Forum Index > Creativ > Photodex ProShow Video Producer Discussion Topic

#0 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-18 11:23:20 (711 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ProShow Video Producer de la Photodex oferă una dintre cele mai mari seturi de caracteristici. Software-ul oferă posibilitatea de a edita si publica slideshow-uri la un nivel superior, incorporind in sine o multime de functii si posibilitati  care acorda user-ului libertatea totala in ceea ce priveste hotarele imaginatiei proprii.

Site-ul oficial:

Proshow Producer Gold Edition Full Features (ru)

ProShow Producer – программа для профессионального создания презентаций от Photodex. Утилита поддерживает работу со слоями и дает возможность использовать неограниченное число слоев для каждого слайда. Программа поддерживает прозрачность для файлов PSD, PNG, TIFF и GIF, дает возможность использовать маски слоя, эффекты перехода, градиентную заливку или заливку цветом. Фотографии, из которых состоит презентация, можно редактировать, применяя к ним такие инструменты, как повышение четкости, изменение контрастности и насыщенности цветов. Презентация может содержать подписи, в том числе и анимированные, фоновую музыку. Готовый проект может быть сохранен в один из 14 форматов, в том числе в HD Video, Flash и QuickTime. Данная версия является самой функциональной версией из всех трех версий данной программы, а также полностью подойдет для использования в бизнесе.

Некоторые возможности:
» Добавление неограниченного количества слоев для любого слайда
» Поддержка функции Drag-and-drop
» Поддержка более 100 форматов
» Поддержка прозрачности для PSD, PNG, TIFF и GIF файлов
» Добавление градиента или заливки как отдельного слоя для получения невероятных результатов
» Применение эффектов перехода для отдельных слоев
» Встроенные инструменты корректирования изображений (резкость, размытие, раскрашивание, насыщенность и т.д.)
» Создание расширенных рамок для ваших фото и видео
» Вырезание и поворачивание ваших фотографий и видео с точностью
» Устранение эффекта "красных глаз" с помощью встроенного инструмента
» Масштабирование по координатам X и Y индивидуально для каждого слоя
» Полностью настраиваемая сетка предпросмотра слайдов позволяет точно установить позицию для ваших фото и видео
» Контролирование шрифтов, размеров и цветов подписей к слайдам
» Анимирование подписей к слайдам с помощью различных встроенных эффектов
» Использование звукового сопровождения для ваших слайдов
» Поддержка форматов WAV и MP3 для звукового сопровождения
» Сохранение звуковых дорожек напрямую с CD-диска и прямое перетаскивание звуков в ваши слайды
» И многие другие возможности...

Дополнительные возможности данной версии:
» Копирование защищенных CD
» Наложение водяных знаков на изображения и видео
» Пользовательские шаблоны
» Захват рамок
» Сжатие AVI на выходе
» Сглаживание при переходах
» Использование текстур в подписях
» Использование градиента в подписях
» Использование стилей подписей
» Использование межстрочных промежутков в подписях
» Поворот подписей
» Настройка цвета тени и прозрачности
» Создание виньеток
» Поддержка RAW-файлов
» Управление с клавиатуры
» И многое другое

Новые возможности:
» Стили слайдов имеют предустановленные эффекты, которые вы сможете применить к любому слайду вашего показа
» Добавление примечаний к слоям, слайдам или показу
» Редактирование ключевых кадров с легким использованием нового редактора ключевых кадров
» Размытие любого изображения или видео в вашем слайд шоу
» Подобно Adobe Photoshop, ProShow Producer 4.5 теперь позволяет регулировать слои на каждом слайде
» Новый инструмент синхронизации аудио
» Поддержка анимированных GIF изображений
» Установка названий слоям
» Повороты и перевороты видео
» Усовершенствованный аудио контроль
» Новые настройки автоматического сохранения
» Опции меню правой кнопки мыши
» Отображение времени в секундах во временной шкале

Demo oficial:
Official Demo

Parere personala: Cu toate ca mi-a luat citva timp sa invat a lucra in el, nu-mi pare rau deloc de timpul pierdut. Softul, ce-i drept, nu e freeware, insa, am obtinut licenta de pe forumul acesta: . Voi incerca sa transfer toata informatia cu privire la cum se instaleaza si mai multe pack-uri cu tranzitii si efecte, in limba romana. Puteti, insa, sa va inregistrati aici si sa urmariti topicul acesta:

Demo personal:
Personal demo


Procesul de instalare (scroll down pina la "How To Install ProShow With ALL The Ex...) (en)

Photodex ProShow Producer 4.5.3003

The Latest Version for 2011

New Version Available - V4.52.3053

Timeline: 6th June 2011

I have just updated to the latest version from V4.5.3003 to V4.52.3053 without any issues.

So, if you have installed this already, open your Proshow Producer program and allow it to upgrade and you'll get the latest version also..

Here's the full details of how to re-register and receive upgrades for the next 12 months..
PLUS: Download and Install The Proshow Producer Vintage Stylepack

I have re-edited the bottom of this post to include new installation guidelines for those folks who are experiencing difficulty in installing this program with all the available Transitions and Stylepacks!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Here's a program that will create extremely professional videos without a lot of effort,  it's Photodex ProShow Producer the TOP Photodex video producing program, the latest version...

You can import graphics and/or clips from other videos, create opt-in style videos from Bullet points taken from a sales page, add your sound tracks, read the threads here to find the links to Free Audios.

You don't have to do a lot to produce great videos really. Just drag and drop your graphics to the timeline, click on a graphic to add 'Layer Styles', 'Effects', 'Captions', and sound etc.. loads of effects to choose from in this separate editor area for each of the items previously mentioned. You can via the styles editor schedule several graphics to appear along with an individual graphic. You can double click the transitions between the graphics and choose a transition from the hundreds of awesome effects, to see what a transition effect will do prior to using it in your video you simply click it once for a preview and double click to use it, to change a transition on the timeline just click on it again.

If you took the time to situate your graphics in the order that you wanted, you can customize literally anything, the frame rate, the layers, hundreds of different effects, you can add video inside the video, you can create save and re-use your own templates or use/customize the included ones which are pretty damn good, when you're done upload your videos directly to YouTube or wherever.

Go to the following link to download it directly from their site...

I installed this program directly into my PC in January using the details and serial number below and haven't had any issues with it whatsoever.

Just look at the themes, click the link underneath any of them and watch a video of what you can do.. (Every single one of these effects, styles and transitions is in the downloads I have provided here)
It already has 175 built in transitions - 350 overall... Complete with 350+ New effects ProShow 4.5 features over 190 new transitions and over 170 new styles for your shows
Here's the ProShow Transition Pack Volume 1 if anyone is interested, they add an extra 68 really bad-ass transitions and when you count all the different variations of each one there are well over 100+

Here's a video of what extra's you can place between your graphics, video clips etc using the above transitions pack...
To install the transitions pack, open the downloaded folder and copy the entire CONTENTS from WITHIN this folder, go to your C:\Programs folder or equivalant and install (Paste) the contents directly into the Photodex 'Transitions' folder, job completed.

To download some free effects, when the program is open, go to 'File' in the upper left hand corner, then scroll down to 'Download Extras' and click on 'Extras', you have a choice of 11 extras to add that won't jeopordise your software installation, there is no trackback... you can choose 'Backgrounds', 'Borders', Masks', 'Menu's etc, etc.

I'm sure some members here may be able to source some other effects and transition packs for us to use.

Here's the installation details:

After initial installation click the 'Help' link in the top menu:
Scroll down and click on 'Enter Registration',
Enter the following details,

name and phone number as below:

Name details: Name Here
Phone number: 8005555785

Next click the 'Activate Registration' button,
CONGRATULATIONS you now have the Full Program Installed..!!   

Name Here ( pls note that this does not refer to your own name but simply type the following words literally:- Name Here)

Hope you like it, hit 'Thanks' if you do!


EDIT: Both Wolfie, Post #24 and Breeze, Post #44 have added style and transition pack downloads.. Thanks has been duly given by myself, but please also thank them when you use the links they've provided..!     

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How To Install ProShow With ALL The Extremely Useful Extra Components..!!

Download Photodex.ProShow.Producer.4.5.2949.Incl.part01.rar .html to part11.rar.html via the link below into a new folder.

Next, when all 11 parts are downloaded, unpack them, inside the new folder will be the ProShow.Producer.4.5.2949 exe and a 'Setup-1' BIN file.

Next, download the Photodex.Proshow.Producer.4.5.3003.exe directly from the Photodex site if you haven't already done so, save it to a separate folder.
(Note that you need to alter the neccesary parts to complete each link..)
Method 1:

This method assumes that you have already installed ProShow Producer 4.5.3003.

Install the ProShow.Producer.4.5.2949 (Note the details of the program's name ie. C:\Program Files\Photodex\ProShowProducer)

The newer version ProShow.Producer.4.5.3003 installed with a slightly different program name ie, C:\Program Files\Photodex\ProShow Producer
(Note the space between the program's name in the newer version)

The two programs were named slightly differently by Photodex to differentiate them for their updating purposes/reasons.

Doing as above will now create all the necessary files in an adjacent folder named 'ProShowProducer' within the c:\Program files\Photodex\ folder where you can easily copy across the contents into the original program folder named 'ProShow Producer'. (Again; Note the space between the program file name)

You'll find the following extra materials by opening all the various folders inside the program folder and copying them across to your original program's installation folder..

You should find: audio's, extra backgrounds, more templates as well as all those styles, plus extra content in the menu's folder etc..

You can then delete the ProShow.Producer.4.5.2949 installation via the 'Control panel' > 'Add or Remove Programs'.

Method 2:

Step 1

Uninstall the original installation 'ProShow.Producer.4.5.3003'. (Do Not Touch/Leave the contents inside the program's folder totally intact)

Step 2

Install ProShow.Producer.4.5.2949 (This was received via the downloads above.)
Note the details of the program's name as you are clicking to install it, this is IMPORTANT, it will be named wrongly for what we want in this instance... ie. C:\Program Files\Photodex\ProShowProducer

Change the following part of the file name C:\Program Files\Photodex\ProShow Producer (Place a space between the program's file name).

This will install all the extra folders that we want to install into the original program's folder... (Check the program out if you want, it functions perfectly but it's not what we want at this time, close the program if it's been opened)

Step 3

Install the latest version ProShow.Producer.4.5.3003 that you downloaded from the site as explained in my initial post, Post #1. (No need to watch for program file names this time) this will add all the program's latest features AND as an added bonus it will not require registering as it assumes it's an upgrade.

Step 4

Install the Transitions Pack 1, then go to Breeze's post #44 and download the other packs posted there and install them.

Job jobbed...

You now have ProShow 4.5.3003 installed with all the extremely useful extra's that'll make your job of pumping out loadsa videos so much quicker & easier than you'll know what to do with, plus you can easily upload them to YouTube and other video sharing sites etcetera, etcetera!!

Hope that helps..!! 


Note: Dati un pic mai jos pentru a trece de update si a vedea procesul complet de instalare. Urmati fiecare pas si totul va merge, eu personal nu am avut probleme, proga a mers din prima oara. Daca totusi aveti probleme cu instalarea, mai bine inregistrativa pe acel site si urmariti ultima pagina, acolo este un update pentru cei ce nu au reusit cu instalarea, sau scrieti aici sau PM.

Editat de către bawls la 2011-06-29 20:28:11

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#1 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-18 12:59:46 (711 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
In dependenta de posturi si activitate pe topic, v-oi face update la #0. Fiti activi!

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#2 by victormacari (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-20 18:51:27 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ma folosesc si eu de programa asta, e Super... :good:

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#3 by loveStruck UploadTorrentsBan (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-20 20:16:59 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 ladyboss, moviemaker vs powerpoint? :look:

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#4 by System at 2011-06-21 07:36:47 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Da programa asta face hd 1080?

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#5 by Eventual Volei Club (Виталий Виталиевичь) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-21 09:47:00 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
interesant treb de găsit timp de o încercat

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#6 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-21 12:09:12 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2 victormacari, "... Ma folosesc si eu de programa asta, e Super... ..." - :victory:

#3 loveStruck, "... #0 ladyboss, moviemaker vs powerpoint? ..." -  :woot: ?  poate "moviemaker ft. powerpoint" ? . daca asa atunci ai afirmat corect! Intradevar, are multe posibilitati ProShow. Este mult folosita de video produceri la nunti si alte ceremonii. Are multe "Wedding Style" theme pack-uri si tranzitii de acest gen. Cautati pe youtube "Proshow Wedding". Poti chiar sa iti incepi un business propriu daca ai timp si aparate bune.

#4 Icewizard, "... Da programa asta face hd 1080 ..." - Face. Insa ai grija sa ai un PC pe masura, la mine la 1,6Ghz (1 core)^^, 512mb RAM^^ a luat cca 3 ore sa rendeze un video de 2 min. De asemenea are optiunea de a uploada direct pe youtube, facebook, etc.

#5 Eventual, "... interesant treb de găsit timp de o încercat ..." -    incearca, sunt sigur ca nu vei regreta.  :wink:

TO ALL: Am inclus procesul de instalare in #0 .
Dati un pic mai jos pentru a trece de update si a vedea procesul complet de instalare. Urmati fiecare pas si totul va merge, eu personal nu am avut probleme, proga a mers din prima oara. Daca totusi aveti probleme cu instalarea, mai bine inregistrativa pe acel site si urmariti ultima pagina, acolo este un update pentru cei ce nu au reusit cu instalarea, sau scrieti aici.  :)

Editat de către bawls la 2011-06-21 12:25:06

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#7 by vadimsurugiu (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-25 20:09:23 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 ladyboss, Asta e un fel de photoshop,daca nu , nu ma intereseaza . :rlaxed:

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#8 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-25 22:52:57 (710 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#7 vadimsurugiu, Nu e un fel de Photoshop. E pentru creare de slideshow-uri. Mai bine citeste #0 si informeaza-te inainte de a posta.

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#9 by sk07 (sleepwalker) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-29 20:11:41 (709 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 ladyboss, "...  am obtinut licenta de pe forumul acesta:  ..." - sigur, pe tracker de parcă nui și nici nu va mai fi ceva )

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#10 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-06-29 20:25:36 (709 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#9 sk07, nu am cautat pe tracker daca sa fiu sincer. editez acum #0. mersi

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#11 by LLiviUU (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-08-16 23:11:21 (702 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
am citit de mai sus e foarte incurcat ..bun am o intrebare eu am discarcat programa Photodex ProShow Producer / Gold 4.52.3053 + Русификаторы + StylePacks am instalat sa primit super fara nici o problema chear shi cu instalarea limbei .. este o papca photoproshow Stilpacks cum sa instalez stilurile shi unde?sau ele sau instalat automat cand am instalat programa?ce sa fac....

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#12 by bawls (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-08-16 23:59:27 (702 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ele sunt automat instalate. tu doar cind adagi un nou slide, fa click dublu pe el si alege un style, este buton ceva "add new slide". daca vrei sa adaugi noi style-packuri , copii simplu fileurile in mapa cu style packuri din programa. Nu pot sa lamuresc concret deoarece e stearsa programa la moment din PC.

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#13 by LLiviUU (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-08-17 02:05:55 (702 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#12 ladyboss,jalko :wink:poate alt cineva shtie

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#14 by sk07 (sleepwalker) (0 mesaje) at 2011-08-26 23:29:28 (701 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#11 LLiviUU, "... cum sa instalez stilurile shi unde? ..." - pur și simplu începi instalarea, fără a schimba directoriul (dar paremise așa ceva nu e posibil..)

apoi deja în program vezi/aplici style-urile de care ai nevoie, vor fi disponibile în lista cu cele by default (integrate)

#12 ladyboss, "... ele sunt automat instalate. ..." - nu, fiecare pack necesită instalare de sinestătătoare

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#15 by TataCelTare (Δ Ƶ Ŧ Σ ℜ ∅ Ŧ ℋ) (0 mesaje) at 2011-11-05 10:24:10 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Salut,am de efectuat un proiect p/u școală și anume să reclamez un produs ”LEGO” (Video durata- 00:01:30-00:02:30).
Mă gîndesc să fac în modul acesta , dar nu am experiență în domeniul acesta și vreau să aflu cum se numește modul de filmare adică da aici e din mai multe fotografii la fiecare imagine să fie cîte o mișcare dar vreau să mai citesc puțină informație.
Poate cineva să mă ajute?
Dacă nu am scris în topic-ul corect rog să mă redicționați.

Mulțumesc anticipat!

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#16 by allekss21 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2013-09-22 22:58:37 (593 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
cum pot sa schimb limba?ma ajuta cineva

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