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#0 by Jeka♥ (La Nesfârșit) (5 mesaje) at 2006-08-13 15:50:57 (967 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Juventus are the most-loved professional football Club in Italy and among the most important ones in the world. In Italy there are around 12 million supporters of the club, spread out all across the land.
Juventus are the favourite team in 11 regions. In the world, there are over 170 million supporters, mostly located in the Far East (100 million approximately). In Europe there are around 43 million Juventus fans.

Liga Torrents.MD

Juventus is the Champion: Liga Torrents.MD 12.11.2006


1. vladik  (portar)
2. LuigiVampa   (fundas)
3. yale86  (fundas)
4. ccc   (mijlocas)
5. deligor  (atacant)
6. Adrian3188   (atacant)
7. BNQ   (atacant)

Liga Torrents.MD v2.0 : Locul 3 09.03.07

1. vladik  (portar)
2. LuigiVampa   (fundas)
3. cristinel  (fundas)
4. fllynt (fundas)
5. ccc   (mijlocas)
6. deligor  (atacant)
7. Adrian3188   (atacant)
8. BNQ   (atacant)

Logoul Fan Clubului Juventus:- 

Editat de către Jeka♥ la 2018-07-11 17:35:20

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#8351 by aidaho (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:23:44 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8352 by deligor
Nu noi decidem pe cine trebuie de cumpara, dar conducerea echipei cu antrenorul, noua ne ramine sa speram ca v-om avea un jucator nou de mare classa!!!!!!!!

#8352 by deligor
Nu noi decidem pe cine trebuie de cumpara, dar conducerea echipei cu antrenorul, noua ne ramine sa speram ca v-om avea un jucator nou de mare classa!!!!!!!!

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#8352 by tramadol (tabletcă turbată) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:26:38 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8340 LPQR, mai nou :

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#8353 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:28:21 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8354 aidaho, decidem, adica mai bine spus fanii Juve din Italia, cel mai recent exemplu - Stankovic, care era ca si cumparat de la Inter,dar fanii nu l-au vrut si el nu a fost luat.

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#8354 by bianconeri (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:33:50 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Tricourile de joc ale lui Juventus de la origini pana in prezent:

Италия: 10 открытий года

In general stirea cu Messi poate fi o afacere foarte buna pentru bursa... AS Roma in vara a crescut vreo 10 mil. cand il cumparau pe Mutu...

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#8355 by fllynt (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:37:43 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Cum poti renunta la un simbol al echipei care poate ii cel mai imp. membru al echipei in schimbul unui "circar"??????, vorba lu Becali

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#8356 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:44:25 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8358 fllynt, +1
ar fi cea mai mare prostie...

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#8357 by tramadol (tabletcă turbată) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:45:53 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8357 bianconeri, "... Tricourile de joc ale lui Juventus de la origini pana in prezent: ..." - thx de articol

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#8358 by aidaho (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:51:18 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8356 by deligor
Dar totusi, nu intotdeauna e asa, in cazul cu Poulsen, majoritatea fanilor spuneau ca trebuie de cumparat pe Alonso din Liverpool, in суд mai rau caz pe Aquillani, dar lau cumparat pe Poulsen.
Eu cred ca trebuie sa fie o oarecare intelegere intre fani si conducerea clubului la cumpararea unui jucator nou

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#8359 by fllynt (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:53:25 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Din 92 pina in 94 baietii o mincat Danone si imediat in anu urmator o cistigat Liga Campionilor :hmmm: iaca care'i secretu !!!!!

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#8360 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 20:57:44 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8361 aidaho, alonso si aquillani erau prea scumpi, poulsen daca nu gresesc a venit liber de contract.

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#8361 by fllynt (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 21:02:23 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8363 deligor, "... a venit liber de contract. ..." - €9.75M

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#8362 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-03 21:42:57 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8364 fllynt, sorry nu am stiut. cred ca prea mult:D

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#8363 by danutzu™ (haţker) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 13:36:59 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Walcott Could Leave Arsenal For £400k - Report

The England international may be allowed to leave Ashburton Grove on the cheap due to FIFA rules...

Arsenal's failure to offer Theo Walcott an extended contract in advance could cost the North London-based outfit dear, according to a report in the British tabloid the Daily Mirror.

The former Southampton star's contract at the Emirates Stadium is set to expire in the summer of 2010, and the 19-year-old is thought to be unhappy that the club has failed to offer him a new deal.

Consequently, it is claimed that the Gunners could lose the England international for a lowly fee of £400,000 because of a transfer loophole set down in FIFA's laws.

Apparently, any buyer would have to pay Arsenal, who signed Walcott from Southampton for an initial £5 million in 2006, just £80,000 for each year he will have been trained by the Gunners.

It is thought that the news has alerted the likes of Premier League money-men Chelsea and Manchester City, who should have no problem bettering his current wage of £20,000-a-week, as well as Spanish giants Real Madrid.

Dak ar fi ai nostri oleak mai desteptsi sh mai shustrye sh sa ofere akolo vreo 2 milioane p-u dansul sh un salariu ft bun ap iak sh inlocuitoru perfect al lui Nedved!

Juventus Continue Assault On Diego deam m-am saturat...

The Bianconeri are more than ever interested in signing the Brazilian star to replace the retiring Nedved at the end of the season.

According to Telelombardia, Juventus coach Claudio Ranieri has given his technical thumbs up to sign Diego as a direct replacement for Pavel Nedved, who is set to retire at the end of this season.

Ranieri has already found the right position for the Werder Bremen player, and that would be the left hand side of midfield in a 4-4-2 formation.

The Bianconeri are offering €20 million to the German club, but Werder are demanding €25 million for the services of their player.

However, this is not being allowed to fluster the Old Lady's directors too much as Juve have already made an agreement with the player's father, who also acts as his agent, Telelombardia report.

Diego is not the only player in the Bianconeri's short list, as the club is still interested in signing Manuel Da Costa. His value is of €4 million, but Juve are expected to add their co-ownership deal of Almiron in the negotiation to decrease the final value.

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#8364 by dbc25 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:42:26 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Juventus a sa se bata cu Chelsea pe data de 25 februarie(my birthday)pe Stamford Bridge la Champions League.Eu spun ca a sa castige Juventus pentru doua motive:1) Findca eu sunt un fan al Juventusului, tot timpul tineam cu iei,si 2) De cand a ajuns Scolari la Chelsea echipa joaca mai rau (chiar si daca e pe locul doi in campionat) dar Juventus are un moment foarte bun,joaca foarte bine,foarte colectiv si foarte ofensiv asaca eu cred ca mai degraba a sa castige Juventus cu un scor foarte mare.

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#8365 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:44:17 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8367 dbc25, "... a sa castige Juventus cu un scor foarte mare. ..." - vor fi foarte strinse ambele meciuri, nu cred ca trebuie sa ne asteptam la scoruri mari. Eu sunt de acord si cu 1-0, 1-0:D

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#8366 by dbc25 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:47:12 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8366 LPQR I totally agree with your comment.Diego is a good midfielder he is the right man to replace Nedved at the end of the season.I recently saw tha th Bianconeri are interested in David Silva(Valencia).Two new players is exactly what Juventus need (especially young players).

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#8367 by deligor Fotbalist (Il Capitano) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:48:07 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8369 dbc25, in engleza vad ca scrii mai corect decit in romana:lol:

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#8368 by dbc25 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:48:14 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8368 deligor poate ai dreptate

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#8369 by MISHA90 (Бухгалтер) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:48:58 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8366 LPQR, "... Juventus Continue Assault On Diego ..." - Deja vu? :look:

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#8370 by dbc25 (User) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 21:49:07 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8370 deligor i know

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#8371 by danutzu™ (haţker) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-05 22:32:58 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8369 dbc25, "... Two new players is exactly what Juventus need (especially young players). ..." - young players do not fit very well in Italy cause it's a very tough championship and there is more need of experienced and skillful players that would give the squad a proffessional improvement..... I agree that the squad is a little bit old and it needs some young reinforcements but they must be careful wich youngsters they choose.... Diego and Da Silva woold be a perfect add-on to the club, filling the problematique positions - the centre and the left one, but it seems not to be real cause of the club's transfer policy :wink:

P.S. how's my english? :)

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#8372 by Wuddup (Original Media Group) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-06 10:20:08 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8374 LPQR, I disagree. The thing that makes „Il Calcio” different to other leagues is its tactical training. Therefore, all you need is a player with a footballing brain, IMHO (which Diego certainly has; not so sure about Da Silva).
However, despite the fact that both Diego (who's actually not that young - 23/24, so he has some experience) and Da Silva are very good talents, I really doubt Diego's accomodation within the team tactically - since you play 4-4-2 with 2 wide midfielders and 2 central midfielders, whereas Diego is nothing but a CAM, and you would need, either to form a diamond, and have a single DM, or add another CM at the expense of either a defender, or a striker - and since that would mean that ADP would be the single ST, he wouldn't be used at his best, because he's most efficient when you have a powerful, sound-positioning central striker to complement him - such as Amauri, who has been brilliant so far.
P.S: Your english is very good, except for a few little mistakes :wink:

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#8373 by koleanegru (Football is my life) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-06 10:55:20 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
First match of 2009 (even though not official) and first call-ups by Caludio Ranieri. For the friendly match on Tuesday afternoon in Messina (18:00hrs)against Monaco, the Juventus coach called-up 23 players.

After three months Gigi Buffon and Christian Poulsen are once again available. Salihamidzic has also recovered from the fever which made him miss Sunday’s training session. As per schedule, Chiellini will be allowed to rest following a muscle strain, however this will not make him miss Sunday’s match against Siena. Even though they have recovered completely and are practically ready to play Tiago and Camoranesi will remain in Turin together with Trezeguet and Knezevic. Three primavera players were also called up.

Below is the complete list of call-ups:

1 Buffon
4 Mellberg
6 Zanetti
7 Salihamidzic
8 Amauri
9 Iaquinta
10 Del Piero
11 Nedved
12 Chimenti
13 Manninger
18 Poulsen
19 Marchisio
20 Giovinco
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
27 Ekdal
28 Molinaro
29 De Ceglie
32 Marchionni
33 Legrottaglie
35 Esposito
41 Ariaudo
43 De Paola

Trezeguet proceeds with his recovery. Soon his return with the group
According to schedule the beginning of 2009 should coincide with the return on the field of some of the players, who due to various injuries, were forced to miss the end of last year.

Buffon and Poulsen will be available for the friendly in Messina against Monaco. Tiago and Camoranesi will return for the first official matches. The times for Knezevic and Zebina are longer, however Trezeguet should be on the field as planned.

Knezevic, Zebina and Trezeguet will undergo testa in perugia under Professor Cerulli at the end of this week (precisely on Sunday 11th). While the tests for the defenders will be to check the recovery procedure, for the attacker the test might mean the go ahead for a return to the field.

David might already be back with the group as from next week and be available as from the end of January.

"Artileria grea" is reloaded... :ae: :ae: :ae:

По последним сведениям врачей, Давид должен вернуться на поле в конце января - начале февраля. Одно известно точно, к матчу с "Челси" Трезеге будет готов.

Иметь всех здоровых игроков - мечта любого тренера. Раньери не является исключением. Конечно, Трезеге поначалу будет сложно пробиться в основной состав, так как Амаури и Дель Пьеро нашли общий язык и действуют отлично в связке.

Следовательно, Раньери может подумать и о смене схемы. Тренер "Юве" не исключает такой возможности, и вполне может сменить традиционную для себя схему 4-4-2 на остро атакающую 4-3-3. В этом случае на острие будут играть Дель Пьеро, Трезеге и Амаури. Также не стоит сбрасывать со счетов и Яквинту.

На роль трех полузащитников претендуют несколько игроков. К Момо Сиссоко могут присоединиться Маркизио, Дзанетти, а также восстанавливающиеся после травм Тьягу и Поульсен. В таком случае эта схема становится реальной.

Corriere dello Sport

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#8374 by danutzu™ (haţker) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-06 11:47:03 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8375 Wuddup, I don't see wich point of my view you disagree cause mainly we share the same opinion; though there is a "but".... Diego could be also used as a left midfielder and this fact is confirmed by most of specialists and even Ranieri agrees it, cause he is seeing Diego as a replacement of Nedved.... I see that Diego's prefered position is as a CAM but he is still young and positions are often changed in a footballer's career... another argument in favor of buying Diego would be the fact that he could be still used as a central midfielder as De Ceglie and Giovinco can be used as left wingers.... he would be the ideal mix of creativity and passing efficiency that Juve needs at the centre of the midfield, cause Sissoko is a defensive midfielder and his tackling and marking are a lot better than his technique and passing accuracy.... Still Juve has a lot of midfielders : Marchisio, Poulsen, Tiago, Zanetti that are used as CM.....

#8376 koleanegru, "... Следовательно, Раньери может подумать и о смене схемы. Тренер "Юве" не исключает такой возможности, и вполне может сменить традиционную для себя схему 4-4-2 на остро атакающую 4-3-3. В этом случае на острие будут играть Дель Пьеро, Трезеге и Амаури. Также не стоит сбрасывать со счетов и Яквинту. ..." - cea mai idioata schema tactica posibila, avand in vedere ca Juve are atitia wingeri valorosi si se bazeaza pe wing-play drept dovada a acestui fapt este ca 80% din golurile marcate de Amauri sunt cu capul :)

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#8375 by dorelu (♀+♂=♥ / writing emotions) (0 mesaje) at 2009-01-06 11:56:35 (842 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8376 koleanegru, "... Trezeguet ..." - :hug:

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