Forum Index > Chat > FLEX

#0 by NiceStep (Uploader) (0 mesaje) at 2007-10-09 21:54:12 (905 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Filiala Consiliilor Americane pentru Învăţămînt Internaţional: ACTR/ACCELS anunţă lansarea a „Programului de schimb - FLEX". Programul este finanţat în întregime  de către Guvernul SUA şi le oferă elevilor din Republica Moldova posibilitatea de a se afla un an academic în SUA, studiind un liceu american, locuind împreună cu o familie gazdă americană . Beneficiarii burselor FLEXsunt selectaţi în SUA de către o comisie independentă alcătuită din experţi din domeniul învăţămîntului în baza aptitudinilor raportate în documentele de aplicare.

Solicitanții eligibili trebuie să se pre înregistreze la

Concursul este deschis pentru toți elevii interesați care satisfac următoarele condiții:

    Sunt în clasa a 9-a, a 10-a și a 11-a*,
    Sunt cetățeni ai Republicii Moldova;
    Au studiat mai înainte limba engleză.

* Ministerul Educație al Republicii Moldova solicită ca beneficiarii burselor FLEX reîntorși după un an de studii în SUA să-și completeze studiile susținînd examenele de clasa a 12-a în Republica Moldova .

Pentru a participa la prima rundă a concursului toți candidații eligibili trebuie să vină la unul din centrele de testare avînd următoarele obiecte:

    originalul certificatului de naștere, a pașaportul cetățeanului sau a buletinul de identitate a Republicii Moldova;
    o fotografie recentă 4x5 a solicitantului;
    un creion și un stilou.

Программа школьного обмена FLEX предоставляет старшеклассникам (15-17 лет) возможность познакомиться с жизнью и культурой США посредством участия в международной обменной программе - посещая американскую общеобразовательную школу и проживая в американской принимающей семье.

Программа FLEX финансируется Правительством США. Главной целью программы является воспитание уважения к культурным различиям, предоставление возможностей личностного роста и участия в общественной деятельности, а также достижение взаимопонимания между двумя странами, что достигается путем погружения молодежи разных стран Евразии в американскую жизнь на целый учебный год. Программа  также позволяет участникам познакомить американцев с их родными странами и культурами.

Программа FLEX администрируется Бюро по вопросам образования и культуры при Гос. Департаменте США. На местном уровне программа поддерживается гражданами США и общеобразовательными школами, которые на добровольных началах размещают у себя ребят, занимаются их обучением и оказывают всевозможную поддержку и помощь, не получая за это никакой финансовой компенсации.

За 21 год существования программы более 23000 школьников получили возможность отправиться по ней в США. В 2013 – 2014 году по программе FLEX в США обучаются 800 подростков. (плюс/или только конкретное число участников из вашей страны).

Программа FLEX также приглашает к участию и студентов с ограниченными физическими возможностями. Каждый год около 10-15 студентов с ограниченными физическими возможностями едут в США по нашей программе.
1. How can I register my child to participate in FLEX?

Registering for FLEX is easy, just access the link the program will provide and follow the stepts. Once registered on the American Councils website, your child can simply come to the local testing center at the appointed time with his national passport or birth certificate, a passport sized photo and a pen. Nothing else is needed. In case, you can't register, you can just come the same day and hour when the test is organized with all the necessary documentation and you will be registered and tested.

2. My child holds citizenship in Moldova and another country. Can he/she participate?

Generally anyone meeting eligibility criteria who holds a passport of the country where testing takes place may participate in Round 1. In order to become a finalist for the program you must be eligible to receive a U.S. visa. Therefore, anyone holding dual citizenship in the United States and another county would not be eligible.

3. When will FLEX testing take place in my region?

FLEX Round 1 testing takes place between September and October of every year. FLEX tests in approximately fourteen different cities in Moldova. This number is subject to change and it is a good idea to check the FLEX website (frequently, starting in very early August) to see when Round 1 will come to your region.

4. If I do not pass in one city can my child participate in another region?

No. Each child may only participate in FLEX testing one time per year.

5. How much English does my child need to participate?

FLEX is not a language program.  Finalists are selected more because they have demonstrated an ability to adapt and thrive in a new environment rather than on their language skills. Participants are tested in their knowledge of the English language because knowledge of spoken and written English will be necessary if students are to successfully participate in school and home life in the U.S.  If the student has demonstrated characteristics that make him/her suitable to become a finalist, but that student’s level of English is not sufficient, that person may receive supplemental language instruction.

6. How many rounds of testing are there?

FLEX selection consists of three rounds. Round 1, held in September, consists of a fifteen minute multiple choice English language test. Round 2, usually held the same day after Round 1 (exception being Chisinau, which is organized couple days later), consists of three short essays to be written in English and a short application. The essays are graded strictly on content, not grammar or usage of English. Round 3, generally held four to six weeks later, consists of a standardized English language test, two short essays to be written in English, a longer application and an interview.

7. When are the results of each round announced?

The results of Round 1 are generally announced the same day. In very few test centers this will not be the case, but the American Councils representative will always inform you when and where the results will be posted. The results of Round 2 are generally announced about three weeks after Round 2 testing. All students invited to Round 3 will receive a phone call. It is not necessary to call the American Councils office.  The results of Round 3 are generally announced in the spring. All FLEX finalists and alternative candidates will receive a phone call from American Councils. Please do not call and ask.

8. Is there a way to prepare for FLEX testing? Are there courses to prepare for the testing?

Successful FLEX candidates demonstrate an ability of a student to adapt to life in a new environment.  A candidate may prepare for the first round of the test by improving his/her English. We recommend the following link:

9. If I took part in any part of FLEX testing but did not pass, may I see my results to check my mistakes?

No. All FLEX testing material is confidential. You may not check your work or see your results at any stage of FLEX testing.

10. If my child is chosen as a finalist, can I choose the city, state or school where he/she is sent?

FLEX finalists may be sent to any of the fifty states of the U.S. and are usually sent to suburban areas and rural communities. It is never possible for finalists or their parents to choose where they are sent.

11. Our family has friends/relatives in the U.S.; would it be possible to be visit them?

FLEX finalists are chosen because we feel they are suited to adapt in a completely new environment. Being close to someone they are acquainted with would disturb this process of adaptation. All travel within the U.S. must be approved by the student’s placement organization. Only in very rare situations is travel to visit friends or relatives approved.

12. Can my child stay in the U.S. after finishing FLEX and enroll in an American university?

Participants must return to their home country upon completion of the program in May or June, as per requirements of the J-1 visa, under which FLEX participants travel on the exchange program. Any subsequent travel to the U.S. is decided by the U.S. consulate.

13. Is there a FLEX program that my child can pay to participate in?

FLEX is a non-profit program. There are not secondary school programs offered by American Councils that students pay to participate in.

14. My child is seriously training in a certain sport. Is it possible for him/her to be sent to a specialized sport school in the U.S.?

Specialized sport schools, such as they exist in Moldova, are almost unheard of in the U.S. Many American schools, however, have some sport programs and we encourage participants to take part in available extra-curricular activities at school.

15. My child has a disability; can he/she participate in FLEX?

We encourage students with disabilities to participate in FLEX. We do all that we can to accommodate disabled students at testing and on the program. No one should feel that their impaired movement, hearing, or sight should keep them from trying to participate in the program. Special materials are available to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities.
Participanți ai Proiectului
NiceStep - etapa II

Elevii cu dezabilități care în prezent învață în clasele a 8-a, a 9-a, a 10-a, a 11-a sau a 12-a și au data de naștere între 15 martie 1994 și 15 iulie 1997 sunt încurajați să participe la concurs.

Programul oferă oportunităţi egale tuturor solicitanţilor şi nu face discriminări pe bază de rasă, culoare, sex, religie, origine naţională sau etnică, handicapuri sau disabilităţi.
Informație de contact: Consiliile Americane pentru Invăţămînt Internaţional: ACTR/ACCELS
Str. Kogalniceanu 76, Chisinau, Moldova MD 2009; Tel: 234873, 225860, 270766
Email: [email protected];

Editat de către NiceStep la 2014-10-12 14:25:54

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#1226 by winehouse (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 15:52:53 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1225 Euphoriq, dasha ii ku me in in school ,sh ii realy sweet

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#1227 by EuphoriqDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 15:53:51 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1226 winehouse, :w00t: da spoate numarul ei ?

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#1228 by winehouse (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 16:06:03 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1227 Euphoriq, hey nul am sh kred k eshti prea mik pt ea

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#1229 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 16:08:24 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1225 Euphoriq, Dasha e de la mine de la scoala :P Ea de 2 ori a fost akolo in S.U.A...

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#1230 by EuphoriqDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 16:09:50 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1228 winehouse, di unde ştii ? :sarcastichand:

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#1231 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 16:36:00 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1230 Euphoriq, da tu kiti ai??

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#1232 by EuphoriqDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 17:10:27 (804 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1231 Misa994, digraba 17)

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#1233 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 19:16:08 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1232 Euphoriq, )) da ea are deam 18 XD

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#1234 by EuphoriqDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 19:18:36 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1233 Misa994, never mind ;d

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#1235 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 19:29:45 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1234 Euphoriq, XD asa e ea))

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#1236 by irinaslavic (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 21:54:28 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
cine s-a inscris ?

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#1237 by yonika (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-21 23:27:05 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Inca nu,saptamana aceasta cred ca o sa ma duc,nu vreau ca anul trecut sa nimeresc prin ultimele grupe din cauza ca m-am inscris in ultima zi.
irinaslavic, tu deja te-ai inscris?

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#1238 by irinaslavic (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-22 14:53:25 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
aha :ae:
1---aa zi :D

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#1239 by goodyshoes18 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-22 16:58:22 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1236 irinaslavic, eu o sa ma duk vineri :D

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#1240 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-22 19:20:08 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Succes tuturor!!!! ))))

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#1241 by irinaslavic (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-22 19:24:54 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
mersi, mishka, da tu participi?

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#1242 by Misa994 (Full of Trance energy) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-22 20:13:09 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1241 irinaslavic, am participat deja ))

#1241 irinaslavic, am participat deja ))

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#1243 by NitZka9 (she's thunderstorms) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-23 17:30:48 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
yay, suxes la toti :P

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#1244 by goodyshoes18 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-23 20:56:15 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

#1243 NitZka9, Thx !!!

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#1245 by yonika (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-23 23:49:53 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1243 NitZka9, :D multumim,anul acesta participi?

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#1246 by ZviG Drivers Club (каждому свое) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-23 23:56:58 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
kruta,prima etapa o trecut ca ceasu,nu la mine da la o prietena :-D

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#1247 by NitZka9 (she's thunderstorms) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-24 18:11:00 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1245 yonika, yeah :D tu tot? :lol:

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#1248 by winehouse (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-24 19:04:24 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
ppl kum atz skris azi la Balti?

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#1249 by yonika (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-24 20:31:56 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1247 NitZka9 ,da eu tot :D

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#1250 by NitZka9 (she's thunderstorms) (0 mesaje) at 2009-09-24 20:32:38 (803 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#1249 yonika, pe 3 testu'? dac da cya there :P

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