Forum Index > Chat > English Language Quiz

#0 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-07-23 13:58:44 (897 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
I would like to begin a Triva Quiz here, for everyone who likes English language.
Total Quiz is open to everybody.

I will ask you a question and if you know the answer, you have to post it here.
Each first right answer will get a point.
Your points will be calculated according to the total of your correct answers.

The questions will be from different domains: grammar, civilization, music, sport ...
New questions are chosen randomly, from the “easy” and “average” levels to “difficult”.

The answers must be in English (exception if the question deals with translation)

Good luck.


:hooray:  1. matsu - 89p.
2. Illusionary - 29p.
3. BananaZ - 25p.
4. Capilleary - 22p.
5. BlackCross - 21p.
6. Tollex - 17p.
7. dreamlove - 15p.
8. raros  -  13p.
9. Ianek91 - 11p
10. LiMoNaD - 11p.
11. Roosvelt - 6p.
12. stanstarik - 6p.
13. Alexia - 6p.
14. Vladutz - 5p.
15. cornelly - 5p.
16. TiboraXx - 4p.
17. AlexXxander - 4p.
18. Timur - 3p.
19. unkind - 2p.
20. regnumekal - 1p.
21. holds - 1p.
22. ArmaDino - 1p.
23. dann - 1p.

Editat de către Imperator la 2007-08-28 18:57:17

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#601 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:22:34 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#600 Illusionary,
but modesty = noun, modest = adjective

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#602 by Illusionary (Brain User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:23:08 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Oh, sorry. ^^
I couldn't realize it in russian so long

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#603 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:23:47 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#604 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:24:30 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
26. Which noun beginning with Z- is 'the scientific study of animals'?

#603 BlackCross, yes

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#605 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:25:06 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
zoology .

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#606 by Illusionary (Brain User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:25:13 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
25 yacht
26 zoologist

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#607 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:25:52 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Thanks for the fun, nighty night!

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#608 by Illusionary (Brain User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:27:25 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
:)#607 BlackCross, Whoop-de-doo! :)

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#609 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 03:28:32 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#605 BlackCross, :yes:
That was the alphabet

Editat de către Imperator la 2007-08-19 11:40:06

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#610 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 11:39:55 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Insert the preposition (5 sentences = 1p.)

1. 'What was the film _____? ' Two men who robbed a bank.'
2. I think I'll stay _____ home tonight and wash my hair.
3. I'm looking _____ my pen. Have you seen it?
4. Most men seem to be interested _____ football,
5. My son is very keen _____ music.
6. The driver was leaning _____ the side of the bus.
7. James burst _____ tears when he heard that his wife had been killed.
8. After climbing three flights of stairs, I was completely _____ breath.
9. She asked me if I would look _____ her cat while she visited her sister for the weekend.
10. The first prize had to be shared _____ ten winners.

Editat de către Imperator la 2007-08-19 12:15:56

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#611 by Capilleary Donor (Патлатый) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 11:46:23 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
1. About
2. at
3. for
4. in
5. about
6. to (towards)
7. in
8. out of
9. after
10. among

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#612 by System at 2007-08-19 11:50:31 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#610 Imperator,

7. into

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#613 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 12:05:18 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
1 about, = Capilleary,
2 at,  = Capilleary,
3 for,  = Capilleary,
4 in,  = Capilleary,
5 :no:,
6 :no:,
7 into, = matsu,
8 out of,  = Capilleary,
9 after  = Capilleary,
10 among = Capilleary,

5. My son is very keen _____ music.
6. The driver was leaning _____ the side of the bus.
11. Today is the first day the temperature has risen _____ zero.
12. I usually drink coffee _____ milk. In other words - black.
13. There's a car park _____ the cinema and the supermarket,
14. This i s a song with love _____ me to you.
15. Are you fond _____ children?
16. I'm really grateful _____ you for your help.
17. I usually travel to work _____ train.
18. Children _____ the age of seven must pay the full price to get in.
19. The house is divided _____ flats.
20. James and I have been friendly _____ one another for many years now.

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#614 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 12:52:57 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#613 Imperator,
5. at
6. from
11. above
12. without
13. between
14. from
15. of
16. to
17. by
18. from
19. into
20. towards

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#615 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 13:02:59 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#614 BlackCross,
5. :no:
6. :no:
11. above :yes:
12. without  :yes:
13. between :yes:
14. from :yes:
15. of :yes:
16. to :yes:
17. by :yes:
18. :no:
19. into :yes:
20. :no:

5. My son is very keen _____ music.
6. The driver was leaning _____ the side of the bus.
18. Children _____ the age of seven must pay the full price to get in.
20. James and I have been friendly _____ one another for many years now.
21. We'll have to walk. The Lift is _____ order.
22. _____ other things, Winston Churchill was quite a famous painter.
23. 'Share this bar of chocolate _____ you and your sisterly the mother told her son.
24. We usuatly go out _____ the weekend.
25. Do you believe _____ God?

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#616 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 13:24:47 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
5. on
6. against
18. over
20. to
21. out
22. among
#615 Imperator, "... Winston Churchill was quite a famous painter. ..." - wow, n-am ştiut :blink:
23. with
24. on
25. in

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#617 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 13:27:20 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#616 BlackCross,

5. on :yes:
6. against :yes:
18. over :yes:
20. :no:
21. :no:
22. among :yes:
23. :no:
24. :no:
25. in :yes:

20. James and I have been friendly _____ one another for many years now.
21. We'll have to walk. The Lift is _____ order.
23. 'Share this bar of chocolate _____ you and your sisterly the mother told her son.
24. We usuatly go out _____ the weekend.
26. How much do you spend _____ food each week?
27. It's in your own interest to insure your house _____ fire.
28. The rain came in _____ a hole in the roof.
29. He was arrested and charged _____ murder.
30. Boxing Day is the day _____  Christmas Day.

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#618 by BlackCross Donor (Raging Lunacy) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:09:33 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
20. with
21. out of
23. between
24. in
26. on
27. against
28. through
29. for
30. after

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#619 by Imperator (User) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:26:51 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#618 BlackCross,  nice shot

29. :no:

Last set:

29. He was arrested and charged _____ murder.
31. He left the party _____  saying goodbye to anyone.
32. What's so funny _____  being called Rupert? I think it's a lovely name!
33. We're ail hoping _____  a pay rise this year.
34. I wouldn't dream _____  going on holiday without my wife.
35. Children usually look forward _____  the summer holidays.
36. My uncle suffers _____  hay fever. That's why he hates the summer.
37. The bank robber wore a mask _____  his face.
38. I couldn't sleep because the people in the flat _____  mine were having a party and were dancing and playing realty Loud music.
39. That symphony was written _____  Beethoven.
40. They took a short cut home _____  the park.

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#620 by izghitu (-=Блондинчик=-) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:35:14 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
29 - "for the" or "with" :D
31 - without
32 - in
35 - at
37 - on
39 - by

Editat de către izghitu la 2007-08-19 14:42:04

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#621 by WeirdODisabled (КобаЧок Ленина) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:39:02 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#620 izghitu, with

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#622 by Alexia (Born to rule) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:39:37 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
31. without
32. in(I'm not sure about this one)
33. for
34. about
35. for(I know it's not correct,but I don't know the right variant)
36. of
37. on
38. of
39. by
40. through
Hope I'm not that bad at English:(

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#623 by WeirdODisabled (КобаЧок Ленина) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:41:36 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#622 Alexia, 35 - to

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#624 by izghitu (-=Блондинчик=-) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:43:20 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
This question are too simple :)

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#625 by Alexia (Born to rule) (0 mesaje) at 2007-08-19 14:45:54 (893 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#623 Ianek91, right...thanks :wink:

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