#0 by mike007 (Adobe Photoshopovici) (0 mesaje) at 2009-08-31 18:11:18 (808 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Despre Film
Two and a Half Men is an American television sitcom, which premiered on CBS on Monday, September 22, 2003. The sitcom stars Ashton Kutcher, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones.
The show is about a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie, his uptight brother, Alan, and his (at the start of the series) 10-year-old nephew, Jake. Charlie's free-wheeling life is complicated and altered when his brother gets divorced and moves into his beach-front house.
There have been six seasons of Two and a Half Men. On March 18, 2009, CBS renewed the show for an additional three seasons.
To date, six seasons have been broadcasted and the show has been renewed for three more seasons.[5] The show's 100th episode "City of Great Racks" aired on October 15, 2007. To celebrate this, a casino-inspired party was held at West Hollywood's Pacific Design Center.[6] Warner Brothers Television also distributed blue Micargi Rover bicycles adorned with the Two and a Half Men logo along with the words "100 Episodes." Each bicycle came with a note saying "You've made us very proud. Here's to a long ride together."[6] The cast also gifted the crew with sterling silver key rings from Tiffany & Co. The key rings were attached to small pendants with "100" inscribed on one side and Two and a Half Men on the other.
CBS has announced that Season 7 is set to kick off on Monday, September 21, 2009 at 9:00PM ET.
* Ashton Kutcher as Walden Schmidt
* Jon Cryer as Alan Jerome Harper, Charlie's twice-divorced chiropractor brother, who is more conscientious than his brother, but continually stricken with bad luck and teased by Charlie. After losing his house to his wife Judith in the divorce process, he resides with Charlie. He is generally a nice and polite person, but seems to have a weakness for women who treat him poorly, which may stem from the non-nurturing relationship he had with his and Charlie's mother. In the Season 4 episode, "Repeated Blows to his Unformed Head," it is revealed that Alan is a maieusiophile. Jon Cryer plays the part of the younger brother, by two years, yet in real life he is a few months older than Charlie Sheen. Prior to Two and a Half Men, Cryer and Sheen appeared together in the 1991 comedy Hot Shots!
* Angus T. Jones as Jacob David "Jake" Harper, the underachieving son of Alan and Judith. He spends most of his free time playing video games, eating, watching television, playing guitar, sleeping and expelling bodily odors. He also is an excellent poker player. He clearly loves his father and uncle but is often surly toward them. Despite popular belief, Sheen, Cryer, and Jones do not sing the show's theme song; the voice Jones is lip-syncing is actually that of female singer and voice-over artist Elizabeth Daily.
* Conchata Ferrell (season 2 onward; recurring in season 1), as their sharp-tongued housekeeper Berta. Although Berta's manner may be viewed as sarcastic, Alan and Charlie still treat her with a great deal of respect, and it is clear that the household cannot function properly without her. She has a sister named Daisy, played by Camryn Manheim, with whom she does not get along. She also has three daughters and a number of granddaughters, who she herself states are "sleazy and easy" and sometimes brings along to work. A notable example was when she brought her teenage granddaughter Prudence, who is played by Megan Fox. She has been known to attend many of the Harper family functions when not working.
* Holland Taylor as Evelyn Harper, Charlie and Alan's conceited, self-centered mother and Jake's grandmother. She expresses a superficial fondness for her sons and grandson, but she rarely lives up the self-perceived image that she's a devoted and misunderstood matriarch. Her sons and grandson generally return the favor and go out of their way to avoid interacting with her on most occasions. Her wide-ranging sex life is a recurring gag throughout the series. The family frequently refers to her as "the devil", and Charlie has her number on his cell phone under "666". Further proof of her strange demeanor is shown on a Halloween episode where she scares off a practicing satanist, who Charlie was dating, just by declaring "These are my sons".
* Marin Hinkle as Judith Melnick, Alan's vindictive, self-absorbed, and humorless ex-wife. She seems to despise Alan and takes any chance to humiliate him. She was the first woman Alan ever slept with, but their marriage was cold and she said that the only time she was ever happy being sexual was when she was pregnant with Jake. She made no secret of living luxuriously with Alan's alimony, going as far as to get breast implants. She has since remarried to Dr. Herb Melnick (Ryan Stiles), Jake's pediatrician, a union that brought joy to Alan because it meant he no longer had to pay alimony. In Season 6, she threw Herb out of the house and briefly reunited with Alan before reconciling with Herb, and it was later revealed she was pregnant with a girl. Alan feared he was the father, but Judith said she would kill him if he revealed that he slept with her, and after she gave birth in the Season 6 finale the child's parentage remained uncertain.
* Melanie Lynskey (starring seasons 1-2; recurring season 3 onward) as their neighbor Rose, another of Charlie's one-night stands and neighbor who became his stalker, but the Harper family considers her a friend. Frequently unannounced and uninvited, Rose usually enters and exits Charlie's house by climbing onto the backyard deck and easily bypassing the locks. She has even been caught by Charlie and Alan as she watched them sleeping on several occasions. In Season 6, she became friend with Charlie's fiance Chelsea and went on a blind date with Alan; the two began dating before Rose evinced the same jealousy and possessiveness towards Alan that she had applied towards Charlie, right down to gluing things to his nether regions. Although she is somewhat mentally unhinged and obsessed with Charlie, Rose expressed that she "has an undergraduate degree from Princeton University and a Masters Degree in behavioral psychology from Stanford University". Throughout the series, Rose has applied her knowledge of interpersonal communication towards the various situations that arise. Her family is involved in banking and oil, making them, and implicitly her, extremely wealthy. Martin Sheen, who is Charlie Sheen's real-life father, made a guest-appearance on the show as Rose's equally-disturbed father. She also has five ferrets, all named after Charlie, as was revealed in Season 2's "Salmon Under My Sweater" episode before she left for Britain.
* Jennifer Bini Taylor as Chelsea, Charlie's girlfriend for most of season six, who has moved into his house by season's end. Formerly a one-night stand, Chelsea, besides Lisa and Mia, seems to be the only other woman out of Charlie's countless relationships that has caused him to try and make positive changes in his debaucherous lifestyle. She has become close friends with Alan, something Charlie enjoys because that way Alan goes to museums and foreign films and other activities that Charlie cannot stand. Prior to starring as Chelsea, Jennifer had appeared briefly as three different characters in previous seasons: as Suzanne in the series' pilot (season 1), as Tina in "Last Chance to See Those Tattoos" (season 2), and as Nina in "The Leather Gear Is in the Guest Room" (season 5).
* Ryan Stiles (recurring season 2 onward) as pediatrician Herb Melnick, Judith's goofy, train-hobbyist new husband and Jake's stepfather. Though he is married to uptight Judith, he is a laid-back guy, and he seems to get along with Alan and Jake. He seems to envy aspects of the Harper brothers' lives, such Charlie's partying and the fact that Alan was married to a girl like Kandi.
* Jane Lynch as Dr. Linda Freeman, initially as Jake's, then as Charlie's and Alan's psychiatrist. Often when Charlie or Alan are just getting to the root of their problem, Dr. Freeman notes that the area is interesting, "but, unfortunately, we're out of time." She prides herself as a guesser and is quite sarcastic, especially with Charlie. During her sessions with Jake, Dr. Freeman displays a rather quirky demeanor and is noted for her use of a cow hand puppet.
* April Bowlby (recurring season 3-4) as Kimber in her first appearance, then as Kandi thereafter, was initially Charlie's gorgeous, young, and extremely dim-witted girlfriend who subsequently became involved with Alan. Kandi and Alan had a superficial relationship based mostly on sex, but they eventually wed in Las Vegas, where they also won half-a-million dollars. After only four months of marriage, and Kandi spending nearly all of their winnings, she and Alan separated. When Kandi was offered a role on a CSI-spoof drama (Bowlby previously starred in both CSI and CSI: NY), she finally signed their divorce papers and hasn't been seen since.
Actor Charlie Sheen enters rehab
Charlie Sheen
Sheen spent much of Christmas Day in a cell
Actor Charlie Sheen has entered rehab and will be taking a break from filming his popular TV series, Two and a Half Men, his publicist has said.
It comes two months after the 44-year-old was arrested following a fight with his wife, Brooke Mueller, at their home in Aspen, Colorado on Christmas day.
He was later charged with assaulting and threatening her and is due to return to court on 15 March.
Mueller is also in rehab seeking treatment, her lawyer said.
Sheen's publicist, Stan Rosenfield, said the actor will "take some time off" from filming his TV series. Sheen's decision to enter rehab was taken as a "preventative measure," he added.
"He has asked that his privacy be honoured. No further statements are planned," Mr Rosenfield said.
He did not provide details on what type of rehabilitation facility Sheen had entered.
CBS and the creator of Two and a Half Men said in a statement that they "support Charlie Sheen in his decision today to begin voluntary in-patient care at a treatment centre. We wish him nothing but the best as he deals with this personal matter."
They confirmed shooting would be temporarily suspended.
Earlier this month, Sheen was charged with menacing, misdemeanour assault and criminal mischief against his wife.
The menacing charge covers the alleged use of a deadly weapon in a threatening manner.
He could face up to three years behind bars if convicted.
Two and a Half Men: Ashton Kutcher Taken Charlie Sheen’s Spot
Ashton Kutcher unveiled his sign about taking Charlie Sheen’s spot on “Two and a Half Men” in Nancy O’Dell’s recent visit to the set.The stars of “Two and a Half” Men recently posed for the cover of local magazine, and in a new behind-the-scenes video of the shoot, it appears like Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones have welcomed newcomer Ashton Kutcher with open arms.
CBS has debut a new opening credits series for the show “Two and a Half Men” season 9. It also features new lead actor Ashton Kutcher and returning stars, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones, singing the theme song with a background of the well-known red curtain.Like the earlier released promo picture, in this opening series Ashton takes the center spot which was initially placed by Jones. Meanwhile, the Jake depicter takes over the place which originally belonged to Charlie Sheen.
The new season of “Two and a Half Men” will kick off Monday night, September 19 at 9 p.m. Dishing on how Jake handles the death of his uncle Charlie Harper, Jones lately admitted that, He think Jake does not really care at all. So far, so far he has a wall and he does not know if he is ever gone break down and just cries for a minute, he added, while Cryer chimed in, we tuck it away.Ashton Kutcher is one of the highest paid actors on television, plays an internet billionaire, who goes to Jon Cryer’s role for love advice after being heartbroken. Meanwhile, there’s no love loss between the men of the show as they harshly teased each other during their time with Nancy.
19-year-old actress and singer, Miley Cyrus, will be guest-starring for a two-episode arc in the upcoming season 10 of Two and a Half Men. Apparently, Cyrus will play an old family friend of internet billionaire Walden Schmidt (Ashton Kutcher) named Missi, who also develops a relationship with Jake (Angus T. Jones) when he comes home from the Army.
Also making an appearance this season on Two and a Half Men will be Grammy Award-winning singer Michael Bolton who will guest star as a somewhat fictionalizes version of himself. Series stars Jon Cryer, Angus T. Jones and Ashton Kutcher are all returning for at least one more year – but co-creator Lee Aronsohn will be stepping down from his position as series showrunner to be replaced by executive producers Don Reo and Jim Patterson.
Doi Barbati si Jumatate s-a transformat in Trei Barbati. Angus T. Jones implineste 19 ani:
Angus T. Jones a crescut in fata camerelor de filmat si a ajuns in 10 ani de la copilul simpatic la un tanar actor extrem de talentat. Nu acelasi lucru se poate spune si despre personajul sau Jake din serialul Doi Barbati si Jumatate. Pe 8 octombrie, actorul implineste 19 ani iar fanii americani il roaga cu fiecare ocazie sa incerce si alte roluri.
Pentru ultimul sezon al serialului - cel cu numarul 9 - Angus T. Jones a primit un salariu de peste 6 milioane de dolari, insa la finalul sau, fanii americani au avut senzatia ca Jake, personajul jucat de acesta isi ia adio de la ei. Jake Harper, desi nu a fost un model pentru sistemul de educatie din America, a absolvit liceul si s-a inrolat in armata, semn ca in sezonul cu numarul 10, care a debutat peste Ocean pe 27 septembrie, il vom vedea din ce in ce mai putin.
Pe multi dintre fanii serialului modul in care creatorul sau, Chuck Lorre, a decis sa-l transforme pe adolescentul Jake Harper i-a dezamagit. In sezonul care s-a incheiat in aceasta primavara personajul lui Angus T. Jones a aratat din ce in ce mai lipsit de maturitate si de sclipirea sa din primele sezoane cand era un copil de doar 8 ani. Fanii serialului au remarcat cu tristete pe retelele de socializare ca Jake a fost portretizat complet lipsit de responsabilitate iar episodul in care a fumat marijuana a dezamagit pe multi. In sezonul 10, Angus T. Jones apare in ipostaza de soldat, insa scenele cu el au fost extrem de scurte.
Jones a declarat anul trecut ca nu stie daca isi va mai continua cariera de actor dupa terminarea serialului Two and A Half Men, desi impresionati de talentul sau fanii i-au cerut in repetate randuri sa incerce si alte roluri. Actorul pare decis insa sa stea cat mai departe de ochii presei. Poate faptul ca o mare parte din familia sa are probleme cu legea il face sa fie tot mai retras. Atat mama cat si tatal sau au fost arestati in repetate randuri pentru scandal, ultraj, posesie de droguri sau arme, in timp ce unchiul sau este la inchisoare pentru omor.
"Este foarte ciudat sa joc un rol de adult. Lucrez cu acesti oameni de cand aveam 8 ani. Fac lucruri de adulti, insa nu ma simt unul" a declarat in acest an actorul nascut in Texas. Angus T. Jones a mai avut doar cateva roluri secundare in productii ca See Spot Run, The Rookie, Bringing Down the House, George of the Jungle 2, si The Christmas Blessing. Primele doua episoade din sezonul 10 din Two and a Half Men/ Doi barbati si jumatate au avut audiente de 15 respectiv 12 milioane de telespectatori, in scadere cu 67 % fata de anul trecut iar presa de entertainment din SUA face deja speculatii cu privire la finalul definitiv al serialului.
In urma cu 10 ani, Chuck Lorre l-a considerat perfect si l-a distribuit imediat pe Angus T. Jones in rolul micutului Jack ce vine alaturi de tatal sau Alan (Jon Cryer) sa locuiasca cu unchiul Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen) un burlac foarte instarit, care se bucura de toate avantajele unei existente comode
#232 by tiganca (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-11 14:25:34 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Si eu,si eu si eu...Fan List)
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#233 by Ingrosso ( ✘ ) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-11 14:44:39 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
me too
update nr.10
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#234 by tiganca (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-11 15:57:49 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Apropo cum a murit Charlie?.. Nu am vazut))
Anyway,era mai interesant serialul cu el..era cireasa de pe tort))
Mesaj util ?
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#235 by mike007 (Adobe Photoshopovici) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-11 17:01:19 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#232 tiganca,
#233 Ingrosso,
#234 tiganca, asta ei nu o aratat da matinca l-a calcat trenul, nu tin minte.
Mesaj util ?
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#236 by Ingrosso ( ✘ ) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-11 17:02:21 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#235 mike007, în loc de nr.10 ))
Mesaj util ?
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#237 by Somerhalder (îndrăgostit ♥) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 18:55:58 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
mi-e mi-a plăcut seria din sez 10, mi se pare că unica mai funny, atunci cînd Alan, crede că e Charlie.
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#238 by tiganca (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 18:57:15 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#237 Somerhalder, Apropo unde privesti Two and a half men?
Eu sunt singura,ce priveste la TV? ..acolo imi pare mai interesant))
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#239 by Somerhalder (îndrăgostit ♥) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:06:39 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#238 tiganca, eu privesc de pe TMD, dar cred că ai dreptate la televizor e mai interesant.
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#240 by dany4_ever (Remember to smile! :) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:11:40 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#238 tiganca, de la TV am shi aflat de acest serial. Tzin minte il vizionam la protv
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#241 by tiganca (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:14:05 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#239 Somerhalder, "... eu privesc de pe TMD, dar cred că ai dreptate la televizor e mai interesant. ..." - Eu la pc n-as putea privi normal,m-ar tenta siteuri-le
#240 dany4_ever, "... de la TV am shi aflat de acest serial. Tzin minte il vizionam la protv ..." - Eu tot,eu tot si acum il privesc la PROTV
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#242 by dany4_ever (Remember to smile! :) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:16:07 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#241 tiganca, ce fel de site-uri?
Mesaj util ?
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#243 by Somerhalder (îndrăgostit ♥) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:17:42 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#241 tiganca, la ProTV merge sezonul 10, dar pe JurnalTV, merg primele serii de la sezonul 1, şi cred că vor arătă pîna la 10 şi mai departe.
Mesaj util ?
Da0 puncte
#244 by tiganca (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-02-12 19:19:55 (628 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
#242 dany4_ever, "... ce fel de site-uri? ..." - Deochiate