Forum Index > Filme, Cinematografie > Kony 2012

#0 by Zipper (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-08 07:20:52 (674 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Kony 2012 is a film created by Invisible Children Inc which became a viral video. The film's purpose is to promote the charity's 'Stop Kony' movement to make indicted Ugandan war criminal Joseph Kony internationally known in order to arrest him in 2012.

The film has spread virally. As of 8 March 2012, the film currently has over 8.2 million views on Vimeo, and over 15.9 million views on video-sharing website YouTube, with other viewing emanating from a central "Kony2012" website operated by Invisible Children. The intense exposure of the video caused the "Kony 2012" website to crash shortly after it began gaining widespread popularity.The video has also seen a number of celebrities endorsing the campaign including Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Christina Milian, Nicky Minaj and Kim Kardashian. As part of the campaign, supporters will put up posters promoting Kony 2012 in their home towns. Invisible Children has distributed hundreds of thousands of posters in an attempt to gain wider recognition on the issue. They have also issued action kits that include campaign buttons, posters, bracelets, and stickers to help spread awareness.

Joseph Kony was born c. 1961 in Odek, a village east of Gulu in northern Uganda. A member of the Acholi people, Kony is the son of farmers. He enjoyed a good relationship with his siblings, but was quick to retaliate in a dispute, and when confronted he would often resort to physical violence. His father was a lay catechist of the Catholic Church and his mother was an Anglican. Kony was an altar boy for several years, but he stopped attending church around the age of 15. As a teenager Kony apprenticed as the village witch doctor under his older brother, Jamie Brow, and when his older brother died, Kony took over the position. He did not graduate from high school. Kony first came to prominence in January 1986 as the leader of one of the many premillennialist groups that sprang up in Acholiland in the wake of the wildly popular Holy Spirit Movement of Alice Auma (also known as Lakwena), to whom Kony is thought to be related. Their relative loss of influence after the overthrow of Acholi President Tito Okello by Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Army (NRA) during the Ugandan Bush War (1981–1986) spurred resentment among the Acholi, which boosted Joseph Kony's popularity.

Directed by Kony, the LRA has earned a reputation for its actions against the people of several countries, including northern Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and Sudan. It has abducted and forced an estimated 66,000 children to fight for them, and has forced the internal displacement of over 2,000,000 people since its rebellion began in 1986. In 2005 Kony was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, but has evaded capture.

Editat de către Zipper la 2012-03-08 08:17:44

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#26 by BeyondZSky (The truth is out there) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-10 22:34:27 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Почему вас заботят проблемы африки? Пенсионерам в Молдавии пенсии не хватает, чтобы достойно питаться, а вы лезете в проблемы другой страны. Хотите помочь? Мусор на улице соберите, бабушку через дорогу переведите.

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#27 by ATECHMD (It's Showtime) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-10 23:13:57 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#26 BeyondZSky, dacă tăceai , filozof rămîneai :truestory:

Apropo despre problemele Moldovei - Ce semeni , aceea culegi

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#28 by PUISOR93 (okidoki) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 15:24:44 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Cine vrea sa afle ceva despre KONY 2012???

Anul acesta in Uganda sa descoperit 2 miliarde de tone de petrol....
Si brusc un american incearca sa opreasca un sef de stat,care statea pana acum bine comod in tara lui...

La inceput eu am avut aceeasi impresie ca si voi....
Pe urma m-am documentat si mi-am dat seama ca America iar incearca  sa ne fraiereasca pe toti

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#29 by PaLLIa (User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 16:51:48 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#28 PUISOR93, Si mai spune lumea ca Americanii is prosti) Cind singuri maninca fara suspiciuni si povestile despre Kony 2012 si despre 9.11

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#30 by Minato (hate me, i love it) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 18:16:32 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#28 PUISOR93, +1 lol

well ..that's sad :<

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#31 by PUISOR93 (okidoki) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 18:26:07 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#29 PaLLIa, De 9.11 nu sunt sigur , dar astai alta tema

Dar de Kony,foarte frumos au inscenat

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#32 by pasa16 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 19:46:03 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

PUISOR93 wrote:

Cine vrea sa afle ceva despre KONY 2012???

Anul acesta in Uganda sa descoperit 2 miliarde de tone de petrol....
Si brusc un american incearca sa opreasca un sef de stat,care statea pana acum bine comod in tara lui...

daca erai mai atent la video ... iti formulai o alta concluzie .... acest american NU brusc incearca sa opreasca un "sef de stat " ( iarasi prostii, liderul LRA, criminal de razboi ) , el deja de 9 ani incearca sa aduca la cunostinta intregii lumi  crimele savirsite de acest "om" .............[b] pentru ce se promoveaza aceasta actiune !!! pentru ca daca viitorul apropiat  statul american va considera ca societatea nu are nevoie de a pedepsi acest criminal .. ei isi vor retrage acei 100  de soldati care au fost trimisi in Uganda tot sub influenta societatii !!!

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#33 by PUISOR93 (okidoki) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-12 20:58:42 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#32 pasa16,  :fuckthatbitch: Asa o fost si cu Irak...

Pe urma o bombardat turnurile gemene....
Si so inceput razboiul

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#34 by pasa16 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-13 08:43:43 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
breeeeeeeeeeed , ce legatura au turnurile gemene cu razboiul din Irak ??? :shok: sau poate ceva nu stim in istoria aceasta ???.... cu toate cu nu neg faptul ca SUA isi realizeaza interesele in multe situatii ....

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#35 by PUISOR93 (okidoki) (0 mesaje) at 2012-03-13 11:45:59 (673 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#34 pasa16, "... ce legatura au turnurile gemene cu razboiul din Irak ?? ..." - :fie:

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#36 by cubykMuzician (Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat.) (0 mesaje) at 2012-04-06 12:36:52 (670 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top


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#37 by PUISOR93 (okidoki) (0 mesaje) at 2012-04-06 15:56:45 (670 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#36 cubyk, Prea multa politica pe care noi nu o v-om cunoaste niciodata!

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#38 by cubykMuzician (Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat.) (0 mesaje) at 2012-06-19 20:54:49 (659 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
despre Kony

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