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Forum Index > Filme, Cinematografie > USA Network

#0 by Calin96 (Keep calm and go f*ck yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 14:05:03 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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USA Network este un canal american de televiziune prin cablu care a fost lansat în 1971. Rețeaua a câștigat în mod constant popularitate din cauza transmiterii unor seriale ca Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Covert Affairs, White Collar, Monday Night RAW, Suits.

USA Network Shows

Shows (apasă aici)

Burn Notice / Черная Метка (apasă aici)

Ru (apasă aici)

«Меня зовут Майкл Вестен. Я – шпион. Я не работаю ни на одну из международных спецслужб. Мною движет лишь желание заниматься любимым делом и деньги, которые это дело приносит…» «Секретная операция в Нигерии была сорвана – меня кто-то подставил…» «Я чудом остаюсь в живых… Но теряю сознание в самолете» «Я очнулся непонятно где и обнаружил рядом свою бывшую девушку, Фиону…» «Как я оказался в Майами, городе моего детства?…» «Связные из различных спецслужб отказываются иметь со мной дело, а личные банковские счета заморожены по приказу какого-то чиновника…» «За мной постоянно следят люди из ФБР…» «Всё, что я знаю – кто-то хочет, чтобы я жил в Майами, без права выезда. В противном случае, на ноги будут подняты все силы полиции, ФБР, ЦРУ, и из такой переделки мне уже не выйти живым…» «Я хочу понять – кто меня подставил… Но для этого нужны деньги и время…» «Поэтому я буду и частным детективом, и тайным шпионом для тех, кто может себе это позволить»
En (apasă aici)

After fleeing a blown operation in Nigeria and being kidnapped and beaten, Westen finds himself in his hometown of Miami, Florida. He is tended to by his ex-girlfriend, Fiona Glenanne, but he has been abandoned by all his normal intelligence contacts and is under continuous surveillance with his personal assets frozen. Extraordinary efforts to reach his U.S. government handler eventually yield only a grudging admission that someone powerful wants him "on ice" in Miami. If he leaves there, he will be hunted down and taken into custody; whereas, if he stays, he can remain relatively free. Consumed by the desire to find out why he has been burned, and by whom, Westen is reluctantly drawn into working as an unlicensed private investigator and problem solver for ordinary citizens to fund his personal investigation into his situation as a blacklisted agent.
Westen invites his old friend Sam Axe to assist him, while Fiona invites herself to join them. With the occasional assistance and sometimes hindrance of his mother, Madeline, Westen battles an array of such criminal figures as mobsters, gangs, con artists, murderers, thieves, arms traffickers, kidnappers, money launderers, and drug traffickers. At the same time, Michael must follow the trail that leads him to the people responsible for his being burned, and later finding out why.
Psych / Ясновидец (apasă aici)

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Шон Спенсер, молодой консультант полиции в Санта-Барбаре, чья тонко развитая наблюдательность и неординарные дедуктивные способности позволяют ему убедить всех в том, что он ясновидящий. Отец Шона — сотрудник полиции — с детства учил сына замечать мельчайшие детали окружающей обстановки, и теперь Шон использует свои уникальные навыки для расследования сложных уголовных дел.
En (apasă aici)

Shawn (James Roday) originally becomes known as a psychic when, after calling in tips on dozens of crime covered on the news, which help the police to close the case, the police become suspicious of his knowledge. The police theorize that such knowledge could only come from the "inside" and they decide to arrest him as a suspect. To avoid being sent to jail, Shawn uses his observational skills to convince the police that he is psychic. The interim police chief warns Shawn that if his "powers" are fake, he will be prosecuted. With no choice but to keep up the act, and having proven himself an effective aid to the police in solving crimes, he establishes a psychic detective agency, Psych, and becomes a consultant to the police. Pretending to have psychic powers allows him to engage in strange and comic behavior as he turns real clues into hunches and otherworldly visitations. He enjoys teasing lifelong friend Gus, a pharmaceutical representative, about Gus's eclectic interests.
Royal Pains / Пациент всегда прав (apasă aici)

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Хэнк Лоусон – молодой талантливый врач, у которого есть все атрибуты успеха: блестящая карьера, невеста-красавица. Но, обвиненный в совершении врачебной ошибки, Хэнк остается без работы и попадает в «черный список» всех медицинских учреждений Нью-Йорка. Невеста тут же «испаряется», оставив ему стопку счетов на оплату несостоявшейся свадьбы. Брат уговаривает Хэнка поехать на курорт, отдохнуть и развеяться. Случайно молодой врач оказывается в нужном месте в нужное время и спасает жизнь фотомодели на закрытой вечеринке «для избранных». С этого момента у Хэнка отбоя нет от богачей и знаменитостей, которые просят помочь разобраться с их проблемами. В жизни Хэнка начинается новый этап, но хочет ли он быть «доктором по вызову»? Сможет ли он себя найти в мире денег и власти?
En (apasă aici)

The series follows Hank Lawson, a young emergency room doctor who, after being wrongly blamed for an important patient's death, moves to the Hamptons and becomes a reluctant "doctor for hire" to the rich and famous. When the administrator of the local hospital asks him to treat the town's less fortunate, he finds himself walking the line between doing well for himself and doing good for others.
Suits / Форс-мажоры (apasă aici)

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В центре сюжета замечательный, но немотивированный молодой человек, так и не закончивший учебу в колледже. У него есть все необходимые качества, чтобы стать хорошим адвокатом, кроме диплома. Но благодаря знаниям законов улицы и напористым, не всегда честным действиям его нанимает влиятельная юридическая фирма из Манхэттена.
En (apasă aici)

Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) is a brilliant college dropout. Mike's childhood dream of becoming an attorney was derailed after he was caught selling a math exam to the Dean's daughter. Naturally intelligent and with an eidetic memory, Mike makes a living taking tests for other people, particularly LSATs.
Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) is one of New York City's top attorneys who has recently been promoted to senior partner at his firm, and is forced by company policy to hire an associate. After an accidental interview with Mike, Harvey is impressed by the younger man's quick wits, his encyclopedic knowledge of the law, and his genuine desire to be an attorney, and hires him. Due to the fact that Mike lacks a law degree, and because the firm exclusively hires Harvard alumni, they both pretend that Mike is a Harvard graduate.
White Collar / Белый Воротничок (apasă aici)

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Сериал рассказывает о сотрудничестве гениального мошенника и агента ФБР. Нил Кэффри, невероятно обаятельный преступный ум, наконец-то был пойман своим извечным врагом, отличным агентом государственной безопасности Питером Берком. Когда Нил бежит из тюрьмы, чтобы найти свою пропавшую любовь, Питер ловит его еще раз. Нил предлагает ему не торопиться с отправкой в тюрьму, и рассмотреть возможность сотрудничества. Ведь Нил мог бы помочь словить самых “элитных” преступников, “белых воротничков” преступного мира. Питер понимает, что интуиция и преступный опыт Нила, которых нет у законопослушного агента, могут стать хорошим подспорьем в борьбе с криминалом.
En (apasă aici)

White Collar is about the unlikely partnership of a con artist and an FBI agent who have been playing cat and mouse for years. Neal Caffrey (Bomer), an incredibly charming criminal mastermind, is finally caught by his nemesis, G-Man extraordinaire Peter Burke (DeKay). When Neal escapes from a maximum-security prison to find his long-lost love, Peter nabs him once again. Rather than returning to jail for his daring getaway, Neal suggests an alternate plan: he'll provide his cunning criminal expertise to assist the Feds in catching other notorious and elusive criminals. Initially wary, Peter quickly finds that Neal provides insight and intuition that cannot be found on the right side of the law.
Necessary Roughness / Необходимая жестокость (apasă aici)

Ru (apasă aici)

Личная жизнь психотерапевта с Лонг-Айленд разваливается, когда она выясняет, что муж обманывает ее. Чтобы как-то отвлечься, доктор Дэни Сантино с головой погружается в работу и вскоре становится наиболее востребованным терапевтом у весьма известных личностей Среди ее клиентов спортсмены, артисты, политики и другие люди, живущие в центре внимания. Все они уверены, что лишь ее уникальный метод жесткой терапии поможет им в момент кризиса. И теперь пошедшая было в гору карьера стала серьезной помехой в ее семейных отношения, ведь это так трудно - быть матерью-одиночкой для двух детей-подростков..
En (apasă aici)

The series centers on a tough Long Island divorcee who, in order to make ends meet, gets a job as a therapist for a professional football team. Her career begins to take off when athletes, musicians, politicians and other celebrities start to request her tough love therapy. She must learn to balance her new career with being a single mother.
WWE RAW SuperShow (apasă aici)

WWE Raw (Monday Night RAW or RAW SuperShow) is a sports entertainment television program for WWE that currently airs on the USA Network in the United States. The show's name is also used to refer to the Raw brand, in which WWE employees are assigned to work and perform on that program, the other program and brand currently being SmackDown. It is the only television broadcast for the Raw brand. The show originally debuted in the United States on the USA Network on January 11, 1993. It remained there until 2000, when Raw was moved to TNN, later known as Spike TV. In 2005, the show was moved back to the USA Network.Since its launch in 1993, Raw continues to air on Monday nights. Raw is generally seen as the company's flagship program due to its prolific history, high ratings, weekly live format, and emphasis on pay-per-views.It is the longest-running weekly episodic TV show in history.

Schedule (apasă aici)

Monday. WWE Monday Night RAW, Common Law
Tuesday. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Wednesday. Royal Pains, Necessary Roughness,
Thursday. Burn Notice, Suits
Friday. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Common Law
Saturday. Various Films
Sunday. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

FANs (apasă aici)

  • Calin96 - White Collar, Suits, Royal Pains, Burn Notice
  • ChiKko - White collar, Common Law, Suits
  • HeroArtyr - Burn Notice, Psych, Suits, White Collar


Editat de către Calin96 la 2012-06-19 23:41:36

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#1 by Calin96 (Keep calm and go f*ck yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 14:23:07 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Let's go!
Cine si la ce programe va uitati?

Editat de către Calin96 la 2012-06-18 20:07:55

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#2 by System at 2012-06-18 15:48:20 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
La nish una din celea enumerate mai sus de tine,
abc family, fox life rulez!

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#3 by ChiKko Club de sah si dameParticipant la concursul Fotografi Amatori (Sorry, i’m psycho!) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 17:03:45 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 Calin96, yeah! white collar, common law.Suits

#2 marchelush, "... La nish una din celea enumerate mai sus de tine,  ..." - fiecare cu serialele lui:wink:

#2 marchelush, "... abc family, fox life rulez! ..." - :truestory:

Editat de către ChiKko la 2012-06-18 18:09:08

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#4 by FIXXX (English Media Viewer) (1 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 17:25:11 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Hmmm la Suits ma uit, am avut recent un season 2 opener, bunicel :wink:

Psych tot ma gindesc sa privesc, pare interesant.

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#5 by Deadma (Uploader) (3 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 19:20:29 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1 Calin96, "... WWE RAW SuperShow ..." - ps WWE RAW SuperShow ori il scot ori schimbi intrebare Cine si la ce seriale va uitati? pt ca nui serial acesta

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#6 by stefan007 (Japan = perfect place) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 19:25:08 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Este deja topic despre seriale si nu vad care-i sensul acestuia.

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#7 by Calin96 (Keep calm and go f*ck yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-18 19:45:26 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#5 Deadma, dar ii transmis de USA Network

#6 stefan007, nui de seriale

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#8 by System at 2012-06-18 22:39:31 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#9 by WhiteWalker (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-19 09:07:06 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
e vara, vacanta, copiii se plictisesc.

даёшь topic la fiecare canal :bounce:

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#10 by LoLzMD (User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-19 12:42:53 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#11 by HeroArtyr (Slice of Life) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-19 23:29:58 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
bravo, bună tema :bravo:
P.S Burn Notice, Psych, Suits, White Collar :good1:

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#12 by STAR_777Disabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-20 12:00:30 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Americani nu privesc telefizorul nu au timp :call1:

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#13 by Calin96 (Keep calm and go f*ck yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-20 13:17:55 (663 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12 STAR_777, ei descarca direct ziua urmatoare :smirk:

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#14 by WhiteWalker (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-28 20:07:04 (661 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
și, gata, nimi nu s mai uitî la nicî ?

#0 Calin96, fă topic la alt canal, vez k la aista nu sî uitî nimi deam.

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