Forum Index > Ofer > .: Invitaţii :.

#0 by BNQ Donor Fotbalist (End of an Era) (0 mesaje) at 2008-10-21 19:57:14 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Forma de a cere invite

1. User
2. Imagine, speed-test de pe de pe 2 servere 1. Chişinău şi 2. Frankfurt  (eu voi verirfica Ip)
3. Pe ce trackere mai este înregistrat (fără prostii gen: eogli)
4. Tracker-ul pe care doreşte invitaţie.
5. Scopul pt care doreşte să primească invitaţie pe acel tracker.
6. Dacă doriţi să oferiţi Invite cuiva, nu aveţi decît să-l contactaţi prin PM, după ce persoana care a postat "Cererea de Invite", primeşte Invite, ea va scrie în topic, numărul msg ce urmează să fie editat (în semn că a primit invite) de către mine.

1. Să nu facă cheating pe trackerul pe care primeşte invite, banurile de cheat vor fi imediat aplicate aici pe TMD
2. Poate lăsa accountul baltă doar cu acordul celui care l-a invitat, other way va primi warning pe 8 săptămâni pe TMD.
3. Floodul nu va fi tolerat, msg offtopic, vor fi cenzurate!
4. Cei care doresc invitații, trebuie să fie înregistrați pe TorrentsMD nu mai puțin de 15 săptămîni.

P.S. pe ScT, FtWR, zombobox, Uniongang nu se oferă invitaţi :) aşa că NU CEREŢI AICI !!! :)

Versiunea în rusă:

Форма для заявок:
1.Юзер (ваше имя в сети).
2. Картинка (ссылка)  скорости интернета с с двух серверов: 1. Кишинэу, 2. Frankfurt (модератор будет проверять IP).
3. На каких трекерах вы еще зарегистрированы (желательно закрытых).
4. Трекер, на который вам нужен инвайт.
5. По какой причине вы хотите попасть на искомый вами трекер.
6. Если вы хотите предложить кому-то инвайт,  просто напишите ему в ЛС,  после  того, как данное лицо получит инвайт, он должен будет написать в топик номер сообщения, который должен быть редактирован модератором. (в смысле того, что он получил инвайт)

1. Юзер, получивший инвайт, обязуется НЕ использовать посторонние программы для поднятие рейтинга, санкции примененные на трекере, будут также применены и на ТМД!
2. Юзер может не использовать свой аккаунт только с соглашения того, кто предоставил ему инвайт, в противном случае, юзер получит предупреждение на ТМД, сроком на 8 недель!
3. Flood –  не приветствуется! Посты не по теме будут немедленно подвергнуты цензуре. (Censored)
4. Желающие получить приглашение, должны быть зарегистрированы на TorrentsMD не меньше 15 недели.

P.S.  ScT, FtWR, zombobox, Uniongang инвайты не предоставляются, так что их НЕ ПРОСИТЬ !!!

Cine va vinde (pe forum, oriunde) invitaţiile de pe TORRENTS.MD va fi ASPRU pedepsit

Nu ţi se deschide careva site? Nu ştii care e problema? Bănuieşti că doar la tine este aşa problemă? Testează aici: !

A-L = acid-lounge
AOM = Art Of Misdirection
AZT = AudioZoneTorrents
BB = blue-bytez
BG = BitGamer
BH = BitHUmen
BiTT = bittorrents (ro)
BN = BitNation
BS = BitSoup
BT = bootytorrents
BWT = BollyWoodTorrents
BSk = BitShock
CO = Cinema-obscura
CT = CrossTorrents
CZ = czone
DB = Danish Bay
DH = DigitalHive
Docs = Docs torrents (ro)
DOTR = dayoftherelease (inchis)
Emp = Empornium
ET = EclipseTorrents
eXb = extremebits
Exigo = exigomusic
FB = FinBytes
FCZ = fullcontactzone
FF = FileFight
FL = Filelist
FP = FilePorn
FSC = Funsharing
FTN = Feedthe net
sFZ = Scene FZ (ro) ex FZ (filezone)
gfx = gfxnews
GTI = GrabThe info
HertZa = hertza (ro)
HT = heaventracker
Iplay =
IPT = IPtorrents
istorrent = torrent (is)
iTS = intheshadow
IT = IndieTorrents
KG = KaraGarga
LB = LearnBits
LM = Linkomanija
LT = Torrent LT
M&S = Moobs&SpeedFire
MT = musictorrents (ro)
MV or M-Vids = music-vid (MusicVids)
NB = Norbits
NT = Nordic-T
PAT = ProAudioTorrents
PirateT = PirateTorrents
PP = PeerPortal
PT = PolishTracker
PWT = ProWrestlingTorrents
Revolt = revolt torrents (uk)
Revtt = Revolutiontt
RMVB = RMVBusters
RP = Rautaportti
RsR = Romanian ShareReactor
RTS = RunningTheScene
RTSHQ = RespectTheSeed
SCC = SceneAccess
SCL (flower) = scenelife
ScL = scenelinks [s-a unit cu BitShock]
SCN = SceneNetwork
SCT = SceneTorrents (dead)
SITR = smokingintherain
SoftT = SoftTorrents
SSC = SportScene
ST = SuperTorrents
TB = TorrentBytes
Tbits = Torrentbits (ro)
TD = TorrentDamage
TDC = TheDVDClub
TFA = TorrentsForAll
THC = horrorcharnel
Thors/thorland = ethor net
TL [TorlL] = TorrentLeech
TM = TribalMixes
TMB = TheMixingBowl
Tmd =Torrents Moldova (md)
TR = TranceRoute
TRB = Trancebooster
TT = ToxicTorrents sau TranceTracker sau TranceTraffic (au aceeasi abreviatie)
TTi = TTi nu
TV = Torrent-Vision
TvT = TvTorrents
UG = Underground-gamer
Uk-t = uk-torrents
WB = Wild-Bytes
x264 =
XD = xXx-Devil
ZP = zionpimps
Sursa : (Thx Angelitta)

Editat de către S!M@ la 2016-08-26 19:35:58

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Top mesaje

By Killer18 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2024-10-17 07:48:44 (16 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Salut, se poate o invitatie seedfile?

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#20401 by VLaFr (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-03 18:35:34 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20404 Aurelian777, "... română ..." -

#20404 Aurelian777, "... rusă. ..." -


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#20402 by SqloW (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 10:25:56 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
2 x tl

primu venit primu servit

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#20403 by vanno (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 11:38:42 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
am 2 invitatii pe dar vreu si eu ceva in skimb
daca vrei una si ai ceva bun pt a face sckimb dami un pm.

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#20404 by MisterTJ (I'm here to help you) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 16:42:25 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
RARBG, XtremeZone, SweShare, SwePiracy & Wunza – Now Open For Signup :ae:
text ascunsскрытый текст

Site Name: SweShare (
Signup URL:
Statistics: 630+ users and ~700 torrents
Description: SweShare is a new Swedish General tracker. The site appears to be using the recently made public source code of SoftMP3. A mix of Swedish and English content is available (majority English). 
Full Review: N/A

Site Name: SwePiracy (
Signup URL:
Statistics: ~19000 users and 7000+ torrents
Description: Another long standing private tracker from Sweden which has been around since 2006. Swepiracy shut down for a brief period of time after the Pirate Bay verdict but returned a couple of weeks later. It’s been fully functional since then. It has a decent user base, regularly updated torrents index and clean layout. Refer full review for more information.

Site Name: XtremeZone (
Signup URL: Visit and click on Sign Up
Stats: ~11000 torrents
Description: Simply put, one of the best General/0Day trackers from Romania. Excellent download speeds, great packs and high availability of scene and non scene content makes this a worthy tracker to be a member of. XtremeZone’s web interface has gone through some visual enhancements since our last mention of it.

Site Name: Wunza (
Signup URL:
Statistics: 7300+ members and 575 torrents
Description: Wunza is a ratio free movie torrent tracker running on the Gazelle codebase. This is probably the first time they are opening signups since the site went ratio free. For further details and new features recently integrated to the tracker, check out the full review.

Site Name: RARBG (
Signup URL: RARBG now supports FaceBook connect. To join the tracker, you need to visit, login via FaceBook and spread the news to at least 5 of your FB friends (they need not accept the invites for your registration to go through).
Statistics: 72000+ torrents
Description: RARBG is a huge semi private BitTorrent tracker that does not have any mandatory ratio rules. The large torrent index, better than average speeds and extended torrent lifetime (thanks to the huge user base) makes this a viable alternative to (which is not accessible for non Bulgarian users unless you use a proxy)


ScL Shut Down :(

text ascunsскрытый текст

As you might already know, ScL tracker has been having a rough ride in the past couple of months. At one point, the site was completely offline for a few weeks. It later returned but that was with the core function of the of the site missing – torrent index was reset and resurrected version tracked 0 torrents. Although the site has been up since then, no new torrents were uploaded to the tracker. Today, an official announcement from tracker staff seals the fate of ScL – it will be shut down and it will not return. Full announcement is quoted below:


ScL forever in our hearts - 2010-03-31

Dear ScL Members,
As you know things haven't been going well lately and we apologize for that. But we would like to say that there is an explanation for everything that has happened in the past months.

In the past 7 months – ScL’s owner and coder SScript has been really inactive. He has been even less active than he was before, which basically means he has been spending approximately an hour a week on the site. He has also been leaving for many weeks without letting any other staffers know, leaving the site on its own and constantly forgetting to pay the server costs (which I'm sure you all noticed since the site constantly went down at the start of each month). SScript was never a good owner. Coding issues that were supposed to be dealt with almost 11 months ago are still not done, and yet he was too arrogant to give direct access to other coders so they could help us out.

In the past year the site has basically been ran by it's mods and admins paying the server costs from their own pocket. And if it wasn't for staff members like pedrowsky, MSO, HL, aquirre, ViperMM, scrappen and winnie - the site would have died a long time ago.

Around 4 months ago ScL went down for a long period because the owner SScript had issues paying for the server. He claims that he had paypal problems. The other staffers – supportive as always wanted to help him to get ScL back up and perhaps ask you guys to donate a little extra so he can keep running the site. But SScript didn’t have a recent copy of ScLs code and DB (His last copy was 8 months old!). Yes we know – The owner and coder of ScL doesn’t have a copy of his own site? As crazy as it sounds – It’s the truth, so now you can understand why we call him a bad owner. After this we really understood how little he cared about the site – so we decided not to support him anymore.

Anyway after weeks of hard work – MSO managed to find a 2 month old copy of the ScL and then host it on aquirres server. This copy – as everyone noticed didn’t have the torrents backed up, so therefore ScL came back up with 0 torrents.

We have been trying for months to find a way to get our torrents back and trust us – if there was a way to do it, it would have been done a long time ago. This is one of the main reasons why we didn’t give out any info to our members – We simply hoped that we could get our torrents back and that everything could go back to normal. Other reasons for us giving you guys information about the sites status this late was that SScript removed the domain since he realized that we are against him now. And as mentioned earlier, we were really far behind on the coding front – so we simply didn’t have a function to mass email our users. However – thanks to mrstonedone (who is actually not a site coder, but an IRC coder) we managed to make a function like this to finally inform you guys about what’s going on.

So what happens now? As tragic and sad as it may be – It’s time for ScL to shut down. We were blessed with the finest community the BT world has ever known and there is no doubt that our members will forever be in our hearts. There is no other tracker and there never will be a tracker with a community as strong and warm as the one ScL had.

But there is still some hope left: ScL will never come back, no. But – The ScL Crew is working on a new promising project and would like to welcome our active and loyal members to join us. This tracker is going to be a magnificent tracker – including a reckless design, a magnificent community, and the one thing ScL always missed – LOTS OF TORRENTS. We’ve got sponsors for this project and we got a really nice budget to work our way around. More info about this project will be given later.

Last but not least – We would like to say that our time as staffers on this tracker has been great and we’ve had a lot of fun serving this community. Even though we’ve had our ups and downs, it has been a pleasure to be staffers of a community this amazing. We will surely miss our fine members and we would like to wish you the best of luck in life.

And PS: The forums will be up until further notice.
Take care,

My Anonamouse Signups Open – Download E-Book & AudioBook Torrents

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#20405 by observer2 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 23:26:24 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
witam! powróci do was z poważnym wniosek, pomóż mi dostać się do wełny lub wafle lub GFT. ([email protected])

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#20406 by INFINEO (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 23:32:07 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20409 observer2, Pal - if I knew Polish language I would try to help you ) - use ENGLISH instead

Neither WAFLLES nor GFT invites are NOT offered here - try another tracker

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#20407 by observer2 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 23:33:46 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

INFINEO wrote:

#20409 observer2, Pal - if I knew Polish language I would try to help you )

Neither WAFLLES nor GFT invites are NOT offered here - try another tracker


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#20408 by INFINEO (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-04 23:47:31 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20411 observer2, because GFT costs money and WAFFLES is very difficult to obtain generally on any tracker - few people have accounts there. WAFFLES is among 3 BEST trackers on the Net with TOP RANK like TRANCETRAFFIC, ELKTRONIK and WHATCD.

If you want an Invite - find someone to recommend you if you are registered on some other TOP trackers - use GOOGLE

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#20409 by Aurelianus (Sick Of The Lies) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 14:52:42 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
pe FL e permis share-ul?

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#20410 by dima1226 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 15:07:00 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Acest mesaj nu respecta eticheta de comunicare și a fost ascuns. Click dacă oricum dorești să-l vezi.
#20411 by RadusMD (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 15:10:00 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#20412 by SkyCatcher (~) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 16:00:27 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20413 Aurelian777, parcă da :look:

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#20413 by Am0MuK (l33t n00b) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 18:06:50 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20412 INFINEO, яка нах ел цыя сдался?

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#20414 by 2100a (UpUser) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-05 20:37:41 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
am nevoie de o invitație pe cine poate sa imi ofere scrieti in PM

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#20415 by Mitiu (Uploader) (1 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 02:57:10 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ребята привет!помогите плиз очень нужен пригласительный код на

Заранее благодарю!!!пишите в личку ЖДУ

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#20416 by Mitiu (Uploader) (1 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 05:20:11 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top



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#20417 by Indig0 (român) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 09:04:17 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20419 oli4ka_1987, "... ..." - deschisă înregistrarea dac nu mă greşesc....

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#20418 by AdryCris (ACL Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 09:32:17 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
sal, un tracker bazat mai mult pe filmele .mkv este?

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#20419 by VLaFr (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 09:37:15 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20422 AdryCris, (pentru mkv-urile 1400/2100MB) :wink:

#20420 oli4ka_1987, "... ..." - #0

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#20420 by Iarik Velo Club (Dream BIG | Beer ♥) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 14:30:40 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
salut ) le HDClub are cineva invite? rog mult :)

daca da fac cererea cum se cade :pls:

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#20421 by Vovc!k ( Анкх ) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 14:33:14 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20424 Iarik, înregistrarea nu e deschisă? dak nu - PM me :)

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#20422 by Iarik Velo Club (Dream BIG | Beer ♥) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 14:50:23 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20425 Vovc!k, multumesc :)

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#20423 by TeRrOr_oF_RaP (InKviZitoR) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 15:52:01 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20420 oli4ka_1987, а что разве на Бигфане закрытая регистрация?

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#20424 by AdryCris (ACL Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 18:08:25 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20423 by VLaFr , da in limba rusa? :)

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#20425 by VLaFr (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-04-06 18:15:45 (775 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#20428 AdryCris, "... da in limba rusa? ..." - (DVDRip-AVC, HDRip-AVC ) :wink:

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