciale sau de producţie.

Valoare neimpozabilă în sumă de 300 de euro se aplică și trimiterilor poștale internaționale. Astfel, cetățenii pot primi, prin intermediul trimiterilor poştale internaţionale, bunuri cu condiţia că valoarea lor în vamă nu depăşeşte suma de 300 euro şi nu sînt destinate activităţii comerciale sau de producţie.

Specificăm, că la stabilirea destinaţiei mărfurilor se iau în considerare categoria și cantitatea mărfii, precum și circumstanţele legate de călătorie (scopul călătoriei, durata ei, ţara în care s-a aflat şi ţara în care pleacă persoana). Obligaţia de a confirma faptul că marfa nu este destinată activităţii comerciale sau de producţie se pune în seama persoanei fizice care deplasează marfa.

Cu referire la valoarea bunurilor, aceasta se determină în baza valorii în vamă, conform metodelor stipulate în Legea nr.1380-XIII din 20 noiembrie 1997 cu privire la tariful vamal.

Notă: Modificarile respective au fost operate în Legea 1569-XV din 20 decembrie 2002 cu privire la modul de introducere și scoatere a bunurilor de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova de către persoane fizice, și sunt publicate în Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova nr. 320-321 din 31 decembrie 2013 (Legea nr. 324 din 23 decembrie 2013, cu privire la modificarea și completarea unor acte legislative).

Secţia Managementul relaţiilor publice
Tel. 574-181
Informație utilă
Withdraw from limited account
Shipping time

Termenul livrării : 20-40 zile.

Termenul livrării : 15-35 zile.


Termenul livrării : 15-25 zile.


sper să Vă ajute)
Shopping on-line cu livrare in MD
Value of Order---Posta simpla--- UPS
$00.00 - 100.00 -------$28------ $42
$100.01 - 200.00------ $39------ $60
$200.01 - 300.00------ $49------ $75 livrarea incepind cu 5$ livrarea 30 euro ca ebay ca ebay ca ebay ca ebay ca ebay ca ebay livrare gratis produse organice, naturale USA. reducere -5$ doar la prima comanda cod: CIK556 incaltaminte cosmetica, creme... Livrarea pina in MD costa 19.7 Euro indiferent de cite produse adaugi in cos. craft, broderii Стоимость доставки заказов: Вес заказа Стоимость (евро/руб.) до 1 кг 8€ / 352 руб. до 2 кг 19,50€ / 858 руб. до 5 кг 29€ / 1276 руб. до 10 кг 34€ / 1496 руб. до 20 кг 44€ / 1936 руб. make-up make-up livrarea gratis make-up make-up livrarea gratis make-up pe livrare minim 15.50$ make-up make-up

Oameni, până să-mi scriți în PM uitați-vă în paginile temei. Cel mai probabil veți găsi răspunsul acolo. Întrebările la care deja s-a răspuns aici, vor fi ignorate.

For @ll:
:offtopic:  =>

Link-uri utile:
Mulțumesc lui Michaell, pentru străduința depusă în formarea acestei pagini!

Editat de către AxE! la 2014-10-28 13:57:38

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#23751 by System at 2013-09-09 12:48:03 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23750 Gutzu, care e sursa acestei informatii?

So if you use eBay or PayPal, then this guide is for you.
If you're receiving money on PayPal, and somehow, your PayPal account ends up limited, then you will find this useful.
If you're getting auctions delisted and your eBay accounts are getting constantly banned, then make sure to read this.
And if you have no idea what eBay or PayPal is, you're lucky. Perhaps read this anyway, it might be entertaining.

My Story

So I've been personally using eBay and PayPal for years and years now. I suppose by now, you can call me a veteran. I have battle-scars to prove with these two companies, countless account limitations, piles of frozen money. When I got another $X,XXX stuck in an account limited just 2 days ago, it dawned onto me (other than the fact that this really sucks), that a lot of other people are probably in the same position that I am. So at that moment, I decided that I was going to write the "Ultimate Safety Guide for eBay and PayPal", so that I could help out the hundreds of other people facing the same issues as me.

For many people and myself personally, it's a love-hate relationship with eBay and PayPal. Damned if you do, damned if you don't - at the end of the day, you're going to need them one way or another. I've spent quite some time researching some alternatives and there really isn't much as far as substitutes go, so the best way to really deal with the issue is to educate yourself on how to use these services responsibly so that you don't run into problems as often (I say as often because it would be unrealistic to eliminate problems completely).

This guide is going to be split into 3 pieces. It is as follows:
1. How to go stealth on eBay and PayPal
2. Safety Guide for PayPal - How to use PayPal without getting limited
3. Safety Guide for eBay - How to use eBay without getting suspended
My goal in this guide was to teach you some common suspension issues so that it’ll save you a lot of stress and frustration in the long run.

Basic Stealth Information for eBay and PayPal

With every account, you need to do the following things:
1. Different IP
2. Different user account on your computer (you can create new ones from the control panel)
3. Don't mix and match different accounts, it will link them together and all will get banned.

How to change your IP if you're in the United States or Canada:

To do this, log into your router (if you have a router) at or or (depending on your router), and manually change your MAC address (a couple digits is fine), and save the settings. Afterwards, turn off your router and your cable modem for 10 minutes and turn them back on. Use to check that your IP address has changed.

• Go to to check your current IP address
• Log into your router
• Change the last 3-4 digits on your MAC address (should be an option inside the router)
• Save changes, and cut the power to your router and your cable modem
• Start them up again 10 minutes later
• You should have a new IP address now
• Check at to confirm that IP address has changed

Safety Guide for PayPal

How to use PayPal without getting limited

If you want to learn how to prevent getting suspended on PayPal, you're going tohave to first understand a little bit about how it works. First off, PayPal limits accounts with suspicious or "high-risk" activity in order to prevent losses. The way it does this is by robots that are trained to identify certain behavior - certain triggers cause them to freeze up accounts.

Now, here's the thing - they use robots to monitor your accounts. Since there are millions of PayPal accounts and thousands of transactions happening at every second, it is very unrealistic for them to have a big room of people monitoring every little activity. So these is essentially what happens in a nutshell when a limitation occurs.

Suspicious activity being done --> Robot picks up on the suspicious activity and triggers limitation --> PayPal asks for additional information --> PayPal human employee reviews information to reinstate your account or permanently limit it.
But here's the good thing about robots - they're actually very predictable. If you can learn what these triggers limitations, you can avoid them like land mines. So without further delay, let's start learning some of the types of behaviors thatcause limitations.

Site Owners: Before you attach a new stealth PayPal to your website, READ THIS FIRST.

If you’ve had a PayPal attached to your website before and it gets limited, PayPal then blacklists your domain name from ever using PayPal again. So if you try toattach a new stealth account directly to your site, you’ll get banned again. Luckily, there is a solution.

Solution: If you use a third-party checkout tool that uses PayPal you’ll be able to accept PayPal without fear of being limited. Another thing that you can use is host the checkout on a different domain name so that the PayPal doesn’t see it. I’ve seen some people manually invoice their customers using PayPal too.

0. Always know your stealth basics

Learn how to access stealth accounts without getting limited. That means no proxies, no IP's that change every 2 seconds (so no TOR or HMA).

Step 1 - Know your basics!

Here are some of the most common mistakes committed:
a. Use proxies, HMA, TOR, or any of those "IP hiding softwares". eBay and PayPal have blacklisted these IPs'. If you use them, you will get banned, simple as that.
b. Not changing your user account between different PayPal or eBay accounts.
The exception is if you use a VPS (remote computer) as the files are separated automatically then.

a. Change your IP legitimately through your cable or DSL company. Or even easier, just buy a windows-based VPS with an IP in the same country as your PayPal or eBay.
b. Go to your control panel, create a separate user for your new PayPal or eBay account. Use your PayPal and eBay exclusively just on that user account. Even easier, just buy a windows-based VPS with an IP in the same country as your PayPal or eBay.

1. Moving money too fast

Cause: One of the most common ways to get an account suspended is by moving money too fast. Let me give you an example.
Let's just say that you received $200 right. Then 5 minutes later you try sending that $50 to someone else or try to buy something with it. Boom, your account gets limited. In PayPal's eyes, the reason why they limited you is that when you move money too fast, it looks suspicious, so they limit your account and stop you dead in the tracks.

So it applies to:
Receive money --> send money
Receive money --> withdraw money

Solution: When you receive money in your PayPal account, let it sit in there for 2-3 days before you try spending it, withdrawing it, or doing anything with your money.

2. Taking in too much money

Cause: The second most common way to get an account suspended is by taking in too much money at one time. Look at it from PayPal's stand-point. If a guy that doesn't have an established history of receiving large amounts of money suddenly starts getting hundreds of dollars at one time, it looks pretty suspicious. Don't be the guy that receives too much money at one time, or you'll get PayPal limiting you and asking you for personal details.

Solution: So how much money is too much? On a newer account, start off by taking payments less than or around $100 and don't let the total balance on the account get above $500. If the money gets near $500, wait a couple days and withdraw it or send it to another account. Of course, when your stealth account gets older, you can start getting larger amounts of money, but if you really want to be safe, that's the general guideline you should follow. Now if you need to receive more money than that, just use multiple stealth accounts to break the payments up.

Another potential outcome if you take in money too fast is that they will ask you for social security information in order to make sure you're properly taxed. Now PayPal quotes that this number is something like 200 transactions of $20,000 a year, whichever comes first. However, if you come out of the gate taking in a lot of money, they'll ask you for social security much sooner. So the best way to combat this is to just receive money through different accounts so the funds are more dispersed.

3. Spending/Withdrawing Exact Amounts of Money/Not leaving any money left in PayPal

Cause: Let's just say that you have $600 in your PayPal balance. If you try to go ahead and withdraw $600, you'll get limited. Always try to leave some money in PayPal, at least 10% (don't make it exact). When you withdraw like all your balance, it makes PayPal think that you're robbing the bank and skipping town. That means it's suspicious, so don't do this.

Solution: Always try to leave some money in PayPal (at least 10%). So for example, if you're withdrawing $600, leave like 60-70 dollars in there, don't withdraw everything. You'd be surprised how many people get limited by this sort of problem.

4. Error: When you try to send money, and get this message: "Add funds in your PayPal before sending money" when you do have money in the available balance

Cause: When you try to move money too fast on a relatively new PayPal account. PayPal has this this filter that prevents you from sending out money. If you have a relatively new account and get this message, your account is under a soft review. However, don't freak out, because chances are, if you don't do anything else that's suspicious during this time, they'll usually release the balance in a couple of days.

Solution: When you get this message, don't try to send money out over and over again. Just leave the balance for a week and come back to try to send it again. It could last up to 21 days, so try again here and there. Most of the time, it's resolved after a couple of days.

5. Ask for "identity verification" through phone call.

If this happens, just press cancel, and they will let you confirm other information, specifically your full bank account numbers. After you enter this, your account will go back to normal status.

Part 3: Safety Guide for eBay - How to not get Limited

Using eBay without getting suspended is very similar to using PayPal without getting limited. This shouldn't be very surprising because PayPal is owned by eBay. The only thing that differs really is the function. eBay is used to buy and sell items, PayPal is used to send and receive money. So let's get started with the most common suspensions on eBay.

1. MC999 Suspension - When you're a relatively new user and you get this notice when you're trying to list your first item.

So you just got an account, and you list your first item. After 12-24 hours later, your item gets taken down and they give you this notice when you log into your account. However, don't panic, because this is relatively common - about 25% of new accounts get this the first time that they list.

Solution: Within 48 hours of getting this notice, call eBay up directly at their phone number. I believe it's 1-866-877-3229. Talk to the customer service representative and ask them why your account got limited. Then answer some questions and confirm account details with them. The questions that they're going to ask will go something like this:

First, they will transfer you to an account specialist.
This account specialist is going to ask you the following questions:
Is this your own item (respond yes, and nod your head)
Is somebody helping you with listing (respond no, and shake your head)
Are you drop shipping the item or have it in your possession (tell them that it's in your possession. do NOT let them know you're drop shipping, even if you actually are).

And that should be it. Then they'll take 2-3 minutes to review your account, and give you 3 possible responses:

Possible response #1: If you listed an item that is relatively low risk (non-branded or a brand that's not commonly counterfeited), then they'll tell you that they've unlimited your account and you're ready to list again.

Possible response #2: If you listed an item that is pretty high risk (a brand that is commonly counterfeited and protected by their VERO - verified rights owner program), then they will tell you that you're selling items that are too risky, and that they cannot do business with you anymore. At this point, they will permanently suspend your account.

Possible response #3: If you list an item that is high risk, they will ask for you to verify your identity with the account by faxing in your ID and some personal information. Of course, if you have a stealth account, chances are you won't be able to provide this documentation.

This brings me to the second most common suspension reason.

2. You're selling items that are too high risk!

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to selling on eBay is that people think they can sell just about anything. This couldn't be further from the truth. On eBay, items are either high risk or low risk. It all depends on the brand name of the item. Brands like Dre Beats are high risk whereas other brands like Abercrombie and Fitch are low risk. If you list a high risk item, your item will get delisted from eBay and you'll get suspended (if you're new, you'll get suspended permanently. If you're a veteran, they'll put one strike on your account - you can get three strikes before getting perm-banned).

Solution: Know which items are high risk and which ones are low risk. The only definitive way is to just go ahead and list some items and mark down which ones get removed and which ones don't.

The key to eBay is simple. Start slowly without selling items that are high risk until you have a good amount of feedback and established selling history. Disburse sales through multiple accounts to diversify your risk and decrease the volume per account.

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#23752 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 12:52:15 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23751 spytorrents, pentru MD nu e valabil! Din start, din moment ce PayPal nu este in MD oficial.

Mesaj util ?   Da   2 puncte
#23753 by Gutzu (^_^) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 15:18:49 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23751 spytorrents,

#23752 adrianis, tu ai citit ce e scris acolo ?

zimi ca asta nu e valabil pentru MD

" Spending/Withdrawing Exact Amounts of Money/Not leaving any money left in PayPal

Cause: Let's just say that you have $600 in your PayPal balance. If you try to go ahead and withdraw $600, you'll get limited. Always try to leave some money in PayPal, at least 10% (don't make it exact). When you withdraw like all your balance, it makes PayPal think that you're robbing the bank and skipping town. That means it's suspicious, so don't do this.

Solution: Always try to leave some money in PayPal (at least 10%). So for example, if you're withdrawing $600, leave like 60-70 dollars in there, don't withdraw everything. You'd be surprised how many people get limited by this sort of problem.

Mesaj util ?   Da   1 puncte
#23754 by System at 2013-09-09 18:48:32 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ce intradevar drop shippingu e interzis pe ebay? sau asta nui drept?

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#23755 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 18:52:56 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
fost cateva zile in urma si am scris cerere pentru card la bem, mai am un card care e atasat la un cont de paypal dar vreau sa imi fac altul. la intrebarea "ce doriti sa primiti pe card?" am raspuns - bani :D

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#23756 by delenius (Lion Movies Releaser) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 19:21:05 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
vreau sa ma inregistrez pe paypal si nu-mi primeste nr de telefon. am incercat mai multe formate. cum sa scriu? in plus pot sa scriu la inregistrare un nume altul decit cum este scris pe card? multumesc.

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#23757 by moonspell23 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:27:51 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23756 delenius, nr. il scrii in formatul international adica 00373 - nr tau de telefon , fara zero, inainte !!!

#23756 delenius, "... un nume altul decit cum este scris pe card ..." - Nu stiu, dar parerea mea este ca ar trebui sa coincida, pot aparea suspiciuni.

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#23758 by SolomonKane (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:37:06 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Cine stie site-uri cu haine si incaltaminte care livreaza in MD?numai nu tare scumpe,mersi !!!

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#23759 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:40:00 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23753 Gutzu, "... zimi ca asta nu e valabil pentru MD
" Spending/Withdrawing Exact Amounts of Money/Not leaving any money left in PayPal ..." - iti zic! Ce urmeaza?
Extragi pe card emis de o banca din MD? Mai departe continua gindul singur!

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#23760 by moonspell23 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:44:16 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23758 SolomonKane, mmmm da ebay-ul cu ce nu-i bun? incearca , nu am cumparat inca deacolo, dar oamenii zic ca-i ieftin, si livrare gratis

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#23761 by SolomonKane (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:46:52 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23760 moonspell23, nu prea ma aranjeaza e-bay pentru a cumpara haine,pe site care vind haine online mai sunt reduceri mai ales cind cumperi mai mult))) vreu ceva de calitate nu China!

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#23762 by moonspell23 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 21:52:34 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23761 SolomonKane, Daca gasesti ceva interesant, sa-mi scrii adresele si mie in PM . Mersi!

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#23763 by System at 2013-09-09 22:02:22 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23761 SolomonKane, ASOS

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#23764 by SolomonKane (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 22:08:43 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23763 spytorrents, multumesc,cam nu mo atras nici o haina la ei :D

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#23765 by System at 2013-09-09 22:12:23 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23764 SolomonKane, "... cam nu mo atras nici o haina la ei ..." - ap nu ai de ales dar, alege china dar :)

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#23766 by SolomonKane (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 22:16:54 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23765 spytorrents, crezi ca totul inafara de asos e china? :D

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#23767 by BeautifulMind (Eu) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-09 22:24:25 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23766 SolomonKane, sportsdirect, depinde de ce haine ai nevoie. Recent am cumparat o pereche de nikeuri de la dinsii sunt multumit.

In caz ca vrei, putem sa facem o comanda comuna sa platim livrarea mai iefint.)

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#23768 by System at 2013-09-09 22:25:06 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23766 SolomonKane, "... crezi ca totul inafara de asos e china ..." - nici nu am afirmat :D o alegere placuta in continuare la toti... nb

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#23769 by CrashPk (Youth like summer morn...) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 12:31:46 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Salut ,daca imi scrie asa pe royal mail la track & trace,deci pot sa merg sa ridic pachetul la oficiul postal de pe sector sau la acela principal de la gara ??? ms
Your item, posted on 02/09/13 with reference RU24***** has arrived in KISHINEV and is being processed for delivery.

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#23770 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 12:38:48 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23769 CrashPk, introdu-l aici: si vezi exact unde se afla.
Cind va fi parvenirea in oficiul de distribuire - atunci poti merge la oficul postal sa-l iai.

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#23771 by CrashPk (Youth like summer morn...) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 12:51:08 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23770 adrianis, 9/4/2013 11:30:00 AM UNITED KINGDOM LANGLEY HWDC Expedierea trimiterii in strainatate --si ce inseamna asta ?? pe royal mail scrie ca e in chisiau dar aici imi spune ca deabia se trimite in strainatate ) ?

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#23772 by Ross (The Good Admin | Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 12:53:09 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23771 CrashPk, ceva nu merge.. te orientezi dupa ....

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#23773 by CrashPk (Youth like summer morn...) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 12:55:00 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23772 Ross, da imi scrie asta pe din data de cind am dat comanda ,de ce sa nu cred ce scrie pe royal mail ?poate la noi e ceva problema ...

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#23774 by Ross (The Good Admin | Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 14:02:35 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23773 CrashPk, crede si spera cum vrei tu... oricum pe tre sa apara info ca a ajuns in tara.. si ca a ajus la oficiul tau local... asa ca asteapta...

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#23775 by adrianis Donor (Manchester United Fan) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-10 14:17:48 (596 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#23771 CrashPk, va aparea

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