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#0 by DIMEX Donor (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2007-01-19 15:50:33 (921 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Cîteva reguli:

1. Ştirea se postează menţionînd şi sursa (adresa internet)! (nu se consideră a fi o ştire impresiile personale relatate pe un blog, pagina web personală,etc).

2. Disputele la tema politică se exclud!

3. Se exclude off-topicul!

4. Nerespectarea regulilor date se va pedepsi aspru!

Site-uri cu stiri autohtone:

Editat de către Adrenalin la 2009-07-12 15:40:25

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#2151 by trulyalya (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2008-01-31 23:00:03 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2145 sergeyABC, я тож удивился когда сайт мой не загрузился

правда не миллион доменов а поменьше

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#2152 by VitRom Donor (CRV 373) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 09:02:47 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2150 Hm, "... Da ce ai facut tu ca sa nu fie el presedinte ..." - tot ce a fost in puterile mele pentru acea perioada, anume, am votat partidul care nu a depus vot de incredere pe 4 aprilie, oare ai facut-o la fel????

Compania Shell a anunţat joi câştiguri de 13.9 miliarde de lire sterline. Acesta este cel mai mare profit înregistrat vreodată de o companie britanică. Gigantul petrolului a raportat joi, 31 ianuarie 2008, că profiturile sale au crescut cu aproximativ 9% în comparaţie cu anul trecut. Potrivit postului românesc de televiziune Antena3, anunţul unor câştiguri record este aşteptat, în cursul acestei săptămâni, şi de la Exxon Mobil, rivala americană a Shell-ului.

De cealaltă parte, criticii au calificat câştigurile Shell ca fiind “obscene”, subliniind faptul că industria se chinuieşte să plătească preţul piperat al energiei. Tony Woodley, secretar general al Sindicatului Union a declarat că a venit timpul ca guvernul britanic să acţioneze.

Royal Dutch Shell este unul dintre cel mai mare grupuri energetice din lume. Această companie este una anglo-olandeză care în 2006 a avut o cifră de afaceri de 318 miliarde $.

Sursa: UNIMEDIA, cu referinţă la Antena3

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#2153 by MarilynManson (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 14:22:00 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Молдтелеком" включил робота-"напоминалку"

Чтобы клиенты фиксированной телефонной связи не забывали платить
Вас еще не будил звонок, напоминающий вам, что подошло время порыться в кипе бумаг на газетном столике и найти счет за телефонную связь? Тогда еще будет. «Молдтелеком» включил робота, который каждый месяц после 17 числа будет названивать и рекомендовать оплатить услуги оператора фиксированной телефонной связи. Автоответчик с напоминаниями будет звонить всем. Выборочно, конечно. Так что не нервничайте. Если до вас дошел такой звонок, вас вовсе не считают злостным неплательщиком. В «Молдтелекоме» заверили, что те, кто платит, могут спать спокойно и игнорировать призывы оплатить телефонный счет. А вот избавиться от звонков-напоминаний нельзя. Робот запрограммирован на выборочный дозвон. Как сказали в «Молдтелекоме», уж не сердитесь. Правда, говорят, что если дослушать первое сообщение до конца, то «напоминание» больше не побеспокоит вас.
«Молдтелеком» ввел новую услугу - «состояние счета
С 1 февраля абоненты в Кишиневе смогут узнать состояние счета всего за один звонок на номер 11822. Набрав этот номер, абонент попадает в роботизированное меню, где получит полную информацию о состоянии своего телефонного счета. Набрав соответствующую клавишу, абонент узнает:
Клавиша 1: общее состояние счета.
Клавиша 2: местные переговоры и потребление сверх пакета.
Клавиша 3: междугородные и международные звонки, звонки абонентам мобильной связи.
Клавиша 4: заказные междугородные и международные звонки.
Клавиша 5: переговоры с абонентами других операторов фиксированной связи, IP-телефонии, Internet Dial-up и Internet Total.
Обновление информации происходит ежедневно. Доступ к услуге «состояние счета» оплачивается как «местный звонок», в зависимости от абонемента. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь в Службу поддержки клиентов «Молдтелеком» по номеру – 117.

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#2154 by metallurgic (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 15:08:57 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2153 MarilynManson, buna treaba. Ia sa incerc :)

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#2155 by EugenC (Kudojikuto) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 15:13:57 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
am sunat deam 70 lei am undeva ... da de pe ce data se incepe luna ?

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#2156 by akiro Donor (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 19:54:54 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#2157 by Griciu (Oderint Dum Metuant) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 19:59:52 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Banuielile multora, astazi au luat sfarsit. Microsoft a facut o propunere foarte tentanta de a achzitiona Yahoo!

Stirea oficiala:

"Microsoft Proposes Acquisition of Yahoo! for $31 per Share
Transaction valued at approximately $44.6 billion in cash and stock; provides 62 percent premium to current trading price for Yahoo! shareholders; combined entity to create a more competitive company, providing superior value to shareholders, better choice and innovation for customers and partners

REDMOND, Wash. — Feb. 1, 2008 — Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) today announced that it has made a proposal to the Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) Board of Directors to acquire all the outstanding shares of Yahoo! common stock for per share consideration of $31 representing a total equity value of approximately $44.6 billion. Microsoft’s proposal would allow the Yahoo! shareholders to elect to receive cash or a fixed number of shares of Microsoft common stock, with the total consideration payable to Yahoo! shareholders consisting of one-half cash and one-half Microsoft common stock. The offer represents a 62 percent premium above the closing price of Yahoo! common stock on Jan. 31, 2008.

“We have great respect for Yahoo!, and together we can offer an increasingly exciting set of solutions for consumers, publishers and advertisers while becoming better positioned to compete in the online services market,” said Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer of Microsoft. “We believe our combination will deliver superior value to our respective shareholders and better choice and innovation to our customers and industry partners.”

“Our lives, our businesses, and even our society have been progressively transformed by the Web, and Yahoo! has played a pioneering role by building compelling, high-scale services and infrastructure,” said Ray Ozzie, chief software architect at Microsoft. “The combination of these two great teams would enable us to jointly deliver a broad range of new experiences to our customers that neither of us would have achieved on our own.”

The online advertising market is growing at a very fast pace, from over $40 billion in 2007 to nearly $80 billion by 2010. The resulting benefits of scale along with the associated capital costs for advertising platform providers make this a time of industry consolidation and convergence. Today this market is increasingly dominated by one player. Together, Microsoft and Yahoo! can offer a competitive choice while better fulfilling the needs of customers and partners.

“The combined assets and strong services focus of these two companies will enable us to achieve scale economics while reaching R&D critical mass to deliver innovation breakthroughs,” said Kevin Johnson, president of the Platforms & Services Division of Microsoft. “The industry will be well served by having more than one strong player, offering more value and real choice to advertisers, publishers and consumers.”

The combination will create a more efficient company with synergies in four areas: scale economics driven by audience critical mass and increased value for advertisers; combined engineering talent to accelerate innovation; operational efficiencies through elimination of redundant cost; and the ability to innovate in emerging user experiences such as video and mobile. Microsoft believes these four areas will generate at least $1 billion in annual synergy for the combined entity.

Microsoft has developed a plan and process that will include the employees of both companies to focus on the integration of the combined business. Microsoft intends to offer significant retention packages to Yahoo! engineers, key leaders and employees across all disciplines.

Microsoft believes this proposed combination would receive all necessary regulatory approvals and expects that the proposed transaction would be completed in the second half of calendar year 2008.

Microsoft is also committed to working closely with Yahoo! management and its Board of Directors as they, along with Yahoo! shareholders, evaluate this compelling proposal.

Below is the text of the letter that Microsoft sent to Yahoo!’s Board of Directors:

January 31, 2008

Board of Directors
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Attention: Roy Bostock, Chairman
Attention: Jerry Yang, Chief Executive Officer

Dear Members of the Board:

I am writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of Microsoft to make a proposal for a business combination of Microsoft and Yahoo!. Under our proposal, Microsoft would acquire all of the outstanding shares of Yahoo! common stock for per share consideration of $31 based on Microsoft’s closing share price on January 31, 2008, payable in the form of $31 in cash or 0.9509 of a share of Microsoft common stock. Microsoft would provide each Yahoo! shareholder with the ability to choose whether to receive the consideration in cash or Microsoft common stock, subject to pro-ration so that in the aggregate one-half of the Yahoo! common shares will be exchanged for shares of Microsoft common stock and one-half of the Yahoo! common shares will be converted into the right to receive cash. Our proposal is not subject to any financing condition.

Our proposal represents a 62% premium above the closing price of Yahoo! common stock of $19.18 on January 31, 2008. The implied premium for the operating assets of the company clearly is considerably greater when adjusted for the minority, non-controlled assets and cash. By whatever financial measure you use - EBITDA, free cash flow, operating cash flow, net income, or analyst target prices - this proposal represents a compelling value realization event for your shareholders.

We believe that Microsoft common stock represents a very attractive investment opportunity for Yahoo!’s shareholders. Microsoft has generated revenue growth of 15%, earnings growth of 26%, and a return on equity of 35% on average for the last three years. Microsoft’s share price has generated shareholder returns of 8% during the last one year period and 28% during the last three year period, significantly outperforming the S&P 500. It is our view that Microsoft has significant potential upside given the continued solid growth in our core businesses, the recent launch of Windows Vista, and other strategic initiatives.

Microsoft’s consistent belief has been that the combination of Microsoft and Yahoo! clearly represents the best way to deliver maximum value to our respective shareholders, as well as create a more efficient and competitive company that would provide greater value and service to our customers. In late 2006 and early 2007, we jointly explored a broad range of ways in which our two companies might work together. These discussions were based on a vision that the online businesses of Microsoft and Yahoo! should be aligned in some way to create a more effective competitor in the online marketplace. We discussed a number of alternatives ranging from commercial partnerships to a merger proposal, which you rejected. While a commercial partnership may have made sense at one time, Microsoft believes that the only alternative now is the combination of Microsoft and Yahoo! that we are proposing.

In February 2007, I received a letter from your Chairman indicating the view of the Yahoo! Board that “now is not the right time from the perspective of our shareholders to enter into discussions regarding an acquisition transaction.” According to that letter, the principal reason for this view was the Yahoo! Board’s confidence in the “potential upside” if management successfully executed on a reformulated strategy based on certain operational initiatives, such as Project Panama, and a significant organizational realignment. A year has gone by, and the competitive situation has not improved.

While online advertising growth continues, there are significant benefits of scale in advertising platform economics, in capital costs for search index build-out, and in research and development, making this a time of industry consolidation and convergence. Today, the market is increasingly dominated by one player who is consolidating its dominance through acquisition. Together, Microsoft and Yahoo! can offer a credible alternative for consumers, advertisers, and publishers. Synergies of this combination fall into four areas:

Scale economics: This combination enables synergies related to scale economics of the advertising platform where today there is only one competitor at scale. This includes synergies across both search and non-search related advertising that will strengthen the value proposition to both advertisers and publishers. Additionally, the combination allows us to consolidate capital spending.

Expanded R&D capacity: The combined talent of our engineering resources can be focused on R&D priorities such as a single search index and single advertising platform. Together we can unleash new levels of innovation, delivering enhanced user experiences, breakthroughs in search, and new advertising platform capabilities. Many of these breakthroughs are a function of an engineering scale that today neither of our companies has on its own.

Operational efficiencies: Eliminating redundant infrastructure and duplicative operating costs will improve the financial performance of the combined entity.

Emerging user experiences: Our combined ability to focus engineering resources that drive innovation in emerging scenarios such as video, mobile services, online commerce, social media, and social platforms is greatly enhanced.

We would value the opportunity to further discuss with you how to optimize the integration of our respective businesses to create a leading global technology company with exceptional display and search advertising capabilities. You should also be aware that we intend to offer significant retention packages to your engineers, key leaders and employees across all disciplines.

We have dedicated considerable time and resources to an analysis of a potential transaction and are confident that the combination will receive all necessary regulatory approvals. We look forward to discussing this with you, and both our internal legal team and outside counsel are available to meet with your counsel at their earliest convenience.

Our proposal is subject to the negotiation of a definitive merger agreement and our having the opportunity to conduct certain limited and confirmatory due diligence. In addition, because a portion of the aggregate merger consideration would consist of Microsoft common stock, we would provide Yahoo! the opportunity to conduct appropriate limited due diligence with respect to Microsoft. We are prepared to deliver a draft merger agreement to you and begin discussions immediately.

In light of the significance of this proposal to your shareholders and ours, as well as the potential for selective disclosures, our intention is to publicly release the text of this letter tomorrow morning.

Due to the importance of these discussions and the value represented by our proposal, we expect the Yahoo! Board to engage in a full review of our proposal. My leadership team and I would be happy to make ourselves available to meet with you and your Board at your earliest convenience. Depending on the nature of your response, Microsoft reserves the right to pursue all necessary steps to ensure that Yahoo!’s shareholders are provided with the opportunity to realize the value inherent in our proposal.

We believe this proposal represents a unique opportunity to create significant value for Yahoo!’s shareholders and employees, and the combined company will be better positioned to provide an enhanced value proposition to users and advertisers. We hope that you and your Board share our enthusiasm, and we look forward to a prompt and favorable reply.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Steven A. Ballmer

Steven A. Ballmer

Chief Executive Officer

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft will host an analyst/investor conference call at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time/5:30 a.m. Pacific Time to discuss today’s announcement. If you want to participate, you may do so by dialing (866) 610-1072 or (706) 634-9230 (toll/international); the conference ID number is 33470390. Please dial in at least 20 minutes in advance of the call. Accompanying slides and the conference call Webcast will be available at Playback of the conference call and the webcast will be available for replay through the close of business on Feb. 5, 2008. The replay can be accessed by dialing (800) 642-1687 or (706) 645-9291 (toll/international); the conference ID number is 33470390."

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#2158 by vasilisa Donor (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-01 23:01:23 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2153 MarilynManson, пусть сначала наладят работу интернет отдела :rant:

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#2159 by BFG Velo Club (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 04:03:21 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Наконец-то стали известны итоги церемонии награждения лучших игр 2007 года по версии Game Critics Awards. Авторитетное жюри из опытных западных игровых журналистов решило, что звания лучшей из лучших достойна action/RPG BioShock.

Вся мультиплатформенная десятка лучших игр 2007 года по версии Game Critics Awards выглядит так:

1. BioShock – 2K Games (PC, Xbox 360)
2. The Orange Box – Valve/EA (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
3. Call of Duty 4 – Activision (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
4. Rock Band – Harmonix/EA (Xbox 360, PS3, PS2)
5. Super Mario Galaxy – Nintendo (Wii)
6. Halo 3 – Microsoft (Xbox 360)
7. Mass Effect – BioWare/Microsoft (Xbox 360)
8. God of War 2 – Sony (PS2)
9. Assassin's Creed – Ubisoft (PS3, Xbox 360)
10. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune – Sony (PS3)

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#2160 by MarilynManson (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 12:23:36 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Компания Motorola может прекратить выпуск мобильных телефонов

Из-за убытков и снижения рыночной доли Motorola может продать подразделение по производству мобильных телефонов. Компания теряет свои позиции на этом рынке, сместившись по итогам года со второго места на третье, и огромные убытки заставляют искать пути выхода из кризиса.
Одним из них может стать выделение мобильного бизнеса в отдельную независимую компанию. При этом эксперты считают, что век у этой компании может быть недолгим: ее попросту выставят на продажу.
Компания Motorola рассматривает возможности «восстановления роста и доходности на расширяющемся глобальном рынке». Одним из путей может быть выделение производства мобильных телефонов в отдельный вид бизнеса.
Сейчас компания исследует возможности «структурной и стратегической перестройки» для возмещения убытков от производства мобильных телефонов. Так, в 2007 году убытки Motorola вследствие падения продаж сотовых телефонов составили 49 миллионов против чистой прибыли в 3 миллиарда 660 миллионов долларов за предыдущий год.
Один из акционеров компании, американский миллиардер Карл Икан, ранее неоднократно заявлял о необходимости выделения производства сотовых телефонов в отдельную компанию и даже пытался войти в совет директоров Motorola, с тем, чтобы добиваться реструктуризации.
Несмотря на попытки обновить линейку телефонов, Motorola теряет рыночную долю в мире (с 21,4% до 13% в 2007 году). В результате компания сместилась на третье место со второго, пропустив вперед Samsung. Общемировой лидер по продажам сотовых телефонов – Nokia.
Ведущий аналитик Mobile Research Group Эльдар Муртазин уверен, что выделение в отдельную компанию – первый шаг к возможной продаже бизнеса по производству мобильных телефонов.
Ранее акционеры уже упоминали о разделении компании (далее могут быть либо продажа, либо поддержание отдельных бизнесов). Кроме того, в последнее время возобновились слухи о возможной покупке мобильного подразделения Motorola китайскими производителями.
Марка Motorola очень известна, и восстановить ее можно, однако проблема в том, что она дорогая, рассуждает Эльдар Муртазин. Реновация обойдется достаточно дорого, поэтому китайские компании, которым важны прежде всего технологии и конечная стоимость, не смогут купить мобильный бизнес Motorola.
Остается несколько компаний, которые могли бы приобрести подразделение Motorola. Среди них Sony Ericsson, если, конечно, она решит, что ей это необходимо, или один из американских компьютерных производителей, который будет развивать на базе Motorola решения для бизнес-клиентов.
По мнению аналитика, если переговоры о продаже и были, то пока очень предварительные, а возможной продажи можно ожидать не ранее чем во второй половине года. Кроме того, остается неясным вопрос о перспективе последних технических наработок Motorola.
После сообщения о возможном выделении в отдельную компанию бизнеса по производству мобильных телефонов акции Motorola подскочили на 10%.

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#2161 by predator (Mr.Sinister) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 13:28:42 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

          Microsoft offers $44 billion to buy Yahoo, Google scared

It has been a while since our last Tech News post and many things has happened during this time. Probably the most significant news was Microsoft’s offer to buy Yahoo for astonishing $44.6 billion. According to latest news, Google doesn’t like it too much: they said Sunday that Microsoft’s proposed takeover of Yahoo could pose a number of potential threats to competition that need to be examined by policymakers around the world. Google said in a blog post on its Web site that given Microsoft’s anti-competitive conduct in the past and its continued dominance in the technology industry, the proposed transaction could pose threats to “innovation and openness” on the Internet. But Google’s broadly worded concerns lacked detailed claims about the anticompetitive effects of the deal, and the company did not ask federal regulators to take any specific actions at this time.

“Could a combination of the two take advantage of a PC software monopoly to unfairly limit the ability of consumers to freely access competitors’ e-mail, IM, and Web-based services?” Mr. Drummond, Google senior vice president, asked. Yahoo and Microsoft also run two of the most heavily trafficked portals on the Internet, Mr. Drummond noted. Google’s reaction suggests the Internet search giant may be preparing to do its best to derail or delay any merger. If so, the strategy would mirror Microsoft’s own actions with respect to Google’s proposed acquisition of online advertising specialist DoubleClick for $3.1 billion. It’s obvious Yahoo on its own can’t compete with Google, but I’m not sure if this is the right way…

Source: NY Times

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#2162 by MarilynManson (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 13:33:13 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
вот такой вот сюжетик

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#2163 by AdrianCodr (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 16:12:09 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#2164 by EugenC (Kudojikuto) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 16:16:22 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#2165 by ceay (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 16:23:33 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2161 predator, :w00t: nu vreau!!!!!! Microsoft sa se bage si in Yahoo?! :no:

#2163 AdrianCodr, mare IQ tre sa ai pt asta...

Editat de către ceay la 2008-02-04 16:56:27

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#2166 by Cracker Donor (VIP | Гастралёр ла Омерика) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 17:19:15 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Moldova în UE (c) Nicolas Sarkozy

Procesul de extindere a Uniunii Europene nu este încă încheiat... UE nu este completă fără balcani şi desigur fără Moldova.
Franţa a fost, este şi va fi cea mai bună prietenă a României.

(c) Nicolas Sarkozy

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#2167 by Zuker (Poliglot) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 17:36:35 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2166 Cracker, fustangiului de Sarkozy nu-i ajung femei din spaţiul Europei de Vest, vrea să dea buzna şi peste Prut, spre Est? :sarcastic:

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#2168 by dentist Donor (român) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 17:49:13 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2167 Zuker, ce aveţi bre cu el? Toată lumea face din chestia asta un parcă nu ar avea dreptul la viaţă personală....omul e sincer cu toată lumea, da lumea îl scuipă în faţă...sau doar e invidioasă lumea şi atâta tot?

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#2169 by MDD (Rupe sârma de la Prut !!!) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 20:28:55 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
civinte de aur mai sarkozy

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#2170 by Zuker (Poliglot) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 21:45:33 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2168 dentist, relax. It was just a sarcastic joke. :wink:
Ps. Nu credeţi despre totul ce se aude.Fiţi un pic mai pragmatici şi mai puţin visători.

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#2171 by dentist Donor (român) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 22:04:51 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2170 Zuker, eu am avut in vedere de relatiile lui cu viitoarea sotie a lui...tot globul pamantesc mai ca sa uita la el/ea in c*r ca sa vada ceva ce nu au vazut altii...mă iertaţi de expresie.
Şi nu credeţi că-s nervos, vi se pare doar :D

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#2172 by jekader Donor (Besatzungsarmee) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-04 22:58:18 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#2173 by Sv8 (Vlad Ţepeş) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-05 00:37:13 (867 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2171 dentist, da cine-i Sarcozy? :blush:

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#2174 by CUCURUL (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-05 07:19:15 (866 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2173 Sv8, :lol: e presedintele Frantei

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#2175 by diancic ( ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-05 08:39:54 (866 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#2173 Sv8, :lol: ruşine

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