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#0 by Ridedin (◄▌▌█▬☑ Белый ☑ ▬█▐▐►) (0 mesaje) at 2007-11-08 20:02:06 (901 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Editat de către Ridedin la 2016-09-30 12:35:02

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#12101 by Toshiba22 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 00:02:34 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ble¤, cel mai deşovîi argument - care şi de cînd se uită la baschet... Îmi imaginez că cineva la văzut pe Larry Bird la garşoc, ble¤, aşa demult urmăreşte NBA-ul...

Şi în genere, într-un post Miami aşa-s de slabi, că DOAR arbitrii şi tipa-traumele acelora de la Boston i-au ferit de pozor, iar în alt post n¤huia s-au unit Bosh, LeBron şi Wade în Florida, dacă ei îs CEI MAI MARI SUPERSTARS din NBA... Makes me sick, ble¤, cestnoye slovo...

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#12102 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 00:38:35 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Знаю, тут никто не любит Мело, но все равно классно придумали. Он в этот день восковую фигуру свою представлял. Точно такую же. Поэтому никто даже и не заподозрил:lol:

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#12103 by Ambush (beer yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 01:52:23 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12101 Toshiba22, interzici cumva discutia pe forum?
fiecare are parerea sa, si nu e neaparat sa coincida cu a ta

si te rog daca totusi faci asa concluzionari, mai pune capul cela in miscare, si nu interpreta asa zisele "argumente" dupa placul tau
nimeni nu a zis ca miami sux, sau ca arbitrii is singura lor speranta, sau de "argumentul" care si de cand se uita la basket

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#12104 by sEsHoMaRu (User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 09:41:53 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12088 Temik, "... Я вообще сомневаюсь, что у Хит были хэйтеры, до 2010-го года. ..." - Au existat shi exista , shi in mare parte din 06 cind pe Wade in finala nici nu puteai sal atingi , sau nici nu il atingeau shi se ducea sa arunce FT-uri in finala cu Dalas .

#12088 Temik, "... в чем разница между трио Майами и Бостоновского ..." - Diferentza ii ca la Boston au facut trade-uri , pentru jucatori peste 30 de ani care nu mai sunt in prime-ul lor . Iar la Miami , Bosh cu LeBron care intra in virsta unde ajung la peak-ul sau sau unit impreuna .

#12088 Temik, "... Ну или например Лэйкерс 2003-04. Онил, Коби, Мэлоун. ..." - Malone !? Poate mai spui shi Payton !? Cind Shaq a venit la Lakers shtia doar Jerry West de potentzialul lui Kobe . Malone cu Payton cind au venit aveau cite 38-40 de ani shi era clar ca in ultimii ani de cariera au decis sa joace pentru un inel .

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#12105 by DRZT (PQUWTEARMTAYDURIIODP) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 12:51:37 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Интересно, получиться что-то масштаба Дюрант-Уэстбрук из связки Дэвис-Риверс? Хитрый еврей, подергав за ниточки, превратил Хорнетс в команду за которой таки хочется следить.

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#12106 by G0dlike (The Human Torch) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 13:50:45 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
de unde pot scoate full draft video?

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#12107 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 14:28:28 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
28 июня состоялся трёхстороний обмен между "Далласом", "Клипперс" и "Ютой", в результате которого форвард "Далласа" Ламар Одом отправился в "Клипперс", а защитник "Клипперс" Мо Уильямс — в "Юту", сообщает американская пресса.

"Даллас" получил trade exception на $ 8,2 миллиона.

Одом наконец-то вернулся домой. Но лучше бы в ЛАЛ конечно же, но и так неплохо.:)

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#12108 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 15:26:49 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12107 Temik, pffffffffff rofl Clippers mega loshi Mo' pentru Odom? fuckthatshit

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#12109 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 15:51:07 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
«Бостон» попытается заполучить О Джея Майо

Руководство «Селтикс» попытается договориться с «Мемфисом» о сделке по схеме «сайн-энд-трейд» с целью приобретения атакующего защитника О Джея Майо, пишет Comcast.
Скорее всего, взамен «Бостон» предложит «Гризлис» тяжелого форварда Брэндона Басса, который отказался от последнего сезона в контракте и станет свободным агентом.

На драфте НБА установлен новый рекорд
6 игроков Кентаки попали в Лигу. Вот их список:

№1 Энтони Дэвис - Новый Орлеан
№2 Майкл Кидд-Гилкрис - Шарлотт
№18 Теренс Джонс - Хьюстон
№29 Маркус Тин - Чикаго
№42 Дорон Лэмб - Милуоки
№46 Дариус Миллер - Новый Орлеан

Очень интересно, какое место в следующем сезоне займет действующий чемпион NCAA - Кентаки Вайлдкэтс после потери 6 основных игроков за один год?

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#12110 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 15:52:58 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12108 Freshman, Если Одом провел ужасный сезон в Далласе, это не значит, что он сдулся.

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#12111 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 16:00:32 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12110 Temik, Mo' is a kind of a dude who wants to be at Paul's level coming of the bench,he is more productive than Odom imho ,Odom's only advantage is his size but the Clips have a lot of guys to rebound that shit :D

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#12112 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 16:03:28 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12111 Freshman, Никто и не говорит, что Мо хуже. Да и обмен не прямо таки эпик фэйл. Но Одом лучше бы смотрелся в ЛАЛ, это факт. Посмотрим на них во время сезона, тогда и будем утверждать, стоящий трейд или нет:) К тому же Юте нужен был ПГ, вот они и получили хорошего.

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#12113 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 16:12:01 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Bobcats look toward the future (June 26)

Charlotte receives: Ben Gordon, future first-round pick
Detroit receives: Corey Maggette

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#12114 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-29 22:11:59 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Он и впрямь выглядел несчастливым, когда услышал, что его выбрали Рыси. Жаль парня, надеюсь эта мусорка, не помешает ему раскрыться.

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#12115 by Freshman (Quiet Storm) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 00:17:55 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this will be perfeeeeect :w00t:

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#12116 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 00:20:31 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#12117 by G0dlike (The Human Torch) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 01:57:52 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
bosh withdraws from olympics
Chris Bosh is still hurting, and his Olympic plans are being pushed aside so he can heal.

The Miami Heat forward told USA Basketball on Friday that he is withdrawing from consideration for the London Games so he can continue recovering from the strained abdominal muscle that sidelined him for a portion of his team's run to the NBA championship. Bosh announced the decision through agent Henry Thomas one day after Heat teammate Dwyane Wade pulled out of the Olympic mix because of looming left knee surgery.
"This injury was a pretty serious one," Thomas said. "He was able to come back and play under the circumstances because he was trying to contribute to them winning a championship. There's still pain. There's still discomfort. And the real concern is if he doesn't rest and do the rehab associated with the injury, this could become sort of a chronic thing for him."
Bosh released a statement through USA Basketball, saying he was confident the Americans would successfully defend their gold medal.
"I am extremely disappointed to say that due to injury, I cannot represent my country," he said.
Bosh made the decision after consulting with Heat team physician Dr. Harlan Selesnick and others. Bosh, who played for the "Redeem Team" that won gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, called USA Basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski and team chairman Jerry Colangelo on Friday to deliver the word.
"He wanted to be part of it," Thomas said. "It was a great experience in `08. Feels like it could be another one. The exposure he would get being part of that team is something he would like. But at the end of the day, his health going forward is more important than all of those things."
Heat President Pat Riley said after the NBA draft ended late Thursday night that the team was leaving the decision on whether to play in London up to Bosh.
"It's based upon the need to rest and continue to rehab the injury," Thomas said. "He got his first taste of it in `08 and it was a great experience. But I think in talking to the doctors about it, they said you could play, but you'd be putting yourself at risk."
With Wade and now Bosh out, there are 16 players left for 12 spots on the U.S. Olympic team - with LeBron James the lone Heat representative remaining on the national team roster. The team convenes in Las Vegas next week to start training camp, then has five exhibitions with international teams before opening Olympic play against France on July 29.
Wade and Bosh join a list of stars unable to play in London because of injuries, including Derrick Rose and Dwight Howard.
"He'll be missed, but we have to move on," Colangelo said. "I feel very confident about our roster going forward. ... Adversity gives people opportunity and guess what? It's going to open up a couple of roster positions."
USA Basketball plans to announce the Olympic roster around July 7.
"We're totally supportive of Chris and hope he recovers fully for his season next year," Krzyzewski said. "We'll miss him. He was really a key player for us in winning the gold in 2008 and we thank him for his service to USA Basketball. I really loved coaching him."
Bosh averaged 9.1 points and 6.1 rebounds while shooting 77.4 percent from the field to help the U.S. finish 8-0 and win the gold medal in Beijing.
Wade, who has the same agent as Bosh, said he learned of his teammate's decision Thursday.
"We want him to be healthy," Wade said. "I'm sure it was a tough decision just like it was for me, even though there's only so much I can do. Tough decision. We enjoyed our Olympic experience and the biggest thing is I enjoyed the camaraderie with the guys. ... We built a brotherhood. We built a bond."
Bosh was injured late in the first half of Game 1 of Miami's second-round series against Indiana. He wound up missing nine games, returning late in the Eastern Conference title series against the Boston Celtics.
Bosh scored 19 points in Miami's Game 7 win against the Celtics, sending the Heat into the NBA Finals against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Bosh averaged 14.6 points and 9.4 rebounds in the title series, with Miami winning in five games.
The championship completed an emotional two months for Bosh, who briefly left the Heat during their first-round series against New York in order to see the birth of his son. He dealt with the injury in the second round, and he and his wife mourned the death of a masseuse they employed later in the playoffs.
"I think for all of us, especially for me, everything that I've been through, just fighting, just acting like I don't hear stuff, and just having the perseverance to keep pushing forward is just a sweet feeling," Bosh said last week when the Heat won the title. "I know a bunch of people made fun of me and said I was soft, but you can't be soft playing this game."

allen in heat?

LeBron James has abandoned the subtle approach in identifying the next veteran he’d love to see join the Miami Heat’s quest for a repeat championship next season.
With his son Bryce serving as the perfect accomplice, James took to Twitter during the Draft to court one-time rival Ray Allen, the soon-to-be free agent and former Celtics star:
While watching the Draft my son Bryce ask “Is Ray Allen gonna play for the Heat”. I said “I don’t know, I hope so”.
James probably won’t be the only superstar courting Allen this summer. Even with an injured ankle that cost Allen and the Celtics dearly in the playoffs, the future Hall of Famer will be a coveted prospect on the free agent market.
With the Celtics apparently searching for a younger replacement (O.J. Mayo?) at shooting guard, Allen should listen to the recruiting pitches of James and others (the New York Knicks and Phoenix Suns, run by Allen’s former agent, Lon Babby, are also rumored to be among the teams preparing to court him). Allen’s emotional departure from the Celtics after their Game 7 loss to the Heat in the Eastern Conference finals was a fitting tribute from one of the classiest players the league has seen and probably had Celtics fans choked up a bit.
But the sight of him in a Heat uniform will surely get the blood boiling in a different direction. Allen could slide into the role that Mike Miller is expected to vacate this summer, if he retires. And the Heat have never been shy about pursuing big names in free agency.
The Celtics have free agency issues of their own to deal with, including a reported Saturday decision from Kevin Garnett on whether he will retire or come back for another year. (While Doc Rivers was enjoying the draft as a dad alongside his son Austin, the Celtics were busy drafting their potential frontcourt of the future in Jared Sullinger and Fab Melo).
The future for Allen, however, is still very much up in the air. There is a chance he could return to the Celtics. There seems to be just as good a chance of him taking his talents to South Beach to join an old rival!

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#12118 by grinke (true gøøner) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 13:39:39 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12089 Ghitler,

#12090 Temik,

#12095 Ambush, doesn't matter, my penis is bigger :troll:

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#12119 by Ghitler (Highflyer) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 15:00:01 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Austin Rivers & Anthony Davis  эхх надеюсь  покажут !  красоту ) хочу новое супер комбо )

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#12120 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 15:01:19 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12119 Ghitler, Я вот беливлю в Риверса очень.. Не знаю почему многие в нем сомневаются..

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#12121 by grinke (true gøøner) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 15:15:14 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12120 Temik, "... беливлю ..." - инглирашэн фордеуин :fuckthatbitch:

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#12122 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 22:58:21 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Кевин Гарнетт подписал новый трехлетний контракт с Селтикс, сообщает Yahoo!Sports

В соответствии с условиями контракта зарплата Кей-Джи за 3 года составит $34 млн.

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#12123 by Ambush (beer yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 23:10:53 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12122 Temik, "... $34 млн. ..." - super, 10 milioane pe an
putea sa ceara si mai mult

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#12124 by Temik (It's about damn time!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 23:13:11 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12123 Ambush, и без того D:

Благодаря новому контракту Гарнетт подвинет Шака с 1 места по суммарным заработкам за карьеру в НБА. Он отставал меньше чем на миллион. Кей Джи станет первым, кто заработал за карьеру в НБА больше 300 млн долларов.

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#12125 by G0dlike (The Human Torch) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-30 23:22:18 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Ambush wrote:

putea sa ceara si mai mult

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