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#0 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 13:32:15 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Vorbim despre jocurile de tip "Survival Horror"...impartasitiva parerile daca iubiti asa gen de jocuri si spuneti care jocuri de acst gen vau impresionat cel mai mult....

Eu personal cred ca seria "Resident Evil" e cea mai reusita din acest gen...practic e fondatorul acestui gen...tin minte ca inca la PS1 ma jucam in RE3 si inca noaptea ...brrr..

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#1 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 15:53:59 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
My top of survival horrors :

1. Sillent Hill - Survival horror (PS1,2)
2. Resident Evil - Survival horror (4 si 5 sunt inca third person actions)
3. Flatal Frame - Survival horror (PS2)
4. Clock Tower 3 - Survival horror (PS2)
5. Haunting Grounds - Survival Horror, Psychological horror (PS2)

PS: My favorite genre

Editat de către DoooM la 2007-08-27 18:38:40

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#2 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 17:13:46 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1 DoooM, mda..tii bine ca ai PS2...:-) ...

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#3 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 19:25:25 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Resident Evil e bun joc - dar adrenalin din el am primit minimum, iata din Clock Tower 3 am primit o partida buna de "шуганизм", atmosfera e foarte incordata :) ca si in Hounting Ground (Recomand).
PS: Toate aceste 3 jocuri sunt facute de Capcom :)

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#4 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 20:22:37 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3 DoooM, da CAPCOM rulit in horror..:-)
Da ce zici de Alone in the Dark....inca de la PS1 tin minte joaca super...foarte complicata si frumoasa pentru vremurile inca a sa apara degrabs si Alone in the Dark 5...Next gen...:)

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#5 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 20:41:40 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#4 SpeedSnake, "....foarte complicata si frumoasa pentru vremurile acelea..." - mie si acu imi place, e buna, captivanta, pazzles interesante, storylineul e interesant, dar de la horror vreau '"шуганизм". Alone in the dark e un horror-action p/u mine :), dar eu vreau atmosfera ca in Sillemt Hill : muzica si sound horror-adaptata (Akira Yamaoka RULEZzz), atmosfera nebuna, monstri originali(impachetati in polietelen sau surori medicale patate de singe si cu un picior strimb schiopateaza) Iata de ce Sillent Hiill e true horror game, dar si Clock Tower e un joc ATMOSFERIC, eu de atitea ori am tresarit :)
Fatal Frame tot e superb. Joci cu o fetita micuta care-si cauta fratele sau. Imagineaza-ti o fetita intr-un oras straniu, umbla cu o lanterna care lumineaza citiva metri de la tine + din cind in cind vezi diferite fantome care trec pe alaturi , iar unele chiar te ataca. Fighting-ul consta in : fotografierea monstrilor cu Obscure Camera, iar apoi ruperea fotografiei, astfel fantoma moare :) Foarte interesat joc.
PS: De la horror vreau horror :)

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#6 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 20:49:45 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5 DoooM, sa ti spun m-am jucat in Silent Hill The nu prea mia toate tunelurile celea foarte coplicata enerva ca erau niste monstri care nici nu te atacau la direct dar pur si simplu prezenta lor iti scadea din gindesc sa incer Silrent Hill 3..ce zici merita?

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#7 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 21:10:01 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#6 SpeedSnake, intii treci SH1 sa afle ce, cum si de unde, apoi SH3 fiindca ambele jocuri sunt legate una fiind continuare la alta. Sillent Hill 2 e unul aparte -cu un storyline aparte, insa e cel mai bun SH creat vre-odata un MUST PLAY, superb joc :)
Cit despre SH 4 e unul neordinar si cam difera de spiritul SH insa e tot interesant.
PS: Astept SH Origins, numai trailerul am vazut :(, care nu prea m-a incurajat...dar ramine de vazut si de jucat - apoi apreciez pe deplin.

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#8 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 21:20:34 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#7 DoooM, da da Silent Hill Origins e doar pentru PSP...:-(
By the way acum ma joc in Obscure.. interesanta joaca...iar toamna asta a sa apara a 2a parte...

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#9 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 21:24:11 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
La Obscure inca n-am ajuns. L-am aprins odata , am vazut cum e si gata.....dar in general trailerul mi-a lasat amintiri placute. Am sa-l trec cind eliberez ceva gamer-time. De a 2-a parte n-am shtiut.

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#10 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-27 23:08:34 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Iata trailerul la Obscure2 pus de mine... gameplayul...

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#11 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 20:58:56 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Silent Hill rupe!

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#12 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 21:01:37 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Topicul asta ma face sa-mi aduc aminte ca n-am jucat inca nici un joc din seria Resident Evil :( Trebuie intr-o zi sa ma apuc si de aceasta serie...

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#13 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 21:08:38 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12 regnumekal, da Obiazatelino!

By the way..da Silent Hil 5 o sa apara..?

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#14 by regnumekal (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 21:43:09 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#13 SpeedSnake,

It would seem The Collective is very honored to be working on Silent Hill 5 and rightfully so. After Konami announced they were passing on the developer work to an outside company, it was discovered that quite a few developers wanted to work on the IP. In the end, these other developers were "scared" out of doing such an ambitious title.

The Collective, evidently, is not so easily frightened.

Character Debacle

Although Alex may look similar to other protagonist’s in the series, he is an altogether different character. Alex Shepard is 22 years old and with that comes the attitude and thinking’s of a standard young adult.

While SHV will feature an entirely new plot (ala SH2), the developers have said

Along with Alex and his family (more on that later), a new host of characters will be featured in this entry. That doesn't mean however, that settings, situations and settings wont be familiar.

"It's important that the characters fit into the overall style of Silent Hill," says Brian Hourton (SHV Lead Artist).

About that story bit...

(what follows is a recap of the story we know so far)

Alex is in a Military Veteran's hospital, recovering from a near fatal wound he received. (It is not specified how he received the wound). While there, Alex has a premonition that his young brother, Joshua, is in danger.

He leaves the VA for his New England home town of Shepards Glen. Upon returning however, he finds his mother in a catatonic state, his brother and father missing and the entire town shrouded in a bizarre fog.


Alex's military background plays both into the game dynamics and the theme of the story. Knowing this however, the developers aren't attempting to create any sort of political standpoint.

"Alex will be confronted with horrors that reflect his psychological state" Horton adds.


To sooth everyone's soul, the grain filter will indeed return for Silent Hill V, however in addition, other filters will be added as well. Filters that give hairline cracks in the screen or are filtered with debris allow the developers to change the mood and atmosphere of the game WHILE it's being played.

Interestingly enough, the game is using the Havok engine in a unique way. The middleware is being used in the same capacity as it was in Saints Row and in the upcoming game Halo 3. Now when you bump into chairs or tables or open doors, the game will register that action in the in-game environment. Bump into a chair? It will in turn bump into a table causing not only a response physically but also audibly. This new "noise", the running on creaking floors etc, can and will alert enemies to your position."

Update! More:

"The camera is now controlled using the left analog stick and allows the player to view the horrors much better then earlier iterations. Inspired by Christopher Gan's movie adaptation, the worlds in SHV, or rather the transition between the two, will all be done in real time. Like in the movie, the setting will peal and melt away or suddenly burst into flesh painted walls."

Even more:

"All the Rest

Boss battles will be revived in this entry as well. The Collective is obsessed with delivering cinematic massive, epic boss battles. Interestingly, they are looking for Zelda like encounters...hmmm.

Endings....yes there will be many, though a number has yet to be given. The developers are looking to make the decision on which ending you are given to be much more player induced then before. Missing an item or killing someone wont automatically move you to a predetermined path. The actions you do, the way you speak to the different people you meet. These interactions will have a much more fluid transition into the story upon up intriguing possibilities.

Monsters are now fully motion-captured (ala the Silent Hill movie) and all new beasts are set to make their debut. One such creature, Siam, is a fusion of a male and female body. What’s left is a pulsating, overtly sexual enemy. Monsters will now have visible effects on them. So if an enemy has busting pustules or bleeding mouths, it will be animated, in real time and will be effected by Alex's attacks.

Some of the enemies are humanoid in nature, favorites such as the nurses, will indeed return, however the variety of creatures is said to be quite large.

(Side Note: In the Silent Hill games, the "enemies" are usually physical manifestations of the protagonists mind. It can even be argued that the "monsters" they see aren’t even real or that perhaps what a character see's as a monstrosity might in fact be human after all.)"

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#15 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 22:04:10 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#14 regnumekal, toata povestea asta imi aminteste de Resident Evil m-as mira grafika sa fie gindesc ca posibil nu va fi prea strasnic...eroul principal tipa incepe sa traga spre Action...ei sper ca vor face treaba buna..:-/

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#16 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 22:08:09 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#14 regnumekal, "... Some of the enemies are humanoid in nature, favorites such as the nurses, will indeed return ..." - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, fara ele nu joc XD

#14 regnumekal, "... This new "noise", the running on creaking floors etc, can and will alert enemies to your position ..." -cool, I always liked that type of sounds in games. I hope the music tracks will be done by Akira Yamaoka.

#14 regnumekal, "... The camera is now controlled using the left analog stick ..." - rau, SH era cu camera superba :(, care facea atmosfera cam scary :)

#14 regnumekal, "... the worlds in SHV, or rather the transition between the two, will all be done in real time. Like in the movie, the setting will peal and melt away or suddenly burst into flesh painted walls ..." - AAAAAAA...vreau, vreau :D

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#17 by predator92Disabled (pTr Is BacK!) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-28 23:25:15 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Самая такая игра, которая заставит насрать и насацца - это Silent Hill 2 имхо!

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#18 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 00:27:15 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#17 predator92, ? is this a joke ? It's a wonderful game, no doubt about it. It's my fav. Silent Hill ...but it's not so scary....or u were scared to death when you saw the short cinematic where 2 monsters have sex ? (cool scene)
PS: It's the only game where I saw monsters making this.....and in an unusual form (hardcore), u know - after all they are monsters :)
Man I recomend u to play Clock Tower 3, Fatal Frame 1,2,3 or Hounting Ground of corse on PS2 (u'll understant what's fear and "шуганизм" :) just if u'll play at night for better expirience)

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#19 by predator92Disabled (pTr Is BacK!) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 10:10:55 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#18 DoooM, просто я помню, когда в 4-х этажном доме (там где и часы, и тот упырь с кастрюлей на голове))) есть карта, свет чуток..., но потом перелезаешь в др. дом и там 0 освещения и нет карты !((( ужас!

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#20 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 10:19:09 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#19 predator92, "... от упырь с кастрюлей на голове ..." - you mean The Triangle head monster ???

#19 predator92, "... но потом перелезаешь в др. дом и там 0 освещения и нет карты ..." - that's what I like :) No map, no light.
PS: I have finished the game without using a medkit, not even a bottle :). When u encounter The triangle head monster on the roof, he pushes you away from the roof and u fall on the ground. Then u notice that your life bar is red, NO MATTER WHAT (it's a game point), even so I manage to DO NOT use health bottles :) true fan :D

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#21 by predator92Disabled (pTr Is BacK!) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 10:40:17 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20 DoooM, you mean The Triangle head monster ??? :yes: КастрюльЧеГ!

#20 DoooM, that's what I like :) No map, no light. - but ai no((

Я не закончил игру т.к. мама сказала что я ночу начал бред нести!)))

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#22 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 11:19:08 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#21 predator92, "... #20 DoooM, that's what I like :) No map, no light. - but ai no(( ..." - sorry, can't be helped, I love horror :)

#21 predator92, "... КастрюльЧеГ! ..." - LOL

#21 predator92, "... мама сказала что я ночу начал бред нести!))) ..." - it's OK, I had  a lot of dreams about Silent Hill, amazing filling :) I wish I coud have them more...

Hounting Ground (PS2)

Genre : Survival Horror, Psychological horror

"Fiona Belli has somehow found herself in a strange castle, which appears to be somewhere in northern Italy or perhaps Switzerland. She has just been involved in a car accident; her memories of this accident, however, are vague and incomplete. She finds herself in some sort of large butcher's room. Noting that the cage that keeps her prisoner was left unlocked, she steps out but is startled by a large, fierce animal snarling and then running past her. She quickly begins searching for some answers and a way out of the castle"

"Fiona, the player-character, must be guided through Castle Belli, its surrounding grounds and outbuildings until she find a way to escape. Along the way, players must solve puzzles, unlock doors and evade or hide from the castle's inhabitants. Fiona is accompanied by Hewie, a white German Shepherd Dog. The two must work as a team to solve certain puzzles and to outwit their pursuers."


When faced with certain scripted events or prolonged enemy attacks and chases, Fiona becomes fearful. If allowed to remain fearful for too long she will enter Panic Mode. In this state, Fiona's controls become very limited and she is very vulnerable to attacks. The player is only able to control where she runs to and her only command to Hewie is 'Help!', encouraging him to attack her aggressor until the panic is over. Panic Mode causes blurriness of the screen, saturation of the surroundings and a freeze-frame effect. Also, the control pad vibrates in the effect of Fiona's heartbeat. If Fiona falls to the floor during a panic, she can do nothing more than slowly crawl and call for Hewie to attack the pursuer. Once she has fallen, Fiona only need be hit once before she dies.

"Debilitas is the castle's gardener and handyman. Upon encountering Fiona walking in Castle Belli, he is compelled to chase after her. Despite his hulking size and massive strength, he has the mental capacity of a young child. He can only seem to understand simple language and is only heard speaking short, garbled phrases ("My dolly", "Where is you!"). He plays with dolls, and believes that Fiona is also a doll. His origins are unclear, but he may be one of Lorenzo's failed "creations"; when Fiona enters the medical room whilst being chased in the Riccardo and Daniella sections of the game and throws either available bottles, an image of a large and muscley person is shown (possibly a diagram of Debilitas). Debilitas is easily outwitted by Fiona, but he is persistent and powerful. He chases Fiona and Hewie for quite awhile until all three of them enter the Chapel, after which Fiona must battle with Debilitas. The battle has a number of outcomes, one of which involves a giant chandelier dropping onto Debilitas by Fiona, after which Debilitas will cease pursuit for the rest of the game. Another is Debilitas' death, attainable by wearing Debilitas' health down."

La inceput pare funny, dar el e salbatic si crazy baby :)

Editat de către DoooM la 2007-08-29 11:35:14

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#23 by SpeedSnake (MGS Fan/SokuryokuHebi) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 11:40:07 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Baieti dati mi si mie un PS2....:-(

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#24 by DoooM (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 11:43:02 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Fatal Frame series PS2, XBOX

Genre: survival horror

" Fatal Frame is one of the most well received survival horror games to date, largely due to the atmospheric music, dark and claustrophobic environments, emphasis on aesthetics and art design and the variety of spirits encountered during the course of the game. The main object of the game is to solve a mystery which is linked to old Japanese superstitions. The player's main enemies are ghosts; a few are friendly, but most are not. The only form of defense is a camera obscura, which allows the player to exorcise ghosts by taking a picture of them and thus, sealing their spirit in the film. "

"...Throughout the series, references are made to Kunihiko Asou, a fictitious Japanese "Occultist" that lived during the late nineteenth century. Using western technology, he developed inventions that would allow him and others to make contact with spirits in the "other world." His inventions include the camera obscura, the primary weapon used to defend against ghosts throughout the series, the spirit stone radio, introduced in Fatal Frame II as a means to listen to the thoughts and memories of spirits that had been stored in special crystals, and a projector capable of displaying ghostly images captured on film that motion picture cameras could not see. According to Fatal Frame III, Asou's various inventions were eventually scattered about Japan and are now heavily sought after by collectors. The camera obscura used by Miku in the first game had once belonged to her mother, and Mio finds a different camera obscura while exploring the lost village. It is likely that the broken camera obscura Rei finds (which was sent to her fiancé by Mio's uncle Kei) is the same camera that Mio used in the second game."

PS: THE GAME IS AWESOME , if u like horror and mistery , it's a MUST HAVE !!!

Clock Tower 3 PS2

Genre: survival horror

"After receiving a strange letter from her mother, encouraging her to hide until her 15th birthday passes, Alyssa Hamilton instead returns home from boarding school. When she arrives, her mother is gone and only one of the lodgers is in residence, a wayward stranger known as the Dark Gentleman.

In Alyssa's concern for her mother, she decides to check her parent's room to find not a clue; however, almost randomly a piano starts to play wildly. Alyssa becomes terrified to such a point that she runs out of the bedroom only to be transported to London during World War II.

After evading through the bombing Alyssa continues to a tailor shop seeing a grizzly murder, a little girl alone killed by a man wielding a sledgehammer, then stalks Alyssa in attempt to kill her.

It was rumored that the game was based on a true story."


"Players assume the role of Alyssa, a schoolgirl approaching her 15th birthday, on her quest to find her mother and save herself from the Dark Gentleman. Progress through the game entails finding items to unlock new areas, fleeing and hiding from Subordinates (the boss characters) and eventually defeating each Subordinate in battle.

Innocents slain by the subordinates haunt each stage and will attack Alyssa if she approaches them, sending her into panic. In order to pacify these spirits, an item of sentimental value must be found and returned to the spirit's corpse, which always lays near the area being haunted.

After each scenario, Alyssa must confront the subordinate who has been stalking her. At this point her holy water bottle transforms into a longbow, allowing her to fight back. Each battle is confined to a single area, and the player must defeat the subordinate in order to progress. The health of both Alyssa and the subordinate is measured by two life bars which appear on-screen. Alyssa must dodge or duck attacks whilst firing arrows at her attacker. In order to inflict considerable damage, shots must be powered-up. These shots tether the subordinate to the ground. Whilst powering-up the shot, Alyssa must stand still and cannot adjust her aim, leaving her vulnerable to attacks and making it possible for her enemy to move out of her line of sight. If the boss is transfixed with multiple powered-up shots, Alyssa performs a highly damaging attack with her next shot, killing or severely wounding the subordinate."

PS: O doza de adrenalina  se poate obtine si din jocul asta :)

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#25 by gre6nik Warned (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-29 18:52:23 (911 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Silent Hill The Best 4EVER

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